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Fragment Champs

Fragment Champs

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
May 22, 2023, 09:4505/22/23

Yikes.  I hope people are ready for 15bil+ hammers on their beacons... At least it'll take a few months before anybody gets it, but as soon as one of the mega coiners gets a lucky drop I expect we'll see some carnage.  

May 22, 2023, 12:1805/22/23
May 23, 2023, 12:51(edited)

Yikes.  I hope people are ready for 15bil+ hammers on their beacons... At least it'll take a few months before anybody gets it, but as soon as one of the mega coiners gets a lucky drop I expect we'll see some carnage.  

It took a concerted effort by every league marshal to get Force Limits added to our beacons, but within a few months plarium added 7 star and 8 star champions to make these limits meaningless

and now they add Foehammer to add an additional 134% to TOTAL power ... and there is no defensive champion

Beacon game is dead for any but the strongest coiner leagues,  who coincidentally will be the ONLY leagues to get League Gold from Beacon attacks - every member of your league got 287 FREE Gold from the last event?

If this is allowed to continue, then 25% of your league will have Foehammers within the next 2 months ... and 6.25% will have Gold Foehammers

Purple Foehammers give +102% and Gold give +134% so the effect on the game will be devastating,  especially when you remember that Foehammer effect is on top of the normal +244% (+25%) effect from Centaur, Stonebreaker, Templar etc

Olena/Olenka was completely wrong to state that "The only way to obtain Champions' Fragments is currently buying them in the League Shop with the League Gold you get by completing the Eir's Labors. "

Jun 12, 2023, 07:4106/12/23

Wish I'd read this page first.....Spent 75Gold thinking I could get a new fragment champ.....Only to find out you need 10. (Nothing about it in the game questions). Useless waste. Can I sell the fragment back???

Jun 12, 2023, 11:2106/12/23

Well I thank you  for  pointing out  the  lack of information I have requested a inclusion in the  in game Guide. As for selling back your  fragments I do not see that as a possability but now that you have  invested in the  first  three it up to you to decide if you continue or not. I will continue  because until I see exactly what  the  result  of the  champion's value is after completing the first one I won't know if it's worth continuing with all of them in the future. As always it's a choice  we make as  sort what directions our games  will take

Jun 16, 2023, 05:5706/16/23

If the bonuses are as described it's absolutely worth doing even though it'll cost a lot of gold and take some patience.