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The best piece of advice

The best piece of advice

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Lord OberonCharacter
Dec 7, 2015, 17:3512/07/15

The best piece of advice

Recently I met a very old and well-renowned League Marshal. We had an interesting and insightful conversation about the Leagues of Darkshine. I asked him what he usually advises newcomers to do, and he told me this:

1. Always do your 10 Raids... A Raid not done is a waste.

2. Upgrade your Warehouses and Barns to the maximum Level.

3. If you ever need Resources, let people know how much you need.

4. If you see that your Warehouse or Barn is reaching the limit, give some Resources to someone who needs them.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten from, or given to, your League?

Dec 7, 2015, 20:1212/07/15

LOL "Upgrade your warehouses and barns to the maximum level then tell people how much resources you have"... Is this a guide on how to become a farm?  When I find people who do this I raid them until they quit, that way I can farm their sector for resources at my leisure. 

My best advice:  look where a beacon is before attacking it.  If a beacon is in a top league's area and some small league is holding it, they probably have an agreement with the big league (or just recently took it, and are about to get smashed). If you take the beacon from the small league and try to hold it, the big league is probably going to get mad at you.  And while the response "but we didn't take it from you, we took it from somebody else" may be true, it won't make your troops any less dead...
Dec 9, 2015, 21:2012/09/15
Jan 14, 2016, 16:41(edited)

Well said. Try to save up your offense and and don't fight everyone if you're new. if your in a league make sure you's are not fighting everyone and you's are only getting stronger to make a strong alliance or join one for beacon protection. This is because if you're not in a top league your league might never be unless they do this and it will help attract players who do pay to play the game if you're free to play read this even if your not you could use the head start before you start spending Saphires. If your a old player and you're in a dead end league or one with a really low amount of league achievements then you should read the guide and train every person who joins personally and ask your league to help. develop a lone term plan to pass leagues that older than you. If you're a old player and know most of everything don't get complacent be the example finish what you started fight and never lose your conviction. You should play to be the best player and have the best league This game needs new Lords and new leagues who will become the best with new players who became a lord today and tommorow leading them now and forever. Everyones just going with the flow not many new challengers they get snatched up quick and recruited nothing wrong with that but you're just a 3rd man you need to be the first and the third.

Feb 20, 2016, 21:2102/20/16
I think the best advice I was given as a new player was to level up my Catacombs. As a low level player with only low level troop types available, slow recruit times, and limited resources, you have no chance against a higher level player's troops. Your best option is to dodge attacks, raid as often as you can to supplement resources, and spend your resources down to stay under the Catacombs protection level.  Building your troops up while under your bubble protection is also advised. 
Apr 11, 2016, 02:0404/11/16

Lady Nerium KT-S2 said:

I think the best advice I was given as a new player was to level up my Catacombs. As a low level player with only low level troop types available, slow recruit times, and limited resources, you have no chance against a higher level player's troops. Your best option is to dodge attacks, raid as often as you can to supplement resources, and spend your resources down to stay under the Catacombs protection level.  Building your troops up while under your bubble protection is also advised. 

What I noticed with maxed cata is attacker still gets a % of resources, even if you lose nothing. When the object is to not be worth farming, that sometimes isn't good enough since they still get resources, even if they are phantom resources and you lose nothing.  This is especially true with new players since even 1k of each res can seem like a good haul (when they get more troops and discover bots, then any raid less than full load might be considered a waste, but when still getting started, its a different story).  If the player thinks they are getting a good haul from you, they'll keep on farming you.

Apr 11, 2016, 02:0504/11/16

Best advice I was given as a new player was to keep spent down and keep your stuff in cata as much as possible since bigger players will attack for the PvP and if you have stuff worth hitting out (or if they get decent resources from hitting you), they'll keep on farming you til you quit or wise up.

May 13, 2016, 18:3805/13/16
have a seperate bank account to pay for saphires. deposit into it daily.
May 13, 2016, 19:4705/13/16
Dec 29, 2018, 16:51(edited)

  • to fly under the radar till strong enough to hit back, in case of raids. 

  • to be patient to take the time to upgrade resources buildings to 15 at least.

  • if the league has a scroll bank, make the most of it, lost arts is the key to steady progression.

  • pick battles wisely.

Sep 22, 2016, 20:3909/22/16
Sep 22, 2016, 20:47(edited)

when you first start always have your barns a higher level than warehouses then when people raid they get more food than gold and iron

level up your town hall so that the build times are reduced for all other buildings

level up catacomb and infirmary to both protect resources and enable the maximum allowed revival of lost troops from attacks

spend down resources before logging off

never risk more than you are willing to lose for pvp (attack & defend)

log in daily - raid daily - build daily 

Oct 13, 2016, 22:3710/13/16
Oct 13, 2016, 22:39(edited)

The best advice for a newb is to Upgrade its building and lost arts as called out in Quest. And if you are going to upgrade Barns and warehouse before upgrading townhouse it going to consume more time. but Actually the Quest gives us rewards if we upgrade according to it. Daily raids are necessary. try to be active. Play smart not to engage in fight with bully.

Oct 16, 2016, 04:1110/16/16
Concentrate on offense and defense strength.. increase that faster than the level.. at lower levels if you have more offense and defense you can get on top of conquests at lower levels easily... at lower levels it is easier to get to the top of the conquests and get a lot of sapphires.. so play smart..
Oct 19, 2016, 01:4210/19/16

Best advice given:

- Dont send everything at the BG's

- Dont attack with defense

- Support your legends

- No your sage isnt inept, it takes that long to research lost arts

- Pushing your raids doesnt mean dragging your mouse over a bot over and over

- PM's not PMS

- The more troops you have the merrier

- Do your raids but dont raid allies... Edited to dont raid top leagues with 4-5 times the number of players

- Fiefs are free game... edited... people get pissed if u take all their fiefs so semi-free game

That about sums it up.

Nov 7, 2016, 22:0711/07/16

1 don't rage it's a game stuff happens

2 play smart  

3 keep head down and do the work

4 respect other players
Mar 2, 2017, 05:2703/02/17
BiohazarD said:

LOL "Upgrade your warehouses and barns to the maximum level then tell people how much resources you have"... Is this a guide on how to become a farm?  When I find people who do this I raid them until they quit, that way I can farm their sector for resources at my leisure. 

My best advice:  look where a beacon is before attacking it.  If a beacon is in a top league's area and some small league is holding it, they probably have an agreement with the big league (or just recently took it, and are about to get smashed). If you take the beacon from the small league and try to hold it, the big league is probably going to get mad at you.  And while the response "but we didn't take it from you, we took it from somebody else" may be true, it won't make your troops any less dead...
Why would you raid people until they quit?  The fewer people playing, the less interesting the game.  You max your warehouses and barns to USE those resources to build strong troops and upgrade buildings and lost arts.  You max your resource producers too.  
Mar 2, 2017, 05:3503/02/17

Don't become personally attached to fiefs.  Don't look at them as extensions of your personal castle. They're not.  When you adopt this philosophy, you're a lot happier in game.  Fiefs don't give much at all in tribute, they are far more valuable as raids so they will get raided.  Accept that.  Siege another, or resiege that one.  Just don't go to war because someone raided your fief.  

Everyone else has covered the essentials. Focus on player development in the early days and don't do offensive actions and do protect your resources and troops throughout.  

Grind.  Every day.  Keep the sages working round the clock, keep the build ques as full as you can all the time. 

Never react in an emotional state. That's how they beat you. 

May 11, 2017, 02:5705/11/17

My league is Dark Phoenix. They are the strongest join now

Aug 28, 2017, 18:5608/28/17

Lord Oberon said:

Recently I met a very old and well-renowned League Marshal. We had an interesting and insightful conversation about the Leagues of Darkshine. I asked him what he usually advises newcomers to do, and he told me this:

1. Always do your 10 Raids... A Raid not done is a waste.

2. Upgrade your Warehouses and Barns to the maximum Level.

3. If you ever need Resources, let people know how much you need.

4. If you see that your Warehouse or Barn is reaching the limit, give some Resources to someone who needs them.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten from, or given to, your League?

Any league can be defeated no matter where they are on the list or how many players they have.

Aug 30, 2017, 12:3308/30/17
Aug 30, 2017, 12:35(edited)


The best advice I gave to my players was: think about it's not just a war game but a strategy one too, no matter if you win a battle today or you loose all your troops, time will solve all your problems, time can't be taken by no one - so, be active, build continuously troops and all will be fine and you'll have fun among us.

Another one regarding a player who asked me what is better to invest his sapphires - I've told him every player is playing by his own style but if you don't want loose them and invest in something who will always there - invest in your fortifications - bring benefit to your castle and can't be taken or broken by anybody :-)

And before battles I like to motivate my members with this speech: - this is how I play and how I want from them to play 

Best regards!


Jun 10, 2019, 14:1106/10/19
Jan 14, 2020, 02:02(edited)

like any other topic this one is becoming like a joke to,this is for new players who join the game right ? so these are the things evry pro knows and yet most important ones wrnt mentioned:

#0. always cat your units when AWAY ,if just started the game always put away ur units or ull regret it.dnt learn this hard way...

#1.  some say upgrade barns and warehouses and some say dnt max,it is something dependant on ur game plan and strategy,it will take sometime for u to upgrade them to normal 20 so ull see by urself whichone is better for u

#2. the most important building to upgrade for starters after ur resources is market ,it allows u to get 100k resources and thats alot for new players, that being said always do ur raids 

#3. join a strong league when u start ,here u might say a top 10 league wouldnt accept a level 40 , u r wrong ,all the strong leagues have recruiting sister leagues like RP1 and RP 2 join a strong legeague so ur protected

#4. always spy first if ur fighting someone,and if ur fighting ur spy and attacks shouldnt be more than 10,20 seconds apart so the castle ur atacking dsnt get help

#5. dnt waste medals on chavalry and infantry,its not really a waste if u use them ,but first make sure u upgrade ur occult and bestiary first

#6. consult your league players on how to use hero equipments and relics as they give alot of bonuses and upgrade your arts as they are as important as ur units ,the higher they are the stronger ur units become

#7. dnt insult anyone even if s/he is weaker than u,even if s/he is being rude ,rude people ,just avoid talkin with them and dnt ruin ur fun game 

these were something just came to my mind,if u join a strong league u would be trained much more than this anyway,just keep these in mind.


P.S. iv already created a comprehensive guide for new players,u can find it here.

everything u need to know in game ! in adition,u can check forum/tutorial part for info on about almost everything

Sep 24, 2019, 18:3609/24/19

The first thing every new player needs to learn is alway put your troops in the catacomb, secondly 

always keep all six of your farms at least one level above your townhouses and mines, thirdly

the chances of trading one lost art for another are slim to none always put any duplicates scrolls up immediately for trade for another scroll of the same lost art you do not have. discover each lost art as soon as you get all of the scrolls so you start getting scrolls for the next lost art. fourthly

Learn how to play Battlegrounds or you will constantly be without troops, take your time, never use a unit  in a BG that you cannot build in your castle and preferably only use infantry and calvary until you get to the higher levels .Read every article you can find on BGs and put them all together and make them work for you. and most important of all

If you don't want to help your league in its endeavors get out, don't make your officers constantly remind you of needed defense in beacons or the fortress, they re assets of the league you joined to protect you help your league defend them, you should only have to be told of the requirements one time.
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