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Intolerable situations

Intolerable situations

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Jan 30, 2017, 10:1101/30/17

Intolerable situations

I find it intolerable that a low-level player can raid with impunity protectorates and the city of players much more powerful than him, without which the latter have the opportunity to take revenge. Hiding troops in Acropolis, believing that having put them safe because, once there, there is no way to attack them, I think it's a punitive solution. I have already proposed to reformulate the concept of the siege, as the current situation this does not bring any benefit and is used only to occupy abandoned cities. Why not allow the attacking troops in the acropolis, where the siege lasted for more than so many hours? I do not know how to counter these small player; I would like to have the opportunity to assert my superiority, but I can not. I find it fitting that the little player should not be penalized, but this way the more experienced players are also damaged. Moreover, I think that giving a chance to attack the troops inside the Acropolis, incentives diplomacy and motifs even more cooperation between players and leagues.

Otherwise, you solutions that you adopted? I raided the towns of these players, but I never find the troops. And, of course, a few moments later I find myself having to endure yet another raid them: this is also because the raids started against the protectorates are not signaled (which is bad).

Jan 30, 2017, 13:2001/30/17
Jan 30, 2017, 18:29(edited)

I didn't realize this game was called Diplomacy. I thought it was called Sparta: WAR of Empires.

Little players... inexperienced players...

How are your "superior" players getting waxed in a challenge by a coalition 600 positions "below" yours? Well, you had 600 more. Until I downgraded your totally unprotected level 7 cap.


Who leaves a level 7 cap with such a weak defense that it was killed by 666 swords?

I think Captain Kirk said it best about superiority.

Jan 30, 2017, 14:3801/30/17

jeffwinchell said:

I didn't realize this game was called Diplomacy. I thought it was called Sparta: WAR of Empires.

Oh man, you've got to be a really strong Archon! You did not certainly need diplomacy. But I (and I think many others) know that diplomacy is also important in these games; especially when it has to do with the neighbors. In any case, I am not criticizing you: everyone chooses his own way. I have some experience in war games; in other securities was, for example, allowed the conquest of other cities, or the downgrading of the level of some buildings following an attack. This means that attacking a player from the very highest level of yours, was very risky and, for this, we thought twice before doing so. But here one can attack and get away with it, simply "taking refuge" in the acropolis. The game offers many events, and use the defense of several protectorates is a sacrifice not just (then considered that, as I said, you know where the enemy can not attack). I think that all this would be solved by making it "penalizing" the consequences of an attack or siege.

Jan 30, 2017, 15:4601/30/17

Leaving bot sieges and raids aside, where (almost) everyone seems rather disciplined in following unwritten common laws, the other two items are worth discussing IMO.

Low-level siege breakers: I suppose I am able to see both sides of the argument. It is indeed a bother when low level players are able to maneuver more or less with impunity, very different to any RL scenario, but it is also IMHO as important, if not more so, that newer players are able to advance up the ladder regardless of their stronger neighbors.

Generally, I don't have all that much trouble with smaller players even if my revenge raids and sieges are unable to touch his or her units in the Acropolis; multiple raids and sieges killing overnight builds, will usually discourage them, especially since their troop loss is much more significant to them. But in the 11 months that I have been playing, I've had to resort to such tactics only thrice, usually a robust revenge raid or siege will do the trick, unless they have a death wish. Often a PM will also help, although occasionally I do receive answers concerning what they would do to my younger sister or implying that there hasn't been a marriage in my family for three generations :-).

Having said that, I do see room for improvement regarding sieges in general. It would for example be interesting to see how the game would change if reports from sieged cities, such as incoming raids, were available. I admit that this would potentially be a massive game changer but I do sometimes find it a bother that one is generally unable to defend sieges against players of similar strength; most have gone over to simply leaving a Javaliner behind which is not really my definition of a siege but rather a road trip.

Diplomacy: everyone plays it differently, but from my perspective diplomacy is the essence of an MMOG. Without the maneuvering and horse-trading, be this within coalitions, with allies, trading Pantheons, or the perennial discussions with neighbors by ways of friendly (or not so friendly) PM's, Skype messages or TS chats about who hit back first, I might as well drop the "MMO" and play a "G", perhaps drag up the dozen 5¼" floppies of "Command and Conquer" from the cellar … but my old disk drive, if it's still there, has a SCSI interface, hmm :-).


Cheers Dio

Jan 30, 2017, 18:1001/30/17
Jan 30, 2017, 18:30(edited)

Diogene said:

But I (and I think many others) know that diplomacy is also important in these games

Apparently your hegemon has a very odd definition of diplomacy. He wrote this to one of my members on the day he offered my coa a challenge:

[09:39] titans: salut 

permet moi une petite question es tu française et aussi d autre membre de ta coa 

car on as un code de ne pas attaquer les français donc pour l instant dans ta coa il y a toi et un autre que l on attaquera pas mais sinon tous les autre vont subir pour ton hegemon et mark .

donne moi juste l indication si tu es française et qui c est tu m eclairera sur leur follies 


Trying to turn one of my members into a traitor is not my idea of diplomacy.

I suggest you learn from your encounter with our coalition and profit from it. 

Good day sir.

Jan 30, 2017, 21:0301/30/17

jeffwinchell said:

Diogene said:

But I (and I think many others) know that diplomacy is also important in these games

Apparently your hegemon has a very odd definition of diplomacy. He wrote this to one of my members on the day he offered my coa a challenge:

[09:39] titans: salut 

permet moi une petite question es tu française et aussi d autre membre de ta coa 

car on as un code de ne pas attaquer les français donc pour l instant dans ta coa il y a toi et un autre que l on attaquera pas mais sinon tous les autre vont subir pour ton hegemon et mark .

donne moi juste l indication si tu es française et qui c est tu m eclairera sur leur follies 


Trying to turn one of my members into a traitor is not my idea of diplomacy.

I suggest you learn from your encounter with our coalition and profit from it. 

Good day sir.

Man, I really believe you're mistaking me with someone else: I am Italian, not French. And then ... what interests me the issues raised by the league? I'm talking about a technical aspect of the game. I not really understand how these things relate to what has been said until now. And even if he my hegemon said these things, I'm not interested, okay? Here I reply to what I say, not my hegemon. So I would ask you to stop and refrain from responding if your arguments are these. Thank you.

Jan 30, 2017, 21:5101/30/17

Archons, we own 1 city only, the one we can change the name. 

I think everyone is free to attack inactive cities to get resources. If you don't want to see your protectorates attacked, just defend them, simple.

I don't agree that we should be able to kill other archon´s army parked in acropolis, but this is just my opinion.

Jan 30, 2017, 23:4401/30/17

Nuno Paiva said:

Archons, we own 1 city only, the one we can change the name. 

I think everyone is free to attack inactive cities to get resources. If you don't want to see your protectorates attacked, just defend them, simple.

I don't agree that we should be able to kill other archon´s army parked in acropolis, but this is just my opinion.

I believe that when we pronounce on something, we must also give reasons for their answers. So why do you think that the troops do not go in the acropolis attacked? I have had my say. May I also remind you that this is a game not usable by the mobile? This means that the mobility of the troops is very low, because, of course, those who are not in front of a pc puts its troops in Acropolis because they could control up to the new login. What sense does it have a large army, if you can not assert its superiority over other players, big or small?

Jan 31, 2017, 01:5401/31/17
Diogene said:

Nuno Paiva said:

Archons, we own 1 city only, the one we can change the name. 

I think everyone is free to attack inactive cities to get resources. If you don't want to see your protectorates attacked, just defend them, simple.

I don't agree that we should be able to kill other archon´s army parked in acropolis, but this is just my opinion.

I believe that when we pronounce on something, we must also give reasons for their answers. So why do you think that the troops do not go in the acropolis attacked? I have had my say. May I also remind you that this is a game not usable by the mobile? This means that the mobility of the troops is very low, because, of course, those who are not in front of a pc puts its troops in Acropolis because they could control up to the new login. What sense does it have a large army, if you can not assert its superiority over other players, big or small?

Okay, so you already say that managing your troops isn't easy since you can't take the game anywhere you want as it isn't mobile. The acropolis helps those that aren't on their pc keep their troops safe while they aren't online, whereas when online they could manage their troops to keep safe. You essentially want the ability to not only be 50 levels above someone but to also punish them for not being online 24/7 by allowing attacks on the acropolis which helps against losing your hard earned troops. You're literally complaining that you don't have the ability to bully someone who is smaller than you! (Mind you that your original post was about low level players so clearly you want this so you can use it against lower level players) 
Jan 31, 2017, 09:5301/31/17

Dracos said:

Diogene said:

Nuno Paiva said:

Archons, we own 1 city only, the one we can change the name. 

I think everyone is free to attack inactive cities to get resources. If you don't want to see your protectorates attacked, just defend them, simple.

I don't agree that we should be able to kill other archon´s army parked in acropolis, but this is just my opinion.

I believe that when we pronounce on something, we must also give reasons for their answers. So why do you think that the troops do not go in the acropolis attacked? I have had my say. May I also remind you that this is a game not usable by the mobile? This means that the mobility of the troops is very low, because, of course, those who are not in front of a pc puts its troops in Acropolis because they could control up to the new login. What sense does it have a large army, if you can not assert its superiority over other players, big or small?

Okay, so you already say that managing your troops isn't easy since you can't take the game anywhere you want as it isn't mobile. The acropolis helps those that aren't on their pc keep their troops safe while they aren't online, whereas when online they could manage their troops to keep safe. You essentially want the ability to not only be 50 levels above someone but to also punish them for not being online 24/7 by allowing attacks on the acropolis which helps against losing your hard earned troops. You're literally complaining that you don't have the ability to bully someone who is smaller than you! (Mind you that your original post was about low level players so clearly you want this so you can use it against lower level players) 


Guys, I really doubt your ability to understand. Or maybe it's me, that I can not express myself well, also because of the translation. You think I'm trying to move the discussion to another topic? Wrong! I have already published other posts to lament the fact that the game is not usable by the mobile; so if I were to say something, I would not need to make any suggestion in a speech. If in this post I mentioned the topic, it was just to show (is my case of course) that, if the game was enjoyed by the mobile, I could probably control more often the status of my city, and maybe even avert the coming raids from smaller players (but also by those big, why not?). I just want to show that if that were the case, there would be more troops in circulation, and therefore more likely to get in touch with one's enemies. But not to stray too far from the speech, I return to speak of the smaller players; I for example, sometimes I can only connect in the morning, and have at most log into the evening. During that time, it happens to be subject to raids of protectorates and cities. When I can finally connect, I try to launch some attacks on the cities of my attackers, in order to discourage new attempts, or to reduce the number of their troops. But nothing! All tightened in Acropolis. Do you understand how hard counter these players? I can allocate the defense outside and risk a political attack? Tell me...

Jan 31, 2017, 10:3901/31/17
Diogene said:

Dracos said:

Diogene said:

Nuno Paiva said:

Archons, we own 1 city only, the one we can change the name. 

I think everyone is free to attack inactive cities to get resources. If you don't want to see your protectorates attacked, just defend them, simple.

I don't agree that we should be able to kill other archon´s army parked in acropolis, but this is just my opinion.

I believe that when we pronounce on something, we must also give reasons for their answers. So why do you think that the troops do not go in the acropolis attacked? I have had my say. May I also remind you that this is a game not usable by the mobile? This means that the mobility of the troops is very low, because, of course, those who are not in front of a pc puts its troops in Acropolis because they could control up to the new login. What sense does it have a large army, if you can not assert its superiority over other players, big or small?

Okay, so you already say that managing your troops isn't easy since you can't take the game anywhere you want as it isn't mobile. The acropolis helps those that aren't on their pc keep their troops safe while they aren't online, whereas when online they could manage their troops to keep safe. You essentially want the ability to not only be 50 levels above someone but to also punish them for not being online 24/7 by allowing attacks on the acropolis which helps against losing your hard earned troops. You're literally complaining that you don't have the ability to bully someone who is smaller than you! (Mind you that your original post was about low level players so clearly you want this so you can use it against lower level players) 


Guys, I really doubt your ability to understand. Or maybe it's me, that I can not express myself well, also because of the translation. You think I'm trying to move the discussion to another topic? Wrong! I have already published other posts to lament the fact that the game is not usable by the mobile; so if I were to say something, I would not need to make any suggestion in a speech. If in this post I mentioned the topic, it was just to show (is my case of course) that, if the game was enjoyed by the mobile, I could probably control more often the status of my city, and maybe even avert the coming raids from smaller players (but also by those big, why not?). I just want to show that if that were the case, there would be more troops in circulation, and therefore more likely to get in touch with one's enemies. But not to stray too far from the speech, I return to speak of the smaller players; I for example, sometimes I can only connect in the morning, and have at most log into the evening. During that time, it happens to be subject to raids of protectorates and cities. When I can finally connect, I try to launch some attacks on the cities of my attackers, in order to discourage new attempts, or to reduce the number of their troops. But nothing! All tightened in Acropolis. Do you understand how hard counter these players? I can allocate the defense outside and risk a political attack? Tell me...

Oh so you're mad that someone used their brain and learned your online hours by seeing your activity then they began to take advantage of that. This is a war/strategy game, the weak fight the way they can. I doubt you'd send your army all alone against a fully defended pantheon or capital but would fly insanely fast toward an empty one because it's basic logic. One picks the fights they will benefit from and avoid those they won't benefit in. If you truly want to discourage attacks on your city then hide your army and spend resources to below acropolis level, nothing worse than a wasted raid. You keep talking about lower level players which just goes to show that's the intended group you want to use this against. You also admit that you use the acropolis when you aren't online like it was intended to be used but bash on people who use it when you want to attack them, hypocritical much? 
Jan 31, 2017, 11:1801/31/17

Dracos said:

Diogene said:

Dracos said:

Diogene said:

Nuno Paiva said:

Archons, we own 1 city only, the one we can change the name. 

I think everyone is free to attack inactive cities to get resources. If you don't want to see your protectorates attacked, just defend them, simple.

I don't agree that we should be able to kill other archon´s army parked in acropolis, but this is just my opinion.

I believe that when we pronounce on something, we must also give reasons for their answers. So why do you think that the troops do not go in the acropolis attacked? I have had my say. May I also remind you that this is a game not usable by the mobile? This means that the mobility of the troops is very low, because, of course, those who are not in front of a pc puts its troops in Acropolis because they could control up to the new login. What sense does it have a large army, if you can not assert its superiority over other players, big or small?

Okay, so you already say that managing your troops isn't easy since you can't take the game anywhere you want as it isn't mobile. The acropolis helps those that aren't on their pc keep their troops safe while they aren't online, whereas when online they could manage their troops to keep safe. You essentially want the ability to not only be 50 levels above someone but to also punish them for not being online 24/7 by allowing attacks on the acropolis which helps against losing your hard earned troops. You're literally complaining that you don't have the ability to bully someone who is smaller than you! (Mind you that your original post was about low level players so clearly you want this so you can use it against lower level players) 


Guys, I really doubt your ability to understand. Or maybe it's me, that I can not express myself well, also because of the translation. You think I'm trying to move the discussion to another topic? Wrong! I have already published other posts to lament the fact that the game is not usable by the mobile; so if I were to say something, I would not need to make any suggestion in a speech. If in this post I mentioned the topic, it was just to show (is my case of course) that, if the game was enjoyed by the mobile, I could probably control more often the status of my city, and maybe even avert the coming raids from smaller players (but also by those big, why not?). I just want to show that if that were the case, there would be more troops in circulation, and therefore more likely to get in touch with one's enemies. But not to stray too far from the speech, I return to speak of the smaller players; I for example, sometimes I can only connect in the morning, and have at most log into the evening. During that time, it happens to be subject to raids of protectorates and cities. When I can finally connect, I try to launch some attacks on the cities of my attackers, in order to discourage new attempts, or to reduce the number of their troops. But nothing! All tightened in Acropolis. Do you understand how hard counter these players? I can allocate the defense outside and risk a political attack? Tell me...

Oh so you're mad that someone used their brain and learned your online hours by seeing your activity then they began to take advantage of that. This is a war/strategy game, the weak fight the way they can. I doubt you'd send your army all alone against a fully defended pantheon or capital but would fly insanely fast toward an empty one because it's basic logic. One picks the fights they will benefit from and avoid those they won't benefit in. If you truly want to discourage attacks on your city then hide your army and spend resources to below acropolis level, nothing worse than a wasted raid. You keep talking about lower level players which just goes to show that's the intended group you want to use this against. You also admit that you use the acropolis when you aren't online like it was intended to be used but bash on people who use it when you want to attack them, hypocritical much? 

Ok, man. Forget it. Evidently the warlike spirit of the game you have pervaded so much that it almost seems you want to pick a fight even on the forum. I give up: I no longer want to try to make you understand what I mean. I want only to point out that mine was a purposeful criticism, which certainly would not have delivered myself, but, if anything, would make it more exciting the game itself. Bye!

Jan 31, 2017, 14:5401/31/17
Your whole point is that you want a way to bully low level players by effectively getting rid of the acropolis by disguising it as a way to make things "more fun" and "better." You're complaining that people attack you while you're offline and when you go to attack they don't leave their troops out for you. Instead of leaving your defense out to stop those people you'd rather completely change a game mechanic because you don't want to get hit by a PA. 
Jan 31, 2017, 15:5201/31/17

Dracos said:

Your whole point is that you want a way to bully low level players by effectively getting rid of the acropolis by disguising it as a way to make things "more fun" and "better." You're complaining that people attack you while you're offline and when you go to attack they don't leave their troops out for you. Instead of leaving your defense out to stop those people you'd rather completely change a game mechanic because you don't want to get hit by a PA. 

This confirms that you did not understand anything of what I have said so far. In fact you insist on taking into account the facts that I have set as an example only. But exemplify things too much, obviously it was not a good idea. Tell me: how many strategy games have tried similar to SWoE? I think nobody. What I propose is something that you see on other securities for some time now. So are all ideas that have a foundation, and I think that if these were applied to SWoE, would make a much better game. In this game there are two types of units: defensive and offensive. I explain to me how I can use my offensive troops against other players, if they constantly hide their troops in the acropolis? I find that the acropolis is a good idea for those who can not connect as often. But it should also give the opportunity to attack the troops at home, because otherwise those who invest a lot in the army, those who make the war the only goal of the game, those seeking revenge for a raid suffered can never take the opportunity to demonstrate its superiority. 

PS: Read my proposal in topic suggestion on how this can happen.

Jan 31, 2017, 16:0301/31/17

Diogene said:

because those seeking revenge for a raid suffered can never take the opportunity to demonstrate its superiority. 

PS: Read my proposal in topic suggestion on how this can happen.

As our challenge with you has demonstrated, we know how to seek revenge and demonstrate our superiority quite easily. 

But then we are just small players... with no experience. lol. So I guess our revenge and superiority don't count in your eyes.

For the more open-minded readers, read more about some of the ways we do things differently at Deedz.

Jan 31, 2017, 16:2701/31/17

jeffwinchell said:

For the more open-minded readers, read more about some of the ways we do things differently at Deedz.

Nice idea even if it wouldn't work for me. Creating smaller, more homogeneous groups is an idea I've attempted to sell to both of the coalitions I have been a member of but with little luck. Especially if these small players groups are clustered close together geographically and use alliances to ensure timely intel, it seems a doable proposition. Good luck.

Cheers Dio
Jan 31, 2017, 20:0401/31/17
if you install Puffin Browser you can play the game on mobile phones and tablets as long as it is support on your phones operating system 
Feb 1, 2017, 01:1402/01/17

Diogene said:

Dracos said:

Diogene said:

Nuno Paiva said:

Archons, we own 1 city only, the one we can change the name. 

I think everyone is free to attack inactive cities to get resources. If you don't want to see your protectorates attacked, just defend them, simple.

I don't agree that we should be able to kill other archon´s army parked in acropolis, but this is just my opinion.

I believe that when we pronounce on something, we must also give reasons for their answers. So why do you think that the troops do not go in the acropolis attacked? I have had my say. May I also remind you that this is a game not usable by the mobile? This means that the mobility of the troops is very low, because, of course, those who are not in front of a pc puts its troops in Acropolis because they could control up to the new login. What sense does it have a large army, if you can not assert its superiority over other players, big or small?

Okay, so you already say that managing your troops isn't easy since you can't take the game anywhere you want as it isn't mobile. The acropolis helps those that aren't on their pc keep their troops safe while they aren't online, whereas when online they could manage their troops to keep safe. You essentially want the ability to not only be 50 levels above someone but to also punish them for not being online 24/7 by allowing attacks on the acropolis which helps against losing your hard earned troops. You're literally complaining that you don't have the ability to bully someone who is smaller than you! (Mind you that your original post was about low level players so clearly you want this so you can use it against lower level players) 


Guys, I really doubt your ability to understand. Or maybe it's me, that I can not express myself well, also because of the translation. You think I'm trying to move the discussion to another topic? Wrong! I have already published other posts to lament the fact that the game is not usable by the mobile; so if I were to say something, I would not need to make any suggestion in a speech. If in this post I mentioned the topic, it was just to show (is my case of course) that, if the game was enjoyed by the mobile, I could probably control more often the status of my city, and maybe even avert the coming raids from smaller players (but also by those big, why not?). I just want to show that if that were the case, there would be more troops in circulation, and therefore more likely to get in touch with one's enemies. But not to stray too far from the speech, I return to speak of the smaller players; I for example, sometimes I can only connect in the morning, and have at most log into the evening. During that time, it happens to be subject to raids of protectorates and cities. When I can finally connect, I try to launch some attacks on the cities of my attackers, in order to discourage new attempts, or to reduce the number of their troops. But nothing! All tightened in Acropolis. Do you understand how hard counter these players? I can allocate the defense outside and risk a political attack? Tell me...


To quote you:

" Do you understand how hard counter these players? I can allocate the defense outside and risk a political attack?

I understand your post-all too well! I do!

On one hand, you complain of lower levels attacking you and the risk of a Political Attack with your defense outside the Acropolis.

Deepest apologies-that is part of the risk we each take when defending our city or another coalition member. You "did study your enemy" previously didn't you"? Especially those "lower levels"?

 That is the game!

On the other, you complain of being unable to retaliate in some shape or form due to the technology not being readily available. I believe someone has already posted a method for you to do just that-for you to be "on the game constantly"! 

In regards to the Acropolis-it is a key object in this game-and not likely to change!

 May I offer some suggestions?

-Bringing your Acropolis up in levels-work towards that one goal if not already done.

 -This game is time-wherever you go in this game there is always a time factor. Utilize it for everything!

-Build lights and hit Xerxes at a small pace. Sure, it will take you time, but again, you could spend time in chat with your coalition. Discuss common enemies, their tactics and such.

-Use Heros only on Silver Sword positions-sure, it will take time, but that's all you have is time. And using Heros is far better than using troops you have to build.

-Play small-spend down in resources. Give resources out to Coalition members. Give raiders nothing when they come to raid! Study your enemies.

The most important statement I can leave you with:

-Play without malice towards others-as you level up. I say this because, obviously your mindset towards junior players attacking you has hurt you in some way, shape or form and you think you have no control.

You do have control-but, with respect, you play from a skewed mindset-"I'm a higher level than you so don't attack me" or "Why are these lower levels keep beating/raiding me"?

In closing, with respect, may I state-this is not Farmville-This Is Sparta!

Good Game To You Sir!

Feb 1, 2017, 09:1302/01/17

Mick13000 said:

Diogene said:

Dracos said:

Diogene said:

Nuno Paiva said:

Archons, we own 1 city only, the one we can change the name. 

I think everyone is free to attack inactive cities to get resources. If you don't want to see your protectorates attacked, just defend them, simple.

I don't agree that we should be able to kill other archon´s army parked in acropolis, but this is just my opinion.

I believe that when we pronounce on something, we must also give reasons for their answers. So why do you think that the troops do not go in the acropolis attacked? I have had my say. May I also remind you that this is a game not usable by the mobile? This means that the mobility of the troops is very low, because, of course, those who are not in front of a pc puts its troops in Acropolis because they could control up to the new login. What sense does it have a large army, if you can not assert its superiority over other players, big or small?

Okay, so you already say that managing your troops isn't easy since you can't take the game anywhere you want as it isn't mobile. The acropolis helps those that aren't on their pc keep their troops safe while they aren't online, whereas when online they could manage their troops to keep safe. You essentially want the ability to not only be 50 levels above someone but to also punish them for not being online 24/7 by allowing attacks on the acropolis which helps against losing your hard earned troops. You're literally complaining that you don't have the ability to bully someone who is smaller than you! (Mind you that your original post was about low level players so clearly you want this so you can use it against lower level players) 


Guys, I really doubt your ability to understand. Or maybe it's me, that I can not express myself well, also because of the translation. You think I'm trying to move the discussion to another topic? Wrong! I have already published other posts to lament the fact that the game is not usable by the mobile; so if I were to say something, I would not need to make any suggestion in a speech. If in this post I mentioned the topic, it was just to show (is my case of course) that, if the game was enjoyed by the mobile, I could probably control more often the status of my city, and maybe even avert the coming raids from smaller players (but also by those big, why not?). I just want to show that if that were the case, there would be more troops in circulation, and therefore more likely to get in touch with one's enemies. But not to stray too far from the speech, I return to speak of the smaller players; I for example, sometimes I can only connect in the morning, and have at most log into the evening. During that time, it happens to be subject to raids of protectorates and cities. When I can finally connect, I try to launch some attacks on the cities of my attackers, in order to discourage new attempts, or to reduce the number of their troops. But nothing! All tightened in Acropolis. Do you understand how hard counter these players? I can allocate the defense outside and risk a political attack? Tell me...


To quote you:

" Do you understand how hard counter these players? I can allocate the defense outside and risk a political attack?

I understand your post-all too well! I do!

On one hand, you complain of lower levels attacking you and the risk of a Political Attack with your defense outside the Acropolis.

Deepest apologies-that is part of the risk we each take when defending our city or another coalition member. You "did study your enemy" previously didn't you"? Especially those "lower levels"?

 That is the game!

On the other, you complain of being unable to retaliate in some shape or form due to the technology not being readily available. I believe someone has already posted a method for you to do just that-for you to be "on the game constantly"! 

In regards to the Acropolis-it is a key object in this game-and not likely to change!

 May I offer some suggestions?

-Bringing your Acropolis up in levels-work towards that one goal if not already done.

 -This game is time-wherever you go in this game there is always a time factor. Utilize it for everything!

-Build lights and hit Xerxes at a small pace. Sure, it will take you time, but again, you could spend time in chat with your coalition. Discuss common enemies, their tactics and such.

-Use Heros only on Silver Sword positions-sure, it will take time, but that's all you have is time. And using Heros is far better than using troops you have to build.

-Play small-spend down in resources. Give resources out to Coalition members. Give raiders nothing when they come to raid! Study your enemies.

The most important statement I can leave you with:

-Play without malice towards others-as you level up. I say this because, obviously your mindset towards junior players attacking you has hurt you in some way, shape or form and you think you have no control.

You do have control-but, with respect, you play from a skewed mindset-"I'm a higher level than you so don't attack me" or "Why are these lower levels keep beating/raiding me"?

In closing, with respect, may I state-this is not Farmville-This Is Sparta!

Good Game To You Sir!


I appreciate your suggestions. I'll just note that game SWoE for more time than you, so what you said is certainly valuable, but unfortunately superfluous. The things you said to me I know them already. I repeat for the umpteenth time that the problem is not only the youngest players; This covers conflicts with larger players. Let's assume that I suffer from a continuous raids of any level player; I decide to react and launch a series of attacks. This has always troops crammed in the acropolis and no way to reach them. What's in it? Some resource? But it exceeded the limit of 50k I can no longer raid him. I try to besiege? It 'no use for two reasons: first, to besiege his city would not bring me any advantage, because he would continue to produce effects, and I could at best take away some resources (one each). Second, should I just rely on my defense troops to defend the siege, and we know that this is not convenient, because fighting in the town of another archon means that the latter can revive free a part of his troops in the infirmary while I will go there only to lose.  If you undergo a raid by a smaller player this fact gnaws even more. If he attacks me or my protectorates with an army of 1,000 men, whereas I have more than 30000, because I can not assert its superiority to deter others his attacks? At present, if I attack his city without finding his troops, the ultimate damage that it can cause him to destroy his temple of Mercury (leave aside the towers, which only bring defensive bonus, but no real benefit to the production). That's all? Younger players should not be afraid of those still higher level: indeed, this should encourage them to find a league to cooperate with others to stem the threats.

Finally, with regard to the suggestion to use a special browser for mobile access to SWoE, I let lose. I already asked if Plarium was planning an app for the mobile game, but I was told categorically not. So this is not a game that, at present, can be played on smartphones.

Feb 1, 2017, 22:2102/01/17

if they released the game on an app it would be a new server so you wouldnt be able to access your current city as that would be on a different server

at least using Puffin Browser you can access your current city on your phone 
Feb 2, 2017, 11:3802/02/17
Feb 2, 2017, 11:40(edited)

Diogene said:

I find it intolerable that a low-level player can raid with impunity protectorates and the city of players much more powerful than him, without which the latter have the opportunity to take revenge. Hiding troops in Acropolis, believing that having put them safe because, once there, there is no way to attack them, I think it's a punitive solution. I have already proposed to reformulate the concept of the siege, as the current situation this does not bring any benefit and is used only to occupy abandoned cities. Why not allow the attacking troops in the acropolis, where the siege lasted for more than so many hours? I do not know how to counter these small player; I would like to have the opportunity to assert my superiority, but I can not. I find it fitting that the little player should not be penalized, but this way the more experienced players are also damaged. Moreover, I think that giving a chance to attack the troops inside the Acropolis, incentives diplomacy and motifs even more cooperation between players and leagues.

Otherwise, you solutions that you adopted? I raided the towns of these players, but I never find the troops. And, of course, a few moments later I find myself having to endure yet another raid them: this is also because the raids started against the protectorates are not signaled (which is bad).

in this game you own only your city,if you siege some dead city with 1 troop,it doesnt make its yours and none else cant raid it.i have a lot sieges and i let others to raid them,i dont mind,everyone need resources to build troops.when i'm bored,i msg low lvl player who raided my siege:hi,do you want to send you more resources or you took enough...just to have fun and see what kind of player(person is he),if he answer to me rude,then i molest him with every day raids and sieges,if he is polite and fun,i dont do anything,maybe give him few advice how to play game and became strong,of course they are not members of my coalition.

or you can put defence on your siege,but  stronger player may kill your defence there and that way you can easy make enemies.

but if you dont like your sieges to be raided,you can send your defence after he spy your siege and kill his raid,100 by 100 horses when he loose,he wont raid your sieges anymore,because he will loose more then he will get from raid.+ slow build time troop

or if you are really evil,you can calculate how much time his raid need to return to his city and boost your raid and kill his raid in his city.or use assassins for that.

but you cant ask to go in someones acropolis because he raided your siege and took resources that dont belong to you,then to some player who dont play game anymore :)
