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Athenas cowards...

Athenas cowards...

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Mar 8, 2017, 10:1603/08/17

Athenas cowards...

wanna share my recent experience with Athena coalition...

I started new coalition and we are quite satisfied how things go around. Everything ok, as we avoid clashes with other coalitions.

Until 95 lvl coward (4 Boldeagle) decided to ask another 2 members of Athena coalition and attacked my 81 member who had no previous contact with them.

It happens and my member Horseek took it as great opportunity to make game more interesting for her. She put that coward on her revange list and started slow crusade on him. However, believe it or not, he asked his alliance and their allies for help:-)

Now I get daily pleads from their heg (from other hegs too) to betray my member. This is exactly why I started my coalition - this game is full of intrigues and becomes boring, sometimes disgusting... Multiaccounts reported are still active...

What is your opinion? Is it in the interest of game to stand behind big level members who behave like gods? Or is it better to give others chance?

Consider if you want to be ally of Athenas. Consider if you should act if you are admin.

Thanks for reading!

Mar 8, 2017, 14:5203/08/17

i say of he attacks your member first your member has every right to destroy hom haha if they then start bringin in coals and allies then thats lame .. 

Mar 8, 2017, 15:2203/08/17
Jiricek said:

wanna share my recent experience with Athena coalition...

I started new coalition and we are quite satisfied how things go around. Everything ok, as we avoid clashes with other coalitions.

Until 95 lvl coward (4 Boldeagle) decided to ask another 2 members of Athena coalition and attacked my 81 member who had no previous contact with them.

It happens and my member Horseek took it as great opportunity to make game more interesting for her. She put that coward on her revange list and started slow crusade on him. However, believe it or not, he asked his alliance and their allies for help:-)

Now I get daily pleads from their heg (from other hegs too) to betray my member. This is exactly why I started my coalition - this game is full of intrigues and becomes boring, sometimes disgusting... Multiaccounts reported are still active...

What is your opinion? Is it in the interest of game to stand behind big level members who behave like gods? Or is it better to give others chance?

Consider if you want to be ally of Athenas. Consider if you should act if you are admin.

Thanks for reading!

This is a Strategy War Game, sooner or later your going to hit the wall, its up to you how to overcome it.. Will you let them Bully you or would you rather Stand Against them.. Be a Man, Be the Hegemon of your Coa and especially be a Spartan.. ^_^
Mar 8, 2017, 15:3403/08/17

thanks for support!

I actually found my way to earn on this - raiding their sieges and heaving nice pvp just from them bouncing on my auto-repaired walls...

However, it seems that they are so desperate to start press on other coalition members.

So I hope that we find allies this way...or that their allies decide to leave them...

Mar 10, 2017, 15:3103/10/17
Mar 10, 2017, 16:23(edited)

easy way to help is sending reinforcements - Athenas will not find out and you get nice PVP...

Thanks for support!
Mar 11, 2017, 16:2503/11/17
Mar 15, 2017, 00:3703/15/17

THIS is funny!!! LOL

Horseek spied my members emporia, he happened to be online at the time and he reinforced it quickly. I've seen the SS. She got spanked and ever since then, has sent him 10/20/30/40 one unit sieges to his city to spam everyone news feed.  She spammed him so bad with nasty private messages too. 

We asked the leader to kindly ask her to just cut out the crybaby stuff and he/she can't get a handle on her so we expanded our retaliation reach.

The end. 

P.S.  We certainly didn't become a top coalition by being cowards, please remember there are always two sides to every story and quite frankly you guys are pretty annoying and petty.  Don't start a  new coalition and annoy another one, there is no rule against attacking a coalition that has hardly any members and it doesn't give small coalitions cart blanch to do as they please.

She stops, we stop and this is exactly what we have been asking for weeks.  I'll admit she's pretty consistent. 

Mar 15, 2017, 01:5703/15/17
Mar 15, 2017, 01:59(edited)

I never spied on any emporia = RIX is lying.

I attack Emporia only rarely and never spy...

So you probably grown on lies like this one.

Mar 15, 2017, 02:1203/15/17
Mar 15, 2017, 02:17(edited)

RIX said:

We asked the leader to kindly ask her to just cut out the crybaby stuff and he/she can't get a handle on her so we expanded our retaliation reach.

It is lie that I can not handle Horseek - I never asked her to stop, because I started coalition to avoid these intrigues on own members... 

I will not make any agreement with coalition, which bangs weaker players without reason while used to intrigue them to peace through corrupted coward leaders. 

They even attacked her while I offered them peace treaty as one of their members attacked her siege before (I got report as her ally)... Horseek never attacks other coalition members - all is clear. And even if she attacked (not only spied) on emporia, I would not accept it as reason for banging her with their whole coalition.

So they probably well planned all, but she did not retaliate over siege and so they acted anyway.

Stop lying.

Mar 15, 2017, 02:3003/15/17
Mar 15, 2017, 02:39(edited)

Jiricek said:

Now I get daily pleads from their heg (from other hegs too) to betray my member. This is exactly why I started my coalition - this game is full of intrigues and becomes boring, sometimes disgusting... Multiaccounts reported are still active...

stop lying Jiricek..., you need to drink your medication more regularly.., the delusional symptom has come back... daily pleads from hege.., from me????

i keep asking you once a month..,( not daily) if you want to keep up the "Horseek" show and sereal..., or if you want it to stop... 20 x 1 sword attacks..., and a PA...., every day all week on my member...,

of course you say NO...., you support your member...

and as for your member.., Horseek..., she did a stupid move and lost her troops....

so she has to as she told me... " revenge her losses...., however long it takes..."

so this could carry on for say another ...32 years.., at the rate she is going.... with single sword attacks.. and a PA??

if you think its fun attacking some irrelevant coalition with nothing to offer and bullying them.. you really need help.., its the 1st time i allowed members to retaliate against a small coalition.., normally i dont allow it.., but that was after 2 months of 20 x 1sword attacks.., and trying to talk to you for 3 or 4 times...

so again.., as Rix was saying.., horseek stops.. it all stops...

your call..

as for level 95 vs lev 81... thats funny...

go look at some pvp reports..., i know level 81 players with 40 times the troops of some level 95 players...
so stop crying in forum..,

get the pshyco to stop her mosquito attacks... and i will stop any attacks on her or your coalition...

as i told you before...

your call...
Mar 15, 2017, 02:4703/15/17

Yeah. It probably started when their member 4 ONYKO moved next to me and started agressions on my sieges.

We used diplomacy to avoid clash with such a big coalition.

However, they banged me anyway and 4 ONYKO moved away.

So it was probably planned from their side.

And I decided to give them cure - they might get different manners in a year or 2 of being their pain 

I can not beat them, but I can make them crazy and earn...

Now I have so much resources from their sieges, that all my armies have 10 days queue...and they lose resources, they waste raids (so do not get resources from raids), they waste assassins,... it makes them weaker.

They have to consider what is their priority and if that coward is worth of such a price.

Mar 15, 2017, 02:5603/15/17
Mar 15, 2017, 03:03(edited)


you and Jiricek earned each other..., maybe even the same player/person..

so then if you want to keep up your "warfare"...., x 1 sword attacks..... for 2 years... or whatever...

stop crying in forum..., if you chosing to keep attacking this player

you stop.... it all stops....

if you want to do this for next few years...also fine by me...

but then stop playing "victims" here....


Mar 15, 2017, 03:0803/15/17

What coalition it can be when even their heg lies here...?

Lordbass said:

stop lying Jiricek..., you need to drink your medication more regularly.., the delusional symptom has come back... daily pleads from hege.., from me????

I got messages from 2 coalition hegs. About 7 players in total.

and as for your member.., Horseek..., she did a stupid move and lost her troops....

so she has to as she told me... " revenge her losses...., however long it takes..."

Lie. She did nothing stupid - I personally wrote you (you did not reply) regarding agression from your member 4 ONYKO and offered you peace before your coal banged her.

if you think its fun attacking some irrelevant coalition with nothing to offer and bullying them.. you really need help.., its the 1st time i allowed members to retaliate against a small coalition.., normally i dont allow it.., but that was after 2 months of 20 x 1sword attacks.., and trying to talk to you for 3 or 4 times...

it is not even 2 month now..., but this way of lies will not help you... We have no other enemies (do not attack other coalitions like you) and your coalition will have ball on the leg...:-)

Mar 15, 2017, 03:1903/15/17
Mar 15, 2017, 03:23(edited)

ok...sorry... 6 weeks and a few days/2 months .... really irrelevant!!!!

easy solution Jiricek...,

post my and your conversations here....

then others can decide...

you obviously got your opinion about the past...

again... in case you missed it!!!!!

tell Horseek to stop...

i will make sure everything stops...

she wants revenge for the next 2 years.... or whatever...

then stop crying ike a baby in forum.....


dont you understand this concept?

Mar 15, 2017, 03:2203/15/17

Lordbass said:


you and Jiricek earned each other..., maybe even the same player/person..

we are not multiaccounts like you used on Horseek - one of your members wrote me admitting in message that he has another account...

stop crying in forum..., if you chosing to keep attacking this player

it is our way of fight - I told you that if you attack other members, we call for help... and you attacked - so we hereby ask others... they can get nice PVP sending reinforcements...
She is not attacking, she is leading war. It would be great for 95 lvl to get attacked from 81 lvl when he expects it...while he attacked her without reason when she had defensive bonuses switched off...

if you want to do this for next few years...also fine by me...


It is Horseek choice.
No one else ever attacked any of your towns (we only raid sieges to get back what you steal) in spite of that you attack other too (including me). However, time when I start raiding your weaker members could be near. Horseek raided one today (another coalition member who moved next to her town - probably multiaccount...).

Mar 15, 2017, 03:2703/15/17

good luck....

you really need to go get help from a panel of doctors...

this is why it hasnt stopped...

you and horseek want revenge.... but we must just sit and watch?

im done here.... dont have time to try reason with a living brain donor...

i told you

stop.... and it all stops....

have fun...

Mar 15, 2017, 04:3203/15/17

Lordbass said:

have fun...

We will have fun 

Horseek earned a lot until now... and I will have them too when I start with all these who attacked me...

We have causus belli on many of your members now.

Most important is that you stop these coward attacks on weaker players!

Mar 15, 2017, 12:0703/15/17

Jiricek said:

Most important is that you stop these coward attacks on weaker players!

We can absolutely 1000000% stop the attacks as soon as she stops spamming everyone's newsfeed. But by your logic, a level 81 is allowed to harass a level 95 but he cannot retaliate because he is a higher level.  LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Lordbass is correct, you guys are crazy.  
Mar 15, 2017, 15:3903/15/17
Mar 15, 2017, 15:39(edited)

RIX said:

level 95 but he cannot retaliate because he is a higher level.  LOLOLOLOLOLOL

He is more than welcome...:-)

But he obviously doesn´t have to as you have ordered many others to fight on his behalf.

Your whole coalition attacks me some days even 300 times...

And you know what?

I am winning !-)

Yesterday I banged the voyeur who moved next to me... feel like picking someone else soon...:-)

Not a good idea to attack someone crazy like me:D
Mar 15, 2017, 23:1503/15/17

horseek said:

RIX said:

level 95 but he cannot retaliate because he is a higher level.  LOLOLOLOLOLOL

He is more than welcome...:-)

But he obviously doesn´t have to as you have ordered many others to fight on his behalf.

Your whole coalition attacks me some days even 300 times...

And you know what?

I am winning !-)

Yesterday I banged the voyeur who moved next to me... feel like picking someone else soon...:-)

Not a good idea to attack someone crazy like me:D

I must clarify my original statement.  Horseek did not hit Boldeagles emporia.  That is an entirely different event.  A player of ours gave Horseeks coordinates in chat saying her city was stacked and was also hitting one of our smaller members and boldeagle raided her city.  She messaged him and said she will make his game miserable.

So back to my original point, a level 95 cannot attack a level 81? Is there a rule? 

and you are not winning anything.  You guys are crying on the forum like little children and again, you stop, we stop. Until then, send everything you want and we will send everything back. 

Mar 24, 2017, 19:5603/24/17

just got back to have a look after week... It is good that they do not lie so much at the moment.

However, complete truth remains that I was banged by 3 members of Athena (without reason) and picked the strongest of them for my revange. As soon as I am done with him, I can decide on others (many others attacked me since than).

Got 2 new pleads today to let that is outside of their coal...

Really heaving fun