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Patch Notes (03.08.2023) Update 7.40

Patch Notes (03.08.2023) Update 7.40

We are adding a new competition for Clans, new Clan vs Clan Tournament Objectives, and a Quick Battle option to minimize time spent fighting the Demon Lord. Also, we are rebalancing Protection and Stone Skin Sets, and implementing other updates and fixes. Let’s dive into everything coming to Raid with version 7.40.0:

Hydra Clash

The Hydra Clash is a competition where 5 Clans fight to deal the most damage to the Hydra. If a player’s Clan finishes in the top 3, and the player earns at least 35M Clash Points, they will get powerful rewards. Players earn Clash Points by damaging the Hydra. The Hydra Clash is held every week, and is connected to the Hydra’s weekly cycles.

The number of Clash Points earned depends on the amount of damage dealt to the Hydra, and the difficulty of the Hydra battle. The first Key spent on each difficulty during the Hydra Clash will have a Clash Points Multiplier applied (x1 on Normal, x2 on Hard, x3 on Brutal, and x4 on Nightmare). For every subsequent Key spent on that difficulty, the standard 1x multiplier will be applied.

Please note that the amount of damage you dealt and the Clash Points you earned, displayed in the Hydra Clash interface, are rounded up. Rewards are given based on the full total number of Clash Points. The full number for the damage you dealt and the Clash Points you earned in a battle can be seen in a special tooltip in the Battle Results window.

To participate in the Hydra Clash, a Clan must have at least 10 players who are Level 45 or above, and must have earned at least 50 Clan Activity Stars during the 7 days before the start of the upcoming Hydra Clash (before 10:00 UTC of the day when the Hydra Clash starts).

A player who wants to take part in the Hydra Clash must be in a Clan that has met these requirements, and have also reached Level 45. If a player and their Clan have met these conditions, they will be able to take part in the next Hydra Clash. 

Players who are part of a Clan but have not met all of the above requirements will be ineligible for the Hydra Clash, as shown by the word “Ineligible” next to their name. Players who meet the participation requirements after a Hydra Clash has started will remain ineligible to earn Clash Points for the current Hydra Clash. They will be able to take part in the next Hydra Clash.

Each Hydra Clash lasts 7 days, starting at 14:00 UTC on Wednesday and ending at 08:00 UTC the following Wednesday. Damage dealt to the Hydra between 08:00 UTC to 14:00 UTC is not counted towards the Hydra Clash.

Important note: the first Hydra Clash launch will be carried out in test mode. This means that only the top 3000 Clans in the game (based on their rating) that meet the requirements will be able to participate. Afterwards, we’ll introduce the Hydra Clash to all other Clans in Raid.

You can find out more information about the Hydra Clash by checking out the in-game Hydra Guide.

Quick Battle feature

We are adding a highly-requested Quick Battle feature to the Demon Lord Clan Boss. This will be an option for players who want to fight the Demon Lord, but do not want to watch the whole battle play out in real-time. Quick Battle will be available for every Demon Lord difficulty, but must be unlocked by dealing a set amount of damage using a single Demon Lord Key. 

The amount of damage needed to unlock Quick Battle corresponds to the amount of damage needed to receive the highest value Demon Lord Chest on that particular difficulty.

It is possible to unlock Quick Battle for several Demon Lord difficulties at once. For example, if a player achieves the Quick Battle unlock conditions on Brutal, it will also unlock Quick Battle on all Demon Lord difficulties below Brutal (Hard, Normal, and Easy respectively).

Team presets and general Demon Lord battle mechanics remain the same as if the player was running the battle normally in Auto mode. Once a player has initiated a Quick Battle, they cannot interfere with the battle until it finishes.

New CvC Tournament Objectives

We are adding new Objectives to Clan vs Clan Tournaments:

  • Sand Devil Objectives
  • Phantom Shogun Objectives
  • Iron Twins Objectives
  • Get Perfect Souls (a new Objective category for Champion Objectives)
  • Ascend Artifacts & Accessories (a new Objective category for Gear Objectives)
  • Win Crests from Live Arena battles (a new Objective for Arena Objectives)

Also, Tiers I to VI (both Clan Tiers and Personal Tiers) have been expanded to include more Clans and Players.

Hydra Gear Sets Rebalance

We have made some minor balance changes to one of the Hydra Gear Sets - Protection. We’ve also added Accessories to Protection and Stone Skin Sets that will provide additional bonuses for 7, 8, and 9 pieces equipped by a single Champion. Protection and Stone Skin Gear drops from Hydra Chests and Hydra Clash Chests:


Old version: 6 Set: +20 RES; +15% HP; +24% SPD; 30% chance of Protecting buffs cast by wearer.

New version: 9 Set: +40 RES; +15% HP; +32% SPD; 75% chance of protecting buffs cast by wearer, allies deal 5% more damage for each active buff on them cast by the wearer.

Added Accessories:

Set Bonus (7 pcs.): +20 RES 

Set Bonus (8 pcs.): +8% SPD 

Set Bonus (9 pcs.): 75% chance to place a Protected buff. Allies deal 5% more damage per each buff placed by the wearer.

Stone Skin

Old version: 6 Set: +40 RES; +8% HP; +30% DEF; gives Stone Skin buff at start of Round for 2 turns (50% chance of being a Protected buff)

New version: 9 Set: +80 RES; +16% HP; +30% DEF; Stone Skin buff for 2 turns at the start of the Round (50% chance of blocking removals or steals, increased Stone Skin Shield value at 9th piece).

Added Accessories:

Set Bonus (7 pcs.): +8% HP 

Set Bonus (8 pcs.): +40 RES 

Set Bonus (9 pcs.): increased Stone Skin shield value

Champion Lore

This update adds another batch of Champion stories to the game, including Harima, Dracomorph, and Yoshi the Drunkard, with more coming in future updates. If your favorite isn’t here, stay tuned, they may arrive in the future!

The whole list of Champion stories added:

  • Shamrock,
  • Kreela Witch-Arm,
  • Arix,
  • Ginro the Stork,
  • Ailil,
  • Kantra the Cyclone,
  • Suzerain Katonn,
  • Nari the Lucky,
  • Holsring,
  • Elegaius,
  • Crypt King Graal,
  • Drokgul the Gaunt,
  • Goffred Brassclad,
  • Gliseah Soulguide,
  • Nogdar the Headhunter,
  • Dracomorph,
  • Cillian the Lucky,
  • Belanor,
  • Zavia,
  • Ruel the Huntsmaster,
  • Yoshi the Drunkard,
  • Nobel,
  • Vizier Ovelis,
  • Harima,
  • Gronjarr,
  • Basileus Roanas,
  • Visix the Unbowed,
  • Crohnam.

Other improvements and battle fixes

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that caused Venus to get stuck while returning to her starting position after using her Blind With Infatuation skill, if the Pause menu was opened and closed while she was returning.
  • Fixed a matchmaking bug in Live Arena that caused players from Silver IV to be matched with players from Gold I.
  • Fixed a bug in Live Arena that caused a player to re-login if their Internet connection was lost and returned during the Ban Phase.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused a Champion under both a [Veil] buff and a [Freeze] debuff to not appear transparent.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused Rian the Conjurer’s Master of Summons skill revival effect to display incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Tormin the Cold to not receive a [Freeze] debuff and his HP bar to display incorrectly when being revived by his Wintry Wind passive skill after being under a [Sheep] debuff.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Ultimate Deathknight to take additional pure damage from Quintus the Triumphant’s Percussion passive skill.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Lyssandra to transfer a [Freeze] debuff from herself to an enemy when attacking a Champion wearing a Frost or Frostbite Artifact Set.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the number of available Champions to sacrifice in the Fusion window to display incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused damage dealt to the Demon Lord on Ultra-Nightmare difficulty to count towards a Clan Mission that requires damage to be dealt on Nightmare difficulty.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused a red dot indicator to remain on the “Just New” button in the Artifact Filter window after already viewing all the new Artifacts.
  • Fixed a desync issue related to users’ Clan data and the weekly Hydra Key refresh.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players not to receive a notification that a Champion’s skill instructions in the Team Setup window had been reset when dragging them from one non-leader team position to another in a different team in Tag Team Arena.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused the Fire Knight’s HP bar to display incorrectly when attacked with an Ally Attack skill.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused Champions who place [Ally Protection] buffs to appear as though they were receiving the same type of Hit as Champions under [Ally Protection] buffs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Multi-battles to not start when hitting the Enter key on a keyboard when playing on Plarium Play.
  • Fixed a bug that caused battle results to not be saved if Crohnam and Djamarsa were on the same team and the battle was played on Auto.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Borgoth to counterattack with his Easy Prey passive skill when attacked by a Champion who had a Phantom Touch Blessing and was equipped with Bloodshield Accessories.
  • Fixed a bug in Live Arena that caused two battle results to be displayed in the Battle Log and two Live Arena Tokens to be deducted from each player after one of the opponents left the battle.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Conellia’s Revitalizing Rest skill to not heal allies after Akumori the Phantom Shogun placed a [Block Passive Skills] debuff on Conellia.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Yumeko to attempt transferring a [Block Revive] debuff to an enemy under a [Hex] debuff whenever Mortu-Macaab killed Yumeko’s ally with their Peril skill.
  • Fixed a visual bug with displaying prices on iOS 17 that caused more than 10 digits to be displayed after the decimal point.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Accessory Filter on Plarium Play to not work correctly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game to freeze when starting a Campaign battle during the tutorial if the Internet connection was lost before summoning a Champion.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the ‘Complete All Daily Quests’ bar to be partially filled before players claimed the reward for a completed quest.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a delay in opening the Clan vs Clan Tournament window when hitting the View Final Standings button.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Fitting Room not to open correctly if the Champions window had been previously closed while the Fitting Room was open.
  • Fixed a bug that caused spelling autocorrect to not appear when typing messages to Plarium Support.
  • Fixed a bug in Valkanen’s Phantom Bulwark passive skill description window which caused debuff names to overlap in German, Portuguese, Spanish, and French.
  • Fixed a bug in the Gear Filter that caused a red dot indicator to still be displayed on new Artifacts, and the Just New button to be available after it was hit twice.
  • Fixed an error that prevented some players from accessing the game on iOS and Android after the 7.21.0 release.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused Champions placed under a combination of two [Sleep], [Stun], or [Freeze] debuffs to not appear under the effects of these debuffs if one was removed in the same turn.

Other changes:

  • When multiple identical visual effects are activated on a Champion, the animation for only 1 effect will be shown.
  • When Lady of Ireth’s Aegis of the Forest passive skill is upgraded to Level 2, the value of the [Shield] is increased by 20% instead of the skill’s cooldown being decreased by 1 turn.
  • When the Tavern is opened from the Champions window and then closed, players are returned to the Champions window instead of the Bastion.

That’s everything we’ve got for you! 

Aug 3, 2023, 14:2108/03/23
Aug 3, 2023, 14:3808/03/23

bitte übersetzen so kann ich es nicht gebrauchen

Aug 3, 2023, 14:5608/03/23

So many new champions, but not enough housing, so many new artifacts, but not enough room.

Aug 3, 2023, 15:1608/03/23

changes Are great. Wish there was a way to save gear that I picked out for a champion in the fitting room.  I spend an hour dressing a champion In the fitting room, sometimes only to find out I do not have enough silver to exchange the newly picked out equipment for the gear the champion already has on. When I choose to get the silver needed to complete the task, I have to buy the silver, but I have to close the fitting room to go retrieve the silver from my mailbox. Hence, loosing all off the work I've just spent an hour or more completing. Discouraging and frustrating, to say the least.  

Aug 3, 2023, 16:3708/03/23
joul56 GER

bitte übersetzen so kann ich es nicht gebrauchen

Lerne Englisch, es ist 2023. 

Aug 3, 2023, 17:1008/03/23

So, is the Quick Battle privelege is only for thouse who can 1 key clan boss? I am sure that those with 1 key solution don't need quick battle since they only need to stair at the screen one time.  However, if you use 2 keys, then that privelege is revoked. 

I don't think this is smart solution to the "most requested"  addition.

Thanks for nothing.

Aug 3, 2023, 17:1008/03/23

☆☆☆Fixed a bug that caused Ultimate Deathknight to take additional pure damage from Quintus the Triumphant’s Percussion passive skill.

I wanna make sure I just read this correctly. You know, really soaked it in.... I must be either having a SEVERELY (like 20 years)early onset case of a senior moment, or maybe it's some kind of optical delusion. It HAS been awfully HOT! HOT! HOT! And yes I meant to say Delusion and not illusion.

No n'n'no no nooo!!!  That's all wrong! It's those developers at Plarium, it has to be. But if that's true, it means my eyes don't deceive me, concerning the "ULTIMAT DEATHKNIGHT" , the quote BUG that caused HIM to TAKE "additional PURE" lundeserved damage, from whoever's passive skill just HAD to be fixed. NEVERMIND the complete and utterly UNFAIR and completely abhorrent immortality the champion possesses combined with the underhanded method of superior  progressively advanced players use with him in the arena by severely understanding their lineups power level by placing him with any 1 or 2 other champions developed or not, gives them the access to fight below their match competency  all the way to beginner novices who have no idea what they're about to see, which is of course an Ultimate Deathknight that seems to be able to take whatever you dish at him no matter how strong you are so that IF you manage to get UDK's HP meter down to 10-20 %, errrrrrrrrrt!!! SCREEEEEEECH! STOP! THAT'S as low as it's going, and then quickly and for no other reason then to give pay for play players the most unfair unattainable and unbeatable advantage that the developers can give, the HP meter bounces right back up to near full as your last 1 or 2 champions eat dirt.

I have e written to them on this many times.  And how do they respond? They buff him some more! Lol ....I've mentioned the unfair matching methods players are using as well as the unfair and "UNBALANCED" state of the champions metrics. And... I have local friends who feel the same way as well as a host of people in the game. I wont even play against someone with that thing on their team. U shouldn't either! Take a stand!

Aug 3, 2023, 18:3008/03/23

Lerne Englisch, es ist 2023. 

Da Sie Google Translate verwenden: Ich denke, das ist ein mehrsprachiges Spiel, nicht nur Englisch. Es ist 2023...werde erwachsen! dumkauf

Aug 3, 2023, 19:0108/03/23
Aug 3, 2023, 19:05(edited)

So, is the Quick Battle privelege is only for thouse who can 1 key clan boss? I am sure that those with 1 key solution don't need quick battle since they only need to stair at the screen one time.  However, if you use 2 keys, then that privelege is revoked. 

I don't think this is smart solution to the "most requested"  addition.

Thanks for nothing.

I don't agree with you. A quick battle will save me more than half an hour of time(about 40 min) and more than 5% of the battery charge (the older the smartphone is, the higher this figure will be) in battles with  UltraNightmare, Nightmare, Brutal & Hard ClanBoss every day.

Aug 3, 2023, 19:2108/03/23

Love the CB quick battles!

Aug 3, 2023, 20:2808/03/23

Привет, у меня баг кб, быстрые бои  висит. Потратил 4 ключ, вот так вот


Aug 3, 2023, 21:0808/03/23
Aug 3, 2023, 21:09(edited)

Lerne Englisch, es ist 2023. 

Dude, only the English speaking are so arrogant....

It's 2023, expand your mind and pick up another language. 

(I wrote this in English so you don't have to consult Google Translate again xD )

Aug 3, 2023, 21:2308/03/23

Quit trying to make Hydra, Iron Twins, Sand Devil, etc a thing ... NOBODY but the top cash cows care about the MINOR rewards. Shoe-horning these USELESS modes into events, tournaments and now CvC shows how desperate you are getting. The WHALES aren't going to carry the game ... but go ahead and keep on catering to literally 0.001% of the player base. 

SO Glad I haven't paid a cent into this game because ... wow it's worse than a Scopely game now here.

Aug 3, 2023, 22:1908/03/23


Aug 3, 2023, 23:2808/03/23

Quit trying to make Hydra, Iron Twins, Sand Devil, etc a thing ... NOBODY but the top cash cows care about the MINOR rewards. Shoe-horning these USELESS modes into events, tournaments and now CvC shows how desperate you are getting. The WHALES aren't going to carry the game ... but go ahead and keep on catering to literally 0.001% of the player base. 

SO Glad I haven't paid a cent into this game because ... wow it's worse than a Scopely game now here.

How is the most important content useless modes? 😆 you probably avoid tag arena as well...

Giving us points for the best content is great.

Aug 4, 2023, 00:0008/04/23
joul56 GER

bitte übersetzen so kann ich es nicht gebrauchen

usa chrome e traduci con google

Aug 4, 2023, 01:1108/04/23
Xi Sh33p iX

Dude, only the English speaking are so arrogant....

It's 2023, expand your mind and pick up another language. 

(I wrote this in English so you don't have to consult Google Translate again xD )

Ich bin Deutscher, du absoluter Vollpfosten. Anders als ihr ungebildeten Flachzangen beherrsche ich tatsächlich mehr als eine Sprache. Wer in 2023 kein Englisch beherrscht, sollte sich halt lieber mal in einen Abendschulkurs setzen statt Handyspiele zu zocken. 

Aug 4, 2023, 01:3608/04/23

I don't agree with you. A quick battle will save me more than half an hour of time(about 40 min) and more than 5% of the battery charge (the older the smartphone is, the higher this figure will be) in battles with  UltraNightmare, Nightmare, Brutal & Hard ClanBoss every day.


My point exactly. Why only 1 key users have this privelage, not all the rest? If you read my earlier message, this is just the point. This option should be available regardless: if the team is capable of making X million, that team shoudl have a predetermined result for the quick battle. What is wrong with that? They already monitoring your total damage, so why not extend this option to all?

Just my observation and frustration.

Aug 4, 2023, 04:2708/04/23


awsime, the quick battle feature. But i am a one key player, and i think there are others, who need to do a little manual interception to synchronize the run, so it's not fully auto from the start.

after turn 1 i need to choose a1 again for my first seeker, ... 

i think this issue can be resolved:

- make team setup for turn 1, turn 2, turn 3 instead of round 1, round 2, round 3

- or: put the suick battle box in the screen of the run, so we can click it after we started run and did our manual stuff.

thanks in advance 

Aug 4, 2023, 10:1908/04/23


My point exactly. Why only 1 key users have this privelage, not all the rest? If you read my earlier message, this is just the point. This option should be available regardless: if the team is capable of making X million, that team shoudl have a predetermined result for the quick battle. What is wrong with that? They already monitoring your total damage, so why not extend this option to all?

Just my observation and frustration.

The problem seems to be that they don't want to track the average damage per key. They don't want to introduce such a mechanism into the game code. And with one-keyers, everything is extremely clear and simple.

And that's what bothers the developers the most - not the desire to make the game convenient for everyone and drive the wishes of the players into the game.