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Patch Notes (08.12.22) Update 6.30.0

Patch Notes (08.12.22) Update 6.30.0

We’ve got a brand new Dungeon, a new way to make Artifacts stronger, Champion balance changes, and some other updates and fixes. Let’s dive into everything coming to Raid with version 6.30.0:

Artifact Ascension & the Sand Devil’s Necropolis

Artifact Ascension unlocks at Level 38, and allows you to make Artifacts even more powerful. When an Artifact is Ascended for the first time, it gets an Ascension Bonus - an extra stat that can be upgraded further with every Level of Ascension. The Ascension Bonus cannot be removed or changed, and will remain the same even after an Artifact is reworked.

To Ascend an Artifact, it must be at least Rank 4 and upgraded to Level 12.

You don’t need Silver to Ascend Artifacts. What you do need is a new resource - Oil, and the primary way of earning it is by raiding the Sand Devil’s Necropolis.

The Sand Devil’s Necropolis is where you’ll fight a tough new boss – Al-Naemeh the Sand Devil. He’s got skills that will ignore your defenses, and he can withstand almost any attack. Unlike Raid’s other Bosses however, he is susceptible to Sleep, so using this debuff is crucial to defeating him.

In this Dungeon, you can also earn Silver, Ancient Shards, and XP.

You can find out more information about Artifact Ascension and Al-Naemeh by checking out the in-game Guides. Once inside the Artifact Ascension menu, just hit the “i” icon. For a full breakdown of Al-Naemeh’s skills, hit the “Boss Guide'' button in the Team Selection menu inside the Sand Devil’s Necropolis.

We have also added a new Advanced Quest that is related to Artifact Ascension.

Doom Tower Secret Rooms reward change

Now, once you've collected all the Fragments for all the Champions on a given difficulty, the rewards from Secret Rooms will change to match the Boss Floor that's coming up next. For instance, Secret Room 1 will drop Materials from the Boss on Floor 10; Secret Room 2 will drop Materials from the Boss on Floor 20, and so on. For example, if the Boss on Floor 10 is Agreth the Nether Spider, then Secret Room 1 will drop Nether Eggs as a reward.

Note: if you've collected all the Fragments for Champions on Normal difficulty, then you can earn Forge Materials from Secret Rooms on Normal difficulty. The rewards for Secret Rooms on Hard difficulty will remain as Champion Fragments until all the Champions for that difficulty have been collected.

Daily Login reward change

If you have collected all the Fragments for the 6 Champions available via the Daily Login Program, you’ll now receive Soulstones in the slots that previously contained those Fragments – 5 Mortal Soulstones and 1 Immortal Soulstone in total.

Auto-Climb mode in the Doom Tower

Auto-Climb will allow you to automatically ascend Floors (except Boss Floors and Secret Rooms) one by one, and thus will make progressing through the Doom Tower much smoother. To activate the Auto-Climb mode, check the “Start Auto-Climb” box in the Team Selection menu. You can stop Auto-Climb mode at any time during battle via the pause menu. Auto-Climb will also stop once you lose a battle, don't have enough Gold Keys for the next Floor, or if the next Floor is a Boss Floor.

Personal Tiers expansion

More players will now start CvC Tournaments in Personal Tiers II and VI, and there will be less players in Tier I.

New Avatars

We have added two new Avatars to the Standard Avatars section. These belong to Taras and Marichka - two Ukrainian-themed Champions that will soon join the fight for Teleria. You can check these new Avatars out by tapping your Avatar in the Settings window.

New festive decorations in the Bastion

Winter has come to Teleria! Check out the new seasonal decoration in the Bastion and enjoy the holidays with some of your favorite Champions. Galek and Zargala are certainly getting into the spirit - you can see them facing off in a snowball fight for the ages.

Champion Rebalance


[Skill 1 - Mistress of Glamours]

- Skill changed. 

Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 30% chance of placing a [Perfect Veil] buff for 1 turn on the ally with the lowest HP.

Cannot place the [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion.

New version: Attacks 1 enemy. Places a [Perfect Veil] buff for 1 turn on the ally with the lowest HP.

[Skill 3 - Icicle Barrage]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Attacks 5 times at random. Each hit has a 30% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn.

Has a 100% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff on enemies that receive 2 hits.

New version: Attacks all enemies. Has an 80% chance of placing a [Freeze] debuff for 1 turn.

- Damage multiplier increased.

[Skill 4 - Frostweaver [P]]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Whenever an enemy places a [Freeze] debuff on an ally, has a 50% chance of stealing the [Freeze] debuff and placing it on this Champion instead.

Has a 35% chance of filling this Champion's Turn Meter by 25% every time they receive a [Freeze] debuff.

Removes any [Freeze] debuffs from this Champion at the start of every turn.

If there are multiple Champions in the team with this Skill, only one will activate.

New version: [Passive Effect]

Immune to [Freeze] debuffs.

Fills this Champion's Turn Meter by 25% every time an ally receives a [Freeze] debuff.

[Active Effect]

At the end of each enemy or ally turn, removes all [Freeze] debuffs from all allies.

If there are multiple Champions in the team with this Skill, only one will remove the [Freeze] debuffs from all allies.

- Cooldown added to the Active Effect: 5 turns.

- Skill Tome upgrades changed. 

Old version:

Lvl. 2 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%

Lvl. 3 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%

Lvl. 4 Buff/Debuff Chance +5%

New version:

Lvl. 2 Cooldown -1

Lvl. 3 Cooldown -1

Lvl. 4 Cooldown -1

- Aura changed.

Old version: Increases Ally RESIST in Arena Battles by 80.

New version: Increases Ally RES in all Battles by 60.


[Skill 2 - Insurmountable]

- Skill changed: Now attacks all enemies instead of 1 enemy.

- Damage multiplier decreased.

[Ascended Skill 2 - Insurmountable]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff and a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns on a target enemy, then attacks them. Then places a [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.

New version: Attacks all enemies. Places a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff and a 25% [Weaken] debuff for 2 turns. These debuffs cannot be resisted when Zavia is on the same team.

Also places a [Perfect Veil] buff on this Champion for 2 turns.

- Damage multiplier decreased.

[Skill 4 - Tactical Partner]

- Skill changed: Now activates this Champion's Overkill skill instead of the Swordleader skill.


[Skill 3 - Disorient]

- Skill changed: Now has a 75% chance of increasing the cooldowns of all enemy skills by 2 turns instead of 1 turn.

Crypt Witch

[Skill 2 - Dismantle]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Attacks 2 times at random. Has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns.

New version: Attacks 3 times at random. Each hit has a 75% chance of placing a 60% [Decrease DEF] debuff for 2 turns. Each hit will also ignore 15% of the target's DEF.

- Damage multiplier decreased.

[Skill 3 - Not So Fast]

- Skill changed.

Old version: Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore 50% of the target's DEF if the target is faster than this Champion.

New version: Attacks 1 enemy. Will ignore 50% of the target's DEF if this Champion has higher SPD than the target.

Other improvements and battle fixes

  • Added “Silver Spent” notification after instantly upgrading Artifacts.
  • Added automatic scrolling to the highest available Stage in Dungeons, Faction Wars, and Campaign.
  • Added information to the Referral Program & Recall Quests guide about the criteria that should be met by Referred Players.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mighty Ukko from placing [Block Buffs] and [Decrease ACC] debuffs on the Hydra with their Ukko's Fury skill, even if the Hydra had no active buffs.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused Ninja to become visible when a [Veil] buff they were under was replaced by a [Perfect Veil] buff.
  • Fixed a visual bug that caused Champions to appear under the effects of a [Veil] or [Perfect Veil] buff when starting a new Round, if the previous Round was ended with Truath’s Gaze Upon Me skill.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Fearsome Presence Mastery not to increase the chance of placing [Sheep] debuffs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Champions with the Deterrence Mastery not to counterattack when enemies placed [Sheep] debuffs on allies.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Whisper to increase their ATK after attacking when the Charged Assault skill was used.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Myciliac Priest Orn to heal themself even if the [Poison] debuffs they tried to place were resisted.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Chancellor Yasmin to use their Lulling Chant skill in Auto-Battle mode even if the enemy team had no active buffs.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Demon Lord Chests to be displayed as available for claiming, when they were unable to be claimed yet.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Hydra to not reset properly if a Clan was created during the Hydra’s reset period.
  • Fixed a bug that made it possible to use more than 3 Hydra Keys per week.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Enchanting animation and then the entire game to freeze when several Glyphs were used too quickly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Clan Rankings to start from 2nd position.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Artifact Level to not be displayed in the Artifact Upgrade window.
  • Fixed a bug that caused an error message to appear when double-clicking or double-tapping on articles in the Guides & FAQ section.
  • Fixed a bug that would redirect players to the wrong Artifact Set in the Forge when selecting a specific Quest in the Advanced Quest menu.
  • Fixed a bug where players would not receive Demon Lord Chests after dealing damage to the Demon Lord as part of their new Clan, if they had previously dealt damage and received Chests as part of their old Clan.
  • Red dot indicators will now appear on the Profile tab and your Avatar in the Settings window whenever you get a new Avatar.
Dec 8, 2022, 12:4112/08/22
Dec 8, 2022, 20:2212/08/22

You need to set a flat fee for changing out gear. We pay enough when upgrading to 16. Actually what would be preferable is no exchange fee. I'm sure more gear would be upgraded to find the right combination. 

Absolutely agree.  There should be no cost to swap artifacts.  Part of the fun is moving things around and trying different combinations.  It is WAY to expensive.

Dec 8, 2022, 20:2612/08/22

Please build in a rule system to negate "ties" in the area challenges.  It's dumb to just have 2 heros hit each other, heal, rehit, heal, etc and no one wins.   Recommend something like after 500 turns, increase damage by 25%, then increase by 50%, then 100%, then 200%, etc.   Maybe alternate an increase in attack and reductions in healing or reductions in defense or both.   Other systems have fight engines like this.   Right now, you can have a team of 200k against a team of 50k and it ends up going with ultimate death knight against UDK until the turns max out and it ends in a loss to the attacker.

Dec 9, 2022, 01:0612/09/22


Dec 9, 2022, 07:2912/09/22

Hey guys.  I am a leader of a small clam that does not work hare.  @ questions, would love to have active members hit me up or sene me an invite to a better clan.  I am competitave and cannot do it all by myself, the leader gave me the clan when he saw how I play.

Dec 9, 2022, 08:2812/09/22

Actually I want to do an update to my initial perception:

Auto Climb Doomtower: -7 points as it does not work

Quick Reaction to Nogdar cheat +10 points

Missing quick reaction to any other bugs: -20 points

General lack of play testing before publishing: -10 points.

With this patch you achieved an underwhelming -1 of 80 points for me. I doubt that it could have gone worse. 

You proved your ability to be able to react very qucikly at the same time you proved your unwillingness to react quickly if it is for the players benefit. 

There is a single point sticking out from this patch: YOU SHOULD DO SOME PLAYTESTING BEFORE PUBLISHING!

Dec 9, 2022, 13:0712/09/22

(In plarium) Still bugged, gives error of timeout, even if i manage to get in game, after every battle, it takes about 10 sec loading to start next battle. Why give out untested crap.


Dec 10, 2022, 20:3512/10/22


Dec 10, 2022, 22:4712/10/22

Too bad. The ascension bonus was supposed to be fixed and always increase the primary stat of its respective artifact. It's a huge headache trying to get one more RNG right for artifacts, which are already so hard to get perfect. So they are discouraging players to play RAID. 

Dec 11, 2022, 00:0712/11/22

hi i am new to the game

Dec 12, 2022, 04:0212/12/22

That's right. with the latest additions of two new dungeons, energy is required many times more than before. Don't YOU understand that? Now new players, due to their inexperience, will drain energy to the wrong place to start development, thereby complicating their progress in the game due to lack of energy. They will stupidly improve the 4* stuff without realizing that it's for nothing. Moreover, you have also added this to the daily tasks that beginners need to spend at least 140 energy on in order to complete. why ? She's already missing. Do you really think that the players have a million energy ?

Dec 15, 2022, 21:3812/15/22

MaMaybe someday it would be cool to be able to fast forward even more than two times maybe just three times faster cause sometimes the battles get really drawn out and boring otherwise keep up the excellent work

Dec 21, 2022, 07:4912/21/22

I would like a button to go from a campaign battle directly to the tavern. I don't have a usecase to go to champions. After I have trained my Champs. I want to use them in the Tavern Ascend them, feed them or any other stuff. 

I would like to have the same option in dungeons as I have in the campaign. To go to the last stage I have fought and not all the way to the bottom. I only do Spider 25 at the moment. So it is annoying to scroll now up instead of down. I have no real timesaving with this new feature.

Feb 1, 2023, 00:5402/01/23

Please build in a rule system to negate "ties" in the area challenges.  It's dumb to just have 2 heros hit each other, heal, rehit, heal, etc and no one wins.   Recommend something like after 500 turns, increase damage by 25%, then increase by 50%, then 100%, then 200%, etc.   Maybe alternate an increase in attack and reductions in healing or reductions in defense or both.   Other systems have fight engines like this.   Right now, you can have a team of 200k against a team of 50k and it ends up going with ultimate death knight against UDK until the turns max out and it ends in a loss to the attacker.
