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Raid Digest (29.08.22)

Raid Digest (29.08.22)

Hello, it's me. We were wondering if after all these two weeks, you’d like us to meet, to go over some of the questions you sent us about our Referral system update and the long-anticipated “What’s Next in Raid? Episode 5”. Hopefully, you do because we already wrote the new Issue of Raid Digest, and you are already reading it.

So, let’s start with the updated Referral Program.

The core remains the same as before: the primary purpose is to invite new people to the game, so only new accounts from the devices that did not have Raid previously installed can be registered as referrals. Additionally, a device tracking setting should be on. It is done automatically on Android devices, but just in case, please check out whether you have not deleted Google Advertising ID, as it causes the device tracking to stop. As to iOS, the tracking of the application activity recently became an optional feature when installing any new app. So if you have any trouble, please double-check this setting.

We also know that some of our players use Bluestacks for the game; however, as this platform is not supported by our referral system, you can encounter troubles creating referral accounts using Bluestacks or similar emulator software. To prevent this, we recommend using the officially supported platforms: Android, iOS, Microsoft Store, and Plarium Play.

With the addition of new slots, there are a couple of tweaks to the Referral list management.  We hope that you are well aware that after deleting your friend from your referral list, they cannot be returned to it, leaving an empty slot. New friends added to your referral List will fill the rest of the available slots before the empty one. So you don’t have to find something to fill the void if you don’t want to.

Now let's go to the other side of the Digest and talk about the “What’s Next” video

Let us remove a painful bandage immediately – there will be no x3 speed in this update or in the near future. We know that time consumption is a concern for a lot of players, so we are focusing on gameplay solutions such as superraids or recently implemented instant gear upgrades to improve this aspect of the game. In the video, you can see footage from the test server with no other players. While some red flags with performance and visual issues are nearly unnoticed there, they would be a much larger problem in the actual play server should this speed be introduced at this stage.

Next, let’s talk about “Arena blind dates” with awakened champions. It’s no secret that we aim to show as much useful information as possible about who and what you are fighting in the arena, and Blessings won’t be an exception. All Blessing will have their unique marker displayed in the bottom center part of the Awakened Champion avatar. It might take time to get used to, but you will know beforehand what tricks are up your opponent's sleeves.

As usual, we will end this issue of Raid Digest with Clan vs Clan announcement. The next CvC tournament will not feature personal rewards.

That is all for today, have a good one

p/s Did you get the song?

Aug 12, 2022, 15:3508/12/22
Aug 21, 2022, 23:1108/21/22

"You're asking about there being an instant result to the battle..." No, I'm asking about there being an OPTION to see instant results. And yes, many of us are willing to forfeit the option to interfere with the autoplay in the middle of the game because we are confident in our team's ability to beat the dungeon....because we build teams specifically for those dungeons, we test them, we save them, and then we run them thousands of times because the drop rate in dungeons is garbage.

"there's no guarantee a battle between two teams with similar power would always end the same..." What game are you even talking about? What team power? You think we're asking for instant result in Arena? It's about the dungeons, the clan boss etc. Ain't no team power, it's two waves and a boss. 

I'm playing on a 2 year old $300 cell phone..not exactly what I'd call "state of the art". As a matter of fact, what does state of the art device has to do with building a good team? I have several teams with 100% success rate for every dungeon, but it takes 5-7 minutes for some of them to grind it out. All that time, I can't use my phone. See, it is BECAUSE I'm not playing on "state of the art device" that I want things to be sped up so my not-so-state-of-the-art device can be used for things other than killing digital spiders. Maybe if you bothered to think at all, you'd be able to understand what someone is saying and not call people out on something you have no clue about...hmmm?

Thank you for your response. Although your suggestion is a practical one, I wonder if you looked up Plarium's plans of improvement and if your suggestion hasn't already been expressed. They already said they're behind on their plans and it would make more sense to focus on what's already been added rather than to regurgitate the same old requests. Also my comments are directed to ultimatums and uncalled for criticisms and that's not something I like to see on a forum I've taken interest on. If I came across as insensitive to your suggestion that is not my intent. I just think that demanding more ahead of time just isn't proper. At any rate thank you for responding and may you have a good day.

Aug 22, 2022, 13:2708/22/22

No it isn't. RSL is designed with the player's enjoyment in mind and involvement in the game if I read the developer's intentions correctly and not another PTW scheme like most other games out there. So the suggestion although seemingly valid, lacks depth of observation. This is not the place to show off your wallet, sure purchasing the items in the game definitely helps to improve your game, but if you saw any of the videos they upload to YouTube, the developers dedicate enough of themselves modeling the many champions we enjoy and  entertaining us with mini episodes of the game for us to be more interested in becoming more familiarized with every aspect of RSL. Saying you just want to farm the teams when there's ALREADY an auto fight in place for defense just makes you look lazy and uninterested in the game. Not something that would be considerate to say the least.

Thankfully your opinion isn't the only one that matters. It's possible to disagree with people and express your opinions without being rude, you should try it. 

Aug 22, 2022, 13:3608/22/22

Don't bite the bait, take the higher road! 😁

Aug 22, 2022, 13:5508/22/22

Don't bite the bait, take the higher road! 😁

You're right, it's not worth it. I'll delete the comment.