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Tips for Beginners

Tips for Beginners

Remember the days when you thought Demon Lord would live forever, and those spiderlings would never stop spawning? Those days when you were a young Raider with no experience but with a strong desire to conquer the World of Teleria. Those days are far behind - you're wiser, stronger, and unafraid of challenges. 

The time has come to share your wisdom with other players - those who have just stepped on the path of war against the dark forces of Siroth.

We invite you to participate in our challenge: its aim is to collect tips for beginners. In the comments below, write a few tips that, in your opinion, might be helpful for new warriors. We'll add the best and most relevant ones to the beginner guide, which will be posted on our official Forum and our Raid Page on Facebook. 

5 chosen contributors, who leave the best lists of tips in the comments section of this post, will get 1000 Gems as a token of appreciation for their hard work. 

The main selection criteria for receiving the prize are:

- the total number of submitted tips (not a decisive factor);

- their quality, uniqueness, and originality of the submitted advice.

The contest will last until August 15, so don't miss your chance to participate! Good luck to you all!

Aug 9, 2022, 12:1408/09/22
Aug 11, 2022, 04:2708/11/22

Things I regretted as I learned the game more.😉

  1. Explore all facets of the game early and often, i.e. Dailys, Arena, Dungeon, Doom Tower etc. Just to make sure you are progressing in all areas as much as you can. I don't know how long it took me to do Doom Tower which only sets you back on collecting fragments.
  2. Only use gems for Masteries. It is waaay too difficult to gain scrolls from the minotaur. Do not waste your time and energy. 
  3. Make absolutely sure before sacrificing an Epic/Legendary champion to Rank up another. Visit content creator websites for champion rankings and which ones are good to sac.
  4. Only level 16 6* artifacts/accessories.
  5. When deciding whether or not to purchase something with real money, look up the Raid Calculator to see if it's worth it.
  6. Open Tuhanarak!
Aug 11, 2022, 05:5008/11/22
Aug 11, 2022, 15:28(edited)

General advice

1. Build your starter. It will be your early game nuker and campain farmer. it should be your first 6 starred champion. It will carry you through most game content for early-mid game. It will carry you through early dungeons, early-mid arena, campain, early-mid faction wars and early clan boss.

2. Save your shards. During early game, and even late-end game for ftp, aincent,void, and sacred shards are a rare resource. Only pull them if you are 1, close or at mercy or 2, there is a 2x event or a garenteed leggo event that you have shards for.

3. Hit clan boss. Build your clan boss team ASAP. When you get to nightmare/ultra nightmare you can get sacred shards and legendary tomes. Also the immortal and cruel artifacts are insanely helpful for early to mid game, sometimes used right up to end game. 

4. Never use your legendarys or epics as food. Food is a term you use for the worthless champion you use to level up or rank up other champions. Even if you dont need them yet or have horrible ratings, save them. After all, you never know if they will get a buff later on. Besides, you can use them for faction wars early-mid game or as faction gaurdians.

5. Hit the arena. Although it is not as effective as clan boss for shard drops you can still get great artifacts from there. Divine crit rate and divine speed are some of the best ones you can get. Besides, there is still a chance to get a shard each week.

6. Make sure your leveling and using the right gear. The gear you use will define wether or not you'll land a crit, heal an injured ally before the enemy kills it, move faster and nuke your enemies. First make sure if the gear is compatible with your champion. You don't want a Atk% chestplate on a defence based nuker. Make sure to level the gear you need, after all, don't waste 100k silver upgrading a 1 star common chestplate, save the silver for a 5 star epic chestplate. Also, unless you got great stats there is not much of a need to get artifact set boosts early game.

7. Use your gems wisely. This one is especially for ftp players. You only get a small amount of gems at the start and its very hard to get more. The 3 shard aincent pack seems tempting but don't buy it. Make sure to upgrade the gem mine for it is the ONLY reliable source of constant gems. The advantages really start to add up when you get it maxed. Even at first level it will get you quite a bit of gems. 

8. Join the right clan. Your stage in the game and playstyle will define the clan you want to join. If you don't have great champions and just finished the tutorial or did not build a good clan boss team, find a clan that kills easy and normal clan boss. If your an advanced player and is confident in getting nightmare and ultra nightmare chests find a clan that kills those tiers. If your a competitve and active player that wants to win every cvc, find a clan with cvc requirements. that way you know how much points you will earn at minimum each cvc. If your a easy-going, casual player, find a clan with little to no requirments and is still active and hits the right clan boss for you.

9. Never waste your tomes. Rare tomes go with rare champions, Epic ones go with epic champions, legendary tomes go with legendarys. Tomes along with shards and gems are some of the rarest resources in the game. Make sure to use them on champions you will definitely use later on.

10. Have fun. Although this game is competitive and multiplayer, sometimes you will forget that this is just a game. no need to be stressed. Its something to help you relax, and have fun, not to stress over and cry over. Have fun is the most important tip i can give you. Just have fun.

Dungeon advice

1. Spider dungeon. The spider dungeon is one of the toughest dungeons in the game. You should be prepared before diving in. Champions like armiger that can decrease turn meter are crucial during the later stages of the dungeon. Since the boss is immune to all types of heal reduction, you need to make sure it does not get a turn to even heal in the first place. AOE hp burn champions are also great, the spiderlings are faster then the main boss so once they take a turn, the hp burn on them will damage all enemies helping out a lot. Also if you feel the poisions from the spiderling start to hurt, make sure you stun the spiderlings or control their turn meter as well. 

2. Dragon dungeon. The dragon dungeon is an important dungeon for most of us for it drops important gear like speed and accuracy. To beat this dungeon you need 1 AOE nuker for the waves can get pretty tough later on. You also need someone tht can AOE remove debuffs like reliquary tender. The dragon has a secret skill scorch that you need to be careful of. Scorch will stun all your champions. However the skill will be disabled if you deal enough damage to the dragon so make sure you bring some poisions with you and someone that can place decrease defence.

3. Ice golem dungeon. The ice golem dungeon is another tough to beat dungeon. the ice golem will try to AOE freeze your champions when it takes enough damage and the chance depends on how many of the ice golems guards are still alive. It will also revive the guards. Make sure to take out the guards before attacking the ice golem. Champions that can place lots of poisions will be extreamly helpful to make the ice golem take enough damage to go through multiple checkpoints. If you only take the ice golems checkpoints down one by one it will try to freeze your allies for each checkpoint however if you take multiple out at once, it will only attack once. Champions that can block revive is also very helpful.

4. Minotuar dungeon. Minotuar dungeon is not the hardest dungeon but you can still lose in it if your not careful. The minotuar dungeon will allow you to grind scrolls for masteries unlike the others. The minotuar boss has a special unique buff and defuff. They can not be removed or be changed. The buff will allow the minotuar to deal 400% more damage while the debuff will allow the minotuar to take 200% more damage. the debuff will last for 1 turn while the buff lasts for 3.  The debuff will be recieved after the buff expires. You don't really need much to take this dungeon down, all you need to really do is save your powerful nuke skill for when the minotuar recieves the debuff.

5. Fire knight dungeon. The fire knight dungeon the arguably one of the toughest dungeons in the game. It has a sheild that will be placed at the start of each turn which reduces the damage taken by 80% and will always block debuffs while its up. It also heals the fire knight. If the sheild is up at beginning of the bosses turn, it will do a AOE attack. It is very much advised to bring multi-hitting champions and turn meter manipulators as well as heal reduction placers. Some of the best ones are coldheart and armiger.

6. Arcane keep. The arcane keep is not really that hard of a dungeon, you only need to keep buffs on your champions and you'll have a pretty easy time in there.

7. Void keep. The void keep is rather hard if you dont know how to counter it. You need champions to either AOE remove debuffs or place block debuffs on them for the void boss will place poisions on your champions and can trigger poision explode. 

8. Spirit keep. The spirit keep is rather annoying because the boss will heal itself by 50% of its max hp each turn(20% for stages 1-6) and deals damage based on its current hp. It is advised to bring heal reduction champions to the battle.

9. Force keep. This keep is also an annoying one because of the bosses insane 4000 defence. The boss can also place decrease attack. It is advised to bring champions that can ignore defence or place decrease defence. Also you need a champion to AOE remove debuffs.

10. Magic keep. This keep is not the hardest one to beat but watch out for the bosses major shield, it is advised to bring champions that can either steal shields or remove them entirely. it is better to steal the sheild because it is usually worth thousands of hp. Ignore shield champions are not the worst either. 

Aug 11, 2022, 10:1308/11/22
Aug 11, 2022, 15:15(edited)

Best tips i can give:

(i will not go for the same ones like tomes in rares and tournments and in-game options, that is more than talked about there and there.)

1- LANGUAGE - If you have your game in your native language and you understand english: select english language in game also. I  missed a ton of good tips due to bad translation in game. Champion names are translated to something close and you loose track of them and set names also in translation.

2- CHECK PLARIUM PLAY - If you play only  mobile and like to spend from time to time, you can get better deals for your buck in plarium play than mobile version, also you get the news first.

3- GOOGLE POINTS - if you spend cash on google play, check your google points (that you get from apps) in google play store, you can trade the points for energy, chickens etc in your raid account!

4- LOG IN every day, at least to collect the log in item and to get closer to the big prizes, if possible do the daily quests every day for the ancient shard monthly

5- FOLLOW  couple of raid content crators and check plarium RAID Forum from time to time for tips and tricks to help you.

Aug 11, 2022, 11:3708/11/22

I started when this game first came out on mobile and I made some mistakes along the way (still making them) invest in those arena badges as best you can to get your great hall up to max. It is always good to have a stat boost to all your champs.

Aug 11, 2022, 19:5208/11/22

1.  Join a clan as soon as you can.  It really helps to have the added help.

2.  If the clan isn't for you try another one that may suit your style of play.  There's something for everyone out there.

3. Always try to do your clan quests.  You can earn gold to spend on items that can really help you in the clan shop.

4.  if your with a clan that is doing clan wars jsut try to contribute.  Everyone in the clan should know that your new so just try and have fun and learn.  believe me, we've won many of battles because all of our clan fights.  no matter how weak or strong you may be, sometimes it's a close call.

5.  when i started i focused on potion Keeps and the Minotaur's Labyrinth.  They can really give you some great boosts to your stats.

6.  I wish someone told me earlier to do the arena. The benifits that you get from them are as good if not better than some of the masteries.  

7. I guess just have fun and try a little bit of everything.  You'll get better and you can ply the way you want to play.  

Aug 12, 2022, 03:4108/12/22

Some great advice in here so far! Thanks everyone who has taken the time to submit! :)

Aug 12, 2022, 04:3408/12/22

1.)  Take your time with your champions.  The game has been around for a while, and it will take a bit of time for your champions to become strong enough to engage in all the content.

2.) Don't sacrifice champions too quickly; take a look at the affinity, the role and the faction to see if you have that area covered.  Faction Wars, Ascension Potion Dungeons, and the different bosses require many different strategies.  It's always safer to hold on to a champ you just received if you are in doubt... you never know if they will be useful later.

3.) Don't be afraid of taking risks in the arena... the worst that can happen is that you lose, and since you can pick the team against your opponent, you will often win.  Learn the champs you see often in the arena and their skills; figure out why they are so popular and figure out how to counter them!

4.) Have fun; it's a game.  The creators have put in a lot of effort to try to show you a good time.  Don't be afraid to enjoy yourself and remember that it's a game... it's supposed to make you happy :) .

Aug 12, 2022, 08:4608/12/22

As a new player my self, I'd say just have fun playing and stop reading all the posts that will have you standing on your head. New player should just run Campaign for the first few days and get levels, gear and other drops. Arena is not really new player frindly nor is tag team. I got to level 35 and went to the tag team just to see all level 40+ teams. I added my 12 best highest champs and had a score of 54k. Not going to happen, Other teams have just 3 champs in the team with over 64k score. 2 lvl 60 champs and 1 lvl 50 champ on the team. For the Keys they speak of that's on into the game but you will come across that after your no longer a new play.

Aug 12, 2022, 19:2608/12/22

privilegier les artefacts qui donneront des pourcentage au lieu de stat flat ensuite se focaliser dee le debut sur 1 ou 2 stuff viable ensuite commencer a exp les champions en histoire ou donjon plutot que dutiliser les objet ensuite ameliorer les plus petit en etoile pour en faire des offrandes au plus puissant ainsi valoriser a garder les champions de haut rang

Aug 12, 2022, 22:2408/12/22

Best advice I can give to any new player is, Just have fun. Everyone has their own way to play and build their teams. Some will share their build info, some wont. I've been playing for about 3 months or so and have mostly built my champs up by trial and error. 

A lot of people will suggest you follow HellHades on YouTube for builds. You can if you'd like but i personally feel like that isn't really playing and making your own decisions on upgrades, gear, etc. Yes you can use it as a guide but the over all decision is yours. 

Also, find yourself a good clan. One that actually uses the chat and can offer suggestions. The main thing you need to know is that this is just a game. Don't fall into the mindset of some of these players who take it to seriously. 

You need to decide if you are going to be a F2P (free to play) or P2P (spend real money) player or a combo of both. There are some great deals sometimes for under $10 that I personally get but other wise in mostly F2P.

Just have fun, learn as you go and don't be affraid to ask questions. 

Good luck!

Aug 12, 2022, 22:4108/12/22

Welcome to Raid: Shadow Legends!

Get ready to enjoy your epic journey through the magical realm of Teleria where more than 400 champions from 14 factions await to become part of your mighty army!

Helpful Tips & Info

Champions can be found by opening Shards or by collecting pieces from dungeons, events, clan wars, tournaments, clan shop, arena, etc.

Shards have four types•

Mystery (green), Ancient (blue)

Void (purple), Sacred (yellow)

Champions will have one of the four levels of Rarity

Common (gray), Rare (blue)

Epic (purple), Legendary (yellow)

Champions will be one of the four types of Affinities

Force (red), Magic (blue)

Spirit (green), Void (purple)

Affinity type will effect Champion strength in battle•

Force (red) is strong vs Magic (blue)

Magic (blue) is strong vs Spirit (green)

Spirit (green) is strong vs Force (red)

Void (purple) is equal vs all Affinities

Champions come with a Star level from one to four•

Star level depends on the Rarity

Star level color is yellow until upgraded to purple•

Champions gain experience from battles, defense, being placed in your Gaurdian Ring (building), or by leveling them up in your Tavern (building)•

Gaurdian Ring is a building where you can place Champions to gain experience over time while on or offline!

Tavern is a building where you'll do most of your Champions upgrades, ascend Star levels, boost stats, etc•

Market is a building where you can purchase gear, Champions, Mystery (green) or Ancient (blue) Shards and refreshes every hour•

*Tip* Check the Market frequently, sometimes Ancient (blue) Shards are available along with the hefty price of 200k Silver

Silver is gained from completing tasks, quests, dungeons, battles, etc. and what you're going to need plenty of!

Silver is used to purchase items, shards, rank up champions, upgrade or remove gear, etc•

Gems can be gained from events, tournaments, quests, challenges, etc. and can be used to purchase special items from the shop like boosts, deals, books, potions, etc•

It's best to save these up, Plarium always has great deals or special limited offers!

Energy is used to start any of the campaign and dungeon stages•

Energy slowly replenishes over time, so make sure to use it wisely in the beginning•

Every time your account levels up, so does your Energy pool!

Well until the next Raid: Shadow Legends! Helpful Info & Tips! Happy Raiding!

Aug 13, 2022, 17:2708/13/22

As I am still Fairly New, my advice is to repeat the runs that give you the most Mysterios Shards, or any of the shards. The more you get the more champions you can summon and with any luck you get Legendary fighters which boosts your chances of running Dungeons.

Aug 14, 2022, 20:2308/14/22

choose kael as your starter champion

Aug 14, 2022, 20:4908/14/22

equiment Don't always go by sets go by stats often enough you will find champs with mismatched equipment a good set Of stats will beat a random set any day of the week 

Aug 15, 2022, 00:1708/15/22

7 Importaint rolles to fill out with 6* champs with masteries


Nuker/Campaign Farmer (Easy to get example: : Starter)
All starters fill this role well. Story has great rewards in it which can help you get

to farming dungeons fast.


AoE Dec Def (Easy to get example:  Warmaiden)
Warmaiden is the first Farmable Rare you will go for Early Game. Farm
up multiple Copies to use as Books and use your Duplicate Berserkers as
Faction Guardians for Rare Barbarians. Her A1 is even decent, it has a small poison.


Speed Booster (Example: High Khatun/Diabolist)
The first Free Speed Booster you will receive is High Khatun as a Day
30 Log-in Reward. Before you get High Khatun you can use Diabolist as a
Farmable Rare for the same Role. 


Dec Attack -
This Role is the fastest way to access Nightmare Clan Boss. While it
requires a Lucky Shard Pull, there are so many available Rares/Epics
that perform this Role now it should be almost guaranteed. Dec Attack
will allow you to 2 or 3 Key Brutal Clan Boss. Brutal Clan Boss Chests
can Reward you highly valuable Void Shards.


Carry/Control -
Carry Champ can either Revive fallen Allies or Mitigate incoming
Damage with Buffs or Healing. This kinds of champs help you out a ton 

in longer fights like Dragon or Clan boss.


Dec Turn Meter (Easy to get example: Arminger)
Spiders and Fire Knight is basically impossible without this Role. This
begins and ends with Armiger. Yes you can pull Coldheart or Alure but
you will want Armiger almost immediately to Book out with Dupes and at
least keep at 50. The main drawback is the Stats for an Uncommon Champ:
You want 100% Crit Rate, 200+ Accuracy, and 170+ Speed. Hard to come by
early in the game but possible with some creative Campaign Farming for
Crit Rate Gloves in Accuracy Set. Armiger brings Enemy Max HP Damage and
Block Revive on the A2 which will come in handy in various Boss Fights
in Raid.


Poison/Boss Killer (Easy to get example: Kael)
This Role is the reason why Kael is the best starter because he can
triple up as Campaign Farmer, AoE Nuker, and Boss Killer.

Aug 22, 2022, 09:0508/22/22

The Arena can be difficult for beginners. It is tempting to build a single strike offence which easily wins the early battles but you will soon come up against a rosta of teams better equiped and 10 time more powerful than you that also kill instantly and wins become difficult. Meanwhile your defence is losing battles and points. Remember that the Arena is like a leaky bucket, while you are away doing other things points are being lost by a neglected defence. It doesn't matter how quickly you win points you will probably loose them almost as quickly an seem stuck in a single level for ages.

So, what to do? Firstly make your defence the priority when farming and grinding. Build a defence around a team that uses your opponents attacks against them and can stay in the fight for multiple rounds with strong  buff and debuff skills. Use counterattack, poison, freeze, stun and sleep etc effect artifacts and build defence and resistance attributes on your champions, speed is also useful as you must try to get the buffs applied before your opponents first strike. A good healer / reviver can be usefull too. remember time is your friend keep the battle going!

A good Arena defence also makes the basis of a good clan boss team. Once you have a strong defence it is surprising how quickly you can climb the levels 

Aug 24, 2022, 15:4708/24/22

Take advantage of special events and tournaments. There's always something going on that gives discounts or extra awards so plan to use your resources when they're running. Save your shards for a Champion Chase event, save silver for an Artifact Enhancement event, and try to double your gains by working tasks that contribute to the events while satisfying daily and weekly challenges. This all goes for participation in Clans too. Saving up resources for a Clan vs Clan tournament gives your Clan a better chance at some outstanding awards that you couldn't get on your own.

i want to play the best  whan iam doing a war

Sep 29, 2022, 15:4909/29/22

I just want to say thank you for all the valuable advise. Very helpfull.

Sep 29, 2022, 17:5809/29/22

Haz eventos rapidamente, unete a un clan y consigue premios conjuntamente, sube a los heroes lo mas rapido posiblem sobre todo intenta conseguir heroes de 4* y 5* que son muy superiores a los de 3* o menos. Ataca muchas veces en la arena para conseguir mas premios, y en mazmorra y campaña, y demas sitios, en todos los que puedas, para conseguir plata, experiencia y objetos importantes.