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Upcoming Helicath Fusion

Upcoming Helicath Fusion

Jun 3, 2022, 04:1506/03/22

Upcoming Helicath Fusion

Since the secret's out, might as well share...


Starts the 9th. What do you guys think?

Jun 3, 2022, 04:1606/03/22

My opinion is that for many accounts, especially those without a fully set UNM, this guy is a can't miss.

Even if he is as tough as Brogni, I think you go for him.

Jun 3, 2022, 04:2806/03/22
Jun 3, 2022, 05:55(edited)

Bananas good. Likely going to change the way I approach CvC this coming week as I foresee this being a grind heavy fusion. 

Jun 3, 2022, 10:1406/03/22
Jun 3, 2022, 10:39(edited)

Agree that at face value this appears to be an incrediably good champion with a really good kit

He appears to be able to singlehandedly make your team incrediably hard to kill, essentially by toggling between his A2 and A3.  Start with his A3, and then 2 turns later use his A2 for a massive shield (which will already be bolstered by the increased defense from block damage expiring).  By the time that is wittled down, his A3 is available again and the cycle continues.

I'm definitely going to be aiming for him.  Might get some good epics out of it too!

Jun 3, 2022, 13:2306/03/22

I think a big question is going to be the cooldowns and, of course, the multipliers.

If the A3 can be booked to 4-turns, he's essentially a fusable Roshcard. Considering Tower is one of the most sought-after champs in the game - that's pretty high praise.

Jun 3, 2022, 16:3706/03/22

This is now confirmed to be a traditional fusion, which isn't too surprising. 

Jun 3, 2022, 17:2106/03/22
Jun 3, 2022, 17:21(edited)

 would guess and say the A3 is bookable down to 4 turns... and A2 down to 3. He will almost surely have a base speed lower than 100, and probably defense in the range of 1000- 1200.

Jun 4, 2022, 01:4006/04/22

This is now confirmed to be a traditional fusion, which isn't too surprising. 

Still new..hence my question but which one is the "traditional" fusion and will it be limited time ? 

Jun 4, 2022, 02:1406/04/22

Still new..hence my question but which one is the "traditional" fusion and will it be limited time ? 

You will need to end up with four epics that will end up turning into Helicath. There will likely be a combination of 2 tournaments/events that let you grab one of the epics you need, but otherwise you will be grabbing 16 rares from tournaments/events over the span of the fusion, which you will then turn into the epics which you will turn into Helicath. 

You will also need to do a lot of ascending, so having something like 250 lesser, 250 greater and 40 superior potions across the different affinities - this includes Arcane potions -  on hand is a good idea. It behaves similar to the permanent Rhazin fusion in the portal, just quite a bit more resource intensive and work heavy.

Yes to limited time. It's not like a fragment fusion where you can summon later. It will have a timer in the portal to let you know when it needs to be wrapped up. 

Jun 4, 2022, 03:1006/04/22

ty for the info , guess i will give it a shot if it seems possible otherwise no big deal , not like i didnt miss tons of those since i just started hehe ;) enough champs to go around !

Jun 4, 2022, 03:1806/04/22

ty for the info , guess i will give it a shot if it seems possible otherwise no big deal , not like i didnt miss tons of those since i just started hehe ;) enough champs to go around !

No worries. These types of fusions can be tough for those who are earlier game, so I think you have the right attitude incase you're unable to make this one work. :)

Jun 4, 2022, 03:3206/04/22
Jun 4, 2022, 03:32(edited)

Yea i just like the demonspawn faction a lot  , so this fusion really interest me , if i need to dish out 20-50$ to complete i will ( wink wink plarium ) but if more ima go about just like any other champs i couldnt finish fusion or simply wasnt playing for it !  

Thanks for the replies ! Hopefully plarium makes it somewhat easy to get since its their birthday *cough* *cough*

Jun 4, 2022, 04:1206/04/22
Jun 4, 2022, 04:39(edited)

ty for the info , guess i will give it a shot if it seems possible otherwise no big deal , not like i didnt miss tons of those since i just started hehe ;) enough champs to go around !

My advice on this is to first calculate if you think you can do it, and if you cannot, then don't give it a shot.  Instead, save up your resources for the next event, as these happen each month.  If you keep "giving it a shot" each month but never getting the event legendary, then you will always be drained of resources for when the next one comes around.  You would be better off aiming for every second event.

Edit: With traditional fusion events like this, it is worth considering if you can walk away with the new epic, and if so then it would be worth spending some resources on that

To give you an idea of the resources that you might need, I target about the following

  • You will need about 12,000 energy over the course of the event.  This is to do all the dungeon tournaments, plus the training ones.  You don't need to have 12K energy saved up, you just need to be able to accumulate this much energy over the course of the 2 weeks (e.g. daily energy refills, natural energy gain, buying energy from clan shop, etc.).  If you get the free energy pack from the shop every now and then, just leave it in your inbox to have it ready for these types of events.  You can significantly reduce the amount of energy required if you can have a setup that does multiple events at the same time, such as being able to run Dragon and level champions.
  • You will need a plan to deal with the Summon Rush event.  There is always one every fusion/fragment event, and you can only get points for this by using shards.  Sacred shards are 500 points, Voids are 120, Ancients are 20 and Mystery shards are 1.  You will need to get at minimum 1750 points for the first reward, and 3500 for the second.  Most people aim to get just the first, with the goal of getting the rest of the champions they need from other tournaments, so assume you will need enough shards to get 1750 points somehow.  My advice for this is to have a minimum of 3 sacred shards, plus 250 mystery shards.  
  • You will need a plan to deal with Champion Chase.  Similar to Summon Rush, there will always be a Champion Chase in all these fragment/fusion events.  Also similar to Summon Rush, you get points for this by gaining champions, but it doesn't matter how you get them.  This is where things like the permanent Rhazin fusion is useful, because you can summon the epics for him over and over to get free points.  This usually means keeping a lot of the required champions ready, or saving previous fragment events.  The key thing here is to manage your shard count and making sure you have enough for Summon Rush.  It will be 2x Ancient shards during this event, so ideally this is also where you will spend just enough Ancients to get the 2500 points for both rewards.  If you can, don't use any void shards in either of these 2 events, and keep them for the next
  • You will need about 20 million silver to complete the Artifact Enhancement events.  This normally isn't too bad of an issue as you can also get a large portion of that through the various dungeon and training events if you sell all of the artifact drops, but if you get some bad rolls then it can hurt.  A good strategy is to keep your artifacts at level 15 outside of these types of events, and then when artifact enhancement comes up just take a batch of them to 16
  • You will need to have the various Dungeon stages up to a decent level.  It will be incrediably difficult and time consuming to get the points necessary if you are running any stage less than 10, and ideally you want to be running stages 15+.  Also, you ideally want the runs to be fast, so that you can smash them out very quickly.  Fortunately super raids are usually enabled throughout these events which makes them much less time consuming than previous ones
  • You will need to plan for the Champion Training events and tournaments.  These are usually the most grueling, in terms of effort, as most of the other ones can be a "set and forget" type situation.  For training, you will be continually swapping out champions and using tavern to upgrade ranks.  For this, it is usually very good to save up a lot of chickens, plus a lot of 4 star or 5 star champs sitting at level 1.  When the event starts, you can throw some levels into those types of champs to get a lot of points.  I also only take champions to level 6 during these events, even if I have the resources outside.  For fusion events like this, you will want to be leveling up the rares and epics needed for the fusion too.
  • As dthorne mentioned above, if it's a traditional fusion event then you will need a lot of potions.  I think 250 is probably on the high side, but very good to aim for
  • Finally, it is a committment for 2 weeks.  You should assume that you will need to be actively engaging the game during this time, and depending on where you are it will likely drain you completely, but in terms of resources and also mental fatigue.
Jun 5, 2022, 05:3606/05/22

@Rose Royal ..... Thanks for the info.  It looks daunting but its time to give it a try.  

Jun 5, 2022, 07:2006/05/22

@Rose Royal ..... Thanks for the info.  It looks daunting but its time to give it a try.  

Best of luck my friend, I hope everything works out.  Make sure you plan ahead once the schedule is announced.  For example, if a Dragon tournament starts, and a dungeon divers starts 1 day later, then hold off on running Dragon until both are active.  You will save energy and earn points to two things at once.  Also, as you get the rares, hold off on upgrading them until Champion Training starts.  

Jun 5, 2022, 08:2206/05/22

Best of luck my friend, I hope everything works out.  Make sure you plan ahead once the schedule is announced.  For example, if a Dragon tournament starts, and a dungeon divers starts 1 day later, then hold off on running Dragon until both are active.  You will save energy and earn points to two things at once.  Also, as you get the rares, hold off on upgrading them until Champion Training starts.  

Will GH upgrade and Forge be a part of the fusion event?

Jun 5, 2022, 08:5006/05/22

Will GH upgrade and Forge be a part of the fusion event?

they will not. great hall and forge only affect cvc tournaments, which are conducted independantly from fusions.

Jun 5, 2022, 11:0906/05/22

Will GH upgrade and Forge be a part of the fusion event?

As Carpe has mentioned above, they will not be part of any event/tournament for the fusion, so feel free to upgrade your Great Hall or get artifacts from Forge now.  If you do get some decent artifacts though, then consider upgrading them just to 12 and holding off until the fusion event to upgrade them to 16

Jun 5, 2022, 17:1106/05/22

they will not. great hall and forge only affect cvc tournaments, which are conducted independantly from fusions.

I would forge everything you can, sell all the crap and roll that good gear during artifact events. 

Jun 5, 2022, 20:5306/05/22

As Carpe has mentioned above, they will not be part of any event/tournament for the fusion, so feel free to upgrade your Great Hall or get artifacts from Forge now.  If you do get some decent artifacts though, then consider upgrading them just to 12 and holding off until the fusion event to upgrade them to 16

I can upgrade GH and use the forge during CvC.  I sell most of the forge gear.  Its a source of silver for me.  

Are there any other CvC activities that are not part of the fusion?  

Jun 5, 2022, 21:1406/05/22
Jun 5, 2022, 21:15(edited)

I can upgrade GH and use the forge during CvC.  I sell most of the forge gear.  Its a source of silver for me.  

Are there any other CvC activities that are not part of the fusion?  

I don't do CvC much, so will probably miss a few, but there are quite a few things that gain you points there but are not part of any fusion/fragment event

  • Using books to upgrade a champions skills
  • Running Potions Keeps and Minotaurs (though this will use your energy, so if you are saving up then avoid.
    I guess in theory you run Potion keeps during a fusion, to get Potions, but you don't earn any points for it)
  • Running faction war stages
  • Earning gold bars in tag team arena
  • Using Glyphs in artifacts
  • Using Gems (I'd also avoid this, as you want to save your gems for energy or ancient shards if needed)
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