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Arena Changes (From Digest)

Arena Changes (From Digest)

Apr 11, 2022, 21:5504/11/22

Everyone just needs to set single champ defenses now.

Not sure why g1-g3 didn't get the memo... or those are just the inactive accounts you gotta climb through.

Apr 11, 2022, 22:0004/11/22

Someone up there makes a super valid point. One of the issues i find is power.

First of all, it means almost nothing when you take a 4-man team and check its power. The quality and amount of skills a champion has is not reflected in the power. And as for total account power. I agree with the above, the uncommons and rares should have their base power dropped. Because everyone tends to keep hundreds of those, for various reasons, either for the "just in case i need them later" or, because they are working to make them chickens of a certain level. All in all, they take space, they inflate power for nothing and thus affect your matchmaking. You guys ever notice, right after ranking up a champ to 6* ? Poof, 100k power disappears from your acccount LOL. This is comical to say the least. (I tend to make my 6-stars all in one go, to score points for events or CVC, so 100k is about right if all is prepped up in advance)

Another thing that could be done, and this would be awesome for so many reasons. Place a new tab in the tavern. So we can go in, and immediately trade our bad heroes for chickens. This would alleviate the useless power stacked up in your vault from future chicken champions. Dont forget. If you wish to make a 6-star champ, and your goal is to get it ranked up through uncommons and rares alone, without using chickens, you need 100 of them in total, worked to 3-1. And if all these 100 were uncommons, you need another mix of 200 uncommons or upgraded commons to get them from 2-20 to 3-1.

One could thus keep their inventory tidy a lot more easily. And trading in champs for chickens still needs to be carefully weighed, because you can't level up chickens, so you'd still need to keep some in your bag for those purposes, but once worked to the level you want, you could say bye bye instead of having to wait to have everything you need to get your 6-star champ. Amount of work wouldnt change, this would only be a space saver, and a way to keep useless power out of the equation.

Apr 11, 2022, 22:0404/11/22

Everyone just needs to set single champ defenses now.

Not sure why g1-g3 didn't get the memo... or those are just the inactive accounts you gotta climb through.

So theoretically, once your in gold it is basically permanent unless you go inactive? Assuming the 5 loss limit stays.  We went from point deflation to extreme point inflation... 😆 

I like the "solution" and I use the term loosely. Seems like a win for pretty much everyone 

Apr 11, 2022, 22:1204/11/22

So theoretically, once your in gold it is basically permanent unless you go inactive? Assuming the 5 loss limit stays.  We went from point deflation to extreme point inflation... 😆 

I like the "solution" and I use the term loosely. Seems like a win for pretty much everyone 

It's a massive over correction imo.  I do think your losses should be capped each day, but I think it should be more around the 39 mark, not 5.

But I only do arena for GH so I'm loving it and hope it stays.  😁

Apr 11, 2022, 22:1704/11/22

It's a massive over correction imo.  I do think your losses should be capped each day, but I think it should be more around the 39 mark, not 5.

But I only do arena for GH so I'm loving it and hope it stays.  😁

5, 39, ... close enough 

Apr 12, 2022, 01:4304/12/22

The changes are helping me in Silver3.  I wish they would do something for Tag Arena.  I made Bronze 2 but wont be there for long.  

Apr 12, 2022, 05:3504/12/22

5, 39, ... close enough 

220, 221 . . . whatever it takes

someone please tell me you got that reference.

Apr 12, 2022, 15:3204/12/22

people just wanna get new lego arbiter  nothing more 

its stupid after 2 or more years you need to farm tons items to get single champion

Apr 12, 2022, 20:1804/12/22

It's a massive over correction imo.  I do think your losses should be capped each day, but I think it should be more around the 39 mark, not 5.

But I only do arena for GH so I'm loving it and hope it stays.  😁

There is no limit in plat for hits- so the competitiveness is there for those who want it.

Most people just are not interested in the competitive side of classic however and just want to farm their great hall, so who cares if its gone a bit easy below plat?

Apr 12, 2022, 23:4004/12/22

There is no limit in plat for hits- so the competitiveness is there for those who want it.

Most people just are not interested in the competitive side of classic however and just want to farm their great hall, so who cares if its gone a bit easy below plat?

Tonnnnns of people that don't belong anywhere near plat snuck into plat last reset.  G5 should be the buffer, that's when you should start taking infinite losses on your defense, not once you hit plat.  Then you could have the best of both worlds, plat would still mean something for the ultra-competitive, g1-4 would be there for us just wanting to farm GH.

Apr 13, 2022, 02:3404/13/22

220, 221 . . . whatever it takes

someone please tell me you got that reference.

Mr mom.  I don't think most on here were born yet

Apr 13, 2022, 04:4904/13/22

yeah, that's what I was afraid of.

I find that less and less people seem to understand the many 80s movie quotes I continually rattle off.

Apr 13, 2022, 06:0804/13/22

Is this supposed to be fixed??? It's worse than ever. I thought I would be stuck in Silver 3 forever but it's clear I'll never be able stay that high. I'm plummeting and no hope of sliwing it. The matching is a joke. Power rating is meaningless. It doesn't need a tweak, it is utterly nonsensical. The numbers might as well be random. Are we being PUNKED? Is it some elaborate prank? How are teams that are literally invulnerable in Silver 3? There is no way these are not higher up the ladder. No way I should be matched. It's utterly absurd. I think the whole system is a lie, or some kind of psychotic experiment. It can't even suck money out of me because refreshing over and over produces nothing but the same. Teams that are preposterously overpowered for this level. A fix? HA! What a crock. 

Apr 13, 2022, 06:3104/13/22

Tonnnnns of people that don't belong anywhere near plat snuck into plat last reset.  G5 should be the buffer, that's when you should start taking infinite losses on your defense, not once you hit plat.  Then you could have the best of both worlds, plat would still mean something for the ultra-competitive, g1-4 would be there for us just wanting to farm GH.

I honestly dont mind, G5 or Plat- i am just pleased people can work on their GH

The matchmaking by player power below gold is still an abomination and ive seen some daft stuff from content creators.

Apr 14, 2022, 06:0704/14/22

this isn't really fixing arena, its made it a total joke tbh. I'm sure people are happy that its "easy" and they can get medals but this isn't how an arena should be. 

Apr 15, 2022, 06:0504/15/22

people just wanna get new lego arbiter  nothing more 

its stupid after 2 or more years you need to farm tons items to get single champion

I dont think so, many players who give advice here have Arbiter (just like me), their advice or idea it's really about how they should make better the arena. Thats would the point.

Apr 15, 2022, 10:5504/15/22

more tiers after gold one   can solve this

1 or 3 points after you lose not 8 or 12

each 3 wins  15 or 30 points if you can get 5 wins  in total in arena 50 extra points

remove speed   make champion capped only to speed of champion

to allow other champion come in arena not always arbiter or some speed nukers

its boring to play arena

season rewards at end of month 100 gems or more  per tier you stay as reward

to give motivation  to play arena

why over 60%  players need to farm tons champions to make good arena team to get single gold champions

its very easy to fix  

Apr 15, 2022, 14:1804/15/22

this isn't really fixing arena, its made it a total joke tbh. I'm sure people are happy that its "easy" and they can get medals but this isn't how an arena should be. 


Would be hilarious if this guy was savvy enough to sneak into platinum at reset. 

If reset wasn't at a horrible time for me, this would be the one week I could actually pull it off. 

I am guessing, as suggested above by Chris I think, that G5 will have the 5-loss limit removed or significantly increased. 

Apr 16, 2022, 08:4004/16/22

more tiers after gold one   can solve this

1 or 3 points after you lose not 8 or 12

each 3 wins  15 or 30 points if you can get 5 wins  in total in arena 50 extra points

remove speed   make champion capped only to speed of champion

to allow other champion come in arena not always arbiter or some speed nukers

its boring to play arena

season rewards at end of month 100 gems or more  per tier you stay as reward

to give motivation  to play arena

why over 60%  players need to farm tons champions to make good arena team to get single gold champions

its very easy to fix  

Easy fix? I dont think so.

1st remove speed didnt work, and if you pull second team, you have counter against speed teams. Pulling arena champions no other thing just luck. But Player power its not the best approach for Pvp, because some players got other champions, which is better at other section not at Pvp, BUT PLAYER POWER INCREASED FOR THIS CHAMPIONS TOO!

Plarium decreased the gap at point system, no more -1 to +17 differences. Thats fine.

Speed nukers ? Thats blockable if you smart. You can kil easy a speed team if you are smart.

PvP boring??? I dont think so, its mandatory for your progression, that bonds to Great Hall, where you can get more bonuses. Do it or dont do it, your choice, but you will miss plus bonuses if you abandoned this game section.

I see other problems. First PVE ,Pvp system bonuses bond to each other. Thats not really good. PvP fix made too easy to proggression. No Tournament or Events where you can win Medals, but PvE bonuses bonded to PvP system. Etc, etc ,etc

Apr 17, 2022, 07:0904/17/22
Apr 17, 2022, 07:53(edited)

What missions by number are affected by those changes anyways?

I'm stuck on mission 225, and it says i need to reach gold 1. Thats the mission right before the one asking to fuse Relic Keeper.

Is that right? Not sure how this could be, since i never reached gold 1 before, so how could i have completed the old missions that got lowered to S3 and S4 if i hadnt reached g1 and g2 already? Kinda confused here.

P.S. Can someone clarify something else as well for me? I read above that players in gold cannot lose more than 5x per day on defense? So why is it that i get attacked like 30x per day in silver?