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The Ending Of Kael

The Ending Of Kael

Apr 2, 2022, 21:3604/02/22

The Ending Of Kael

Though my kael has the highest overall power on my team he's just not keeping up. He still works ok for cb for now but I will be replacing him with a diff nuke/debuffer pretty soon.

Apr 2, 2022, 21:3804/02/22
Apr 2, 2022, 23:56(edited)

I'm thinking Fodbor or Chonoru as a rep till i get a more permanent champ

Apr 2, 2022, 22:3304/02/22

My apothecary is also fading away. hes not even on my main hes just a backup i use as a place filler in battles that can use 5 or 6 champs. Magister might be ranked up just because i need a reviver. I can put alot of def on him to keep him alive. 

Apr 2, 2022, 22:4704/02/22

Fodbor is a great champ, but he and Kael do very different things. Let's look at their jobs:

Kael poisons and AoE nukes, is a pure DPS. And for almost any account, is the best DPS they have until mid-game.

Fodbor is a debuffer, and a good one, who can place an AoE Dec Def at 100% when booked. In addition to that, he can steal buffs or stun, as well as placing a Heal Reduction debuff.

Basically those two champs are meant to work together! Fodbor applies Dec Def to the team, and Kael nukes them, doing tons more damage because the opposing champs defense are all reduced by 60%, which means they mitigate a LOT less damage. :)

Put them on the same team, each built to do the job they are designed for and good at. Fodbor with mainly Speed and Accuracy, Kael going a little slower with Crit Rate, Attack, Crit Damage and some Accuracy.

Apr 2, 2022, 22:4804/02/22
Ophelia Later

My apothecary is also fading away. hes not even on my main hes just a backup i use as a place filler in battles that can use 5 or 6 champs. Magister might be ranked up just because i need a reviver. I can put alot of def on him to keep him alive. 

As far as Apothecary. Lets look at his build and see what we can do to get him helping your team better. He is rightfully viewed as one of the best champs in the game. When built with Speed, Crit Rate and some Sustainability, he is stronger than almost all Epics, and a good deal of Legendary champs.

Apr 2, 2022, 23:0204/02/22

Its the gear, not the champ. 

Apr 2, 2022, 23:4504/02/22

well with the whole fodbor kael thing tayrel also has an aoe decrease deff so i already had that set up. Urogrim already places all the poisons i need and its aoe and puts a continuos heal on all champs. Urogrim fills the position of kael with his a3 and replaces apothecarys heal with a3 and a2. plus urogrim has a speed aura so hes already doing everything kael and apoth do. if i add a stronger nuker in kaels place like dark athel (whitch i get tomorrow) I'll be fine. Right? please let me know if im missing something important here.

Apr 3, 2022, 00:0304/03/22
Ophelia Later

My apothecary is also fading away. hes not even on my main hes just a backup i use as a place filler in battles that can use 5 or 6 champs. Magister might be ranked up just because i need a reviver. I can put alot of def on him to keep him alive. 

Apothecary is a fantastic champ, and so much better than Magister. They look the same (in game, not the avatar pic), that's because Magister wants to be like his great example Apothecary. Sadly he isn't.

Apo is fantastic. Speed buffs are great in PvE as well, your team gets more turns before the enemy is able to move.

Magister on the other hand is not even a real reviver, he can only place the revive on death buff. That's more or less useless, because you have to do so before your team member is killed. Apo could heal the injured team member instead. And if it works like intended and Magister would place the buff at the right time, the revived champ will have only 30% of his hp, 0 turn meter and no protection. That's the worst revive mechanic in game. Compare to Scyl's revive with 50% hp and ally protection.

Apo helped me a lot in early game, and I still use him in DT vs. Griffon as healer (at this place, with his tm-boost disabled). Apo has no useless bs-debuff on his A1, what is good vs. Griffon and some other DT bosses, who counter debuffs very painfull, and he is one of the best single target healers in the game. Sethalia can heal for more hp, but she is legendary, Apo only rare.

Apr 3, 2022, 00:1104/03/22

yeah ik apo is better than magi that wasnt the question

Apr 3, 2022, 00:1604/03/22
Ophelia Later

well with the whole fodbor kael thing tayrel also has an aoe decrease deff so i already had that set up. Urogrim already places all the poisons i need and its aoe and puts a continuos heal on all champs. Urogrim fills the position of kael with his a3 and replaces apothecarys heal with a3 and a2. plus urogrim has a speed aura so hes already doing everything kael and apoth do. if i add a stronger nuker in kaels place like dark athel (whitch i get tomorrow) I'll be fine. Right? please let me know if im missing something important here.

Urogrim and Apo work well together. Urorgim has a speed aura, but no speed buff, Apo the other way round. The two mechanics don't exclude each other, Urogrim + Apo will make a real fast team. 

And Dark Athel is sadly not worth investing in, she is a quite bad log-in reward. Her base attack is high, but the damage multipliers, that are not shown in game, but can be looked at sites like Ayumi or HellHades, are very low. Her strongest attack, the A3, has a multiplier of 3.65 x 1465 attack = 5347. Kael has a lower base attack of 1200, but his A2 has a multiplier of 4.65 x 1200 = 5580. The rest of his kit is much more impressive as well. Extra crit chance on the A2 (easy to gear), tm fill for each killed enemy on the A2, poisons. Dark Athel is supposed to be a damage dealer, but the real Athel from the Sacred Order kept her weapon when her dark "sister" was created, so Dark Athel has to hit with a wet noodle instead.

Apr 3, 2022, 00:2904/03/22

this is bs. yaga is crap aparently dark athel is crap the login bonus chars are dissapointing. is dark elhain good or junk too

Apr 3, 2022, 00:3304/03/22
Ophelia Later

this is bs. yaga is crap aparently dark athel is crap the login bonus chars are dissapointing. is dark elhain good or junk too

This might be something to get used to.

Most champs in this game are crap.

Shrug I use Dark Athel as my Campain farmer as I do not care about the speed in which they kill as long as the kill 100%.

I hope you listen to advice given here, just a warning the first fussion you might try Relic Keeper is total trash do not waste any resources on them they are straight food IMO.

Apr 3, 2022, 00:4804/03/22
Ophelia Later

this is bs. yaga is crap aparently dark athel is crap the login bonus chars are dissapointing. is dark elhain good or junk too

Dark Elhain has some niche uses against Tormin teams. Otherwise, she's largely useless. Ditto for Dark Athel.

Most of the login champs are not good. However, there are a few that are AMAZING, so they make up for it.

The good ones are:

  • High Khatun
  • Scyl
  • Ghrush
  • Visix
  • Cleopterix
Apr 3, 2022, 00:5304/03/22
Apr 3, 2022, 00:55(edited)
Ophelia Later

this is bs. yaga is crap aparently dark athel is crap the login bonus chars are dissapointing. is dark elhain good or junk too

Dark Elhain is very strong, because she can give a 50% increase attack buff on herself before attacking. It depends on what dungeon you are doing and what champs you have at your account, but maybe you have no spot in your team for somebody who only provides an attack buff to your damage dealer. If so, Dark Elhain will outperform 99% of all other damage dealers. Her unfreeze mechanic is quite nice at Ice Golem and maybe in arena you can try to counter some Tormin teams.

The log-in champs are like other group of champs in this game, some are great, some are trash. But it's a bad streak with Yaga followed by Dark Athel. Dark Elhain is great. Lordly Legionaire is ok for Fire Knight, but not really top tier. At day 180 comes Scyl, she is fantastic. Tainix, well, let's not talk about her. Grush is interesting for CB, leech and attack debuff in one champ. I underrated this champ totally and used him only for faction wars for a very long time. And Visix is another top champ, tm reduction for bosses (Spider, Fire Knight, Scarab King, Dark Fae) and provoke on all enemies for the waves.


Obviously krama and I disagree about Dark Elhain.

Apr 3, 2022, 01:0604/03/22

I don't think we necessarily disagree on Dark Elhain - I think I was more operating under the assumption that there would be other buffers available. For OP, you're right, for right now she will definitely be useful. I think her value just falls off quickly, which is why I consider her niche.

Apr 3, 2022, 01:5104/03/22
Apr 3, 2022, 01:51(edited)

interesting insight. Either way im gunna eventually 6* her i like collecting champs even if i never use em.

Apr 3, 2022, 04:1404/03/22
Ophelia Later

interesting insight. Either way im gunna eventually 6* her i like collecting champs even if i never use em.

I strongly recommend you do *not* just randomly start six-starring champs. As I've said many times - this game preys on people with a lack of focus. You'll never run out of champs that are "interesting". Keep your focus. Don't waste time on champs that have no specific use for you.

Keep 'em in your vault, sure. But don't waste resources on them until you know exactly what you want to use them for.

Apr 3, 2022, 05:1004/03/22

i have a quest to get 5 r6 champs so technically it wouldnt be for no reason it would simpily helping me progress in missions. besides im in this game for the full experience and i cant get that by simpily tossing all champs aside that are useless to me at this point in the game.

Apr 3, 2022, 11:3404/03/22

Maybe you have other champs in your roster that are more usefull to 6* to complete the quest. Just start with them, it takes some time to 6* champs anyway. Untill you have two or three other champs at 6*, you probably got Dark Elhain, who has a much higher value than Dark Athel. 

The limiting parts in this game are not champs or shards. The limiting parts are silver (to gear your champs, you don't want them to fight in unleveled artifacts), energy (it takes thousands to bring a champ to 6*), real life time (and I allready play much more than I should), but definetly not champs. I have the following champs in my vault, that I want to make 6* later on, but didn't yet due to the limiting factors I mentioned: 

  1. Legendary: Karato Foxhunter, Yannica, Basileus Roanas, Samar Gemcursed, Kantra the Cyclone
  2. Epic: Husk, Rearguard Sergeant, Skytouched Shaman, Fahrakin the Fat, Mordecai

All of them are worth 6*. If I would have 6-starred useless champs like Dark Athel, this list would be longer and longer. You do yourself a favour if you save some resources, then you are able to bring a champ worth 6* to that level immediately as you get him.

Apr 3, 2022, 12:1704/03/22

why does kael need to go? He will still work for you in many areas of the game, I would worry about not needing him anymore after you have a much much larger roster to choose from.

Apr 3, 2022, 14:0104/03/22

Maybe you have other champs in your roster that are more usefull to 6* to complete the quest. Just start with them, it takes some time to 6* champs anyway. Untill you have two or three other champs at 6*, you probably got Dark Elhain, who has a much higher value than Dark Athel. 

The limiting parts in this game are not champs or shards. The limiting parts are silver (to gear your champs, you don't want them to fight in unleveled artifacts), energy (it takes thousands to bring a champ to 6*), real life time (and I allready play much more than I should), but definetly not champs. I have the following champs in my vault, that I want to make 6* later on, but didn't yet due to the limiting factors I mentioned: 

  1. Legendary: Karato Foxhunter, Yannica, Basileus Roanas, Samar Gemcursed, Kantra the Cyclone
  2. Epic: Husk, Rearguard Sergeant, Skytouched Shaman, Fahrakin the Fat, Mordecai

All of them are worth 6*. If I would have 6-starred useless champs like Dark Athel, this list would be longer and longer. You do yourself a favour if you save some resources, then you are able to bring a champ worth 6* to that level immediately as you get him.

Quick note. I took Karato to 60 the day I pulled him, and immediately worked on his masteries. He is a really sweet champ. Hihgly recommend a build. :D