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Problems in Arena

Problems in Arena

Mar 18, 2022, 21:5803/18/22
Mar 18, 2022, 22:29(edited)

Do you find that Dark Elhain actually works to counter Tormin? I've considered building her, because I am just so fed up with that champ. Nothing I have truly counters him. My best bet is to run my Mortu team and hope that I get a Peril proc that isn't locked out by his freeze.

She CAN BE quite effective, and she is SO MUCH fun to watch do her thing and just lay the smack down on Tormin teams. But her lower attack numbers means she is stealing amazing gear that could be better served on my main nuker. Otherwise she can't punch through the enemy team before Tormin eventually freezes her. That 1 turn cooldown on her passive can be nail bititng sometimes. Having a good stable of champs is one thing, but too many nukers makes them all weaker.

That said, she CLEANS HOUSE when she gets going, especially in G4. Makes me giggle maniacally, maybe the funnest thing to do in Raid is to just let her Death's Majesty people. I have streamed some Plat pushes before and @dthorne04 can add how fun it is just watching her, if it is. :D 

I am getting slightly better results from Immunity Hakkorhn. As you could from Immunity Maus Mage or Skytouched. You speed buff and then he goes and cleanses the freezes.

Perhaps the best combo would be to rebuild her to pair with Hakkorhn or Maus Mage and let her activate Death's Majesty on the freezes, blow them up, then Hakkohrn cleanses, and blocks debuffs, letting her passive reset and her nuke again.

Mar 18, 2022, 22:2703/18/22

Do you find that Dark Elhain actually works to counter Tormin? I've considered building her, because I am just so fed up with that champ. Nothing I have truly counters him. My best bet is to run my Mortu team and hope that I get a Peril proc that isn't locked out by his freeze.

She's ok as a counter - but you have to count on the RNG.  If you have a speed team that can put on a block debuffs - that's a better route.

And to reiterate what said - if you are not running 320+ speed - don't expect to go first (or at all) in G4 or higher.  Yes, that's the game - sorry.  There are some speedsters in the lower tiers that should be higher - but aren't for whatever reason - it happens.  Create a defensive team if you can - there are some really good setups out there that I've run into with my speed team that I will lose to if I leave it on auto. ( I run 340 Arbiter and 370 Siphi, Madam Seris and Foli  - they are both 260+)

Mar 19, 2022, 01:4703/19/22

I notice I was tagged a couple times to join this conversation, but I am afraid you might not appreciate my thoughts, @CatsMeow

First of all, teams are already removed when they are inactive. Plarium automatically refreshes the arena pool, taking away accounts that are not being played. They do not just fall endlessly to Bronze and just sit in Bronze forever as a wall, even though sometimes it may feel that way when you are struggling in Arena.

Second of all, I am F2P and struggled my way up into Silver, then Gold, and now sit in Gold 5. I share this so you know that I understand how tough it is to improve in Arena. Videos like the one below helped me finally progress:

How to build a great speed/nuke team to climb to Silver and Gold Arena: 

Thirdly, team power does not mean anything for your potential to beat a team. Instead, it is about using the opposing team's power as a guide to tell you what team you want to bring in to oppose the enemy team. I am going to drop some screens below to show that I change my champs and attacking squad to match the opposing champs and opposing team power. This is where the steep learning curve of Arena comes in. Learning the matchups and learning what "style" of teams you can easily defeat and where you might struggle. Let me show you a little bit of what I mean below, using all the champs I have done fusions for, earned with missions, or been lucky enough to pull since 2019. You may notice every one of these teams has a higher team power than me:


A match against a very high team power, beating me by about 150k. But Hege decreases Siphi's orTM with his A1, ensuring my Arbiter goes first. Then I lock in the enemy squad with Maulie's provoke, they all get to go and smack her, getting rid of Swift Parry buffs, then my Big'Un goes and cleans up.


Another matchup similar to the last.


And this is the setup I use when faced with Cardinal revive teams. Deny TM, smack, block revive with Lydia.


Are we going to need to buff strip a slow team? Deny their TM and hit them with a very, very accurate Serris.


Somebody has a poorly built a defense team based around Tormin? Clear those freezes with Hakkorhn or Maus Mage and smack with Seer. 


And here is me just getting SMACKED, even with a Hegemon and even with a crazily well built Dark Elhain to counter Tormin. (Not included were the two Hakkorhn attempts where I also got quickly smacked down.) This one is included to show that sometimes someone else's gear and team build just can beat you, and beat you handily, even over multiple attempts with multiple teams.

The best thing I can do to beat GremlinBoi, my fellow mod, is to farm more gear. Becuase right now, his superior gear is overcoming any advantages I have in champ selection, or from being the attacker. His resistances and speeds beat my account's speeds and accuracy.

In summary, if you want to make gold, we are here to help. But it will take time to farm gear, and lots of time building champs and learning the meta. I was struggling way back when to push Silver 1, doing it with combinations of High Khatun, Spirithost, Dhukk, Athel and Rowan, eventually with Dark Elhain and Klodd too. Eventually you get better and better champs from top chesting NM and UNM clan boss and getting shards, and even later, pull a Tormin or a Hege or Siphi and Rotos, or Trunda or Foli.

I noticed that one of the key elements in your thread is that most of your teams have Arbeiter. I am free to play with Minnie munch and I can't get out of silver 4.  The power creep is ridiculous. I can't move forward without Arbiter  or  someone  similar  and  i  cant  gt  them  till  i  move  forward    

Arena  is  broken  and  i  am  done  with  it  as  a  competition    ill  do  five  runs  to  get  my  quest  and  move  on    have  fun  with  300  point  teams  in  silver  III

Mar 19, 2022, 03:4503/19/22

I noticed that one of the key elements in your thread is that most of your teams have Arbeiter. I am free to play with Minnie munch and I can't get out of silver 4.  The power creep is ridiculous. I can't move forward without Arbiter  or  someone  similar  and  i  cant  gt  them  till  i  move  forward    

Arena  is  broken  and  i  am  done  with  it  as  a  competition    ill  do  five  runs  to  get  my  quest  and  move  on    have  fun  with  300  point  teams  in  silver  III

Yes and she forget from her story, the arena rules changed and easy at lvl90 and Arbiter and Hegemon stand at gold4 and gold5. But arena changed, player power count at enemy, point system changed to 3-17, etc. The Arena more difficult than ever before.  This problem led to, the younger player cant reach Arbiter , thats more difficult than 2019-20-21. And not just i telling this, who easily stand gold5 or reach sometimes plat league, Hellhades tell it too. Why? Because arena rules went to bad directions. Other thing no gold league, no bonuses from arena tier, no bonuses from Great Hall, no Arbiter and the player weaker at PVE content too.

Mar 20, 2022, 04:0003/20/22

Gold 1 in present days
