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Classic Arena is Fun! Tag Arena is even better!

Classic Arena is Fun! Tag Arena is even better!

Jan 12, 2022, 14:4301/12/22


So we tell noobs to grind until their eyes bleed to compete in classic G4, but this ask for a maximum of 6 tag matches per day to allow everyone to compete in tag casually is a way to make it "interesting" ...

Get good should apply the same to classic and tag, no?

Classic arena I can run on auto 90% of the time. Tag arena I can basically never run on auto, and couldn't ever see myself being able to either. That's the big difference in my mind.

Jan 12, 2022, 14:5201/12/22

I don't think 'get gud' can apply to TAG the way it's set up, classic yes of course, but at some point in TAG you are going to hit a wall and unless you're a super whale not many will have offensive teams to beat the heavy defence teams and also have their own defense to deter the feeding near reset

Seems arbitrary to me. Clearly the Tag wall is significantly higher, and I don't dismiss the argument that it should be lowered.  The LOE for f2p to hurdle into G1 is substantial, but I would argue that one "paywall" in the entire game is more than reasonable.