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Vizier and Elenaril

Vizier and Elenaril

Jan 2, 2022, 22:1401/02/22

Vizier and Elenaril

1. I am setting up Vizier for CB team... my understanding is that Elenaril's poison explosion is not effective against the demon lord, can someone verify or refute that for me?

2. I read somewhere that poison explosions diminish over time, such that Vizier and Elenaril do not work well together... that she needs "fresh poisons" to be effective. Is that true?

3. Do you think Vizier and Elenaril would make pretty babies? 

Thanks in advance for some help!

Jan 2, 2022, 22:5101/02/22
Jan 2, 2022, 22:53(edited)

Making babies is all that matters. Pretty or not is secondary.

EDIT: Sorry, I haven't devoloped my Vizier yet and havn't used Eleneril in a long time.  Some others will address those questions.

Jan 2, 2022, 23:0401/02/22
  1. Poison explosion is not very effective vs. CB, because the explosion damage is capped (at very low value) in this fight. Some other attacks, that have nothing to do with poison, have the same problem, for example Coldheart's A3. No big damage vs. CB from enemy max hp attacks or poison explosion.
  2. As far as I know, the damage from poison explosion depends on the duration of the poisons. Or, more accurate, it depends on the damage the poison would do, the total damage, not the damage per turn. Longer poison duration = more poison damage. So Vizier with his debuff extension would be a very good partner for Elenaril.
  3. As prudery is the new forum meta (getting banned if you mention that Warmaiden is hot) I'm not going to say anything about this topic.
Jan 2, 2022, 23:1101/02/22
  1. Poison explosion is not very effective vs. CB, because the explosion damage is capped (at very low value) in this fight. Some other attacks, that have nothing to do with poison, have the same problem, for example Coldheart's A3. No big damage vs. CB from enemy max hp attacks or poison explosion.
  2. As far as I know, the damage from poison explosion depends on the duration of the poisons. Or, more accurate, it depends on the damage the poison would do, the total damage, not the damage per turn. Longer poison duration = more poison damage. So Vizier with his debuff extension would be a very good partner for Elenaril.
  3. As prudery is the new forum meta (getting banned if you mention that Warmaiden is hot) I'm not going to say anything about this topic.

1. Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. I think I may have also missed the enemy max hp attacks issue as well, luckily hasn't affected me.

2. Thanks... will definitely experiment. Didn't want to build them to work together just to have to respect them later!

3. Enough said 🙂

Overall, thanks for the info.

Jan 2, 2022, 23:1501/02/22

What Skadi says is correct I believe, but if you have Venomage she is a fantastic partner for Vizier.

Jan 2, 2022, 23:4001/02/22

What Skadi says is correct I believe, but if you have Venomage she is a fantastic partner for Vizier.

ooo, I have had Venomage in my "to do" pile... might need to jump her up the list

Jan 3, 2022, 00:0501/03/22

ooo, I have had Venomage in my "to do" pile... might need to jump her up the list

I think she works because she only activates the poisons, where Elenaril would set them all off, but the damage is capped. 

Jan 3, 2022, 00:2401/03/22
Jan 3, 2022, 00:34(edited)

3) Let's get serious and let me address this one real quick.

Vizier Ovelis is a murderous tomb-robber who "forged a bloody path to the height of Dark Elven society. Many would-be rivals were found dead in their seemingly impenetrable estates, killed by poison or by blade." Ovelis is widely feared as "a blade in the dark that strikes wherever it wills" and "serves no master but himself."

Elenaril is a highborn Royal Adjudicator who is "as skilled with a bow as she is with courtly manners and her knowledge of Aravian Law" and "called to settle disputes between her peers or stand judgement over them for their crimes. Intrigue and assassinations are a particularly common offense, and thus Elenaril herself has been targetted by foolish would-be murderers more than once" leading to "Elenaril serving as both judge and executioner, sometimes by an arrow to the heart, and sometimes by more subtle means."

Sounds like they are destined to be bitter enemies. So, they definitely meet and fall in love, Romeo and Juliet style, right? Tragic, star crossed lovers. Or maybe they defy all the odds in some MeetCute story where they trade emails until they both see they were always destined to be together.


Jan 3, 2022, 01:4401/03/22

harleQuinn... well  it's nice to see someone is taking this seriously... I originally thought of them like Antony and Cleopatra, but whether that or Romeo and Juliet, we end up with someone poisoned which seems apt.

But I do like the other possibility... they meet in front of the dragon's lair, reluctantly ready to work together, gazing at each other with contempt... but as they battle through waves of enemies and then confront they great beast, their disdain for each other turns to respect. As they work so well together, she starts to see him beyond his hardened, blood soaked shell. He starts to see her less as a posh aristocrat, but now as the strong and careful warrior she is.

Finally, standing over a six star legendary helmet, they lock eyes with a new sense of curiosity... will he let down his guard and take a chance? Can she put together the pieces of her heart, broken for these last few years when Ithos cheated on her with that tramp Lyssandra?

They agree to meet at the tavern to celebrate their victory, and to get to know each other better. Turns out they both like crossword puzzles and the lewd epic poetry of Riho Bonespear. They make plans to see a reading of Riho's magnum opus "The Bawdy Banner Lord." During a stanza about farming food at Felwin's Gate, they lock eyes and both together decide to give love a chance...

I say it works out great.. she even manages to supress her jealousy over the fact that Vezier teams with Venomage to attack the demon lord... 

And of course I slipped down ot second place in the Champion Training tournament while writing this...

Jan 3, 2022, 02:2801/03/22

I'm fairly sure that Vizier is just using her to get close to the High Elf Queen to poison her. Or maybe he'll kill the whole High Elf court in a bloody coup at a wedding, a true Crimson Day.

I WANT to believe that is love is real, but do you remember how he left Sniper to die in the Wastelands. The man HAS NO HEART.


Jan 3, 2022, 03:0501/03/22

I'm fairly sure that Vizier is just using her to get close to the High Elf Queen to poison her. Or maybe he'll kill the whole High Elf court in a bloody coup at a wedding, a true Crimson Day.

I WANT to believe that is love is real, but do you remember how he left Sniper to die in the Wastelands. The man HAS NO HEART.


or perhaps he has a heart, it has just been hidden away, buried under his ambition and fury... 

Jan 3, 2022, 05:2801/03/22
Jan 3, 2022, 05:30(edited)

If you both collaborate and wrote this story, I would buy the first copy.

Jan 3, 2022, 11:1001/03/22

I'm fairly sure that Vizier is just using her to get close to the High Elf Queen to poison her. Or maybe he'll kill the whole High Elf court in a bloody coup at a wedding, a true Crimson Day.

I WANT to believe that is love is real, but do you remember how he left Sniper to die in the Wastelands. The man HAS NO HEART.


Why would Ovelis poison the High Elf queen? The story line while playing campaign as well as Elenaril's story both tell us, Queen Eva is the High Elf queen.  

Few sights cause as much concern and fear at Queen Eva’s court as the Royal Adjudicator Elenaril does.  

But Queen Eva is a Dark Elf. So the Dark Elves allready managed to conquer the High Elf nation without a war, just by making Eva, that looks like a Demon Spawn, the queen of the High Elves. Nowhere is explained how they did this, I guess Vizier Ovelis had is hands in this dirty plan.

Jan 3, 2022, 11:2101/03/22

He is a scared and lonely little boy crying for help.

Jan 3, 2022, 14:4101/03/22

Why would Ovelis poison the High Elf queen? The story line while playing campaign as well as Elenaril's story both tell us, Queen Eva is the High Elf queen.  

Few sights cause as much concern and fear at Queen Eva’s court as the Royal Adjudicator Elenaril does.  

But Queen Eva is a Dark Elf. So the Dark Elves allready managed to conquer the High Elf nation without a war, just by making Eva, that looks like a Demon Spawn, the queen of the High Elves. Nowhere is explained how they did this, I guess Vizier Ovelis had is hands in this dirty plan.

Few sights cause as much concern and fear at Queen Eva’s court as the Royal Adjudicator Elenaril does.  

To me it seems as if it's saying Elenaril scares the crap out of Queen Eva's court. 

Jan 3, 2022, 14:5001/03/22

I admittedly didn't pay that much attention to the camp story line 3 years ago, but wouldn't Eva be the Dark Elf Queen, not the High Elf Queen?

Jan 3, 2022, 14:5301/03/22
Few sights cause as much concern and fear at Queen Eva’s court as the Royal Adjudicator Elenaril does.  

To me it seems as if it's saying Elenaril scares the crap out of Queen Eva's court. 

There is another option not previously explored. We see her as the proper, law abiding aristocrat and him as the dark and evil figure.

But perhaps Elenaril is the machiavellian schemer. Using his ambition and bloodlust, she can sneak her way into the Dark Elf court, exploding a poison that takes out their aristocracy.

That might be a great Act III twist... 

If Plarium ever decides to have a fan fic contest, I would lose all productivity in the real world...

Jan 3, 2022, 16:3701/03/22

There is another option not previously explored. We see her as the proper, law abiding aristocrat and him as the dark and evil figure.

But perhaps Elenaril is the machiavellian schemer. Using his ambition and bloodlust, she can sneak her way into the Dark Elf court, exploding a poison that takes out their aristocracy.

That might be a great Act III twist... 

If Plarium ever decides to have a fan fic contest, I would lose all productivity in the real world...

Sounds like this is a suggestion I should make for one of the upcoming fan contests. lol

Jan 3, 2022, 16:4201/03/22

Why would Ovelis poison the High Elf queen? The story line while playing campaign as well as Elenaril's story both tell us, Queen Eva is the High Elf queen.  

Few sights cause as much concern and fear at Queen Eva’s court as the Royal Adjudicator Elenaril does.  

But Queen Eva is a Dark Elf. So the Dark Elves allready managed to conquer the High Elf nation without a war, just by making Eva, that looks like a Demon Spawn, the queen of the High Elves. Nowhere is explained how they did this, I guess Vizier Ovelis had is hands in this dirty plan.

Vizier Ovelis vey well might have had his evil, murderous hands in turning Eva to the darkness. He is the master of poisons, perhaps her concocted an evil potion that twisted her psyche and made her into a creature of the dark.

Perhaps Elenaril failed to detect him slipping such potions into Eva's drink at the Palace of Aravia, and now she hunts Vizier across Teleria, looking for revenge. Perhaps she is trying to shoot a fiery explosive arrow at him, detonating his vials and killing him in a fiery toxic cloud. Perhaps...

Jan 3, 2022, 19:2101/03/22

I used Vizier for a long time with Clan Boss.  He gets to the point where all the debuffs are extended for turns and turns and turns... One note of caution.  Make sure you have the debuffs you want for him to extend them, i.e. if you have Urogrim for example and he's loading up with poisons, you may run out of spots for a drop defense/drop ATK, etc.  With that said, he's awesome.  Once you have them all extended, make uyse of his other ability to place perfect Veil when available so he mitigates some of the damage coming in.

Jan 3, 2022, 21:1301/03/22

does the Vizier's buff extension require accuracy?