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The REAL Arena Problem !

The REAL Arena Problem !

Jan 1, 2022, 20:2001/01/22

Low power, high ranked teams with a good speed lead, a dec defense and a nuker are going to be fast. So I would put in a slow, tanky, high resist team, survive their attack, rez my team and wreck em. Or I would A1 their fastest champ with Hegemon, then Arbiter boost and provoke lockout with Maulie or Umbral.

Very high power, very high ranked teams with defensive champs will be slow and resist everything. So I put in a Yoshi to increase accuracy, strip them with Serris, and wreck em. Or, if Tormin, let Dark Elhain just do her thing and wreck with every freeze.

Like I said above, if you make Speed and Resistance weighted the same, you take away my ability to assess which teams do what. How do I tell a fast Siphi from a high resistance Siphi if their power is both 60k? The answer is, I don't.

What you are asking for would make arena more difficult, at least for people who have worked to learn the different arena strats and team compositions, and how to combat them with our own team changes.

No if another team fasten then your, you wont control the battle, you talking about Hegemon, ifff cant turn can do nothing. What happen if the enemy team has too, but faster ? Which skill you will use ? Madame Serris strip with A1 ? LOL

Every team have counter, and the opponents have advantages, because they see enemy teams and known which heroes (team compositions) need to move to battles for win. Thats why some second team working, but today first mostly and dominated attribute is the speed. Enough to see the platinum league. 99 percent top players playing with speed teams.

Jan 1, 2022, 20:5101/01/22

No if another team fasten then your, you wont control the battle, you talking about Hegemon, ifff cant turn can do nothing. What happen if the enemy team has too, but faster ? Which skill you will use ? Madame Serris strip with A1 ? LOL

Every team have counter, and the opponents have advantages, because they see enemy teams and known which heroes (team compositions) need to move to battles for win. Thats why some second team working, but today first mostly and dominated attribute is the speed. Enough to see the platinum league. 99 percent top players playing with speed teams.

Are you there? In plat? I see a huge mix of teams in Plat. Very different teams on defense than when I go back and see who has hit my defense.

And you can control the battle fine with go second teams. Just have to have high enough resistance and immunity gear, even better with a shield set or prefight passive shielder like Krisk.

Jan 1, 2022, 21:0401/01/22

No if another team fasten then your, you wont control the battle, you talking about Hegemon, ifff cant turn can do nothing. What happen if the enemy team has too, but faster ? Which skill you will use ? Madame Serris strip with A1 ? LOL

Every team have counter, and the opponents have advantages, because they see enemy teams and known which heroes (team compositions) need to move to battles for win. Thats why some second team working, but today first mostly and dominated attribute is the speed. Enough to see the platinum league. 99 percent top players playing with speed teams.

99% of the top players play with speed? Oof, I wonder who I'm running into then, last time I hit plat it was a wall of slow tank teams. 

Jan 1, 2022, 21:1201/01/22

99% of the top players play with speed? Oof, I wonder who I'm running into then, last time I hit plat it was a wall of slow tank teams. 

Me too. And if not that, then Nuke Heges with tank backups.

Jan 1, 2022, 21:1601/01/22
Jan 1, 2022, 21:18(edited)

Me too. And if not that, then Nuke Heges with tank backups.

We are the 1%? err, fighting the 1%?

Jan 2, 2022, 04:2701/02/22

This discussion thread is fascinating because the same information gets regurgitated by those, genuinely trying to be helpful, everytime arena gets too hard for lots of players.  Harle thx for trying to address the issue but you are also regurgitating the same stuff that was trotted out the last two times it broke . So pleased to read PVP is a development priority because ARENA is just too difficult for the overall game enjoyment again. 

My exposure suggests the algorithm does not give you slower teams in lower divisions.  The same quality of opponent is met in each division from silver to gold 4.   9 out of ten are led by speed leader ( mostly arbiter) that has higher than 280 speed.  Yes they have a nuker with over 250 cd to boot.   It is so hard to contemplate that 90% of players in these levels have speed leaders over 280 and a CD over 250 because it is so much deliberate effort required to achieve.  ( yes its understood that overall power influences getting so many teams with over 300 speed leaders and it can be dropped by employing the antithesis of a gatcha game) .  You not only need to farm dragon (or buy the gear),it needs to drop speed gear with speed sub stats and then you need to get really lucky to get double and triple rolls to even make 300 speed. Triple rolls on speed gear - funny that. BTW how much toxic, daze and frost gear drops per percentage of speed gear? 

I have no care what arean level I am in as long as the matching changes to weaker teams as you drop levels.  Eventually reaching a level where you might win a few. The arena breaks a lot for some obscure reason and the screams for mercy get louder and louder until it is temporarily fixed. Usually as players begin to leave because arena linked to great hall is too hard - again. 

Please just unlink arena from the great hall and arbiter missions until it the matching algorithm is changed and let me swim around in bronze fighting arbiters with 450 speed but unencumbered by the need to play it to advance. 

Jan 2, 2022, 09:1701/02/22

We are the 1%? err, fighting the 1%?

People keep telling me what I'm seeing in Plat, or what the game was like for me long before they started playing. 2022 is shaping up to be the Year of Doublethink, or How Quinn Learned to Ignore Reality and Embrace Cognitive Dissonance.

Jan 2, 2022, 11:1201/02/22

Are you two mods carrying on about platimum to obscure and avoid addressing the issue posted. It is, patronising to suggest to players that get consistently matched against 300 speed leads in low gold and high silver that they should build enormous stats for a team that can combat the speed and AOE massive nuker.  Please just report back that broken arena matching is frustrating the daylights out of you as volunteer mods having to address continuous moans about this aspect of the game.   And stop being so patronising about your own super performance and how easy it is/was for you.  When i scanned the first few pages of this discussion forum arena is by far the most common topic - it must annoy you.  BTW thank you for volunteering to support the community 

Jan 2, 2022, 11:1401/02/22

Are you two mods carrying on about platimum to obscure and avoid addressing the issue posted. It is, patronising to suggest to players that get consistently matched against 300 speed leads in low gold and high silver that they should build enormous stats for a team that can combat the speed and AOE massive nuker.  Please just report back that broken arena matching is frustrating the daylights out of you as volunteer mods having to address continuous moans about this aspect of the game.   And stop being so patronising about your own super performance and how easy it is/was for you.  When i scanned the first few pages of this discussion forum arena is by far the most common topic - it must annoy you.  BTW thank you for volunteering to support the community 

We have acknowledged the issues with Gold 4 many times, welcome to the forums.

Jan 2, 2022, 16:1801/02/22

Are you two mods carrying on about platimum to obscure and avoid addressing the issue posted. It is, patronising to suggest to players that get consistently matched against 300 speed leads in low gold and high silver that they should build enormous stats for a team that can combat the speed and AOE massive nuker.  Please just report back that broken arena matching is frustrating the daylights out of you as volunteer mods having to address continuous moans about this aspect of the game.   And stop being so patronising about your own super performance and how easy it is/was for you.  When i scanned the first few pages of this discussion forum arena is by far the most common topic - it must annoy you.  BTW thank you for volunteering to support the community 

I apologize for sharing my game experience just like everyone else in the forums. Now I could mention how it wasn't easy at all, and share the details of how I struggled and slogged to do it, but that would be "carrying on" and no one wants that. I appreciate you recognize my performance as super though, it mostly feels like I get kicked around every match in Platinum. Almost like I need to farm tons more gear, and get more practice selecting teams to fight, which are the actual annoying things, rather than any forum posts where I try to help people.

BTW you're very welcome. Glad to help support you. I'll try to do it without sharing my experiences in the future.

Jan 3, 2022, 12:5001/03/22
Jan 3, 2022, 14:42(edited)

So....I must have just dropped out of Gold III overnight, last night, just before the reset (that's another discussion all by itself). Then the reset hit and I find myself this morning in Gold 1.......I call #$%#@×&=!!!!!! 2 days of work now, and resources, to get back to where I left the game last night! NOT IMPRESSED!

Edited by moderator

Jan 3, 2022, 19:2101/03/22

Once  upon  a  time,  A  Player  told  me  Go  2nd  teams  don't exist  in  Arena.

He  swore  to  me  that  it  was  all  made  up.

I  asked  him  what  about  Tormin  teams.

He  told  me  he  doesn't  fight Tormin  teams  because Tormin  is  on  his  no  fight  list.

I  asked  him  what  about  Duchess/Cataphon  teams.

He  told  me  he  doesn't  fight Duchess/Cataphrin  teams  because they  are on  his  no  fight  list.

I  asked  him  what  about  Rotos  teams.

He  told  me  he  doesn't  fight Rotos  teams  because Rotos  is  on  his  no  fight  list.

I  asked  him  what  about  M.King teams.

He  told  me  he  doesn't  fight M.King  teams  because M.King  on  his  no  fight  list.

And  at  that  point  I  stopped  and  said

Maybe,  the  reason  your  not  seeing  Go  2nd  teams  is  because they  are  on  your  no  fight  list.

Jan 3, 2022, 19:3501/03/22

I am not plat and will never be plat, i am ftp and not dedicated to the game (i see some clan mates endlessly farming etc)

But i have watched plenty of plat push videos and it seems far more tactical (and how these games should be) in plat because they actually react properly to the defence put up...  and there seems an ever shifting meta (from extremely slow go second teams in reaction gear to nuke hedges, to a1 hedges etc)

Its a shame having the roster / gear for that sort of tactically wide gameplay is out of the reach of most as it looks fun

Jan 3, 2022, 20:5301/03/22

I am not plat and will never be plat, i am ftp and not dedicated to the game (i see some clan mates endlessly farming etc)

But i have watched plenty of plat push videos and it seems far more tactical (and how these games should be) in plat because they actually react properly to the defence put up...  and there seems an ever shifting meta (from extremely slow go second teams in reaction gear to nuke hedges, to a1 hedges etc)

Its a shame having the roster / gear for that sort of tactically wide gameplay is out of the reach of most as it looks fun

The fun is in tag arena.  And it is fun x3 :)

Jan 3, 2022, 20:5801/03/22
Jan 3, 2022, 21:00(edited)

I am not plat and will never be plat, i am ftp and not dedicated to the game (i see some clan mates endlessly farming etc)

But i have watched plenty of plat push videos and it seems far more tactical (and how these games should be) in plat because they actually react properly to the defence put up...  and there seems an ever shifting meta (from extremely slow go second teams in reaction gear to nuke hedges, to a1 hedges etc)

Its a shame having the roster / gear for that sort of tactically wide gameplay is out of the reach of most as it looks fun

Better gear sorting and cheaper gear switching would help a LOT, as would some sort of function for searching for champions with particular abilities.  

I mostly play on my phone, which makes it a real pain in the (buttocks) to look up that information on third party sites.  Doing so generally causes the App to restart.

Jan 3, 2022, 21:0501/03/22
Player J

Once  upon  a  time,  A  Player  told  me  Go  2nd  teams  don't exist  in  Arena.

He  swore  to  me  that  it  was  all  made  up.

I  asked  him  what  about  Tormin  teams.

He  told  me  he  doesn't  fight Tormin  teams  because Tormin  is  on  his  no  fight  list.

I  asked  him  what  about  Duchess/Cataphon  teams.

He  told  me  he  doesn't  fight Duchess/Cataphrin  teams  because they  are on  his  no  fight  list.

I  asked  him  what  about  Rotos  teams.

He  told  me  he  doesn't  fight Rotos  teams  because Rotos  is  on  his  no  fight  list.

I  asked  him  what  about  M.King teams.

He  told  me  he  doesn't  fight M.King  teams  because M.King  on  his  no  fight  list.

And  at  that  point  I  stopped  and  said

Maybe,  the  reason  your  not  seeing  Go  2nd  teams  is  because they  are  on  your  no  fight  list.


Well said, Player J.

Jan 5, 2022, 08:2101/05/22

If you say so. LOL
