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Oct 8, 2021, 00:3010/08/21
Oct 8, 2021, 00:40(edited)

Looking at 1 video from HH won't fix the problems inherent in the setup of the Arena System. What it comes down to is the fact that F2P players have no chance to progress in a Pay to Win game. Epic and Legendary books are only available at the very highest level rewards for Tournaments and Events and a F2P player will never have enough Resources to to get to the end of an Event Reward Tree or even think about winning a Tounament against Pay to Win players. I have 8 F2P Legos and only 2 are fully booked, in 2 1/2 years.

Speaking of watching videos, have you ever noticed that the videos they all post show their own team Powers are generally double the Team powers they are picking to fight against? Hmmmmm.....seems like it's the content creators that are contributing to the number of teams comprised of 4 fully booked and ascended Legendary Champions with a Team power of 254 that you find in all levels of Gold's laughable how you try to defend this.

Anyway....after almost 2 1/2 years of playing this game....I'm out. You all have fun Paying to Win. Game Uninstalled.


So first of all, Quinn is trying to help you learn how to build a proper arena team. Please be respectful. 

Now, I AM a whale that sits in gold 4. However, I have a f2p team that sits around 90k team power. A while ago I did a bronze to gold challenge on that account, and I am still in gold. I don't do anything but arena on it because I'm waiting for guaranteed champ tournaments and saving all of my resources. 

My team consists of a slow speed lead, a slow def down, a slow shielder and a slow damage. My gear is atrocious and I definitely do not belong in gold, yet I still maintain. 

Another point of yours, the content creators using OP teams to beat up weak teams... I think you're watching the wrong videos. The videos you are talking about are more than likely videos made to showcase a specific champion, and not a f2p arena team.

Basically every major CC has a video or videos of their f2p teams geared accordingly, and not at all OP. 

I have fought against Ash in Platinum on his main account and I got absolutely destroyed, I did 4,000 damage total. 

I have fought against HellHades' f2p account in gold 4 and my nuker didn't even get a chance to attack before I killed it.

The point is there is a vast difference between the teams that you are talking about, and the teams they make to help f2p players. 

Oct 8, 2021, 01:5610/08/21

Looking at 1 video from HH won't fix the problems inherent in the setup of the Arena System. What it comes down to is the fact that F2P players have no chance to progress in a Pay to Win game. Epic and Legendary books are only available at the very highest level rewards for Tournaments and Events and a F2P player will never have enough Resources to to get to the end of an Event Reward Tree or even think about winning a Tounament against Pay to Win players. I have 8 F2P Legos and only 2 are fully booked, in 2 1/2 years.

Speaking of watching videos, have you ever noticed that the videos they all post show their own team Powers are generally double the Team powers they are picking to fight against? Hmmmmm.....seems like it's the content creators that are contributing to the number of teams comprised of 4 fully booked and ascended Legendary Champions with a Team power of 254 that you find in all levels of Gold's laughable how you try to defend this.

Anyway....after almost 2 1/2 years of playing this game....I'm out. You all have fun Paying to Win. Game Uninstalled.

you should try doing clan boss, I always have epic and lego books. I'm a low spender as all I buy is the monthly gem pack and I have a lot of fully booked legos and epics just from doing unm and nm cb every day. I never win tournements either although some how I won the most recent spider one and that is first time ive come in first in probably five months.

You say youve been playing for 2 1/2 years and are making very beginner mistakes with your arena composition and are blaming plarium when there is a lot of people wililng to give good advice and youtube videos as well to learn more.

Complaining although  it may feel good will get you no where, not just in raid.

Oct 8, 2021, 02:5410/08/21

you should try doing clan boss, I always have epic and lego books. I'm a low spender as all I buy is the monthly gem pack and I have a lot of fully booked legos and epics just from doing unm and nm cb every day. I never win tournements either although some how I won the most recent spider one and that is first time ive come in first in probably five months.

You say youve been playing for 2 1/2 years and are making very beginner mistakes with your arena composition and are blaming plarium when there is a lot of people wililng to give good advice and youtube videos as well to learn more.

Complaining although  it may feel good will get you no where, not just in raid.

I don't even get the montly gem pack. Clan Boss is amazing for rewards. Worth every bit of the months and months of grinding gear and masteries and books from tourneys.

Oct 8, 2021, 03:2210/08/21

I definitely think we can all be well served watching some videos. That video I linked was a Hellhades takeover of someone else's fairly midtier account, and taking it from low bronze into silver for the missions.

Now, you may be saying "Quinn! But this is GOLD we're talking about you foolish girl!" and I would say, "Yes, it's gold we're talking about, but the principles of Arena are the same."

I like that video cause it is HH explaining how to build an effective team and why. If you're already in G1 or Silver4 and have that level of gear, then HH's advice should really help you to stabliize in G4. But it is work to do all that, for certain!

Looks like you're quitting though, otherwise I'd wish you good luck.