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I technically use 4 man team against Bommal floor 90 hard

I technically use 4 man team against Bommal floor 90 hard

Sep 13, 2021, 09:4909/13/21

I technically use 4 man team against Bommal floor 90 hard

I almost cry after I finally kill this boss lol. I am tinkering the gears of my champions since yesterday. And my team are pretty much easily obtainable. I lack hp so I use Venus aura to push up my champions hp. She easily die at boss stage. The key is Regen Set and only Vogoths are in Immortal set. You need around 80-90k hp and around 210-230 speed. As for Vogoth, I think it can even without speed. And as I mentioned earlier, Venus are just for aura she is in my clan boss build. Everyone is set to use only their A1.


Sep 13, 2021, 13:0809/13/21

Nice job grats!

Sep 13, 2021, 13:5209/13/21

Nice, can you post SS of team members.  I only tried 90 a couple times, figured I'd let you figure something out for me :)

Now I am bombarder with options:

High resist duchess team

Forge deflection

Build 2nd vogoth

Build Master Butcher

Farm FK until I am out of refills and gems this week :)

Hoping for some combo of the above, getting regen gear will be the most difficult for me.  I have chickens, silver, and forge mats aplenty. I will do a couple of more days in normal before trying anything.

Does everyone need 90k HP and regen?

Sep 13, 2021, 14:3609/13/21

Nice, can you post SS of team members.  I only tried 90 a couple times, figured I'd let you figure something out for me :)

Now I am bombarder with options:

High resist duchess team

Forge deflection

Build 2nd vogoth

Build Master Butcher

Farm FK until I am out of refills and gems this week :)

Hoping for some combo of the above, getting regen gear will be the most difficult for me.  I have chickens, silver, and forge mats aplenty. I will do a couple of more days in normal before trying anything.

Does everyone need 90k HP and regen?

Here's the team. In this comp, Regen set is very important. Having an Immortal set can really help a lot but I don't have decent Immortal set for all of them. 80k hp should be the minimum. Defense is not that important as bombs and the Dreadbomb explosion ignores defense.

If I have enough hp for all of them and I have another good set of Regen set and Immortality, I will use Visix in this comp and use only her A1. This is to ADD more Dreadbombs, the more Dreadbombs the more heals you can get from the two Vogoth.

All of the champions should not have enough accuracy to place debuff on the boss since it will add bomb to the caster.

I only run this a couple of times but I believe this comp have more than 50% win rate on full auto.


Doompriest should be the fastest but not faster than the boss ( I guess). The idea is after the boss attacks and place hp burn, Doompriest should move next to remove the hp burn. The boss has 250 speed in floor 90 of hard.


My first Vogoth hast already have decent hp that is why I did not bother to max the gears lol. He is on speed boots as I don't have enough Regen gears.


My second Vogoth, again is on speed boots (should be hp% instead) and on DEF chestplate lol, again should be hp. 


Vrask even with very low def is able to survive.


Venus only role is to give HP aura since I am lacking hp on my other champions. She died very early in the boss stage. Like I said earlier I will try to use Visix instead of her, I believe the runs will be more consistent with Visix.


If you want high resist team with Duchess. Try to give her 800 res. Should be easy right? lol. If not, should have at least Vizier and / or RES aura. 

My first team have 500+ res (with Warlord lead) and two champions with dec acc and Roshcard for block damage. It does not work. There are several times even with decrease acc, the boss will either still strips and put bombs. Though my team, with two dec acc champions rely on speed tuning, I can't rely on a reviver since once died the champion speed will no longer in sync.

A team of high res Duchess with Vizier and a dec acc champ should be more reliable. If no Vizier it will be very hard. 

The top teams in floor 90 hard without Vizier, have 800 res Duchess, other champions does not need speed and res, they have Deflection set that is why they can clear the floors fast.

I also build Master Butcher and use him instead of Venus, but my lack of decent gear is not allowing me to win. That is why I replace him with hp aura champion.

Sep 13, 2021, 16:2109/13/21

Boa tarde. Alguém pode dar uma dica para set deste Champion?


Muito obrigada.


Sep 15, 2021, 13:1209/15/21

Offense and support masteries for all? Or defensive tree for vrask?

Sep 15, 2021, 13:2909/15/21
Sep 15, 2021, 13:31(edited)

Offense and support masteries for all? Or defensive tree for vrask?

For Offense, I guess the most important are Life Drinker and Warmaster. And for Support, all that increase HP and Heals.

Maybe, if you can get enough hp for Vrask without Support masteries, you can go Defense tree and take the two masteries that have counter attack. 

Sep 15, 2021, 16:1109/15/21

Very well done! Congrats. Bommal 90 on HardDT is insanely difficult.

Sep 15, 2021, 16:3209/15/21

Very well done! Congrats. Bommal 90 on HardDT is insanely difficult.

It is like both easy and hard at the same time. Easy, because you can use realistically obtainable champions to clear it, and Hard, because gear requirements are high to casual players. 

Sep 15, 2021, 16:3809/15/21

Damn,  so  you're  saying  I  should  stop  eating  my  Vogoth?

Sep 15, 2021, 16:4009/15/21

It is like both easy and hard at the same time. Easy, because you can use realistically obtainable champions to clear it, and Hard, because gear requirements are high to casual players. 

Bommal 90 Normal wasn't easy. But Bommal 50 Hard is crazy for me. I don't know that I'll be able to get past it with my currenty roster. So beating Bommal 90 Hard is just impressive.

(I don't have Vogoth or Burangiri or Samar, so I have to figure something else out)

Sep 15, 2021, 16:4209/15/21
Sep 15, 2021, 16:46(edited)

I can confirm this doesn't seem to work for me after few attempts: 

I don't have 2nd Vogoth, but Master Butcher should be a good replacement and yet fail every single try. 

Here are my champs:





Master Butcher:

I'd appreciate any help if someone sees anything wrong I am doing with the builds. So far I'm down 50mil silver from re-gearing and trying different comps and champs. This is beyond frustration with the level of gear I have.

Sep 15, 2021, 17:0409/15/21

Stats look good, other than Vrask kinda slow.  Nice getting no CR on DP.  My DP was causing problems critting, but I had 3 vogoths... not familiar with how master butcher works.  

Sep 15, 2021, 17:0909/15/21
Sep 15, 2021, 17:13(edited)

It's exactly that stats are similar or better than the OP and yet I can't get it to work, 10+ attempts on it now, gonna try to speed up Vrask, but don't see how 20 more speed with help here. 

Sadly I don't have more than 1 Vogoth to try with him instead of Master Butcher, although MB seems to do similar healing at the Score screen as Vogoth.

Speeding up Vrask to 209 speed now and see how it goes...

Sep 15, 2021, 17:1409/15/21

Positioning of champs is important too

Sep 15, 2021, 17:1809/15/21

Speeding up Vrask didn't make a difference, look at the first screenshot, they are positioned as they should be:

Venus lead, DP, Vrask, MB and Vogoth last.

There must be something I'm not seeing as I can't replicate the OP results with better gear and I can't seem to find the reason why.

Sep 15, 2021, 17:2309/15/21

Master butcher and vogoth are quite different, so I imagine the strat isn't exactly the same.  I honestly don't know.  Is it rng dependent or are u failing relatively early?  Not sure if MB and vogoth order should be switched?

Sep 15, 2021, 17:4009/15/21

I will try that now to swap them, it's rng based, the most I've gotten is 40% damage done to the boss before I wipe, its interesting that in any strat, DP is the one that goes down first, and she has the most HP of all.

Sep 15, 2021, 17:4209/15/21

I can confirm this doesn't seem to work for me after few attempts: 

I don't have 2nd Vogoth, but Master Butcher should be a good replacement and yet fail every single try. 

Here are my champs:





Master Butcher:

I'd appreciate any help if someone sees anything wrong I am doing with the builds. So far I'm down 50mil silver from re-gearing and trying different comps and champs. This is beyond frustration with the level of gear I have.

I also tried using Master Butcher but it also always fails after several runs. 

Master Butcher's heal passive have cooldown so after the second dreadbomb blows up he will not heal. So in the comp I showed, two Vogoth is prerty much the requirement. But since your champions already have good stats, try using a reviver instead of Venus. 

Sep 15, 2021, 17:4409/15/21

I think DP goes down first because has the MOST health.  Takes more damage and heals less from others on a % basis.  

Sep 15, 2021, 17:4509/15/21

I also tried using Master Butcher but it also always fails after several runs. 

Master Butcher's heal passive have cooldown so after the second dreadbomb blows up he will not heal. So in the comp I showed, two Vogoth is prerty much the requirement. But since your champions already have good stats, try using a reviver instead of Venus. 

Ursula maybe?