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Anyone else pull for the 10x?

Anyone else pull for the 10x?

Apr 23, 2021, 08:3104/23/21

Anyone else pull for the 10x?

Just curious if anyone else was fooled into going for the 10x?

I am desperate for a better speed aura so went for it and of course now regret it, 36 ancient, 4 void, 2 sacreds later i have 1 useless epic (missionary) and a duplicate of one of the few epics i have (achak) and assorted worthless rares (and of course they make sure i get plenty of duplicates there)

What strikes me with this casino pretending to be a game is when they put the bad epics etc in to dilute the pool they dont even bother to give them proper names or to skin them properly they just steal another model and change it a tiny bit because they are too lazy to do it properly.

So that is over 100 shards in two weeks for 1 usable character (miscreated monster)

Yes i know, i shouldnt have pulled till the 2x, didnt have much better luck on the 2x though when i pulled over 50 shards

Hope people have better luck than me. My advice is dont do it.


Apr 23, 2021, 08:3704/23/21


Apr 23, 2021, 08:3804/23/21

Unless you're already sitting on multiple epics/legendaries and are looking to fill in a particular blind spot, I would imagine the 10x events are not a particularly high value proposition. If you've got so many already that you have a significant risk of just getting duplicates, it's probably more interesting.

Apr 23, 2021, 08:4304/23/21

Unless you're already sitting on multiple epics/legendaries and are looking to fill in a particular blind spot, I would imagine the 10x events are not a particularly high value proposition. If you've got so many already that you have a significant risk of just getting duplicates, it's probably more interesting.

Probably right, but i have all the dungeon 20's done, i just cant get a better turn meter champ (such as deacon or even a gorg) for love or money so i was an idiot and wasted all my hoarded resources again

Sensible attitude though

They could at least bother to hide the fact they have added the crappy champs in to dilute the pool  by actually modelling them uniquely ...too lazy though

Apr 23, 2021, 08:4504/23/21

lol i pulled one ancient and pulled a lego 

Apr 23, 2021, 08:4704/23/21
Apr 23, 2021, 08:48(edited)

^^ gratz, pleased for you.

Apr 23, 2021, 09:2704/23/21

well I had to pull my shards for the fusion, so its not like I had a choice

I pulled Angar from a Void shard, which leaves me conflicted. On one hand he is a Void legendary, on the other he'll likely be only used in Faction Wars. there are atleast a dozen or more rare and epic voids I'd rather have then him.

My Sacreds only gave me epics but I got Deacon and Doompriest, which atleast is pretty good on that front.

It could have been a lot worse but getting Angar on a 10x Nekhret leaves me a tad salty

Apr 23, 2021, 09:3504/23/21

Gratz on deacon, my sacreds got me missionary - who i dont even think will make faction wars, if i carry on playing this casino then he is a chicken.

And- somehow i managed to get a dupe despite having hardly any epics (achak)

Apr 23, 2021, 09:3604/23/21

There is a summoning fusion with it so yeah.

Nekhret is amazing, Jintoro is great and Decon is also great.

Rest is kinda meh.

Apr 23, 2021, 09:4104/23/21

getting dupes  while having few epics does hurt, you really got the bad end this time

Apr 23, 2021, 10:0704/23/21

If by pulled on the 10x, you meant enough to stay on track for Brogni then I guess so.  I used 2 sacred and 4 void.  I'm going to wait until sunday when the champion training begins and see where I am after pulling mystery shards while ranking up characters.  I got Bushi and Marksman... so correct affinity but wrong champ.  Deacon was the only one who interested me.  My void pulls were just disgusting.  Stoneskin, Arbelester (I could use uncommons to fuse both of them if I even wanted to), Ifrit, and Fanatic.  So that was pretty disappointing but this event is just about counting shards and the champs don't matter so I go that done.

OracleCommunity Manager
Apr 23, 2021, 10:2204/23/21

Hi! Though you had some poor luck this time, there is no reason really to discourage other players from pulling Shards. I believe there are many players out there who are really interested in those Champions, so for them, this is a handy opportunity to get them

Apr 23, 2021, 10:3004/23/21
Apr 23, 2021, 10:31(edited)

If by pulled on the 10x, you meant enough to stay on track for Brogni then I guess so.  I used 2 sacred and 4 void.  I'm going to wait until sunday when the champion training begins and see where I am after pulling mystery shards while ranking up characters.  I got Bushi and Marksman... so correct affinity but wrong champ.  Deacon was the only one who interested me.  My void pulls were just disgusting.  Stoneskin, Arbelester (I could use uncommons to fuse both of them if I even wanted to), Ifrit, and Fanatic.  So that was pretty disappointing but this event is just about counting shards and the champs don't matter so I go that done.

I have actually pulled 6 voids now, like an idiot i doubled down lol. 

And yup i always get an arbalester or two if i pull multiple voids, another one i always get is haruspex.  

If going for the fusion then yeh i guess it makes sense, but i think its important to remember that even though everyone is going for a nekhret it is a 0.5% chance to get a legendary from a void - that doesnt change on the 10x, you have to get past that before you have your improved odds from the legendary pool, so unless a massive whale your odds are poor and you will most likely end up with a bunch of arbalesters etc

Apr 23, 2021, 11:0404/23/21
Apr 23, 2021, 11:12(edited)

17 ancient, 8 void and 1 sacred 

all rare and another tallia i have 7 tallia (sacred shard) game is rig not f2p friendly game 

3000pt for mordecai for summon event my god 

maybe 2100 - 2300 but not 3000 

gaME is getting massacre in reddit 

good  job plarium  

Apr 23, 2021, 13:1004/23/21

17 ancient, 8 void and 1 sacred 

all rare and another tallia i have 7 tallia (sacred shard) game is rig not f2p friendly game 

3000pt for mordecai for summon event my god 

maybe 2100 - 2300 but not 3000 

gaME is getting massacre in reddit 

good  job plarium  

I have clanmates going for the fusion, they have their laptops going non stop doing the events.. its insane the amount of hours they have had to put into it , essentially it is your life for weeks

As for the pulls,  i imagine legally they have to give everyone the same odds

But you have to understand this not intended to be a game where success is determined by skill or even endless grinding

Its a casino, and those who spend have a much better chance of getting lucky in that casino. So against those willing to spend silly money (and people will be spending a fortune trying to get nkhret) you are unlikely to be able to compete until your account is years old. 

Apr 23, 2021, 13:2104/23/21

It was needed for the fusion (well, not really, I could just have pulled 3000 mystery shards... but talk about grinding!), plus they were offering a good epic, so yeah, went for it. I got lucky this time - five sacreds gave me Vergis, Deacon, Queen Eva and only two dupe epics. 

I'm still confused about all the people acting as if this fusion is somehow so much harder than previous fusions... it really isn't. Although it's true that they should leave it running a day or two longer after the final event, once you finally get your epics the deadline to level them all up and fuse them looks unnecessarily tight. 

Apr 23, 2021, 13:2804/23/21

I pulled for the fusion, ended up with Nekhret (guessing mercy system kicked in).

The fusion has been a ton of work, but now that the arena is done, and summoning is extremely close, the rest is looking like I'll coast home as it's just spending energy to do things I need to do anyways.

Can't complain.

Apr 23, 2021, 13:2904/23/21

I pulled for the fusion and to be honest, I didn't expect to pull anything worthwhile. Really, all I wanted was to pull a Giscard and a Skimfos. I pulled two Fenschi and a Mordicai last weekend and fused another Mordicai this morning. I am ready to fuse Brogni and be done with this event.

Apr 23, 2021, 14:0904/23/21

It was needed for the fusion (well, not really, I could just have pulled 3000 mystery shards... but talk about grinding!), plus they were offering a good epic, so yeah, went for it. I got lucky this time - five sacreds gave me Vergis, Deacon, Queen Eva and only two dupe epics. 

I'm still confused about all the people acting as if this fusion is somehow so much harder than previous fusions... it really isn't. Although it's true that they should leave it running a day or two longer after the final event, once you finally get your epics the deadline to level them all up and fuse them looks unnecessarily tight. 


Pulled 6 sacred.  Robar (new), Giscard, Deacon and 3 dupe epics.  I am pleased.  Would have preferred a dupe Tomb Lord for a book actually, lol

Debating opening any of my 41 void shards, would love Nekhret... fear Visix lol

Apr 23, 2021, 15:5204/23/21
Apr 23, 2021, 15:54(edited)


Pulled 6 sacred.  Robar (new), Giscard, Deacon and 3 dupe epics.  I am pleased.  Would have preferred a dupe Tomb Lord for a book actually, lol

Debating opening any of my 41 void shards, would love Nekhret... fear Visix lol

lol why is it every single person but me seems to have gained something useful.

In two weeks ive pulled 100 ish shards (4 of them sacreds) and ive gotten...MM out of it (hes ok i can now put spider 20 on auto whereas before i had to manual it)

Obviously i have gotten epics out of it, but they are the sort (like missionary) where even using them for faction wars is questionable, at least as a chicken they have a use

Apr 23, 2021, 15:5704/23/21

It was needed for the fusion (well, not really, I could just have pulled 3000 mystery shards... but talk about grinding!), plus they were offering a good epic, so yeah, went for it. I got lucky this time - five sacreds gave me Vergis, Deacon, Queen Eva and only two dupe epics. 

I'm still confused about all the people acting as if this fusion is somehow so much harder than previous fusions... it really isn't. Although it's true that they should leave it running a day or two longer after the final event, once you finally get your epics the deadline to level them all up and fuse them looks unnecessarily tight. 

Yes it is much harder than previous fusions.  I'm not sure why that is difficult for you to understand since they've admitted as much.  In previous fusions, the bar to get the rares needed to fuse the epics to fuse the legendary were signficantly easier than the bar to get the epics in addition to the rares.  In this fusion, the high bar that in the past got you the legendary AND the epics is the bar to just get the legendary.  It is way harder.  1070 was what you needed in the summon rush in the last 3 fusions to get the legendary.  It is 3k this time.  In those fusions, if you went for 3k, you were doing it because you wanted the fusion character AND you wanted the epic, but that was YOUR choice.  This time it is that higher bar and it is all or nothing. How is that difficult for you to understand?