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New Player Arena HELL

New Player Arena HELL

Apr 8, 2021, 03:1204/08/21

New Player Arena HELL

Whats the deal .. Im a brand new player of 7 days and this is what's wwaing for me in ALL BRONZE levels

How do you expecet a Weakling like Kael even touch ANY of the killers awaiting for me.. I can't even complete the Arena Mission.  

You can't tell me that these are ALL new players!  I even bought a few packs to see if I can get this lucky and I have NOTHING in compairison to this pic below.

PLEASE FIX THIS!  Before I decide to close my wallet and leave!



Apr 8, 2021, 04:0804/08/21

Easy Wins!

I think you got this in the Bag Cpt. Flight.

The only team which might give you trouble is Iagutin Igor team.

You could just skip his team.

Than Cruise on with your bad self all the way to Bronze 3.

Apr 8, 2021, 05:0004/08/21

I feel your pain. 

Your view and those long-term-players are much different. With some rare sh!! and new experience, people ask you to fight end-game legendary champs, such a headache. 

Keep complaining, the game may change in future. 

Apr 8, 2021, 07:4104/08/21

There are only 2 ways for climbing Arena right now:

  1. focus only and only on Arena. Don't keep extra champs you think about using later, don't do FW, don't build CB teams, don't do dungeons, do only Arena. This makes it so your Arena Team Power will make up a higher percentage of your Player power so you will be facing comparatively weaker teams.
  2. farm farm farm farm farm farm, or spend. get your speed booster to at least 230 speed and the res of your team close to 200 (for bronze, will need upping for silver), properly speed tune them, optimize their damage output, ascend them, book them, hug them, etc.
Apr 8, 2021, 07:5904/08/21
Apr 8, 2021, 08:02(edited)

Kael isnt the problem, kael can nuke people in gold and his attack multiplier is definitely decent on acid rain, i see kael fairly frequently in G1 / G2

The problem is 7 days in you will not have the characters or gears to compete in any way against those teams, the idea of you being able to beat them 7 days in is comical...unless you have been playing 24/7

Oh, dont collect champs- yes i know it is a hero collection game but it hurts arena matchmaking.

OracleCommunity Manager
Apr 8, 2021, 09:0904/08/21

Hello, everyone! I would say that while you are in Bronze or Silver it is still worth keeping many of your champions because in Gold the Player power doesn't matter that much anymore for matchmaking. Therefore, if you dispose of too much of your Champions now, you may severely undermine your future performance in the Gold, where rewards are better. Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to keep absolutely all your Champions, but try to preserve at least those whose Skills synergize well with your primary Champions.

Apr 8, 2021, 09:5404/08/21
Apr 8, 2021, 09:55(edited)

Yes, but farming and trying to upgrade your champs to lvl 60 or 50 require to stockpile lot of food champ which have significant effect on you player power and therefore matching your arena opponents. 

This create loop of doom, as example even if you will focus on farming for 2-3 days and dont do arena, after 2-3 days once you finsh farming you will drop to b1 in worst case or if you are in s1 to b4/b3 becouse of lost of defence battles.

At current stage there is very difficult to farm and keep your place on arena at same time, (esspecialy when you want to go heavy farming)

Apr 8, 2021, 10:2104/08/21
Apr 8, 2021, 10:21(edited)
Player J

Easy Wins!

I think you got this in the Bag Cpt. Flight.

The only team which might give you trouble is Iagutin Igor team.

You could just skip his team.

Than Cruise on with your bad self all the way to Bronze 3.

The Player is 7 days in and your saying ** you can beat those ** 

Thanks J , your advice has been really good until then

now, not so much , because he can not beat any of those

Apr 8, 2021, 12:0204/08/21

Hello, everyone! I would say that while you are in Bronze or Silver it is still worth keeping many of your champions because in Gold the Player power doesn't matter that much anymore for matchmaking. Therefore, if you dispose of too much of your Champions now, you may severely undermine your future performance in the Gold, where rewards are better. Of course, it doesn't mean that you have to keep absolutely all your Champions, but try to preserve at least those whose Skills synergize well with your primary Champions.

Better reward where cant win. LOL Bravo.

Apr 8, 2021, 13:2204/08/21

Yes, but farming and trying to upgrade your champs to lvl 60 or 50 require to stockpile lot of food champ which have significant effect on you player power and therefore matching your arena opponents. 

This create loop of doom, as example even if you will focus on farming for 2-3 days and dont do arena, after 2-3 days once you finsh farming you will drop to b1 in worst case or if you are in s1 to b4/b3 becouse of lost of defence battles.

At current stage there is very difficult to farm and keep your place on arena at same time, (esspecialy when you want to go heavy farming)

You have to level food as you have to have level 60's or you will never progress.

The point i was making is- if a champ looks possibly useful for faction wars but wont be part of your core dungeon/arena/clan boss team then keeping him will cost you as it will push up player power.

Its great to say 'they might be useful in gold' but in reality ftp people starting now will never hit gold if they allow player power to bloat.... 

Apr 8, 2021, 14:0504/08/21
Apr 8, 2021, 14:22(edited)

I try to keep playing as FUN, lately it isn't.  If one has to resort to all sorts of shenanigans just to get around what Plarium is doing, then the purpose of the game for me is dying off.  I can sink to the basement and still play, maybe there will be so many gamers gone I may have a chance.  Once your Great Hall Bonuses dry out then there will be less of a foundation to play upon, but at least it may get to be FUN.  If they thought this would be incentive for me to increase myself with massive spending, no way Jose.

BTW, could care less about Arbiter, have beaten her a bunch of times when they put her up as a solo team.

Apr 8, 2021, 14:1804/08/21
Apr 24, 2021, 09:24(edited)

To all of you people out there burning your defense teams with level 1 commons: don't slack off now! 

I realize it's to stay low on the ranking pole, keep your wins up... and we appreciate it. Lately, I've seen less of you out there, though. For we plebes that are striving to finally kill that Bronze III progress mission, I'll say thanks -- but keep it up!

I forsee my final battle to Bronze III will be against a lonely little Axeman with not even a name or artifacts to keep him warm. 😉

(In case it's necessary, tongue firmly lodged in cheek.)

(BTW, it wasn't an Axeman, it was a level 1 Coldheart. Oooh! The glory!)

Apr 8, 2021, 16:3604/08/21

The Player is 7 days in and your saying ** you can beat those ** 

Thanks J , your advice has been really good until then

now, not so much , because he can not beat any of those

The advice I give is based on the information I recieve from the OP of the thread.

The OP didn't post a screenshot of his Roster.

The OP didn't post a screenshot of his Arena team.

The OP didn't post a screenshot of his Arena Teams Gear.

How can you give a person good Arena advice when they give you nothing to work with?

The only advice I can give at this point is emotional support.

I am cheering the OP on to increase Morale!

You got this Cpt. Flight.

Those arena teams have nothing on you!

Don't believe the nay sayers.

I believe you can win those fights except for Iagutin Igor team.

Lagutin Igor team looks like a tuffy.

Apr 8, 2021, 17:0904/08/21

Best advice I can give a new account is to not worry about winning arena. Play your 5 matches for the daily energy and work on ranking up champs and profgressing in dungeons.

I know it's frustrating with those lovely popups telling you to work on missions....but don't let it eat at you. Build the account. It's a marathon, not a sprint. 

Apr 8, 2021, 17:4104/08/21

Best advice I can give a new account is to not worry about winning arena. Play your 5 matches for the daily energy and work on ranking up champs and profgressing in dungeons.

I know it's frustrating with those lovely popups telling you to work on missions....but don't let it eat at you. Build the account. It's a marathon, not a sprint. 

My last opine on the subject, but Rauthma's bang on. Just got back from lunch, and on the walk back, wondered, "Why can't I use 'delayed gratification' in Raid like I do in everything else? It's not like I'm on a deadline or anything, and sure I'm enthusiastic, but what's the rush? It'll be worth the wait."

Thanks for unknowningly echoing the sentiment.

Apr 8, 2021, 18:2904/08/21
Apr 8, 2021, 19:15(edited)

Player J ... No need to be an expert to know what is an account of 7 days ... oups to old player maybe ^^

Remember, long time ago, try hard player arrive with the starter just at Lvl 60 ... just 1 champ ... not 4, not 3, 1 (except whales)

You and Airmaxx are totally disconnected from Bronze and new players to give your advice in this case 

Go to DT, friends, it's your place and then give your advice there, i'm ready to hear it ;) 


Capt Flight. Unfortunatly, it's broken and it's not a issue (for Plarium) So 2 possibilities.

Play with a lots of champ without arena except 5 fights/days but forget the GH, missions  and his advantages. There are a lot of disguted 'old big gold' players who don't play arena and staying in bronze for the daily quest, I presume. I don't think that a question of time, because you 'll see always more and more of stronger players in Bronze. I know I saw it from my lvl 20 to 50 account and the situation is getting worse

Or Focus Arena, delete 80% of your account, forgot the rest of the game. And you go fast to silver. But yes, a collection game where the collection is prohibited is weird.

 And yes, I just tried a new account like this, few day ago. I'm gonna come up in silver, but it's no fun at all.

So no good solution at this moment :/

Apr 8, 2021, 18:3704/08/21

Picking and choosing your fights you think you can win. 

Don't go after speed teams. Just cause someone is level 40 and the rest is 60 dosnt mean they dont have the speed needed to boost their allies and 

Apr 8, 2021, 19:1404/08/21

Mythbuster alert:

1. "Old players are hanging around in bronze on purpose" -- this is not happening

2. "I am penalized for collecting heroes in a hero collection game..." 

-- I missed the memo that the objective was to collect as many champs as possible.  Feel free to pursue that path, but the advice being given by the bronze-disconnected is the exact opposite.  And this has nothing to do with increasing your player power.  Use your resources efficiently and optimally, quality over quantity, ....  Short term this is ONE champ, not 60 faction war champs!!! 

I've seen two (of 100s) promising threads of new/relatively new players actually looking at the long game and strategy.  These player will have more success in this game I think than the others.  The bar has been raised (yes, probably too far) for arena progression and I sympathize with those stuck in bronze/silver who are making valiant efforts.  Do not look at the progress missions immediately in front of you, they don't matter.  Buying shards will not help, Plarium wants you to think this -- $$$.  Pulling 2 legos won't help.  My Kael (could be athel, elhain, even galek lol) will out-nuke any lego in the sh!t gear you have.    

I think my proposed solution of pre-Arbiter mission completion server and post makes a lot of sense.  Though 90% of the whiners would be stuck in Bronze 1 still :)


Apr 9, 2021, 00:3704/09/21

It's an issue for game developer when mostly game players are old players -> new players can't play the game in the normal way. 

- When I first played this game or any other games, I never want to ask anyone, why ? I'm surprised when someone ask why ? facepalm, lmao, lol, HA HA, you are playing game, bro! playing G A M E, why need to ask people how to play, it will kill your gaming experience. 

- Now people require new players to ask other players to play, if you don't ask you fail, lol, nah, it's no game.

Apr 9, 2021, 01:2404/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 01:27(edited)

Player J ... No need to be an expert to know what is an account of 7 days ... oups to old player maybe ^^

Remember, long time ago, try hard player arrive with the starter just at Lvl 60 ... just 1 champ ... not 4, not 3, 1 (except whales)

You and Airmaxx are totally disconnected from Bronze and new players to give your advice in this case 

Go to DT, friends, it's your place and then give your advice there, i'm ready to hear it ;) 


Capt Flight. Unfortunatly, it's broken and it's not a issue (for Plarium) So 2 possibilities.

Play with a lots of champ without arena except 5 fights/days but forget the GH, missions  and his advantages. There are a lot of disguted 'old big gold' players who don't play arena and staying in bronze for the daily quest, I presume. I don't think that a question of time, because you 'll see always more and more of stronger players in Bronze. I know I saw it from my lvl 20 to 50 account and the situation is getting worse

Or Focus Arena, delete 80% of your account, forgot the rest of the game. And you go fast to silver. But yes, a collection game where the collection is prohibited is weird.

 And yes, I just tried a new account like this, few day ago. I'm gonna come up in silver, but it's no fun at all.

So no good solution at this moment :/

I saw a F2P player have 2 heroes level 60 fully maxed out in 7 days. 

The 2 heroes where (Athel + Warmaiden)

I saw a F2P player beat all the Stage 20 Dungeons in 40 days setting a new all time record.

It might shock you to know what people are capable of in this game.

Some beginners don't complain, whine, or make excuses on why they can't progress.

Some beginners put there head down and grind their way to victory.

You think I am disconnected from Arena.

The problem is you are unaware that I have tracked my journey through Arena in the game.

It's like a journal with pictures & text.

It shows my humble beginnings to my current state in the game.

For Example: This is a Picture of Me level 52 fighting in Silver 3.


1st move: Gorgorab ---> Speed Booster + Increase Attack

2nd move: Spider -----> AOE Def Down

3rd move: Kael -------> AOE Nuker

4th move: Seducer ---> AOE Decrease Enemy Attack + Provoke (I had him in Provoke set)

If the enemy wasn't killed by my Kael, They where Crowd Controlled by my Seducer.

61k Team power - Not Impressive, but the Team was Highly Effective.

I didn't pull my first Legendary till I was level 60.

The Daily Login Rewards stopped at Shaman.

I didn't own High Khatun.

I didn't own a Crowd Control hero.

I used what was available to me.

Seducer was my only very Tanky hero.

I made Seducer a Crowd Control hero by putting Provoke Gear on him.

Apr 9, 2021, 01:4004/09/21

I scrach my head every time i see how people fight arena and facing teams with less team power.

Each of my rolls have 1-2 teams with equal power to my team rest is always 25k and more above my team.

here are some examples

25k more then me ( i won speed test)


30k+ (won speed test, not able to kill them all, all my chaps werent interrupted)


this one was of equal power as me 84k (lost speed test and bye bye)


Now i'm hanging on the edge of s2/s3 but my defence is 40-50% effective so expect to drop back to s2 soon