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Its another fix the arena thread.

Its another fix the arena thread.

Mar 30, 2021, 12:5303/30/21

Effort dont make me laugh you did Arena when it was easy and now act all high and mighty get off your high horse you shill. *spit*

You literally don't have basic reading comprehension, do you?

I said I am still winning 99% of my fights on auto, in gold 4, because I took the effort to build my teams.

The absence of bot teams doesn't affect me.

Arena is still easy for me as if almost nothing has changed. 

I understand that I am a minority, on here, but at players like me should be rewarded for their effort vs 90% of the players being stacked in Gold 4

Mar 30, 2021, 12:5603/30/21

You literally don't have basic reading comprehension, do you?

I said I am still winning 99% of my fights on auto, in gold 4, because I took the effort to build my teams.

The absence of bot teams doesn't affect me.

Arena is still easy for me as if almost nothing has changed. 

I understand that I am a minority, on here, but at players like me should be rewarded for their effort vs 90% of the players being stacked in Gold 4

What effort starting earlier and now gate keeping for everybody else so you can feel good about beating up AI teams? 

Mar 30, 2021, 13:0203/30/21
Mar 30, 2021, 13:03(edited)

What effort starting earlier and now gate keeping for everybody else so you can feel good about beating up AI teams? 

I spent 2 years building my arena team. 

That's the effort I'm talking about.

Damn right I should gate keep you. Have fun catching up. 

Your argument is you deserve to be in the same place as me for simply "participating in the game" , don't make me laugh

Mar 30, 2021, 13:0403/30/21

It's funny how I never saw you guys complain about LEGITIMATE glitches affecting the game since you all benefited from it in some way.

That tells me you don't care about the quality of the game, or the longetivity = you just want instant reward without the thought of consequences. 

Either way, arena is being normalized now. Some people will suffer and eventually adapt, others like myself who put enough effort into their arena teams will continue on as if nothing happened. 

It never should've happened but we were all rolling with it since we've been benefiting from it. 

The only arena tweak "needed" (not really needed, but that would completely illegitimize 99% of the new player crying so we don't have to suffer through it anymore) is rework of the arena missions for arbiter, particularly those that need you to reach a certain milestone. That's it. 

It's completely up to Plarium if they wanna do it or not, these demanding, arrogant 3 month old players who call others "plarium employees" and "trolls" deserve nothing but what Plarium gives them.

We don't even know if it was a 'LEGITIMATE glitch' as you call it - if so, it was an awfully convenient one and one that Plarium chose to keep in the game for a long time because it was serving a useful purpose. Basically, let's call it what it was: a temporary fix, however they arrived at it. It was a poor fix, we both agree on that, but it was still better than how things were before. 

So now the fix is gone and arena is back to the mess it was before. That's not 'normalized'. We've gone from a broken arena to one that had the problems papered over with a temporary fix, and now we're back to broken. A properly working arena would have a reasonable increase in difficulty as you move up in tiers - and a reasonable way for newer players to develop their Great Hall without finding their path blocked by older players. 

The Arbiter missions aren't really the point, the Great Hall and the PVE boosts granted by higher arena tiers are. If it's actually Plarium's desire that arena keeps getting tougher and tougher for new players because older players get further and further ahead in terms of champs and gear, then that doesn't fit with the Great Hall and arena bonus systems which basically require players to stay in Gold IV once they've reached a certain point of PVE progress. It's not only the progress missions that would have to be fixed, it's much broader than that. Though it's probably easier to leave all of that untouched and instead rework the arena to add multiple Platinum tiers and manage the tiers until you reach the right level of difficulty for gold IV, with the more serious PVP competition limited to the Plat tiers. 

As for the people complaining on the forums (in which I don't include myself because I'm not really affected, I got Arbiter months ago and I still manage to stay in gold IV despite the huge increase in difficulty), there are some who have strong cases to complain and others not so much, because their teams suck or their expectations are absurd. But using the second kind to dismiss everyone and pretend like there's no problem, like you and some others are doing, is disingenuous and you know it. 

Mar 30, 2021, 13:4003/30/21

1. Arena is "broken" without the bots

2. Arena is "broken" with bots

I am closer to Airmaxx, able to maintain gold4 but recognize neither 1 or 2 above is the solution.  Problem is 99% of complainers will struggle if it is fixed in a good way regardless.  Everyone crying Wolf with sh!tty arena teams masks the real problem.  Arena missions and progress have always been the most dificult and and should remain that way.  But accounts less than 6 months should not be competing with 18+ month accounts.  We did not have to do that when we started, because they did not exist.  

They need 2 separate arena servers, pre-arbiter and post-arbiter.  If you are on pre-arbiter, you don't fight anyone that has completed the arbiter missions.  A somewhat arbitrary line, and another variable could be used to make the distinction.  There may be a better line in the sand to draw.

But in addition, those that have not completed arbiter will also be restricted as follows:

1. No Faction Wars

2. No Doom Tower

These will be unlocked upon arbiter completion.  This should prevent sandbagging in lower level, and also prevent idiots from building FW teams before other priorities.

Mar 30, 2021, 14:3903/30/21

Actually, I'm becoming more and more convinced that what they need is to decouple progression and most of the significant advantages from the arena entirely, at least if they insist on limiting entry by population ratio. The arena isn't an aspect of the game you can just ignore. It's not just the Arbiter or general mission progression, but some very significant advantages in the great hall and the arena tier itself. Comparing the gold 4 tier bonus + fully upgraded great hall to not doing anything in the arena at all is comparable to playing the game without putting equipment on your champions. It's a big deal, and that's not even taking into account your access to the forge, tournament rewards, quests etc. Progression in the arena is central to your progression in general, the same way doing dungeons for equipment is.

Making arena ranks exclusive, saying that gold is not something everyone should be able to reach, is not sustainable. Bronze and silver are all kinds of screwed up with the current matchmaking, which makes its function as a ranking system fundamentally broken since your success has more to do with everything except the arena, but at least everyone has a theoretical chance to advance in it, provided that they follow the arbitrary rules of player power management (and even then, it relies on the assumption that not everyone will so that you can take advantage of it). Gold, however, will only get more and more saturated. Let's just assume the game survives for 5 years. What are the chances of a new player to ever reach gold when it's filled with accounts that have had 5 years to consolidate their power? Skill? Please. Skill may be a factor, but it's insignificant next to luck, with time and money being your primary way to influence how many opportunities to get lucky you have. There is simply no scenario in which a player of any amount of skill will ever be able to reach the top without a significant amounts of luck/time/money involved. This isn't the case in any proper competitive game. If you've got the hand-eye coordination and reaction times of a god, you will be good at CS:GO whether you've played it for 10 days or 10 years. Here, you'll forever be playing catchup.

I'm starting to think bot teams is the only way to go, or at least some other form of arena point inflation that will push players upwards (e.g. points for being too strong for others to pick a fight with you). I don't know if there ever were bots, I've certainly never seen any I could identify as such with any degree of certainty. Let's be real here, the experience would be pretty much the same whether you were fighting against bots or players, since the arena isn't really PvP in any meaningful sense to begin with. Note that this doesn't have to mean it will be easy to reach gold, you could theoretcally put in much scarier teams than what a real player can manage, just that there's nothing gatekeeping you from doing so provided that your skill/luck/whatever is sufficient. Even if I can't do dragon 20 for example, I know that if I get the right champions and equipment, I will be able to eventually. There's nothing saying that sorry, we've hit the limit for number of players allowed to beat dragon 20 at the moment, guess you have to wait for one of them to quit or hope you randomly pull that one god tier champion that'll let you push out someone else.

As for platinum tiers, well, I don't know. I still think the idea of a game like this even having PvP is stupid to begin with for the aforementioned reasons, but at long as it's not important to overall progression I don't really care.

OracleCommunity Manager
Mar 30, 2021, 15:2903/30/21

Dear participants of the discussion! We appreciate expressing your concerns about the Arena and are looking for ways to make better this part of the game experience. I would like to encourage you to confine such discussion to a lesser number of threads. Please, consider continuing an existing discussion on the Forum instead of creating an additional one if it mainly corresponds to the matter you would like to discuss.

In this manner, it would be easier for us to process your feedback more thoroughly. Of course, you are still free to create a new thread, but it makes collecting your feedback slightly less effective and the discussion becomes less focused in this case

OracleCommunity Manager
Mar 30, 2021, 15:3503/30/21

Also, please abstain from the usage of offensive language. Even if you had some disagreement with a person before, please do not bring up your previous disagreement if it is not directly related to the current discussion.

Mar 30, 2021, 15:5903/30/21

Even when the community manager missed the oportunity to repeat it here right now, Plarium said (in response to a Hell Hades video) they never had bots in the arena. The lvl 1 Warboy defensive teams where just players sandbagging into lower tiers in order to collect arena tokens with their offensive teams.

Mar 30, 2021, 16:4503/30/21
Mar 30, 2021, 16:47(edited)


The Arena Defense Team is so garbage.


- The set up has no Turn Meter Filler

- The set up has 2 AOE Def Down heroes

- The set up has a Single Target Nuker

The player has 5.05 Mil Player Power.

It will not save him from getting Destroyed. 

IMFAO - This is the best picture I have ever seen in my life.

All the F2P players crying & crying about Arena being completely P2W.

All the those words fly right out the window when you see the above picture!

- Duchess

- Venus

- Madam Serris

- Septimus

4 Champions regarded as the Best of the Best.

Top Tier Champions - The Best Champions money can buy.

All on 1 Arena team and the team is total garbage.

F2P players using a High Khatun Speed Nuking team will tear this team apart.

Why is the team going to lose? 

Because the Synergy & Strategy of the team is all wrong.

All the money in the World can't buy Skill.

You can spend money on shards to acquire Champions.

You can spend money on energy to acquire Gear.

You can have the best Champions in the game.

You can have the best Gear in the game.

All of it doesn't matter if the team you assemble is garbage due to lack of Knowledge & Skill.

- The player in question shouldn't have 2 AOE Def Down heroes on the same team.

The player needs to pick only 1 and remove the other.

- The player in question shouldn't have a Single Target Nuker on the team.

Single Target Nukers often need protection to be relevent.

- The player needs to add a Turn Meter Filler or Disruption hero + AOE Damage Dealer

To replace the heroes he previously took out.

The New Arena set up could be:

Leader: Lyssandra - Speed Aura 24%

1st move: Lyssandra -----> Turn Meter Filling + Increase Speed

2nd move: Duchess ------> Increase Attack + Block Debuff Buff + Veil

3rd move: Venus ---------> AOE Def Down + Weaken

4th move: Trunda --------> AOE Nuke

Alternative Arena set up could be:

Leader: Duchess - Speed Aura 19%

1st move: Hegemon --------> AOE Atk Down + Block Cooldown Skills + Stun Set

2nd move: Duchess ---------> Increase Attack + Block Debuff Buff + Veil

3rd move: Serris ------------> Remove Enemy Buffs + AOE Def Down + Shield Set

4th move: Candraphon ----> AOE Nuke 

If the player makes either of those changes, He will reach Gold 4.

If the player keeps his team the same, He will drop to Silver 4.

Mar 30, 2021, 17:1703/30/21

Even when the community manager missed the oportunity to repeat it here right now, Plarium said (in response to a Hell Hades video) they never had bots in the arena. The lvl 1 Warboy defensive teams where just players sandbagging into lower tiers in order to collect arena tokens with their offensive teams.

The bot teams weren't the ones with 1 level 1 champ on defense, they were the level 35 or 40 teams with 60k power, appearing out of nowhere in the gold tiers, entire pages full of them, when there was zero chance any such team actually could have made it into gold with the arena being as difficult as it was before the 'bot period' started, never mind so many of them. Nor would they have stayed up in gold, considering how many people farmed them, if they had been real accounts.  

Mar 31, 2021, 06:5003/31/21

No, but see, there is no other way to prevent  this other than improving his defense. Maybe beg in every channel, or in forums or discord not to attack you if that will help 😂

Spending money helps, if you know what you are doing. 

And please, listen to my advise, this is in general to all players who complains in arena. When you hit a road block in arena, whether it is in bronze or in gold, if matches became difficult for you, you should have "go back to drawing board" attitude. Meaning, go back farming for artifacts, re think your strategy or your arena line up. And stop with "go back to forums/discord to complain" attitude. 

Generally, I would agree with you.

In my opinion, a game is clearly broken, if you encounter these road blocks on your very first steps.

If you have to spent either money or play for months before able to take the first steps in a section of the game, which influences all other areas (with the bonus from arena level), it is  a serious design flaw.

If there are these serious design flaws and/or changes which influence the game play massively....where else to complain about these negative impacts than the forum/discord?

You seem to have a moderate style of posting, leaving room for exchange and discussion...but if I look at others who just attribute you with being dumb, incompetent and stupid for not having the champions/time/money to play a game like they think it should be played...would you rate this as advice or a sign of self-elevation?

Mar 31, 2021, 06:5603/31/21
Mar 31, 2021, 06:58(edited)

Generally, I would agree with you.

In my opinion, a game is clearly broken, if you encounter these road blocks on your very first steps.

If you have to spent either money or play for months before able to take the first steps in a section of the game, which influences all other areas (with the bonus from arena level), it is  a serious design flaw.

If there are these serious design flaws and/or changes which influence the game play massively....where else to complain about these negative impacts than the forum/discord?

You seem to have a moderate style of posting, leaving room for exchange and discussion...but if I look at others who just attribute you with being dumb, incompetent and stupid for not having the champions/time/money to play a game like they think it should be played...would you rate this as advice or a sign of self-elevation?

Why is it a serious flaw?

I mean I have to wait months before I can progress to UNM, and UNM is the single biggest influence on your game, the MOST rewarding content far more rewarding than arena ever will be.

Can you explain why, using your flawed logic, players shouldn't have access to UNM immediately?

I mean it nEgAtIVeLy ImPaCtS their gameplay! C'mon man


Just look at this, all done on my 1 month old alt. No paying. No gimmicks. Just using basic arena team stomping these "Ohhh so scary 4 man LV60 legendary teams" 

Give it a break dude. 

Mar 31, 2021, 07:1003/31/21

Why is it a serious flaw?

I mean I have to wait months before I can progress to UNM, and UNM is the single biggest influence on your game, the MOST rewarding content far more rewarding than arena ever will be.

Can you explain why, using your flawed logic, players shouldn't have access to UNM immediately?

I mean it nEgAtIVeLy ImPaCtS their gameplay! C'mon man


Just look at this, all done on my 1 month old alt. No paying. No gimmicks. Just using basic arena team stomping these "Ohhh so scary 4 man LV60 legendary teams" 

Give it a break dude. 

It is as simple at this:

Nobody was talking about UNM...UNM are also not the first steps in the game or an area of the game like Bronze arena. Comparatively we would be speaking about Easy Clanboss...

And talking about much does the nifty 20% bonus from Great Hall influence your performance in Dungeons? Arena? Faction Wars? ClanBoss?Campaign?

UNM is not the most influencing just drives up your chances to get good champs and ressources....but it will not give you the boni to all areas of the game.

I think you are delibarately mixing up topics here...

Mar 31, 2021, 07:2203/31/21
Mar 31, 2021, 07:24(edited)

It is as simple at this:

Nobody was talking about UNM...UNM are also not the first steps in the game or an area of the game like Bronze arena. Comparatively we would be speaking about Easy Clanboss...

And talking about much does the nifty 20% bonus from Great Hall influence your performance in Dungeons? Arena? Faction Wars? ClanBoss?Campaign?

UNM is not the most influencing just drives up your chances to get good champs and ressources....but it will not give you the boni to all areas of the game.

I think you are delibarately mixing up topics here...

See, this is where you lose me man. 

You talk about BRONZE, but you also talk about 20% bonus from Great Hall, wtf?

I think you're just confused man. Just think about it again. 20% bonus is literally nothing. My CB damage goes +/- 1m when in between Platinum and Gold 4 and that's a 5% bonus. 

UNM is definitely the most influencing part of the game, with biggest rewards and one players should focus on ASAP. I demand players be able to clear it from DAY 1 , because every day spent not doing UNM is a day spent in a massive disadvantage! HURR DURR

EDIT: I also love how you ignored the part where I show my 1 month old alt clearing entire page on auto in the bronze 4 while you claim it's impossible for new players to progress LOL facts and evidence are too much eh? 

Mar 31, 2021, 07:3703/31/21

Dear participants of the discussion! We appreciate expressing your concerns about the Arena and are looking for ways to make better this part of the game experience. I would like to encourage you to confine such discussion to a lesser number of threads. Please, consider continuing an existing discussion on the Forum instead of creating an additional one if it mainly corresponds to the matter you would like to discuss.

In this manner, it would be easier for us to process your feedback more thoroughly. Of course, you are still free to create a new thread, but it makes collecting your feedback slightly less effective and the discussion becomes less focused in this case

# When can we expect an update on how the problems with Arena preventing player progression will be fixed?

# When are you going to take action regarding the rather obvious trio of trolls belittling the problems that new players are running into with this game?

Mar 31, 2021, 07:4203/31/21

# When can we expect an update on how the problems with Arena preventing player progression will be fixed?

# When are you going to take action regarding the rather obvious trio of trolls belittling the problems that new players are running into with this game?

See the absolute bashful ignorance and arrogance of new players?

The sheer audacity on this guy ... Hahaha

If anything arena should be harder, every team on defense should get a bonus increase to their stats (except speed) to counter the fact that you're playing against an AI and have the knowledge of the team you're facing beforehand. That's an insane amount of unfair advantage for every offensive team!

Mar 31, 2021, 07:5203/31/21
Mar 31, 2021, 07:53(edited)

Generally, I would agree with you.

In my opinion, a game is clearly broken, if you encounter these road blocks on your very first steps.

If you have to spent either money or play for months before able to take the first steps in a section of the game, which influences all other areas (with the bonus from arena level), it is  a serious design flaw.

If there are these serious design flaws and/or changes which influence the game play massively....where else to complain about these negative impacts than the forum/discord?

You seem to have a moderate style of posting, leaving room for exchange and discussion...but if I look at others who just attribute you with being dumb, incompetent and stupid for not having the champions/time/money to play a game like they think it should be played...would you rate this as advice or a sign of self-elevation?

Every step in your progression is a potential road block. 

You really don't need to spend money to progress, you just need to learn how to play this game. And the bonus you get from arena is just like you said, a bonus. It is not a requirement in progression. 

There may be a design flaw in this game. No game is perfect anyway. But this one is not a serious design flaw. You just think this is serious. 

I don't care if everyone call me dumb. I don't care if they call me Plarium employee. It makes me laugh actually and I take it as a complement. And who is dumb in this situation? Me, who can adjust on every change this game give or the players who can't progress in this simple game or even understand the concept of arena and rankings? 

Mar 31, 2021, 08:1203/31/21

Arena needs to be fixed. I'm in gold as a f2p, and I got there in this month, not years ago - with only one legendary in my team. So Plarium can't sell us that much stuff as they want to, if even f2p can reach gold. If they don't earn money, the game will be closed some day. That needs a fix.


Mar 31, 2021, 08:1803/31/21

Arena needs to be fixed. I'm in gold as a f2p, and I got there in this month, not years ago - with only one legendary in my team. So Plarium can't sell us that much stuff as they want to, if even f2p can reach gold. If they don't earn money, the game will be closed some day. That needs a fix.


Awesome team man!

You definitely deserve to be in gold by simply knowing how to build your team properly, apparently it's really hard so props for that. 

Deacon is on my list of most wanted Epics, I'd love giving him a spot in my 3v3 arena team, he's so good.

Waiting for L@M75 (the guy you beat) to open up a new thread on the forums complaining how arena is broken and needs to be fixed lol!