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Classic Arena is a mess.

Classic Arena is a mess.

Mar 24, 2021, 05:5303/24/21

Arena is unplayable right now.

Mar 24, 2021, 07:5703/24/21

stop taking your head with the arena !! it is plarium that broke the arena, not you who have become bad.
some tell you not "not enough speed" etc ....
even at +240 you never have priority.
9 out of 10 teams have arbitre and that we rarely saw before

no no the arena has become
unplayable point. 

Mar 24, 2021, 07:5703/24/21

stop taking your head with the arena !! it is plarium that broke the arena, not you who have become bad.
some tell you not "not enough speed" etc ....
even at +240 you never have priority.
9 out of 10 teams have Referee and that we rarely saw before

no no the arena has become
unplayable point. 

Mar 24, 2021, 12:0503/24/21

The other point is, even if you got to S1/S2 you will be dragged down, becouse of Defence arena.

There is possibility slowly grind to sustain in S1/S2 as long as no one tackle your defece or even go beyond. But slow grind time is way longer that time when you loose your defence arena battles.

Also wining points are less than losing

I can spend whole day to cearfully pick my oponents and get aruond 21 winning points (win 10 battles if lucky), but in meantime will loose 3-4 arena defence and go down by 33 - 44 points. this also not count battles which i pick worngly and loose

Mar 25, 2021, 01:1603/25/21

Classic arena sucks!!!!!!!!

I used to stay on gold 3 or 4.... now i can't even beat silver 1/2 !!!!

What the hell??? come on!!! fix this!!!!

Mar 25, 2021, 01:5803/25/21

Ill  say  it  is  Ive  gone  from  Gold  level  3-4  down  to  silver  level  2  right  now  and  cant  win  a  battle  if  I  tried.  So  something  has  drastically  changed  in  the  last  little  while?

Mar 25, 2021, 04:5303/25/21

I'm also noticing that my Team Powe has dropped for the same exact team. Is that supposed to happen? In the past week, I've gone from 133k to 131k to 129k.

Mar 25, 2021, 09:2403/25/21

Classic arena sucks!!!!

Mar 25, 2021, 10:0903/25/21

BEthere stop PLay all PLARIUM AMES.THERE ARE WORKING RETARDS WICH WE SPEND OUR TIME ;TIME IS MONEY. I invest over 600 euro wich is at least 10 TOP games on the world more interestin games.Not this Broken shiit.We should see this MF in Court

Mar 25, 2021, 11:0303/25/21
Mar 25, 2021, 11:04(edited)

Hello,Nice throwback that plarium gave us, utility in gold and inferior = 00000000000000000000000

For the platinum can be little be not

welcome to the descent of: looking for a referee  

Mar 25, 2021, 13:4903/25/21
Mar 25, 2021, 13:53(edited)

I have been pushed down from gold III to silver IV within a week. And damm the opponents are sooo strong, Every opponent have higher team power than mine even in silver arena. Even losing a lots of points in defence from stronger teams.... Why plarium??? 


Mar 25, 2021, 14:4403/25/21

Are thier Mods that answer our questions in here? What is Plarium doing to address this crap? If it's not fixed by the next update I'm leavoing the game.

Mar 25, 2021, 16:3203/25/21

Even seeing arbiter led teams popping up in bronze 3. It's ridiculous.

Mar 25, 2021, 17:3503/25/21

I've read a few comments here but none answer the obvious question ... what did they do to classic and tag arena after their last update because I was comfortably sitting in tier 4 for a long time and now I cant win a battle to save my life ... I mean, I have teams with a 50k team strength smashing my 150k team as if they were noobs. Something has gone horribly wrong and now I cant even complete daily task eg. collect 30 materials, because I can't even win a battle to get the bits.

Mar 25, 2021, 17:3903/25/21

I'm also noticing that my Team Powe has dropped for the same exact team. Is that supposed to happen? In the past week, I've gone from 133k to 131k to 129k.

When you go down in tiers due to all of these unreasonable losses, you lose your bonus percentages to attack, def and hp which affect you team power

Mar 25, 2021, 19:4603/25/21
Mar 25, 2021, 19:54(edited)

Wouldnt a zero effort adjustment to help be to stop dropping people down an entire tier at reset?

For example, my current score is 1690, if i lose my way to 1599 just before reset- i drop down to 1400?

This makes it far easier for people to drop multiple tiers over a month.

Just leave the points as they are each week instead of deflating them.

Mar 25, 2021, 19:5503/25/21

Wouldnt a zero effort adjustment to help be to stop dropping people down an entire tier at reset?

For example, my current score is 1690, if i lose my way to 1599 just before reset- i drop down to 1400?

This makes it far easier for people to drop multiple tiers over a month.

Just leave the points as they are each week instead of deflating them.

or at least reset everyone to middle of tier

Mar 25, 2021, 20:0503/25/21

or at least reset everyone to middle of tier

That at least would help yes. For those 'almost' making it up a tier, to get reset all the way back it must be incredibly frustrating.

I wasnt going to comment on these threads anymore, but i have been reading the comments on the hellhades vid and the google play reviews...there are so many frustrated players, most of whom probably never visit the forums.

But, i chatted to clan mates today who are finding it harder to stay in G4, they are using gems to refresh and pick fights....while people are burning gems, i think it will stay like this.

Mar 25, 2021, 21:3303/25/21

So far the best solution I have seen would be some kind of activity check each reset, meaning if someone isnt active for x ammount of time the account gets tagged and kicked out from arena. Another semi-solution would be to make it so you can buy great hall upgrades til atleast level 5 and cut the ammount needed by lets say 10-25% making new player be able to get mission progression. I havent gotten 1 silver point in 3-4 weeks now.

Mar 25, 2021, 23:3403/25/21

GEE   REALLY ,, those Team setups are Rampant in BRONZE Tier One,, 

All sitting between 900 and 965 Points 

So without blowing 100 Gems a day to refresh , or Setting a Timer to go off every 15 mins

BRONZE Tier I is a Total FUUUBAAARRRR !!!!!!!!

and NO , I have NOT been playing as long as my account says i have either,, 

Started my Acc in April 2020 to Log into Forums , 

and Did not really start to play 

Fishing Season and Sunshine , So Didnt really start to Seriously Play till Sept 2020

But Seriously ,, 2 or 3 60s Fully accended should NOT be in Bronze Tier I ...

If they are Inactive accounts that have been Beaten Down,


Should NOT be that hard to have Code written that would remove inactives from the rotation



This game has been going for two years...and they still haven't figured out how to make an Arena system? It literally makes no sense, except yeah as long as people keep dropping cash trying to gain "that perfect thing" needed to win and get them ahead they have no real reason to make it a priority to fix this. Money talks, I'm sure if a majority of players just stopped paying in to the game for a month....suddenly they'd start fixing this.