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Another "tag team is dumb" post

Another "tag team is dumb" post

Nov 25, 2020, 19:4011/25/20


I'm going to assume you know what you're talking about because you've actually made it out of the dungeon 😂, but it just doesn't track with my experience or how the regular arena works. In regular arena, after payout, you move down a step and have to climb again. Why would TTA move you UP after payout? 

Also, in regular arena, you move up after you finish the bar... again, why would it work differently in TTA? If you're right... this thing is dumber than I thought. 

Nov 25, 2020, 19:4611/25/20


Nov 25, 2020, 19:5311/25/20

I came here to say that I believe in the same things @L9753 explains and that I admire his patience :)

Nov 25, 2020, 19:5311/25/20


I'm going to assume you know what you're talking about because you've actually made it out of the dungeon 😂, but it just doesn't track with my experience or how the regular arena works. In regular arena, after payout, you move down a step and have to climb again. Why would TTA move you UP after payout? 

Also, in regular arena, you move up after you finish the bar... again, why would it work differently in TTA? If you're right... this thing is dumber than I thought. 

Keep in mind that, unlike regular arena, the TTA has tiers with a specific limited number of players (except for Bronze 1, which contains all remaining players). And unlike regular arena, moving between tiers can only happen at the weekly reset, when the X highest ranked players in each tier are promoted to the next one, while the X lowest ranked players in the higher tier move down into the previous tier. 

The difficulty, especially in bronze 1 with its huge number of players, is that the vast majority of players is clustered together on a small range of points - there could be thousands of players who all have more or less the same score as you. So when the decision gets made as to who makes the cut and gets promoted, perhaps people with just 1 point more than you get promoted and you do not. Perhaps even people with the exact same score as you get promoted, and you do not, if that's how the numbers work out. So if your score is pretty much on the edge between promotion or not, it's not surprising that the system shows you unclear or misleading information about whether you will promote - and this may change from minute to minute. 

As I just said to Andiel, it would definitely be easier/safer if you managed to get some visible progress in the third progress bar - more than the tiny sliver that you see in my own screenshot. Then you'd be above the borderline area and you could be more secure about promotion. 

Nov 25, 2020, 19:5711/25/20

If I were you, even if I know that my chance of winning is slim, I will still try to fight the 3226 point guy because of these reasons:

1. This is not at gold rank where he could be a platinum level player. Looking at his team composition, only his first team is the only one that somewhat makes sense. I will explain later. 

2. The other 2 teams have kill potential but don't have speed lead or turnmeter booster. Which means these are slow teams. It depends on their team power, if it falls just below 200k, I don't think all of the champions have high resist. So you can easily, outspeed, strip, and nuke. 

And the most important point is:

3. That fight will give you 20pts per win. I have not encounter that big amount of pts per win. And it means when you win just one of the fight, even if it says you lose, you still win in points. 

So how can you win? Here are some tips. 

That team comp is basically this, first team is a speed battle, second and third team is not. 

So let us say, you are still at the point that you can not win in a speed battle, it is okay. Give that battle to your enemy, concentrate on the other two.

You say you have 8 with over 200 speed, I would suggest you concentrate on the last team. That would be the easiest and I doubt that team have over 220 speed. And besides, Rhazin Skullcrusher and Septimus are usually clan boss champions. They are usually speed tune to a specific comp. He will not probably gear them very very fast. 

His second team is also easy but a little tricky. There is Rotos. Because of this you should have multi hits champion that can kill Rotos before he moves. That is why I suggest you concentrate on the last team. 

Now for the first team that I suggest you to skip. I said this is not a platinum level player. Why? Because of his team comp. First he is using Serris in defense. Serris, as of now, have dumb ai. If I will put her on defense this is just to scare not to win.

Second, He uses Arbiter but uses Tormin? It is like saying that I will outspeed you but I am not confident at my speed that you will probably outspeed me. Basically I am thinking that his Arbiter is not that fast. He intends to speed nuke with Trunda, but have a defense type Tormin(?) He could have place another nuker here probably a Skullcrown for a neutral affinity nuker. 

Third, he is only using one turnmeter booster. This means, if he have a 300 speed Arbiter, the other three champions should be around 220 to 240 speed to move next. Or else if you cut in between his combo you have the chance to win. That is why I don't think his Arbiter is that fast. But of course it is a different story if this team comp is in gold rank. 

Now these are basically what goes through my mind in every fight in tag team arena. I analyze their team comp. That is why I don't think tag team arena is dumb. It tests players strategy, champion's depth and gear depth. Even if you find players in your list that you can not defeat, then try to improve more. 

Now you said, you are only level 53. I would assume you are bringing fully ascended level 60 champions. If not, don't get frustrated if you are match with players you can't win. Just try to improve your artifacts and summon champions that you need. 

Nov 25, 2020, 21:2511/25/20

The difficulty, especially in bronze 1 with its huge number of players, is that the vast majority of players is clustered together on a small range of points - there could be thousands of players who all have more or less the same score as you. So when the decision gets made as to who makes the cut and gets promoted, perhaps people with just 1 point more than you get promoted and you do not. Perhaps even people with the exact same score as you get promoted, and you do not, if that's how the numbers work out.

OK! Thank you, this makes sense to me now. So I can be above the line (in green) and still not get a promotion because of the sheer number of players in Bronze 1 and the limit on players in Bronze 2 and above.  Weird mechanic and I'm going to go back to doing the minimum here and focusing on other areas for improvement, but at least I understand now! 😂 Thank you again! 

Nov 25, 2020, 21:4011/25/20


Now you said, you are only level 53. I would assume you are bringing fully ascended level 60 champions. If not, don't get frustrated if you are match with players you can't win. Just try to improve your artifacts and summon champions that you need. 

Yup, and thank you as well. It really is a test of depth which I just don't have (and I don't have your excellent recall for all heroes and their skills yet). I have 2 really good teams and one that's cannon fodder. Both of my main teams are about 70k and can typically take out a regular arena team that's 20-30k above those power levels, but TTA really tests that because I see such strong teams with great variety (regularly seeing 100-200k teams x 3) and those I just skip. It's crowded at the bottom! 😂 Like I said, I'm pretty average, here for the fun. I like trying to figure out the matchups and what works best and that's fun in Arena, less fun in TTA. I kinda enjoy getting wrecked (not speed battle wrecked) in regular arena because that means I saw something I wasn't expecting. Learning experiences! Clan boss tends to be the most fun for me because the team I use is only 78k, but outscores others in my clan that have 140k+(I can only go as high as Brutal though which is a drawback... I'm working on it). Power isn't everything... it's all about the matchup and finding ways to exploit weaknesses. Cheers all! 

Nov 25, 2020, 21:4411/25/20

The difficulty, especially in bronze 1 with its huge number of players, is that the vast majority of players is clustered together on a small range of points - there could be thousands of players who all have more or less the same score as you. So when the decision gets made as to who makes the cut and gets promoted, perhaps people with just 1 point more than you get promoted and you do not. Perhaps even people with the exact same score as you get promoted, and you do not, if that's how the numbers work out.

OK! Thank you, this makes sense to me now. So I can be above the line (in green) and still not get a promotion because of the sheer number of players in Bronze 1 and the limit on players in Bronze 2 and above.  Weird mechanic and I'm going to go back to doing the minimum here and focusing on other areas for improvement, but at least I understand now! 😂 Thank you again! 

Honestly, despite all the time I spent explaining how you *could* promote into bronze 2, I have to admit I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. :P Or at least, you're right to not focus on it - it will happen eventually once you have enough top champions at level 60. Personally I've been lounging in bronze 3 or sometimes bronze 4 - I might have a good enough roster that I could get into low silver if I tried hard enough, but I can't be bothered, which clearly goes for most players in these tiers... 

Nov 25, 2020, 22:3011/25/20
Nov 25, 2020, 22:35(edited)

How to use Tag Team arena.

1. Monday. Put single level 1s in Defense. Reroll and find a player with 0 points. Win the first battle, then surrender. Repeat up to 20 times on the same player. This results in some gold bars and, most importantly, big points loss.

2. Tuesday - Friday. Enjoy free gold bars fighting other players who put single champs in their defense. You will hang around 600 points using 20 keys a day, getting 300 bars a day in Bronze 1 and 1320 bars a day in Silver 1.

3. Saturday - Sunday. Set up the best defense you can. Try to climb. It's easy until 900-1000, then have to choose fights carefully and often play for 2 wins out of 3. You will likely get to middle area securing a stop in the same league for the next week. Sometimes you get enough points to be promoted. Sometines you get demoted. Don't worry about it. You still get your free bars Tuesday - Friday.  It's enough to buy Drextar fragments and sometimes shards and energy. The higher tier you are, the more free bars you get. Can buy tomes and 3 star chickens then. As you improve your teams, you will get into higher tiers while doing the same weekly routine.

Nov 25, 2020, 22:3911/25/20

I actually enjoy more staying at Bronze 4...

Same here 😂 I was almost in silver and i knock myself on purpose down cuz the matches are way to harder :P


Nov 25, 2020, 22:5111/25/20


Silver 1 is fine ;)

Nov 25, 2020, 23:1811/25/20

How to use Tag Team arena.

1. Monday. Put single level 1s in Defense. Reroll and find a player with 0 points. Win the first battle, then surrender. Repeat up to 20 times on the same player. This results in some gold bars and, most importantly, big points loss.

2. Tuesday - Friday. Enjoy free gold bars fighting other players who put single champs in their defense. You will hang around 600 points using 20 keys a day, getting 300 bars a day in Bronze 1 and 1320 bars a day in Silver 1.

3. Saturday - Sunday. Set up the best defense you can. Try to climb. It's easy until 900-1000, then have to choose fights carefully and often play for 2 wins out of 3. You will likely get to middle area securing a stop in the same league for the next week. Sometimes you get enough points to be promoted. Sometines you get demoted. Don't worry about it. You still get your free bars Tuesday - Friday.  It's enough to buy Drextar fragments and sometimes shards and energy. The higher tier you are, the more free bars you get. Can buy tomes and 3 star chickens then. As you improve your teams, you will get into higher tiers while doing the same weekly routine.


This is the "game the system" content I'm here for! 

Nov 26, 2020, 00:3711/26/20


Silver 1 is fine ;)

lol 😂😂😂

Nov 27, 2020, 23:0011/27/20
Nov 27, 2020, 23:01(edited)


"Insisting on conspiracy theory to explain a bug..."

LOL it really boils your blood when you get contradicted, doesn't it ?

Well here's some conspiracy theory for you. The experience of the OP and myself contradict what you've said. No, filling up the second bar to green does NOT guarantee a promotion to the next tier.

Too bad, so sad, you were wrong. Get over it. 

Nov 27, 2020, 23:3811/27/20
Andiel Ralck


"Insisting on conspiracy theory to explain a bug..."

LOL it really boils your blood when you get contradicted, doesn't it ?

Well here's some conspiracy theory for you. The experience of the OP and myself contradict what you've said. No, filling up the second bar to green does NOT guarantee a promotion to the next tier.

Too bad, so sad, you were wrong. Get over it. 

Uh, yeah, I'm not the one who started with the 'intellectually dishonest', so if you want to complain that I'm too harsh by calling your view a conspiracy theory, you may want to mind your own tone first next time. 

Either way, unlike you, I actually gave the OP correct and helpful answers - including the later one going into more detail on why the system with the green bar is so tricky. Once your con... uh, unproven theories about 'next tier in Bronze 1' get disproven, you can maybe come back and reread my answers. Though I'm not going to be holding my breath for an apology or an acknowledgement that you were wrong... 

Dec 1, 2020, 06:1112/01/20

Uh, yeah, I'm not the one who started with the 'intellectually dishonest', so if you want to complain that I'm too harsh by calling your view a conspiracy theory, you may want to mind your own tone first next time. 

Either way, unlike you, I actually gave the OP correct and helpful answers - including the later one going into more detail on why the system with the green bar is so tricky. Once your con... uh, unproven theories about 'next tier in Bronze 1' get disproven, you can maybe come back and reread my answers. Though I'm not going to be holding my breath for an apology or an acknowledgement that you were wrong... 

You were being intellectually dishonest by mischararcterizing my statement. You knew darn well what I was talking about but refused to ackowledge it. Sure, I misused some terminology in the begining, I am a newer player after all and that's why I was quick to admit where I was wrong. I was  however only trying to converse with you about my experince with the game (the same experince which repeated itself again this ranking period) but you instead turned this into some kind of weird pissing contest. 

As for your "new and improved" suggestions for the OP, I find them hilarious. You're now admitting that filling and keeping the second bar to green may not be enough to promote one to Bronze 2. It's almost as if you don't remember being a prick to me because I told you the OP wasn't a few battles from promoting to Bronze 2 or something. 

Dec 1, 2020, 07:5912/01/20
Andiel Ralck

You were being intellectually dishonest by mischararcterizing my statement. You knew darn well what I was talking about but refused to ackowledge it. Sure, I misused some terminology in the begining, I am a newer player after all and that's why I was quick to admit where I was wrong. I was  however only trying to converse with you about my experince with the game (the same experince which repeated itself again this ranking period) but you instead turned this into some kind of weird pissing contest. 

As for your "new and improved" suggestions for the OP, I find them hilarious. You're now admitting that filling and keeping the second bar to green may not be enough to promote one to Bronze 2. It's almost as if you don't remember being a prick to me because I told you the OP wasn't a few battles from promoting to Bronze 2 or something. 

Okay, I have no idea what you're even talking about here. I mischaracterized your statement - which one? You misused terminology - which would that be and what did you actually mean instead? Because as far as I understood your posts, you're still insisting on something that's just wrong regardless of what terminology you use, this idea of multiple tiers existing within bronze 1. And if you've admitted you were wrong anywhere in this conversation, I must've missed it... 

As soon as you mentioned your issue of seeing green at the reset but not promoting, I acknowledged that there could be a bug / something not working right there. I haven't needed to change my position on that, I've only given some background on why this is so complicated / prone to malfunctioning and added that it is of course better, if you can, to reduce the risk of such issues by getting some extra points and being more solidly in the green. 

Dec 12, 2020, 06:4812/12/20

This shit needs to be removed from the game, or at least taken out of the damn advanced daily so i dont have to be FORCED to play 5 of these horrific bronze 2 12 legendary champion teams every damn day

Dec 13, 2020, 07:4012/13/20

you are absolutely right, you are doing well and you are not spending your money here, the game is made for players who spend their money here, play without giving them money

Dec 14, 2020, 13:4312/14/20

What is wrong with you what are you thinking