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Silver Arena

Silver Arena

Jul 15, 2020, 12:5407/15/20

I was stuck in silver 1 for months. I hit the jackpot and pulled Siphi past weekend. Now I’m in gold 2. Working up through to gold 2 I came across many teams that was

Spirit host high katun warmaiden and kael/athel even in gold 1 I saw those teams.

 I was upset for longest time because I didn’t want to work on champs I wasn’t gonna use for dungeons. But past few days have opened my eyes to rare champ possibilities in arena. 

Jul 15, 2020, 15:1607/15/20
Jul 15, 2020, 15:24(edited)

Ident20 said:

Ha ha ha ha, funny.

The words you called "really bad advice" would happen sooner than you could imagine. 

If Silver Arena would keep the same like it is now, the time he quit may come sooner than the time he could pass SArena. 

Your advice is bad.

And even if the game reset Arena to how it was 10 months ago.

The OP of this thread would still not be able to get to Silver Arena.

Bronze 1 - Bronze 2 ----> Starter Lead + Sniper or Crusader --------------------------------> Teams are Uncommon & Rare

Bronze 3 - Bronze 4 ----> Starter Lead + Shaman or Jizoh thrown in ----------------------> Teams are Rare with 1 Epic

Silver 1 - Silver 3 --------> Malbranche or Spirithost Lead + Apothecary or Diabolist ---> Teams are Rare & Epic Mixture

Silver 4 - Gold 2 --------> Skullcrown or Gorgorab Lead ----------------------------------------> Teams are Epic with 1 Leggo

Gold 3 - Gold 4 ---------> Kymar, Abriter, or Lord Shazar Lead --------------------------------> Teams are Legendary

That is how the Arena was 10 months ago.

There is a list of 10 people on your Arena list.

1st person was always a youtuber - very strong - I couldn't beat them.

Some of them were in Gold - I was in Bronze.

The game put them there as a Featured Fight - Battle with a Youtuber!

I had Sniper - Crusader - Warpriest - Kael.

They had Legendary heroes.

The next 4-5 people on my list looked like normal Bronze people.

They had Snipers or Crusaders.

They had Outlmonks.

They had different Rares.

The last 3-4 people on my list where Challenge Battles.

They were comprised of very strong players or very whale players.

And here is the tricky part.

The full legendary whale teams were the ones you could beat.

They where the "Easy" Challenge Battle fights.

The players who where in the Challenge Battles fights which didn't have Legendary heroes would decimate you!

You would never have a turn - They would just destroy your team.

So when people tell me arena in lower tiers have fully legendary teams.

I am reminded about my situation and I think those are the easy wins.

Why where they easy? Because I was a beginner that played for 5 days.

But there was other players who had played for 5 days as well who dropped thousands of dollars on the game doing shard pulls.

They would fill there defense with just random legendary heroes who had no synergy.

They didn't have a clue what they was doing - they was just putting gold heroes in a defense.

So it was easy for me to beat them.

But the players I was scared of was the ones in the Challenge Section which didn't have Legendary heroes.

They would destroy you - They would make your team look like a joke!

So there you have it!

Do you think the OP could get to Silver vs. the above information I have just given you? 

I was here 10 months ago - Now you know how it was 10 months ago.

I don't think arena has changed.

I don't think the OP could reach Silver back than either!

The reason why is because the OP of this thread made to many mistakes.

The OP sacrificed to many good champions as rank up food.

Sacrificing good heroes as rank up food has hurt his accounts progression.

The OP got rid of heroes who could help him in Arena.

The OP has to wait till he can pull more Arena heroes from shards.

In the mean time, The OP should focus on improving something else.

And even if the OP was able to reach Silver 1 with some set up.

It wouldn't matter because he would than be stuck on another mission.

The game has 286 missions - And they will not be completed in a single day or week.

You would need months or even in some cases a year to complete them.

So your in it for the long haul and if your not you might as well quit the game.

Jul 15, 2020, 18:3907/15/20

Hi Ozzlee, 

I had 1 legendary book which I used for my legendary hero but that’s all I had. 

I have 7 epic tomes that I haven’t used yet as thought I’d wait to see if I got a decent epic to use them on. 

Shall I try to rank my legendary up to 6* or not worry? Also when I got from rank 5-6 do I use any of the 5* heroes or is it better to farm not so good champions and level them up?
Jul 15, 2020, 20:4307/15/20

Don't worry OP. Lots of players get stuck on that mission. I started playing 3 months ago and have more and better champs than you but still didn't pass it :P

Previous suggestions are great but I think you need a team of 50k power to get passed Bronze III, 75k power to get to Bronze IV middle, but 85-100k for Silver.
Jul 15, 2020, 21:1307/15/20

klauseba said:

Don't worry OP. Lots of players get stuck on that mission. I started playing 3 months ago and have more and better champs than you but still didn't pass it :P

Previous suggestions are great but I think you need a team of 50k power to get passed Bronze III, 75k power to get to Bronze IV middle, but 85-100k for Silver.

Team power means nothing. It does not say anything about the real team strength at all. Judging your team strength based solely on the team power number can lead to a lot of frustration.

Jul 15, 2020, 21:1307/15/20

klauseba said:

Don't worry OP. Lots of players get stuck on that mission. I started playing 3 months ago and have more and better champs than you but still didn't pass it :P

Previous suggestions are great but I think you need a team of 50k power to get passed Bronze III, 75k power to get to Bronze IV middle, but 85-100k for Silver.

Power is seriously irrelevant. Let me put it this way: I have my main account in gold II with a strong team of 3 good legendaries plus stag knight, and I can still lose there to teams with 80k power because they are inevitably insanely fast and super synergized. On the other hand, I have my f2p alt with a very basic speed nuke with only about 165 speed, sitting in bronze III or occasionally IV, which can beat teams of 80k power there because if a 80k power team is still in bronze III, it's probably because it's badly built and slow. 

If you want to talk about what it takes to get to silver, it's speed numbers that you need to discuss, not power. 
Jul 16, 2020, 03:1907/16/20

slorance89 said:

Hi Ozzlee, 

I had 1 legendary book which I used for my legendary hero but that’s all I had. 

I have 7 epic tomes that I haven’t used yet as thought I’d wait to see if I got a decent epic to use them on. 

Shall I try to rank my legendary up to 6* or not worry? Also when I got from rank 5-6 do I use any of the 5* heroes or is it better to farm not so good champions and level them up?

Ranking up your Queen Eva to 6* is a good short term goal, I say go for it.

Books, for me is one of the most valuable resource in this game, even more valuable than their respective shards, use them WISELY!

I have Bushi and Jizoh, Bushi is definitely NOT WORTH IT, but Jizoh, I like him, many people don't seem to rate him that high, but I have my Jizoh fully upgraded, fully ascended, fully mastered, AND fully booked.

He's a beast, hits hard, can take lot's of punishment, can heal and cast shield!

His only weakness is that he has no AoE

If you want to hold out for other Epics that is okay too.

Can you farm Brutal campaign 12-3?

Jul 16, 2020, 06:2607/16/20

I like jizoh to he is good 😂 but like you said I read that loads of people say he’s not end game. 

I went against a jizoh in arena, last guy left and he took my whole team out 😂.

Yeah I have completed brutal stage all 3 starred, done a little bit of nightmare but only on 1 star up to stage 5. 

I do my daily quests everyday, and do some farming for chickens to level up Warmaiden etc but think I need to focus on getting another champ (queen) to 60 maybe.

Jul 16, 2020, 07:5107/16/20
curious, who read the guy who wrote too much ? anyone ? 
Jul 16, 2020, 08:1207/16/20
Jul 16, 2020, 08:18(edited)

slorance89 said:

I like jizoh to he is good 😂 but like you said I read that loads of people say he’s not end game. 

I went against a jizoh in arena, last guy left and he took my whole team out 😂.

Yeah I have completed brutal stage all 3 starred, done a little bit of nightmare but only on 1 star up to stage 5. 

I do my daily quests everyday, and do some farming for chickens to level up Warmaiden etc but think I need to focus on getting another champ (queen) to 60 maybe.

Right? My Jizoh have done that loads of time!

BTW concentrate on Eva first, as for Arena, try it slowly, just mix and match for now, no need to worry about winning for now, try to feel how you want your team to move and gear them accordingly.

And when there's an event or tournament, just try to do them as much as you can.

Some suggestions on preparation on events:

> Save as many silver as you can (20 mil if you can) for equipment upgrade even

> Save as much shard as you can for hero chase event. And if possible only summon at the 2x chance event

> Prepare as much food as you can to rank upgrade your heroes on Champion training event

By doing things while coinciding with events will get you more extra stuff while creating your team

Jul 16, 2020, 09:5107/16/20


I am a new player (52 days). I am in silver 2 with with HK, Venus, Alure and Luria. I pick fights mainly against non-speed aura teams. My win rate is 75% but I am not using all the arena tokens, which makes me progress slowly on the great hall and in Missions.

I have cleaned almost all dungeons, I have no problem in NM Campaign, but the Arena Missions take me a lot of days to pass.

From my perspective, the Arena should be a bit easier, or at least, Arena Missions...

Jul 16, 2020, 13:3107/16/20
IIdent20 said:

curious, who read the guy who wrote too much ? anyone ? 
I did.  One of the few people on this forum that gives good advice.
Jul 16, 2020, 14:1307/16/20
How did you post your screenshot?
Jul 16, 2020, 15:0707/16/20
Posted screen shot on the PC, not sure if you can do it in mobile. I have read all the posts, appreciate all the responses and taking a lot of advice on board so thanks for the posts!!
Jul 16, 2020, 15:2607/16/20

Trips said:

IIdent20 said:

curious, who read the guy who wrote too much ? anyone ? 
I did.  One of the few people on this forum that gives good advice.

This is what he wanted to tell:

You are so patience.

This is what people had to read:

Sometimes I can’t hear myself think. There is too much noise — kids, work to do, house projects, a to do list, organizing, and more.

The days and weeks sometimes fly by in an instant. From one moment to the next.

I don’t want it to be this way. I want to enjoy each moment. To experience each moment with some level of awareness.

On a daily basis we interact with hundreds of people. Interactions with people, whether it’s family, friends, or complete strangers, are the construct that make up our life. And yet, we too often move quickly past one interaction to get to the next.

As you become more successful — grow your family, your relationships, your company, your team — the number of interactions will only increase. It becomes more tempting to treat a new neighbor like any other person you bump into on the street.

Here’s where patience comes in. Take a deep breath. There’s a person on the other end of the conversation. Someone who needs a piece of you. They need the value you bring to this world.

You can make them smile or give them courage.

Whether you’re selling something, or being sold something.

Telling or being told.

Teaching or being taught.

Caring or being cared for.

We can treat our interactions as just that — an interaction — when, in fact, there may be an inportant moment waiting to be discovered.

The woman is not the only one to benefit that day. One could argue that the cab driver got the most from their experience. A life to live with that memory and that feeling of what he did, the significance of the moment, and knowledge of how precious life is. I’m sure all this and more stuck with him every day after.

Not every interaction has this level of potential. But we’ll never know unless we try.

Take a few moments today to find more patience with the people in your life. This might be listening more intently to your spouse, enjoying a conversation with your kids, taking time to check in with a neighbor, or listening to a coworker’s struggle with something outside of work. Whatever it is, give it your attention.

Here’s an example…

I heard an amazing story of patience the other day. It has stuck with me since, and it’s altered the way I shape my interactions throughout each day.

This is a story about a small, random act of kindness that affected two lives in a big way:

A New York City taxi driver arriveS at the final stop for his shift. He honked. After waiting a few minutes, he honked again. Because it was his last stop, he considered pulling away. Instead, he put the car in park and walked up to the door.

He knocked.

He heard an elderly voice, “Just a minute.”

He then heard the shuffling of bags moving across the floor. Then the door opened.

It was a small woman in her 90’s with a soft smile wearing a print dress and a pillbox hat with a veil pinned on it. As she answered, the taxi driver caught a glimpse inside the house. It looked as if no one had lived there for years. All the furniture was covered in sheets, no clocks on the wall, and no knickknacks on the counters.

“Could you carry my bag?“ the lady asked.

The cab driver walked her slowly down the steps of the front porch to the cab.

Once in the cab, the lady handed the driver an address and asked, “Could you drive through downtown?”

“It’s not the shortest way,” The driver answered.

“I’m in no hurry. I don’t mind,” she said. “I’m on my way to hospice…”

The driver and passenger shared a quick glimpse in the rearview mirror, enough for her to see his concern and continue:

“I don’t have any family left. The doctor says I don’t have very long.”

The driver quietly reached over and shut off the meter then asked, “What route would you like me to take?”

For the next two hours, they drove through the city. She showed the driver where she once worked, the neighborhood where she and her husband first lived, a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom when she was a girl. There were a few parts of town she asked the driver to slow down and she would sit, staring into the darkness, saying nothing.

After a couple hours, she suddenly said, “I’m tired. Let’s go now.”

They drove in silence to the address she had given him. When they arrived, two orderlies came out to the cab as soon as they pulled up. They must have been expecting her.

The driver opened the trunk to take out the suitcase. As he shut the trunk, she was already in a wheelchair.

“How much do I owe you?” She asked, reaching into her purse.

“Nothing,” said the driver.

“You have to make a living,” she answered.

“There are other passengers,” he responded.

Almost without thinking, the driver bent and gave the lady a hug. She held on tightly.

“You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,” she said. “Thank you.”

The driver gave a final squeeze of the lady’s hand and the two turned to go their separate ways. As he got in the car and glanced over to her, the door was shut.

He didn’t pick up any more passengers That night. In fact, he could hardly speak.

What if that woman had gotten an angry or impatient driver? What if she got someone who refused to get out and go to her door? Refused to take the time driving around the city?

The taxi driver couldn’t shake the feeling that this single moment may be one of the most important moments of his life.

(quoted from somewhere)