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Good Job, Plarium - Battle Pass - Success!

Good Job, Plarium - Battle Pass - Success!

Feb 27, 2020, 18:0102/27/20
Feb 27, 2020, 18:04(edited)

If anyone is curious, I will show you the pictures of the Critical Damage gear I got from the reward.

I will give you my over all ranking on them.

I think the above weapon is Excellent, but not God Tier.

I normally put Critical Damage gear on Damage Dealing champions.

Most of my Attacking Champions which are Attack Type Based often prefer having Critical Rate + Critical Damage + Atk %

The 4th Substat I usually aim for is ACC or SPD.

If the hero places debuff, I can go for ACC.

If the hero doesn't place any debuff, I can go for SPD.

You can see the above gear piece has 3 Stats out of the 4 Stats I use.

I would prefer the gear piece to have Critical Rate instead of HP %.

However, I will keep this piece of gear.

I might find myself in a situation 1 day where my hero has 100% Critical Rate.

Than I wouldn't need any more Critical Rate.

I could than use this piece since it offers HP %

I think the above Helm has the potential to be Excellent or Trash.

I think the above gear piece could be an Excellent for a Damage Dealing Hero - who damage scales off [DEF]

Again - this piece of gear has 3 stats which I would want to have for a hero of that type.

The stat which I really don't like is the Flat Stat Attack.

If I get rolls into this gear with Flat Stat Attack, I will probably sell it for silver.

If I get rolls into the other sub-stats, I will probably keep it.

I think the above Shield is not great for Critical Damage set.

Def %  - HP % - Speed - What is the first thing that pops into your mind?

The first thing which pops into my mind - Is a hero which loves to live a long time + be fast.

What types of heroes love to live a long time + be fast?

The Answer is Annoying Debuff Champions.

- The Tormin of the world

- Harvest Jack

What do they want to do?

They want to live a long time + annoy you to death with there pesky debuff.

In my opinion, This gear piece is bad for a Critical Damage set.

I'm not going to sell it because I think I can probably make use out of it as a Broken Gear Piece.

I don't know if you know the term "Off Set".

Your using a gear piece because of the sub-stats on it - not worrying about the set bonus.

It is really hard to get the perfect sub stats + the perfect set bonus.

Sometimes, you don't get them both.


I'm siting here thinking if there is ever going to be a scenario when you would want this piece of gear for its set bonus.

What if we have a hero who scales damage based on both [HP] + {DEF} 

So this hero has all his skills which scale off both of those stats.

Than we have Critical Rate to get her C.Rate to 100%

Than we have Speed to increase our hero speed.

I feel like that is such a farfetched situation.

What are the odds of that ever happening?

I don't even think I own a hero who scales off both HP + DEF.

I'm going to chalk this piece of gear up as a Broken piece.

I think the above Shoes has the potential to be Good or Trash.

Again, We find ourselves with Flat Stat substats.

All I wanted is for the Flat HP stat to be Critical Damage.

Than BOOOM this gear is a God Tier 5 star piece.

it wasn't meant to be!

I will have to roll it to see what it rolls on.

If it hits the Flat Stat, I am going to probably sell it.

I did get 2 other pieces of gear:

  • Flat Stat Primary Attack Gloves
  • Flat Stat Primary Defense Chest

They got instant Sold.

I don't keep such gears on my account.
Mar 3, 2020, 14:2303/03/20
Mar 3, 2020, 14:23(edited)

Minor Update:

The game has decided to replace 1 of the missions in Battle Pass.

There is a mission in Battle Pass which wants you to (Kill 3 enemies in Arena with 1 Hit).

I didn't have a problem with the above mission.

It seems like other people did have a problem.

The way to beat the above mission was to use a Speed Nuking team which has a Def Down hero who doesn't do psychical attacks.

High Khatun ---> Spirithost ---> Spider ---> Kael

I suppose people had problems because they were using War maiden.

War maiden does a Psychical hit when she places her Def Down.

The Psychical Hit is counted as the 1 hit - If she doesn't kill anyone, You can't complete the mission.

Nevertheless, It seems like the game has decided to replace the mission.

They will be adding in a new misssion.

Here is a Screenshot Picture from Discord from Cirilla talking about what I'm saying.

Mar 4, 2020, 09:2203/04/20

Well done removed one dump quest to add another .....

How do you guys expecting players 60 days and below in the game to complete this quest? In my progress in the game, I'm had no other choice to skip this quest. 

stun, sleep or freeze debuffs .... open for suggestions without going back all the way to bronze 1 .... 

Mar 4, 2020, 11:2903/04/20
Equip someone with freeze? 

Alsido said:

Well done removed one dump quest to add another .....

How do you guys expecting players 60 days and below in the game to complete this quest? In my progress in the game, I'm had no other choice to skip this quest. 

stun, sleep or freeze debuffs .... open for suggestions without going back all the way to bronze 1 .... 

Mar 4, 2020, 11:3703/04/20
Unfortunately don't have any of this items. And in arena won't have chance if I disbalace my team ....
Mar 4, 2020, 15:2503/04/20
Are any of the champions worth anything?  It seems most are at best B ratings if not C or F in the tier lists?  If so, which ones and where?  Thanks!
Mar 4, 2020, 16:1803/04/20
Mar 4, 2020, 16:40(edited)

I want to post Week 4 Weekly Missions:

Here is a screenshot of Weekly 4 rewards:

Mar 4, 2020, 16:3703/04/20
Mar 4, 2020, 16:52(edited)


Your Arena team should be the following:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura 19%

1st move: High Khatun ---------------------------------> Turn Meter + Speed Buff

2nd move: Spirithost ------------------------------------> Increase Attack 50%

3rd move: Bellower --------------------------------------> Decrease Enemy Defense

4th move: Elhain ------------------------------------------> AOE Damage Dealer

You should put a Stun or Daze set on your Bellower - it would work out great in the above arena set up.

Stun Set would be the best set to use for above team because when your Elhain does her turn - She will not wake up enemy.

The enemy will either be dead or stunned.

I don't know if you own a Stun set or not.

If you don't own a Stun set, You can try a Daze set.

The Daze set is less ideal because Elhain will wake enemy up after she does her hit.

You can use the Daze set on Bellower just to help finish the mission.

Than you can take it off after mission is done. 

You don't want to use a Frost set.

Frost set requires your team to get hit in order for it to function.

Your team is a speed nuking team.

A Speed nuking team often loses if they get hit.

So yeah - Avoid Froze set - For the above team.

Mar 4, 2020, 17:2203/04/20
Mar 4, 2020, 17:22(edited)

this is the problem didn't got to the stage that I had time to farm stun, sleep, freeze set (got 1 stun item). I can bet I'm not the only one who got to this point so next week they will start making even more specific buffs/debuffs like use Secret Skill in arena 20 times .... seriously. I think its time to start collecting screen shots of maintenance and ask apple for refund .....

It just feels like developers taking a piss on lower lvl players.

Mar 4, 2020, 20:5003/04/20
Mar 4, 2020, 22:03(edited)

I want to address a question which was given by Milerstar1.

Milestar1 asked an amazing question which I would like to talk about.

Milestar1 question "Are any of the champions worth anything?"

I haven't talked about the heroes which come from the Battle Pass.

The main reason is because I have been waiting to collect them from the Battle Pass to try them out.

I reached level 60 on my Battle Pass a few days ago.

I own the following heroes from the Battle Pass:

  • Frozen Banshee -------> Level 1
  • Gravechill Killer --------> Level 50
  • Ursine Ice Crusher ----> Level 30
  • Ursine Ironhide ---------> Pulled him from a Shard ----> I will get a second copy of him at Level 90
  • Stage Knight ------------> Level 60
  • Frost King ---------------> I don't own, yet -----------------> I will get him at Level 100

I would like to answer Milestar question + give you peeps my opinion about these heroes.

  • Frozen Banshee = Trash

I put Frozen Banshee in my Vault.

I am waiting for the game to Buff her or use her as a Fusion Material.

Any extra copies I get of Frozen Banshee will be 3 star chickens.

Why do I think she is trash? Because the game put to many restrictions on her.

FB can't put poison, unless you have Poison Sensitivity on target

FB can't put poison sensitivity because the chance is to low + you need other debuffs to increase chance.

Guess what? I'm not jumping thru hoops to get her to do poison - That is insane!

I have a Kael - Kael puts up poison with no problem 

  • Gravechill Killer = Insane for Beginners ---> Vault/Chicken for Everyone else

I think Gravechill will be insane for beginner players who are lacking poison hero's.

Gravechill can help increase your clan boss damage.

Gravechill can be a great hero to level up in the early game.

I think long term Gravechill will decline in awesomeness.

The longer your account is active - The more likely Gravechill will turn into a Vault Hero / 3 Star Chicken.

There are a lot of better poison heroes out in the game which can replace her.

The problem is you have to pull them from a Shard.

You have to keep things in perspective here.

Grave Chill is a Rare who does 2.5% poison.

The game has Epic & Legendary heroes who do 5% poison.

5% poison is better vs. 2.5% poison.

2.5% poison is better vs. 0 (nothing)

  • Ursine Bears = I think they are Good

I am currently leveling these heroes.

I am going to make a team with them!

The Ursine Bears are very unorthodox.

Ursine Icecrusher ---> Reduces Damage Allies take --> Reduces Critical Rate -> Block Cooldown Skills

Ursine Ironhide ------> Reduces Turn Meter -------------> Reduces Attack ---------> Increase Skill Cooldowns

When I read these skills, I can only think of 1 way to describe what they are doing.

The Ursine Bears are trying to put people in a Bear Hug. lol

It sounds like a joke or something, but how else to describe it?

They are reducing damage - attack - critical rate - turn meter 

  • They don't want you to do a big hits on them.
  • They don't want you to move 2 times before they move 1 time.

They are blocking your skill - increasing the cooldowns of your skills

  • They don't want you to do your best skills.
  • They don't want you to do your high damage dealing skills.

It seems like they are trying to put you in a very awkward spot.

The first place I want to test these bears out on is ARENA!

Some poor baster in arena is going to feel my Bears wrath.

Its kind of cynical & sadistic really!

Than I was thinking about other area's I can use these Bears in.

I was thinking about Faction Wars - My Skin walker team for Faction wars is bad.

I own all of the Rare for Skin walkers.

I own all of the Epics except 2 for Skin Walkers.

I own 0 Legendries for Skin Walkers

I feel like these 2 bears can be a huge bump to my team.

I have been thinking of strategies to make these bears work in my Faction War team.

I noticed I own Steelskull.

Steelskull is a Skin Walker hero who I have as level 60.

I use him for my Clan Boss team.

It got me to think about using the 2 Bears + Steelskull.

And that is when a Lightbulb moment came to me.

I have never seen a Status Condition Arena team.

I own 3  Arena Teams.

I own a Speed Nuking Team (Trying to 1 Shot enemy)

I own a Resistance team (Trying to Counter Speed Teams + 1 Shot them with return fire)

I own a Health Team (Stall team - Trying to make opponent quit fight)

I own these different teams, but I don't have a team which tries to win by Poisoning the enemy to death.

I feel like these 2 bears can help make a set up where I beat the opponent by using DoT (Damage Over Time).

it is a very unorthodox set up.

I haven't seen anyone do it.

Maybe, people have done it 

Maybe, my arena refresh list is on the fritz.

I don't know

But I am thinking of a strategy to make it happen!

The problem is how am I going to be able to keep all of those debuffs up on the enemy?

Than another light bulb moment happened.

How do we keep debuffs on the clan boss?

Debuff Extension!!!

I'm making a Clan Boss team which has gone rogue for Arena.

And here is the shocking thing peeps.

There is a Skin Walker who can extend Debuffs!

Flesh Tearer is a hero I own from the Skin Walkers.

He can extend debuffs on all Enemies.

I think a Status Condition team can happen!

I also want to mention something.

I have a lot of Toxic gear.

I was thinking selling it for silver.

Most Tier Gear list + people I have talked with say the Toxic set isn't very good.

I have asked about it in the past.

Most people say to sell it for silver.

I'm thinking about putting the Toxic gears I won on all of these heroes!

What if I put Toxic gear on them to make the Status Condition dream team come true?

It is possible for me to get completely wrecked in Arena with this team, but I like to mix things up.

I have several teams.

Its fine

  • Stag Knight = I think he is Average

Stag Knight A2 is completely amazing, but I hate everything else about him.

I have seen youtube videos of Stag Knight.

I have seen them youtube creators going berserker - OMG - Stag Knight is the best thing since sliced bread.

I feel like there is so much Hype on this hero.

I'm in the process of leveling my Stag Knight - Just to understand why there is so much hyped about him.

I hate his A1.

I hate his Passive.

I hate that he takes 12 Epic Tomes with only 2 Skills

I hate that his damage scales off Attack - When he literally has only 800 attack

I hate that his A2 has only 95% Chance - Forcing you to use Sniper in the Support Tree - What if we didn't want to go down Support Tree?

I hate that he has an amazing Design with mostly trash skills.

I hate that he is on the Loading Screen Fighting Wurlim the Frost King - And he is only Epic!

Why didn't they make this dude a Legendary? 

He is fighting the Frost King who is a Leggo on the Loading Screen?

What the game has done to Stag Knight is an abomination! 

Will I use him? 

Yeah, I want to use him!

Look at that Shield - It is pulsating 

You get this hero - You want to use him because he looks so cool 

Arena - I am thinking of using Stag Knight for my Arena Speed Nuking team.

I have a hero who does Decrease Enemy Defense in my Speed Nuking team.

The problem is the hero I use (Spider) doesn't like to do the move on Auto.

I want to see if Stag Knight does his A2 on auto so I can make a swap.

Ice Golem - I am thinking of using Stag Knight in my Ice Golem team.

Ice Golem Stage 20 is Spirit Affinity.

Stag Knight is Spirit Affinity - He might do a good job there.

Faction Wars - The Banner Lords are so trash

He can help my Faction wars team for sure.

Clan Boss - I don't have a very good Attack Down hero.

I want to try Stag Knight out to see how he does.

I want to see how much damage he would do.

Mar 11, 2020, 18:2703/11/20

I want to post Week 5 Weekly Missions:

Here is a screenshot of Weekly 5 rewards:

A few of my teammates are at level 100 in the Battle Pass.

We were discussing this weeks - Weekly Reward 5.

A few of my teammates have been saying they plan to skip this weeks Missions. lol

They feel like Weekly Reward 5 is very underwhelming.

What do you people think?

You get one 5 star chicken for finishing this weeks set of missions.

Do you think it is a good deal? or would you have preferred seeing them give out slightly more chickens?

A friend of mine was saying he felt like they should have given out three 5 star chickens.

He feels like this week set of missions are very challenging.

I guess the issue on whether or not this one 5 star chicken is worth it comes down to player progression.

You have to take into consideration that my Friend is in Plat. Arena.

The missions which wants you to go first 50 times in Arena - Isn't really easy for him. lol

He is using a Tank team in Plat.

His speed team isn't fast enough to go first vs. those other Plat. teams.

In order for him to finish this mission, He would have to lose a bunch of fights to drop out of Plat. Arena.

Than He would have to use his Offense set up in Gold 4 to fight his way up till he finishes the 50 - Go first mission.

And do you know what the funniest part is?

My friend is upset with the Scrolls Mission. 


It seems like such an easy mission to do. 

But you have to understand his situation in order to really grasp why he is upset. lol

My Friend is a whale - All he does is buy out his scrolls for 800 gems. 

My Friend doesn't have a Minotaur Team. 

He never needed a Minotaur Team. lol

My Friend is feeling tortured by the game right now.

I can't stop laughing - I am laughing so hard I have tears in my eyes.

This game is great!

What a very awkward spot to be in.

Have you ever heard of such a problem?

It's a major Whale problem!

So Funny

I have a feeling some people might be skipping this weeks - Weekly Reward. lol

One 5 star chicken isn't enough of an incentive to make them do all of these things.

Mar 11, 2020, 18:5603/11/20

Minor Update:

A week ago, A player by the name of Milestar1 asked me about the Battle Pass heroes.

I gave my honest opinion about those heroes at the time.

Today, the game has done an update! 

The update included a Balance on the hero named Frozen Banshee.

You can see the below screen shot to see the changes they decided to do. 

Previously, I said Froze Banshee was trash.

Why? Because she was trash.

But now They made changes. 

I think Frozen Banshee is a very strong champion.

Frozen Banshee needed this Buff.

I don't think I can fit her into my Clan Boss Team.

However, I do think some people might be able to fit her in.

I would try her out.

Frozen Banshee does Turn Meter Filling on her A2.

I think Frozen Banshee might be great on a Clan Boss team which is running a Speed team set up.

There are Speed Team set ups which have Apothecary.

I think Frozen Banshee might be great on those types of Clan Boss Teams.

Mar 19, 2020, 19:3803/19/20

I want to post Week 6 Weekly Missions:

Here is a screenshot of Weekly 6 rewards:

Mar 19, 2020, 20:1003/19/20


Did you have any commentary to add or just posting it to post?

I do have a question. I'd like to do the fire knight one in as few runs as possible. Anyone know if the HR counts whenever it procs or does it have to clear and reproc? 
Mar 20, 2020, 03:3503/20/20
Mar 20, 2020, 03:36(edited)

Trips said:


Did you have any commentary to add or just posting it to post?

I do have a question. I'd like to do the fire knight one in as few runs as possible. Anyone know if the HR counts whenever it procs or does it have to clear and reproc? 

I wanted to post it to get the information out there.

I was going to add commentary on a later post.

Once, I figured out how exactly to do some of these missions. lol

You asked a very good question.

I am wondering how exactly I should approach the Fire Knight as well.

Mar 20, 2020, 03:4303/20/20

I'll try something on FK tonight and see if it works.

For campaign, I simply used Zelotah as my farmer.  Not fast, but less than 2 minutes getting double digit points per run with no other opportunity cost.
Mar 20, 2020, 03:4903/20/20
Mar 20, 2020, 03:55(edited)

Here is a screen shot of the different missions I have finished so far from Weekly Missions 6.

I know several people where having trouble with the Win Artifact from all basic sets mission.

The way to finish it is by doing Campaign Chapter 1 to 7!

Start on Chapter 1:

Do 1 run till you get any Artifact from that Chapter - If you get a Shard drop or Hero drop - Redo the run 

You have to see a Gear Item drop.

Than go to Chapter 2:

Continue the process till you reach Chapter 7.

You will have 7 out of 14 when you do all of the above.

Than start over again from Chapter 1:

Do each one till you get gear drop.

You have to obtain 2 Artifacts from each Chapter.

The issue is you can't sit on the same Chapter and wait till you get 2 Artifacts.

The game wants you to do an order.

Life > Offense > Defense > Speed > Critical Rate > Resistance > Accuracy > Life > Offense > etc.

I know some people who kept farming Chapter 1.

The game never shows 2 out 14.

The game wants you to get 1 gear piece from each different set first.

Than it will give you the ability to unlock the second set of gear pieces 

So don't stay farming the same chapter.

Do a run till you see a gear drop.

Than go to next chapter.

Keep cycling chapters till you complete the mission.

It will complete! - I assure you!!

Mar 20, 2020, 03:5803/20/20

Trips said:

I'll try something on FK tonight and see if it works.

For campaign, I simply used Zelotah as my farmer.  Not fast, but less than 2 minutes getting double digit points per run with no other opportunity cost.

Let me know how it works!

I will be curious to know as well.
Mar 20, 2020, 14:1503/20/20

Player J said:

Trips said:

I'll try something on FK tonight and see if it works.

For campaign, I simply used Zelotah as my farmer.  Not fast, but less than 2 minutes getting double digit points per run with no other opportunity cost.

Let me know how it works!

I will be curious to know as well.

I didn't get to FK, stuck on the stupid basic item one. I followed your advice but somehow am stuck at 11/14. Does the 2nd item for each set have to be different or something?  Idk. Lol. These mystery challenges are stupid. 
Mar 20, 2020, 14:2303/20/20

Trips said:

I didn't get to FK, stuck on the stupid basic item one. I followed your advice but somehow am stuck at 11/14. Does the 2nd item for each set have to be different or something?  Idk. Lol. These mystery challenges are stupid. 

The challenge is very weird.

There seems to be an order which the game wants you to do.

My advice is to keep cycling through chapter 1-7.