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Personal Reward CVC - an appeal

Personal Reward CVC - an appeal

Jul 20, 2023, 09:1607/20/23

Personal Reward CVC - an appeal

Dear Plarium

Please make personal rewards actualy personal and not depending on the win of the Clan. It encourages Clan hopping and pretty sure people spend less ressources if they see no way of winning.

For example, I'm level 100 (Leader) with a Clan of mostly 60-90, half of the clan is pretty casual and not playing a lot, the last few matches we lost spectacularly. I can grind out my 350k points but I have no motivation of putting in any effort since there is so little reward this way. I also don't want to switch Clans since I like our little community.

Pretty sure this change would bring nothing negativ, big and active Clans will still want to win and spend ressources, but it would help smaller and less active communitys to stay motivated.

Thanks for reading. 

Jul 20, 2023, 09:5907/20/23

im all for there being actual personal rewards, they could example not give them the full personal cvc rewards but partial if you hit a certain amount of pts etc, and the other team gets full rewards, similar to how they disribute the rings/amulets etc, if 1 clan smashes the other clan they get all the rings/amulets, if its close its normally near split on rings/amulets etc, this way plarium gets to keep its money grab on whales and still gives incentive for people to go all out on it.

Jul 20, 2023, 11:0307/20/23

I agree with you!!!!

Jul 20, 2023, 11:4107/20/23

Me too! If I save lots of ressources for CvC with personal rewards and for any reason the opponent is way too strong for my clan, I don't see fair that all my efforts are vain. So I'm definetly with you on that one.

OracleCommunity Manager
Jul 20, 2023, 13:5407/20/23

Hi! Thank you for the feedback! 

Jul 20, 2023, 14:4907/20/23

absolutely correct, the whole clan has a level of reward and the
personal reward should a personal reward for the personal advantage from
the challenge -  detached from the result of the clan  in this mention:
personal reward  should the normal reward  of  this challenge... and
both should receive the reward, winner and looser - it is so annoying for
everyone in the loosing team, that they plan in the next or all future rounds simple
dont play for this challenge  - all ressources for nothing, no way! 

how much the team comes, so high is the reward for all but the personal reward is the honor to play for the clan goal and should be granted  without the binding of WIN

Jul 20, 2023, 15:0107/20/23

This has been requested, many times b4.  Maybe they will listen this time.

Jul 21, 2023, 23:2607/21/23

Hi! Thank you for the feedback! 

As for clan hopping and tanking non-pr cvcs to get an easier match during a pr, I have 2 suggestions which would significantly reduce the problem, though probably not stop it entirely:

1. PR clan match-ups should be based on the clan's score during the previous PR cvc, and non-pr based on the previous non-pr cvc, and never the twain should meet.

2. Several clusters shuffle members around so they can effectively schedule which clans in their cluster will win, and which will lose, and the players jump to a winning one.

My suggestion is that for higher tiers, require players to have been members longer. For instance, for a tier 3-4 placement, a player must have been a member of the clan for at least 15 days, and for tier 5-6 30+ days.

Jul 22, 2023, 00:5107/22/23
Jul 22, 2023, 00:52(edited)

As for clan hopping and tanking non-pr cvcs to get an easier match during a pr, I have 2 suggestions which would significantly reduce the problem, though probably not stop it entirely:

1. PR clan match-ups should be based on the clan's score during the previous PR cvc, and non-pr based on the previous non-pr cvc, and never the twain should meet.

2. Several clusters shuffle members around so they can effectively schedule which clans in their cluster will win, and which will lose, and the players jump to a winning one.

My suggestion is that for higher tiers, require players to have been members longer. For instance, for a tier 3-4 placement, a player must have been a member of the clan for at least 15 days, and for tier 5-6 30+ days.

I could see maybe a % of the clan needing to remain static to be eligible 

but for those of us who are recruiting, doing things without trying to stack clans within our cluster (including normal promotion from lower tier clans to higher tier clans) this would be absolutely brutal with a length of time that long being the deciding factor. not to mention good luck enticing players to join your clan while freezing them out for any period of time. 

Jul 22, 2023, 19:3007/22/23

I could see maybe a % of the clan needing to remain static to be eligible 

but for those of us who are recruiting, doing things without trying to stack clans within our cluster (including normal promotion from lower tier clans to higher tier clans) this would be absolutely brutal with a length of time that long being the deciding factor. not to mention good luck enticing players to join your clan while freezing them out for any period of time. 

Would it be possible to limit a player's personal rewards to lower tiers based on the time they've been a clan member without impacting the rest of the clan?

Jul 23, 2023, 03:4307/23/23

Would it be possible to limit a player's personal rewards to lower tiers based on the time they've been a clan member without impacting the rest of the clan?

this seems less bad/punishing, but still problematic in that it might punish a lot of folks who are just trying to improve their clan situation

this would be why I'd prefer taking into account the entirety of a clan's activity in terms of movement of players, rather than focusing on purely acquisitions and interactions having to do with that

Jul 27, 2023, 01:0907/27/23

this seems less bad/punishing, but still problematic in that it might punish a lot of folks who are just trying to improve their clan situation

this would be why I'd prefer taking into account the entirety of a clan's activity in terms of movement of players, rather than focusing on purely acquisitions and interactions having to do with that

Depends on if the object/concept of clan is long term vs short term investment

The matching is a mess which then allows the CvC stacking to occur.  I would say because there are issues with the matching mechanics allowing the loopholes that means people can take advantage of the mechanics is a problem.

So freezing out people from being able to contribute to the CvC points may assist in the bigger issue of the matching mechanics.

Let's face it that is one of the biggest problems in the game is the matchmaking mechanics in every area of matchmaking.  The randomness of champion, gear, souls stone summon, etc doesn't help either in the other areas of matchmaking.  You might have a large roster of champs and gear that are just not in the metta.  I have 6 awakened Legos and I have 21 lego stones for champs I don't have that are also duplicates of ones I wouldn't want to develop.  If I pulled them I may 6 star 2 of them and even then are a 4 & 2 awakening.

However in the area of the CvC matchmaking there are ways that it could be done better.  A clan of a total power that is 1/3 greater that the other is usually a decided outcome from the begining.

Jul 27, 2023, 01:1607/27/23

Depends on if the object/concept of clan is long term vs short term investment

The matching is a mess which then allows the CvC stacking to occur.  I would say because there are issues with the matching mechanics allowing the loopholes that means people can take advantage of the mechanics is a problem.

So freezing out people from being able to contribute to the CvC points may assist in the bigger issue of the matching mechanics.

Let's face it that is one of the biggest problems in the game is the matchmaking mechanics in every area of matchmaking.  The randomness of champion, gear, souls stone summon, etc doesn't help either in the other areas of matchmaking.  You might have a large roster of champs and gear that are just not in the metta.  I have 6 awakened Legos and I have 21 lego stones for champs I don't have that are also duplicates of ones I wouldn't want to develop.  If I pulled them I may 6 star 2 of them and even then are a 4 & 2 awakening.

However in the area of the CvC matchmaking there are ways that it could be done better.  A clan of a total power that is 1/3 greater that the other is usually a decided outcome from the begining.

This is, in some ways, assuming that the reward for whaling out really huge isn't to win easier against my team or your team. Instead it would put huge krakens only against themselves, and them opening extra shards or buying gear wouldn't mean anything for win rates in Arena and CvC, thus reducing the appeal of opening shards and packs.

At least, that seems to me like the counterargument here.

Jul 27, 2023, 01:2307/27/23
Jul 27, 2023, 01:24(edited)

This is, in some ways, assuming that the reward for whaling out really huge isn't to win easier against my team or your team. Instead it would put huge krakens only against themselves, and them opening extra shards or buying gear wouldn't mean anything for win rates in Arena and CvC, thus reducing the appeal of opening shards and packs.

At least, that seems to me like the counterargument here.

I would have thought that a "balanced" matchup would actually contribute to opening shards as it's then a competition vs a walkover.

You can see it in the way the point scoring went over time.  Foot came off the throttle after day 1 when the lead was a good margin and then it was just maintain the margin.  The losing team then pulls back because the gap is too big to pull in so they ease off as well.  The close ones, where the lead is changing down to the wire, and people pushing hard to see if they can get to the end and win out would be the ones that they spend on to get the win. 

Jul 27, 2023, 01:3007/27/23

I would have thought that a "balanced" matchup would actually contribute to opening shards as it's then a competition vs a walkover.

You can see it in the way the point scoring went over time.  Foot came off the throttle after day 1 when the lead was a good margin and then it was just maintain the margin.  The losing team then pulls back because the gap is too big to pull in so they ease off as well.  The close ones, where the lead is changing down to the wire, and people pushing hard to see if they can get to the end and win out would be the ones that they spend on to get the win. 

Here's how I see it - the incentive to spend money is directly correlated to the likelihood of winning. The higher your chance of winning, the more likely you are to spend money.

If you put two kraken clans against each other, the incentive for either to spend is far lower than if you were to put one kraken clan against one whale clan.

Now that isn't to say that I think they are explicitly making those matchups. But anything in the algorithm that favours that kind of matchup is going to be enticing for Plarium.

Jul 27, 2023, 01:5507/27/23

Here's how I see it - the incentive to spend money is directly correlated to the likelihood of winning. The higher your chance of winning, the more likely you are to spend money.

If you put two kraken clans against each other, the incentive for either to spend is far lower than if you were to put one kraken clan against one whale clan.

Now that isn't to say that I think they are explicitly making those matchups. But anything in the algorithm that favours that kind of matchup is going to be enticing for Plarium.

That doesn't really make sense.

Yes you spend money to win but when you are well and truely winning you don't spend more money.  Once you hit the top of the reward cap you then go into a maintenance mode where you watch and wait.  However that is where there is the slight tricky part on the behalf of Plarium where they also run the events with incentives during the CvC that encourage spending that can feed back into the CvC points.  

Now an argument could be made for that where people will spend to get these rewards offered and are more likely to chase them because while the CvC event is running and those feed back into the CvC score.  Which also means you can reduce the quality of the rewards and people might not notice.

However that isn't actually spending for CvC points specific.  Which can then blur the stats behind on how much that the CvC is actually drawing in monetarily.

Time in game is also not a metric that would show how well the game is doing because people just leave it running in the background.  It's probably why they also allow people to use RSL, Bluestacks, HH Optimizer, etc because if people didn't have these tools they would probably leave the game due to the time drain. I know I would.

Jul 27, 2023, 03:5307/27/23

Depends on if the object/concept of clan is long term vs short term investment

The matching is a mess which then allows the CvC stacking to occur.  I would say because there are issues with the matching mechanics allowing the loopholes that means people can take advantage of the mechanics is a problem.

So freezing out people from being able to contribute to the CvC points may assist in the bigger issue of the matching mechanics.

Let's face it that is one of the biggest problems in the game is the matchmaking mechanics in every area of matchmaking.  The randomness of champion, gear, souls stone summon, etc doesn't help either in the other areas of matchmaking.  You might have a large roster of champs and gear that are just not in the metta.  I have 6 awakened Legos and I have 21 lego stones for champs I don't have that are also duplicates of ones I wouldn't want to develop.  If I pulled them I may 6 star 2 of them and even then are a 4 & 2 awakening.

However in the area of the CvC matchmaking there are ways that it could be done better.  A clan of a total power that is 1/3 greater that the other is usually a decided outcome from the begining.

this is spoken like someone who’s never had to recruit for and run a T6/NM hydra clan, or one adjacent to that. 

freezing out new members is just functionally a nightmare. My cluster doesn’t stack, doesn’t do anything other than go about recruiting folks here and there. Why are they and thus we being lumped into the same group? 

When you start to get to the serious players in the game you're already talking about a fraction of a fraction of the player base. Then as a clan leader/deputy, you're already competing with huge clusters for recruitment. 

so no, that idea is terrible and would probably be the death knell for clans that don't come from giant clusters. 

Jul 27, 2023, 11:3307/27/23
Jul 27, 2023, 11:34(edited)

this is spoken like someone who’s never had to recruit for and run a T6/NM hydra clan, or one adjacent to that. 

freezing out new members is just functionally a nightmare. My cluster doesn’t stack, doesn’t do anything other than go about recruiting folks here and there. Why are they and thus we being lumped into the same group? 

When you start to get to the serious players in the game you're already talking about a fraction of a fraction of the player base. Then as a clan leader/deputy, you're already competing with huge clusters for recruitment. 

so no, that idea is terrible and would probably be the death knell for clans that don't come from giant clusters. 

Not thinking you are understanding the game mechanics.

If people couldn't switch between clans to do the stacking for CvC (and CvC is the point of the whole discussion) then it would help the matching mechanics.  We are talking about the mechanics problems in CvC and this specifically being about CvC.  Thus stopping clans from stacking for the CvC events from clusters because they can because the matching mechanics don't work.  The matching mechanics don't work because you can change the members and the clan that is in the match isn't the same membership clan that the mechanics based the match on.

This isn't about Hydra or CB but specifically the issues with CvC.

Jul 27, 2023, 12:4607/27/23
Jul 27, 2023, 12:55(edited)

Not thinking you are understanding the game mechanics.

If people couldn't switch between clans to do the stacking for CvC (and CvC is the point of the whole discussion) then it would help the matching mechanics.  We are talking about the mechanics problems in CvC and this specifically being about CvC.  Thus stopping clans from stacking for the CvC events from clusters because they can because the matching mechanics don't work.  The matching mechanics don't work because you can change the members and the clan that is in the match isn't the same membership clan that the mechanics based the match on.

This isn't about Hydra or CB but specifically the issues with CvC.

With near certainty I can say have a significantly better idea of how the mechanics of how CvCs work - including the strategies involved and approaches from high end clans - than you do. :)

Making changes specifically for CvC that have effects elsewhere for clans isn't a negligible thing, though you don't seem to understand that mechanic. Wholesale punishing clans and players with a lazy, shortsighted approach really isn't the answer. 

So no, again: freezing out members as a hardfast rule is a terrible idea. 

Jul 27, 2023, 20:4807/27/23
Jul 27, 2023, 20:57(edited)

With near certainty I can say have a significantly better idea of how the mechanics of how CvCs work - including the strategies involved and approaches from high end clans - than you do. :)

Making changes specifically for CvC that have effects elsewhere for clans isn't a negligible thing, though you don't seem to understand that mechanic. Wholesale punishing clans and players with a lazy, shortsighted approach really isn't the answer. 

So no, again: freezing out members as a hardfast rule is a terrible idea. 

When I refer to the mechanics I am talking about the underlying data not what is being done.  I am sure you know how the matchup is done far better than I do.  The mechanics is broken and it flaty is.  If the calculations are made on the CvC performance of the clan and not the individual members changing the members changes the metrics without recalculatins to factor for the change. Something I doubt they do. Just simple facts.  While PP isn't completely great because you can keep yours low by how wnd who you gear.  However it is still a decent method of calculation.  So again one clan with the CP 1/3rd more than another does show a very high likelyhood of an unbalanced match when you also take into consideration the last 7 days activity numbers. This usually being done with the matches that have personal rewards associated.  Especially when Clan lvl higher as well as RP & CP 1/3 greater.

Jul 27, 2023, 21:1907/27/23

More free consulting services from trips:

Each clan is ranked by their "Potential Score"

Sum of individual max CVC scores of current members 


Maximum Clan Score ever

Whichever is highest.

Problem solved.