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Looking for General Champ/Dungeon Advice

Looking for General Champ/Dungeon Advice

Apr 14, 2023, 20:4604/14/23

Looking for General Champ/Dungeon Advice


I'm on day 32. This is what I'm working with. The top row is fully booked/masteried. Soulbond Bowyer and Warmaiden are fully booked with a good amount of masteries. I also have a decent amount of food in my reserve vault and ive been saving a decent amount of fusions.

I've completed all the affinity keeps except one - i think Spirit. Minotaur is completed.

I'm stuck on... Ice Golem 18. Spider's Den 18. Dragon 23 (can't even get past wave 1). Fire Knight 21. I get to the boss on the rest then die. Also stuck on Borgoth 90. Don't have Metalshaper.

So I have a few Qs. First, are there any champs i should be using on any of the aforementioned dungeons/doom tower (and boss fight)? I've leveled a few for specific dungeons such as Gnarlhorn, although it hasn't been working out all that great due to gear. (gnarlhorn dies to spiders too fast). - as a reference point - i generally use ronda, geomancer, deacon, and nia in most of my squads. I bring in reliquary tender, elhain, and armiger when appropriate.

Second, I have some epic/legendary books stockpiled. I also have 4 void and 7 sacreds. I'm only opening blue/purple/yellow shards when the 2x event is going on moving forward. (maybe not blue cause im looking for metalshaper). But my second question is, are there any champs in my current inventory that i should be fully leveling/booking/mastery instead of waiting for next weekend to see what i get from the sacreds during 2x?

Lastly, are there any champs i have that i should be taking to 50 or 60 that i havent already?

Any additional advice is always appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Apr 15, 2023, 20:1404/15/23


Apr 15, 2023, 20:4704/15/23

Don't bother with dungeons past 20. It's not worth the resources for you right now. Stick with 20, it'll be faster and just about as good.

In terms of anyone worth leveling - not really. Just farm gear for now. Drath is alright, but tbh Nia should be more than enough for your dungeon teams. Just farm Dragon20 for better gear.

Apr 15, 2023, 20:4704/15/23

Well I would not worry too much about progressing your spider or ice golem team currently. Sure it would be nice to get to lvl20 dungeons. Instead I would suggest focusing on farming fire knigth 20 or 21 depending on your times. As your second priorty i would say focus on progress on CB. 

Regeneration Gear is amazing on alot of champions especially for progression. 

If you want to use Gnarlhorn as a tank i would suggest building him in regeneration gear and 6-star him.

The best stats for regeneration gear is probaly in order of general usefulness.






Crit rate

The best champions to take to 60 in generel usefulness is probaly

1. Rector Draft (your best healer/reviver)

2. Kaiden (Good for Ice golem - due to dec. attack. and mvp for faction wars)

3. Gnarlhorn (Great tank) 

4. Apothecarry (Generel useful and good for fire knigth)

5. Tramboar (ally protection, leech and def based) 

6. High Khatun (not sure i would be in a hurry due to you already having deacon but she is good.

Second question booking:

Geomancer, Deacon I would say is definately worth booking. As you continue playing, you will eventually get enough epic books. So if you have some to spare I would not hold them back on either Genbo or Rector Draft.

But my personaly rule is dont use book until the champions is 6-star and have masteries. Before you migth end up having gotten a better champ.

I would advice saving your legendary books. Ronda good but not as useful as Scyl. you will want to have books ready for her.

Apr 15, 2023, 20:5004/15/23

With the time and roster, you have already advanced at an amazing pace and achieved a tremendous progression.

I think you have some options now.

1.) Farm Dragon for better gear

2.) Rector Drath is a very powerful champ and deserves some books and being brought to lvl 60

3.) Fellhound with the right equipment can be used to farm brutal campaign 12-3 within 6-9 seconds for food leveling

4.) Some of the other epics could be beneficial in Faction Wars

5.) At the same time as you are farming for gear, you might want to put a second focus on Clan Boss. It is the best option to get shards

Apr 15, 2023, 22:5604/15/23

Great advice guys. Exactly what I was looking for!

I do CB daily. Can't say I've gotten many good Immortal pieces, however. 


Apr 15, 2023, 23:5604/15/23

Spider: Deacon (leader), Geo, Reliquary Tender, Nia, Armiger. Same strategy as Drexthar teams, but instead of burning all spiderlings, Geo bruns the big spider and the pseudo-giantslayer in his passive kills the spider when the small spiderlings attack him.

Nia's healing A2 willreduce the cooldown of his burn skill, wich does not only place debuffs, but also reduce the target's tm by 100%. Between Geo's A3 and Armiger's A1, the big Spider will never see a turn. 

Apr 16, 2023, 03:2204/16/23

I'm not familiar with the Drexthar strategy. Could you provide a little context?

Apr 16, 2023, 05:1404/16/23
Apr 16, 2023, 05:27(edited)
Adept the God

I'm not familiar with the Drexthar strategy. Could you provide a little context?

Drexthar is a free legendary you can obtain from tag arena bazar. I recommend to buy the fragments asap. He has a passive that has a chance of placing hp-burn on the attacker. If all spiderlings attack him, they will burn the big spider to death. He is force affinity, spider 20 is spirit affinity, so they will attack him due to his weak affinity.

Something similar could work with Geomancer's passive. Put hp-burn on the big spider, let the small spiderlings attack Geomancer and the damage from Geo's passive will kill the big one. That requires some good defensive gear (def/hp/res), otherwise a weak affinity champ will die fast. For Geomancer, the passive could trigger if another team member is attacked as well, but at stage 20, they will attack him due to his weak affinity.

Drexthar has better defensive stats and hp-burn is faster than Geo's passive, so it's definetly worth to obtain Drexthar, but as long as you don't have him, Geo should work.

The strategy is, NOT to kill the small spiderlings. Instead, keep the turnmeter of the big spider down with Armiger and Geo, so the big one doesn't get a turn and can't heal. The small spiderlings are essential to carry hp-burn (Drexthar) or attack (Geomancer) and kill the big spider that way.

Apr 16, 2023, 06:2404/16/23

Alright, I assumed that was the strat. My current issue is that they are not attacking Geo until last. I'm not sure what makes this occur. Might be because I'm on spider 18. 

Apr 16, 2023, 12:4404/16/23
Adept the God

Alright, I assumed that was the strat. My current issue is that they are not attacking Geo until last. I'm not sure what makes this occur. Might be because I'm on spider 18. 

Yes, it's because of the stage affinity. But it's totally ok, if they attack somebody else, Geomancer's passive works when a team member is attacked. I would try to do Spider 18 and 19 exactly once to progress. Pointless to farm these stages (for all dungeons, not only spider). While the drop chances are sligthly better from stage to stage, 19 to 20 is a big jump in quality of loot. In stage 20, gear with 4* does no longer drop, only 5* and 6*. 

Apr 16, 2023, 16:2304/16/23

I gotcha. I do have one piggyback question. If I pull shards, I could get Delaajia from Summon Rush and probably get Razelvorg. I have 5 voids and 7 sacreds. I also have 4 Margraves as of right now and will get another from summon rush if I spend the shards. I can also get another from Ice Golem tournament if I try. Probably won't be able to get champion training tournament's Margave, which is going on now. I'm assuming there's a few more I could do over the next week to just get 2. Is it worth it for Razervorg (plus the lower odds to get legendaries) or should I just save them for 2x?

Apr 16, 2023, 17:0904/16/23

Razelvarg is a good champ, but the worst thing you could do is pulverizing your ressources while trying to get him and fail. Fusion requirements gone out of control in the last time, it's hard to finish a fusion for new players. This one could be easier, due to the extra epic  in the actual summon rush, but 7 sacreds are not enough to get this epic. It's at 4925 points, that would be 9 sacreds + 425 green shards.

If you miss the extra epic and the champion training Margrave, you can't complete the fusion anymore (unless you get a lucky extra Margrave or Delajaa from a random shard).

Better keep your ressources. Try to obtain one Delajaa, you can fuse her (him? hard to say for Lizardmen) from the 4 Margraves you allready have, the epic seems quite good for faction wars. If you can't obtain Razelvarg, ignore all parts of the fusion that drain ressources, just go on with your normal account progression.

Apr 16, 2023, 17:3204/16/23

That's where I was leaning in terms of the smart choice. Thanks. 

Apr 21, 2023, 16:0604/21/23

Figured I'd keep it on this thread. I have a follow-up. Some exciting news for my account with the 2x shard pull! Been saving up since I started for this moment. Pulled 9 shards. Two Legendaries, which are both sick (I wish I got more - but can't be greedy) and appear to stack. Also got a couple epics that are useful. I'll keep it to the only the 3* plus.

Legendaries: Teodor the Savant and Kalvalax.

Epics: Royal Guard, Morag Bronzelock, Arndulf, and Steelskull.

Alright - the Q. Who should I priority from each? I'm instantly assuming Teodor and Royal Guard but Kalvalax seems like an insane nuker. 


Apr 21, 2023, 17:0704/21/23

Teo solo farming time :)

Apr 21, 2023, 18:0804/21/23

I'll need to look up how to accomplish that. So essentially, max Teodor as fast as possible. Also take up Kalvalax then max him next with regard to books once able. All the while, max Royal Guard. Are any of the other epics worth maxing?

Apr 21, 2023, 18:2504/21/23

I don't really see any reason to bother with Kalva for now, to be honest. Just solo everything with Teo :)

Apr 21, 2023, 18:4404/21/23

Alright. I keep seeing stuff that says they stack. Should I still take up Royal Guard?

Apr 21, 2023, 20:4404/21/23

Also could you kinda explain where/how I'm supposed to solo "everything" with Teo? Like is this a stun set idea? Sorry still new. 

Apr 21, 2023, 21:5304/21/23
Apr 21, 2023, 21:54(edited)

The basic concept is that you need to keep yourself alive, you need to be fast enough, and you need to have enough RES and ACC to land your debuffs. To survive, you'll need either Lifesteal or Regen/Immortal sets.

So, broadly speaking, you'll need the following stats:

  • 200 ACC
  • 300 RES
  • 202+ SPD if you can go red/blue masteries, 218+ SPD if you cannot (see below)

Beyond that, all your other stats should go into DEF/HP until you reach a baseline survival amount. How much that is, is going to be pretty hard to pin down. You'll want to experiment with numbers until you find stats that work. I expect the absolute minimum would need to be at least 2500 DEF and 50K HP. 

In terms of masteries, you'll want to go up the red tree to get Warmaster and Whirlwind of death. Ideally, you'll also go up the blue tree to get Spirit Haste. If you can't survive though, you may need to go with the green tree for more survival stats.

Here are the stats I'm using for BeK, with which I get about 1min45s on Dragon20.
