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Lack of communication, monitization focused events and more

Lack of communication, monitization focused events and more

Jul 19, 2019, 16:4907/19/19

Lack of communication, monitization focused events and more


Im strongly considering making this my last thread. Ive simply had enough, and there really isnt any reason to spend time on the forum, when plarium doesn't care about feedback and the spam bots are more active than the moderators.

After joining the game, I was always surprised about the events. They were VERY unorthodox, compared to what Im used to. Usually, gaming events are focused around players, and providing some kind of fun content for the players to enjoy. However in RAID, events are all about increasing monitization. Player satisfaction is only a concern when linked directly to monitization.

This is both hilarious and disgusting at the same time. Mostly because people reward Plarium because they want to participate and get some of the "rewards" available. Most of the time, if you are free to play, you are left with scrap and cr*p. You want the real reward? The carot at the end of the executives stick? You better flash your wallet and bend over.

The first wave of criticism I saw, that I personally took part in, was followed by a wave of events where rewards became realistic and comfortable to aim for. Everyone had a chance to participate and get the rewards. It was at that point I thought I was wrong about Plarium, and I was genuinly proud of the company, for having paid attention and taken the feedback serious.

But behold, right afterwards, the next event was even worse than before. A big slap in the face for those of us, who fell for the false gesture of Plarium. They never cared about making it enjoyable for us in the first place. It was a stunt to give us a false sense of communication. Why do I think that? Well look the hell around. The way the events has been handled says it all.

That leads me directly to the fusion event. This was probably one of the things the players were looking forward to the most. And boy did Plarium take full advantage of that. This has got to be the worst event Ive ever seen, in the probably 20 years of gaming I got behind me. Not only was the goals completely unrealistic for most people (unless you've been saving thousands of gems), but it was HEAVILY centered around monitization and RNG.

If you had numerous high rank champions standing at the ready, thousands of gems saved up, or if you were lucky enough to be newer to the game, and had a handful of double exp saved up, you may have had a chance. Of course the event wasnt impossible, but it was unreachable for most people right off the bat. The problem with these things, is that, upgrading champions, gear and opening shards, is what we login to do in the first place. Had they announced this event a month in advance, letting us know to prepare, it would have been different. But did they? No. They took full advantage of the fact we couldnt pull it off, unless we spend a good amount of money, or if we were the minority to have enough saved for whatever reason.

After this event the forum exploded. People were angry and wanted answers. What did we get in return? The moderators gave us 1 message each, defending this bogus that the majority of players was unhappy with, and then complete silence. 

From a player perspective, it's blantely obvious Plarium does not give a hoot about player feedback.  Do the devs bother visiting the forum to comment on the feedback? no. Do the moderators bother to do more than a quick PR speech on 1 thread, then pretend the forum doesnt exist for a month? No.

At least in the moderators case, I can understand that they can't do much, since they work for Plarium, and therefor they have a role to play, in favor of the company. But that's not even my biggest issue, it's not the fact, that even though a large portion of the community are unhappy about something, no one from plarium can even be bothered making even the smallest of gesture, that lets us know someone is listening. What an absolute joke.

And it doesn't stop there folks. Nope! Today we get an increased chance to get legendaries! But it's only temporary so hurry up AND BUY SHARDS FROM THE MARKET. You wanted to wait for your next monthly to participate? Too bad. You want to enjoy this chance? grab it while its hot, hurry up and give us money.

The greed of plarium is absolutely disgusting, and I'm disappointed that people keep rewarding this type of behavior. I'm not without blame either. I've spent money on their ridiculous (Not microtransactions but full on transactions that could buy you a full game for the price of one of their RNG gambling packs). It's only now I personally said stop. Not because I can't afford to buy a cheaper pack or two a month, but for principals. I don't want to reward you anymore for this behavior.

Plarium is an absolute joke, and I feel bad for the people on the team who wants to make this game a fun experience, when this type of bogus is being forced down our throat and ruining the experience. 

It's really a shame, because beside all of this, the game has a solid foundation, and a lot of fun to be had. The game isnt all bad, otherwise I wouldnt play it, nor have made such an effort to be heard. (No I dont expect plarium to agree with everything I say, but at least being acknowledged would be an experience)

I don't know of the moderators will let this thread stay up. With a bit of luck they are so inactive a few people might read the thing. Wether you agree with me or disagree, I don't care. I think the perspective I have is deserved based on whats been presented so far. I don't think Im being unreasonable. You are all free to mock and belittle me while the thread is up, thats part of being on the internet and shareing your opinion.

Edit (This is how Plarium is tricking you into spending money on RAID):

Enjoy the money Plarium

Jul 19, 2019, 17:2807/19/19
Jul 19, 2019, 17:31(edited)

+1, stopped spending some days ago, too.

Text saved just in case it gets removed - i suggest you post it on reddit, too if you want it to be seen ;-)

Cheers mate!
Jul 19, 2019, 18:0507/19/19
Jul 19, 2019, 18:19(edited)

Totally agree.

Fusion - events - tournament - shards deals.  All of those are "give us your money" events. What can I actually enjoy in 1.8 and 1.9 without paying for it?  New levels of dungeons, I guess.  If not to mention the drop rates being altered.

Fair enough, they've put on a new fusion. Which is great, and it is a step in the right direction. But I doubt it was planned ahead. More of an "oh, cr*p, they are leaving, we need something quick to stop them". (Ain't that tricky to put one on, hey?)  Although it is a good gesture, it would not make up for the damage done by the Foli fusion. The trust is lost and the community is furious. It would take mounths to re-build rapport with players. Yet, they still carry on with the events and deals as planned.  

Seems like once the "start" button is hit, there is no "abort" one as the damage to the company's reputation is still accumulating, and nothing is done to minimize it. 

Imagine how it was all planned out to be, after 2 months of no updates and 6 months without new content:  a bunch of new weak champs and a money-grabbing fusion, accompanied by ridiculous deals, followed by pointless wallet-bases tournaments. That is it, "the new great content".   And nothing more to it till 1.10.  Which will be out soon™. 

Jul 20, 2019, 00:0107/20/19
Jul 20, 2019, 00:19(edited)

There are only way to stopped them : do not fall in same trap and spending your money. This week they give you special chances to get legendary from void shard you better ignored it. If you enjoy this games keep playing it just for fun. Do not invest too much money on this games. 

I'm realized the company behaviour from the beginning so I'm only spent $5-10 per months. No more than that. Everytimes they gave some special offers I keep ignoring it. I keep wait until they lowered the price into the bottom. 
Jul 20, 2019, 05:4607/20/19
Bumping this because 100% agree.   This company completely ignores everyone and is hands down the worst greedy scumbag "gaming" experience I've ever seen.
Jul 20, 2019, 10:5207/20/19

ZenZombie said:

The greed of plarium is absolutely disgusting, and I'm disappointed that people keep rewarding this type of behavior.

You sir, you are awesome.

I think it's a most accurate summarization of plarium and current game state.

People are unhappy, but do they care? HA, of course (they not) - JUST GIVE THEM MORE MONIS AND STFU.

Jul 21, 2019, 10:1107/21/19
Jul 21, 2019, 11:5707/21/19
A special offer for arena tokens and some other stuff, fucking raid tokens I've about 15packs sitting in the mail and you offer them!? Terrible offer
Jul 21, 2019, 13:3007/21/19

Chuck Norris agrees
Jul 21, 2019, 17:5707/21/19
Good post.  I have actually been wondering myself why people are still playing after the whole Foli con.  I mean the company clearly and blatantly tried to scam everyone into getting committed, then obstructing their goal completion with a paywall.  And not just a reasonable paywall, but one that would cost about $150!  This game isn't worth $15, MUCH less $150!  Yet for some reason, there are people out there dumb enough to spend that much and as such, they were just dying to reel them in.  A shame that it seems like it has cost them a modest portion of their player base in the process.
Jul 21, 2019, 18:3607/21/19

Great post.  100% Accurate. 

While this will likely get removed or completely ignored by Plarium, people need to keep getting the word out there.

Sadly, people are starting to learn that Plarium is owned by gambling company now.   They are literally by design and ownership, 100% gambling focused.  They are not a game company in the sense they produce enjoyable content that people can play like other gaming companies do such as Blizzard, Bioware, Take Two, etc.   Those companies are known for building quality and enjoyable games.

Plarium is just putting pretty colors and lights into a gambling machine that will NEVER pay out.

Jul 22, 2019, 07:3307/22/19
move up from spam hell
Jul 22, 2019, 09:0607/22/19

I made a youtube video about some of the serious problems with how plarium has designed their 'game'. The video is slow and not the most concise, but for anyone who's on the fence about whether they should keep playing the game, then for sure give it a watch. For me, it took just 1 day of uninstalling and not playing, after playing daily for 3 months, to realize that the game was severely affecting my mood in a negative way. I would get frustrated out of nowhere for no good reason, and stress continued to build during my time of playing. I'm also someone who experiences migraines regularly, and I only noticed after quitting the game that I had been experiencing migraines more often and with greater severity during my time of playing. It's like having a gambling addiction, but worse because your chances of success are even lower, and don't grant anything of real value in return. I'm thinking of remaking the video to form more concise points and divide it based on key issues (for example, how every single item in the game is made into a form of currency, adding additional silver costs (which is sold for money) to basic functions, like summoning a shard). I just wasn't motivated at all at the time of making the video. But seeing more people realize how much of an issue it is that companies can run like this is motivating enough. Just from text alone, it seems a lot of the players in this post and others are disappointed in their experience, and really the best way to send a message to the company is to simply quit.

Jul 22, 2019, 15:4507/22/19

Yup, they don’t listen. I sent in a support ticket twice on a game issue only to have them close out the tickets with no response.

I’ve spent money here and there, but have quit. This last “special” with the void shards is a joke. I’m not fallen no for it. For once my common sense is overruling my addiction.

Plarium even nerfed the gems in the shop now. They now are trying to make a 900 gem pack for $20 look like a great special deal. That purchase use to be in the shop all the time. Now they nerfed it in the shop to 730 for $20. I KNOW it use to be 900 because I bought it once just recently. I used the 900 gems to buy the 11 blue shard pack. Which was a joke! I managed to pull only ONE epic which was a feeder. All the 3 stars were FEEDERS and nothing that I didn’t already have. That’s when I decided to never spend again and only play when I get bored.
Jul 29, 2019, 13:5207/29/19
Jul 29, 2019, 14:5407/29/19
Most of the playerbase is out there enjoying the game. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. Plenty of F2P players have completed most of the events. If you don't like that they're trying to make money off their game, go try to find a game company that doesn't (Hint: They don't exist, they're all businesses). I saw the previous tournament rewards and decided not to participate. You don't need to complete any of the events or tournaments to get enjoyment out of the game. If you don't enjoy the game, move on to something else.
Jul 29, 2019, 21:5207/29/19
Kerykeion said:

Most of the playerbase is out there enjoying the game. Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. Plenty of F2P players have completed most of the events. If you don't like that they're trying to make money off their game, go try to find a game company that doesn't (Hint: They don't exist, they're all businesses). I saw the previous tournament rewards and decided not to participate. You don't need to complete any of the events or tournaments to get enjoyment out of the game. If you don't enjoy the game, move on to something else.
Most other microtransaction games have events where it is possible to complete for free though. Summoners war events for instance have multiple ways of earning points so it is completely possible for f2p players to complete it (the events are also available for a minimum of 2 weeks). Plarium has been making events where you can only get points one way and need ridiculous amounts of points to complete. Making events where players say "No way I'm going to finish that so I'm not even going to try" is a horrible way of making events. And completing MOST of the Foli events does not mean they can complete the Foli fusion, which is the whole point of doing any of the events. I'd try to inform plarium devs to change this, but unless I storm their offices myself, it aint gonna happen. I'll continue to play the game to see if they ever get their heads out of their "wallets", but I will also continue to complain about unfair events and arena hacks/glitches until they are either fixed or I am banned.
Sep 14, 2019, 17:4909/14/19

I can understand frustration, but at the same time, think of how many people it takes to make this game run smoothly, and be as awesome as it is. All those people deserve to be paid. So, I understand that they are trying to make money. Personally, the issue I have, is just that the options in the shop aren't really worth buying. I would definitely be willing to spend around $5-15 a month, but none of the packages really give me what I would want.

If there was something like an unlimited energy for 24 hours that I could time with my XP boosts, that would be totally WORTH. But as it stands now, getting some extra shards, getting some extra gems, not worth. Considering I enjoy this game enough to just continue playing, I can be patient enough to get all of those things over time. But, considering the sheer amount of time it takes to rank up champions to make them viable to see if they are worth investing gear into, its a slooooooooooow depressing crawl whenever I do get a great new champion.

Sep 14, 2019, 23:0209/14/19

You missed the point, sir.

Its absolutely NOT about greedium trying to make money off their game, not at all.

Its about all the cheap shots, the greed, the scam, the click and bait, the ignorance. 

Im - like most ppl here - totally ok with paying 10-20€ a month IF the game is worth it to support devs.

But you have obviously missed every cheap shot plarium has used in the past to lure ppl in and then fk them up (just a few examples: foli event, steel bowyer nerf + no compensation, all other events which were just a no-fun grind and not at all doable 4 f2p-players, dcs + missing/lost ressources still not fixed, different pricing of same packs to different ppl and so on ...).

FreeGrifter said:

I can understand frustration, but at the same time, think of how many people it takes to make this game run smoothly, and be as awesome as it is. All those people deserve to be paid. So, I understand that they are trying to make money. 

Sep 15, 2019, 02:4809/15/19

FreeGrifter said:

I can understand frustration

No you dont,

you literally know shiet about plarium and how they threatening their playerbase

lurk more through forum and you will find the proofs that plarium don't give a single fok about anything more than money

Sep 19, 2019, 04:3909/19/19
I do keep hearing a lot about this "Foli paywall" I don't understand it. I literally started playing the game during the Foli fusion event, but as a new player I knew there was no way I could do it, and I don't really understand what happened. Now that I know a little more about the game, could you please explain what was the big deal about the Foli event?