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Ultimate Deathknight bores everyone to death

Ultimate Deathknight bores everyone to death

Mar 27, 2023, 04:4803/27/23

Probualy he is hide his team because its a crap team i dont hide nothing lol and its not like he is in top 10 plat so why hide lol 

Yes its sure, its a crap team thats why and not for copy for the "good" players and crying for nerfs when they just build from other ideas.

"1) We are only seeing cherry picked fights, there could be 10 losses for every win  " 

HurlaQueen just tell the truth... or just again the big nothing :D

But back to UDK and the could be too 10 losses for every win with 97% LOL


Mar 27, 2023, 06:1003/27/23



Mar 27, 2023, 06:2803/27/23
Serena 🧹

Thornie, you are a dangerous man. I'll watch what I say around you from now on 👀

Gotta watch out for Thorne, he's clever.... and knows how to search my public arena posts... lol

Mar 27, 2023, 06:4503/27/23

Yes its sure, its a crap team thats why and not for copy for the "good" players and crying for nerfs when they just build from other ideas.

"1) We are only seeing cherry picked fights, there could be 10 losses for every win  " 

HurlaQueen just tell the truth... or just again the big nothing :D

But back to UDK and the could be too 10 losses for every win with 97% LOL


Yep, we've been saying UDK is beatable for a long, long time. Ever since he was released, in fact. I am happy you've come around on that fact and are sharing screenshots to spread the word. Good on you, thank you for all your help. :)

We would still love to see actual arena fights though (meaning both teams, not just your opponents), otherwise your posts continue to be an enormous waste of time.

Mar 29, 2023, 21:5903/29/23

I'll speak for myself: 

I don't defend UDK, I'm just tired of people who couldn't be bothered to learn the game or listen to advice come here b***ing and moaning about how OP he is while rudely disregarding people who know a thing or two about the game. 

So to reiterate, I harbor no sentimental attachment to UDK, my animosity is entirely towards people, and that animosity is based on their attitude towards people who try to help them. You have a hard time with UDK, let us help. Post your roster, let us know where you are in the game and whether arena should even be your focus right now, show us your builds. Don't want help? Then I'll treat you like a person who just came here to whine. That's really all there is to it.

The advice I got from my clan and this forum saved me months of struggle and hundreds of dollars. There are people here who have made mistakes, learned from them, and offer their advice for free. These people are more helpful than content creators....and I love watching content creators...but these guys will help you with your challenges personally. Some are F2P end-gamers.

I'm nowhere close to end-game, but I have Lydia and Mithrala, I've beaten the last few rotations of DTH, I just one-keyed Brutal Hydra, and I'm smelling that sweet Platinum air about 50-60 pts away (no chance of staying there, but still feels good).....and when I need help, they help me....and I listen. So when "Just Got Jizoh Johnny" comes along and starts acting like they don't know what they are talking about, I'll get testy....because it's been going on long enough. Hope that answers your question. 

^ this, exactly

Mar 31, 2023, 19:0203/31/23
Mar 31, 2023, 19:29(edited)

Silver Rank here.

Roster includes UDK, Ronda, Deliana, and Trunda Giltmallet.

I personally go out of my way to avoid fighting them because there have been quite a few fights where I've had to basically forfeit the battle due to the enemy team's UDK just straight up not dying. His regen was so absurdly overpowered that even using the debuffs just wouldn't matter because my team could not outdamage his health gain.

I don't think the character needs a nerf, but some kind of healing penalty after a certain number of turns would be an absolute welcome so these kinds of "stall" teams don't benefit.

I mean just as an example, my team's total power is 52k, and I have to forfeit against a 25k solo UDK just because his health regen is too high. Like I said, a heal penalty after X number of turns would really help against teams of this nature, as others have pointed out, it's just not fun fighting against these teams.

Apr 5, 2023, 16:1404/05/23

So, after months of trial and error, I finally managed to get a team together which can beat UDK about 60% of the time, depending on the other team champions.  I flit between gold I & II.  I still don't have that champion myself, so no, not everyone has him. 

The key to beating him for me was when I got Mistrider Daithi.  Other champs I use with him are Helicath, Yelagirna and Seeker.  I have Ronda, but no matter what other champs I paired her with, I found her of little help against UDK.  Her blocks helped, but being the weaker affinity, she just didn't hit hard enough against him to be worth it and my team got op pretty fast.

Now that I can beat him most of the time, I still hate going up against him in arena.  I still see him in about 8/10 arena teams, and some of the fights, depending on rng I can go make dinner, come back and the fight is still going on.

I've been playing about 5 months in total, so still have a lot to learn, and I know it, however, facing UDK in almost every single game in arena almost stopped me playing completely as it was so frustrating.

My champion roster isn't that big, Ronda, Hurndig and Warmother are the only other legendaries I have besides Helicath.  I have around 20 epics which consist largely of support champions and healers, no really good dmg dealers and I'm still working on masteries, gear, ascension and blessings etc for the champs I've levelled.

I still think he's OP, but while I did have the patience to persevere, I'm pretty sure there are indeed a number of players who have stopped playing the game because of that one champion - the one friend I did send a link to did exactly that (my former RL in WoW), so while he may have been a novice in this game, he does come from a gaming background and not just the game I mentioned. 

Just my 2 cents.

Apr 6, 2023, 01:3504/06/23

A lot of us have very few issues with UDK, others might really struggle because of lack of champs.

That's fine in my opinion.  I have a decent roster and there's still a lot of teams I'll avoid because they're a gamble, annoying, or will just take too long.  That's all part of the arena... learning who to avoid, and learning who will be a good matchup for your team (I really struggled with this for a long time, eventually I gave up the speed meta and started doing extremely well with go second teams).  If you have a UDK yourself, and you see a team single target nukers, its an easy match up.

Nobody tries to beat the entire page, especially at higher levels.  Gotta figure out who your teams are strong against and who they're weak against, and have a few different setups for different situations.  UDK is just another peice to that, you either have a good team to deal with him, or its an easy skip.  Learning who to avoid is a good lesson, choose your battles wisely.


I don't see many UDK's in g5 but our team powers were matched, I knew it wasn't a speed team, no revivers, mortu and UDK were in SS (that's why I take two strippers, ramantu and serris - UDK is always in SS at these levels), and they didnt even get a turn because they were super slow.  That's also a random non-tuned team I threw in there but duchess did the attack up and serris did the defense down setting up leo for massive damage.

Mortu is way more scary than UDK in my opinion.

Apr 6, 2023, 01:4004/06/23


Apr 6, 2023, 11:2204/06/23

I'm now a mid player, NM clan boss, 25 dragon, 22 ice golem, Gold 2, about 100 login days, mostly f2p.  My opinion hasn't changed: UDK is BULLSH*T.  He's just bad for arena.  Whether overpowered or not, he's bad for the pacing and really bad for the lower ranks.  

Let's get one thing straight: he's not bad at all. Ranked S tier on ayumilove, 4/5 on HH, shown by ASH how everyone and their mom was/is using him.  Some people on this forum are so elitist they're in denial.  Its kinda like seeing a rich person say recessions aren't bad.   

People on here were also saying Rhonda was a free counter... Do they even play the game?  Rhonda is Magic...  Even though her abilities are great against him, there's a very good chance you won't do enough damage due to affinity weakness, and then UDK wil just regenerate.  

The main thing I really still hate about UDK is how he has no cooldown on blocking for his team.  This is so obnoxious.  That's why he slows down matches so badly and makes them super boring, or impossible in lower ranks.  

I remember the months of struggle.   It wasn't until I got many blessings on my starter that I could actually do something about the UDK teams.  Now I have powerful champs but he's still annoying AF.   

I used to play many games competitively, even placed second place at MLG during the peak WoW arena days (13+million players).  Also competed in RTS, MOBAs, Guild Wars, and many others.  I've never seen a dev turn such a blind eye to a glaring pvp problem.   Typically good pvp devs are tweaking so there's variety.  In eSports games there's usually good spread, and any overused kit will be quickly harangued by the community.  Not here though.  

Apr 6, 2023, 11:3204/06/23

I'll also add that in my previous gaming career, people were very disconnected by what rank they were in.  Lower players didn't understand how abilities scaled later with gear.  Some high players never had to deal with the grind, because they were in top raiding guilds that gave them powerful gear, aka whales.   

And yes there are a lot of those who just complain and don't learn.  For example, 99% of hunters in WoW were bottom ranked.  But the #1 in the world was a hunter at that time.  

The disconnect between players is very hard to juggle for devs of those games.  However this is a Gacha game. Gacha games are much less difficult to deal with that because there's so many choices of kits.   There's no need to turn a blind eye to the problem.  

I can only wonder, if top players don't care about UDK, then they shouldn't care about him being nerfed then.  But it seems some are aggravated by principle.  The problem is that their inflexibility on such principle  ignores all the problems I listed above, and the fact is UDK is making arena extra miserable for lord knows how many players.    

Apr 6, 2023, 13:2304/06/23

I'm now a mid player, NM clan boss, 25 dragon, 22 ice golem, Gold 2, about 100 login days, mostly f2p.  My opinion hasn't changed: UDK is BULLSH*T.  He's just bad for arena.  Whether overpowered or not, he's bad for the pacing and really bad for the lower ranks.  

Let's get one thing straight: he's not bad at all. Ranked S tier on ayumilove, 4/5 on HH, shown by ASH how everyone and their mom was/is using him.  Some people on this forum are so elitist they're in denial.  Its kinda like seeing a rich person say recessions aren't bad.   

People on here were also saying Rhonda was a free counter... Do they even play the game?  Rhonda is Magic...  Even though her abilities are great against him, there's a very good chance you won't do enough damage due to affinity weakness, and then UDK wil just regenerate.  

The main thing I really still hate about UDK is how he has no cooldown on blocking for his team.  This is so obnoxious.  That's why he slows down matches so badly and makes them super boring, or impossible in lower ranks.  

I remember the months of struggle.   It wasn't until I got many blessings on my starter that I could actually do something about the UDK teams.  Now I have powerful champs but he's still annoying AF.   

I used to play many games competitively, even placed second place at MLG during the peak WoW arena days (13+million players).  Also competed in RTS, MOBAs, Guild Wars, and many others.  I've never seen a dev turn such a blind eye to a glaring pvp problem.   Typically good pvp devs are tweaking so there's variety.  In eSports games there's usually good spread, and any overused kit will be quickly harangued by the community.  Not here though.  

People on here were also saying Rhonda was a free counter... Do they
even play the game?  Rhonda is Magic...  Even though her abilities are
great against him, there's a very good chance you won't do enough damage
due to affinity weakness, and then UDK wil just regenerate.   

Ronda is a counter to UDK, because her block passive can't be resisted and is placed before the attack, so even a weak hit will not stop it from landing. He stops to heal himself for 2 turns, and you can heal your team in that period without triggering his passive.

Ronda is not meant to go vs. UDK in a 1v1. You can bring 4 champs to arena, don't you? Ronda has a strong AoE attack to wipe out UDK's team mates. She has a 4-hitter A2 and can take out a champ of his team as single target (probably a reviver), UDK blocks only the first hit.

I bet 99.9% of the UDK-complainers use complete sets by any means, have bolster and a total of ~ 10% crit rate/ crit damage from their artifacts on their "damage dealer". Then they complain that they can't deal enough damage before UDK heals back to full hp.

Apr 6, 2023, 15:5804/06/23
Apr 6, 2023, 16:00(edited)

I'll also add that in my previous gaming career, people were very disconnected by what rank they were in.  Lower players didn't understand how abilities scaled later with gear.  Some high players never had to deal with the grind, because they were in top raiding guilds that gave them powerful gear, aka whales.   

And yes there are a lot of those who just complain and don't learn.  For example, 99% of hunters in WoW were bottom ranked.  But the #1 in the world was a hunter at that time.  

The disconnect between players is very hard to juggle for devs of those games.  However this is a Gacha game. Gacha games are much less difficult to deal with that because there's so many choices of kits.   There's no need to turn a blind eye to the problem.  

I can only wonder, if top players don't care about UDK, then they shouldn't care about him being nerfed then.  But it seems some are aggravated by principle.  The problem is that their inflexibility on such principle  ignores all the problems I listed above, and the fact is UDK is making arena extra miserable for lord knows how many players.    

I'm gonna be a little transparent here for you in my response to your two posts:

I can only wonder, if top players don't care about UDK, then they shouldn't care about him being nerfed then.  But it seems some are aggravated by principle.  The problem is that their inflexibility on such principle  ignores all the problems I listed above, and the fact is UDK is making arena extra miserable for lord knows how many players.     

"Top Players" care because we put resources and/or money into building him. I am not here to support nerfing champs that people spent their time and energy on when they are hard countered by a free login champ. 

And yes he is absolutely hard countered by Ronda. Her A2 cannot be resisted, her debuff on it cannot be weak hit. So this lack of cooldown for his block you mention doesn't matter, since you can use Ronda to totally shut it down. 

I used to play many games competitively, even placed second place at MLG during the peak WoW arena days (13+million players).  Also competed in RTS, MOBAs, Guild Wars, and many others.  I've never seen a dev turn such a blind eye to a glaring pvp problem.   Typically good pvp devs are tweaking so there's variety.  In eSports games there's usually good spread, and any overused kit will be quickly harangued by the community.  Not here though.  

It's cool you were good at another game at some point. But this is Raid Classic Arena, not even the difficult Arena mode, and it has literally never been easier to farm medals or advance to the top of Gold. 

I would not expect a change to UDK ever, because frankly, he's not that big of a problem. So as far as you never ever seeing a game dev turn a blind eye to such a glaring issue... you'll just have to agree to disagree with me. I do not think it is a glaring issue, as the clamor over him just exists in a few threads on here and reddit. It doesn't even exist on the official discord, really just here from a small subset of newer players in whatever demographic still use forums.

There will never be a point the community at large is going to harangue UDK as overpowered. And that is becuase it is a very vocal but very small minority of inexperienced players that hop on to complain about him. After you learn the game better, and learn what counterplay is, you'll realize there are much, much scarier champs to worry about.

Apr 6, 2023, 18:0504/06/23

I'm gonna be a little transparent here for you in my response to your two posts:

I can only wonder, if top players don't care about UDK, then they shouldn't care about him being nerfed then.  But it seems some are aggravated by principle.  The problem is that their inflexibility on such principle  ignores all the problems I listed above, and the fact is UDK is making arena extra miserable for lord knows how many players.     

"Top Players" care because we put resources and/or money into building him. I am not here to support nerfing champs that people spent their time and energy on when they are hard countered by a free login champ. 

And yes he is absolutely hard countered by Ronda. Her A2 cannot be resisted, her debuff on it cannot be weak hit. So this lack of cooldown for his block you mention doesn't matter, since you can use Ronda to totally shut it down. 

I used to play many games competitively, even placed second place at MLG during the peak WoW arena days (13+million players).  Also competed in RTS, MOBAs, Guild Wars, and many others.  I've never seen a dev turn such a blind eye to a glaring pvp problem.   Typically good pvp devs are tweaking so there's variety.  In eSports games there's usually good spread, and any overused kit will be quickly harangued by the community.  Not here though.  

It's cool you were good at another game at some point. But this is Raid Classic Arena, not even the difficult Arena mode, and it has literally never been easier to farm medals or advance to the top of Gold. 

I would not expect a change to UDK ever, because frankly, he's not that big of a problem. So as far as you never ever seeing a game dev turn a blind eye to such a glaring issue... you'll just have to agree to disagree with me. I do not think it is a glaring issue, as the clamor over him just exists in a few threads on here and reddit. It doesn't even exist on the official discord, really just here from a small subset of newer players in whatever demographic still use forums.

There will never be a point the community at large is going to harangue UDK as overpowered. And that is becuase it is a very vocal but very small minority of inexperienced players that hop on to complain about him. After you learn the game better, and learn what counterplay is, you'll realize there are much, much scarier champs to worry about.

hmm... as part of a demographic cohort that prefers forums to discord/other should I be offended :)

Apr 6, 2023, 18:1204/06/23

hmm... as part of a demographic cohort that prefers forums to discord/other should I be offended :)

Maybe... Probably... :D

Apr 10, 2023, 22:1304/10/23

I just made it to the gold tier in the arena and thought that I might start facing defenses based on strategy, and not have to deal with the UDK. Wrong it's worse in gold than it was in silver league. Does anybody know if they plan on handing out free UDN in the future? It would be great if everyone had a cheesy  UDK defense arena team



Apr 11, 2023, 02:4504/11/23
Apr 11, 2023, 02:48(edited)

Anyone that says this guy is fair are insane, the guy is in every rank all the way up to the best players in the lobby in platinum. it's crazy to think that you just countered him but if you're having to heavily counter a champion just to get by in the ladder because he's an obstacle everywhere you go then you're already know he needs to be neefed. Same with any game if something is being over used then maybe they need to be looked at. New players to the game will hate this champion and will actually make them quit before even really getting anywhere, not good for business and not good for the games rep. Overall he's over used / OP and needs to be nerfed for the sake of the games future. I don't use the champion even though I've got them just because it's boring af seeing him everywhere. I like the creative side to the game by mixing up the champions rosters but now this champion has ruined ranked climbing for me.



I've added a few screenshots of where I'm at atm which is gold 3 and the top players in the game. I literally just opened the game and he's everywhere, most irritating thing is that I know new players wont be coming to the game with this champion not being needed in the game. Feel like quitting the game at this point because all creativity has been blown out the window with one champion. Boredddd!

Apr 11, 2023, 03:2504/11/23

The hard facts are that until this current Arena meta where Classic Arena is way nerfed, a new player would spend a couple months struggling to get to the bottom of Silver right now. Gold would be months and months away, until you had a 330 speed Speed Aura lead. 

@ColderTh4nIce I see your team right now is Arbie, Scyl, Hotatsu and Roshcard and in Gold 3. Congrats firstly! Secondly, and unfortunately for all the players that struggled 2020-2022, that would have been a very different story a while ago. The thing people with similar teams would be upset about wouldn't be UDK... it would have been how they couldn't even get to Gold 1. Or perhaps if well, well built, how they couldn't stay in Gold 1 against all the "UberKraken" teams.

I keep saying that no long term player wants to change Arena back to the way it was, and that is becuase now it just a medal farm. The only way to advance previously into Gold was to rank up a solid team of strong Arena champs, with a strong nuker, and then go farm Dragon 20 for 3-6 months. Then maybe you could do it.

Apr 11, 2023, 03:3804/11/23

A concluding note on my last post:

It was a long, long, long journey to get Arbiter in the previous metas. The metas from 2019-2022 were brutal stuff.

Apr 11, 2023, 04:0904/11/23

So, I know I'm super late to this discussion, and ... actually, have probably already commented on it. But a few new cents to add to the pile.

I enjoy tag. It's basically the only thing left in the game that actually makes me ... play the game. But, while I enjoy it, I can't actually remain competitive. I can stay at tag 2-3, depending on the week, but actually getting/staying at tag4 isn't feasable, simply because of the amount of time it takes for each fight.

And, for better or worse, that's directly related to UDK. And yeah, before you ask - I do use him on my offense, and defense teams. UDK is actually a great meta-changing champ. He adds lots of counterplay options.

However, the way that tag is currently set up, it doesn't lend itself towards the kind of gameplay UDK enables. Case in point - last night I was at about 850 rating on tag3, which is in the red. I was at that rating because I basically didn't play tag all week. So, I figured to myself, I'll just climb back up. How hard could it be to win a dozen fights, or so?

The answer is - after about three hours, "too hard". I won basically every one of my fights - but each tag fight took me a minimum of 15 minutes, with some going easily into the 30 minute range. And that is 100% because of UDK. Every team he's in, I know from the outset that I'll win. The problem is, it just takes forever.

And you know what? The solution to this is not to just get rid of him. The solution is to fundamentally change tag. Get rid of this "20 free daily tokens + very cheap refills". Make tag capped at 5 fights per day, and get rid of the refills entirely - both from quests, and buyable. And, as we'll surely see - apply this same concept to live arena.

Plarium, we simply don't have the time to deal with the amount of stuff in this game. And that's going to wear people down. It's already basically killed off my clan, and I'm sure your own internal metrics show this too. Stop playing the attrition game - just throw us a bone.