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Big difference in packs' price

Big difference in packs' price

Apr 17, 2019, 11:5804/17/19

Big difference in packs' price


I have noticed the big difference in price of the same packs that are offered in game. My app store is registered in Finland and the packs here are usually twice as expensive as that in Russia and USA , and that is quite unfair imo. Has anyone noticed/experienced the same thing?
Apr 17, 2019, 12:4904/17/19
Yes, probably most of us did and I agree that it's not fair, but I don't know if there is anything we can do about it.
Apr 17, 2019, 12:5004/17/19
Hello! Sometimes packs that may seem similar at first glance are, actually, different because they contain more/less resources, Shards etc. Could you please send some relevant screenshots for us to see?
Apr 17, 2019, 15:2804/17/19


Ok, i got this screenshot as an example. The lvl 50 pack is $15 in this youtube video, uploaded on 24 March 2019, while I distinctly remember my pack at lvl 40 (with more or less the same rewards) is priced at €28, that's $31. 
Apr 18, 2019, 05:4704/18/19

@CIRILLA: Below is another example. Some players get offers of half the price but not half the value. This is all depending on if you spent money, the more money you spend the higher are the prices. Its not that you get the bigger offers, you get more expensive offers with less value.

Pretty much telling people, if you spend money we will charge you more.

Apr 18, 2019, 06:3204/18/19
if my 50 pack is not 15$ im ganna be fucking pissed....
Apr 18, 2019, 06:4504/18/19

We can make a comparison with the current offer.

Would be nice if someone else would post this offer with the same items and quantity and of course in a different currency (Russia, Turkey ...)

Apr 18, 2019, 09:0304/18/19
Apr 18, 2019, 09:03(edited)

EXACT SAME PACKS are offered at different prices to different players. It is not just this game but other Plarium games have this FEATURE!?!?

The logic is: If a player does not spend for X days, the packs start to have a DISCOUNT, lets say if you dont buy a single item from cash shop for a month, you get much cheaper offers.

When we get an offer, our clan members directly share at clan discord. Yes, some offers have different quantities and different prices, but as I explained above, SAME OFFERS have DIFFERENT PRICES depending on buying frequency of the player.

Whether this is ethical or not, I wont argue, but, this is the way it is...

Apr 18, 2019, 09:1404/18/19

ismailtarim977 said:

EXACT SAME PACKS are offered at different prices to different players. It is not just this game but other Plarium games have this FEATURE!?!?

The logic is: If a player does not spend for X days, the packs start to have a DISCOUNT, lets say if you dont buy a single item from cash shop for a month, you get much cheaper offers.

When we get an offer, our clan members directly share at clan discord. Yes, some offers have different quantities and different prices, but as I explained above, SAME OFFERS have DIFFERENT PRICES depending on buying frequency of the player.

Whether this is ethical or not, I wont argue, but, this is the way it is...

Can you post here some of that screenshots, please? It would be very helpful.
Apr 18, 2019, 11:4904/18/19

On that day, 1 USD was 5.45 TRY, roughly 184.99 TRY = 33.95USD

If I dig into our discord channel am sure I can find exact same offers with different USD prices as well. It is not a regional thing, it is not an exchange rate thing either, it only depends when your last purchase was, if you are not a frequent buyer, you get a much bigger discount.

It is funny how it actually works in the real world, frequent buyers should be the ones that are getting discounts, right???
Apr 18, 2019, 13:1704/18/19

thanks ismailtarim977 :)

Cirilla - it's not fair to the players that packs are differently priced and what is worse that people who actually buys pack and supporting your game experience bigger prices.

I'm buying something from time to time and I'm very close to 50 lvl. I would buy pack with sacred shard for 15 USD (~60 PLN) but I won't buy a pack for 120 USD (~480 PLN) ever, because it's just way way too much. I don't like that some of the people get nice, lower priced deals and others not.

Another thing is that I don't want to be punished by higher priced packs for supporting the game.

Please take that under consideration and it would be great if you could pass this feedback to someone :)
Apr 18, 2019, 14:0704/18/19
Ok, the rumours had been there for quite a while, but seeing that is pretty disheartening. I spent 1k $ by now but being ripped off for spending is just ridiculous. Why is a company so stupid and punishes its paying customers?!
Apr 18, 2019, 15:2804/18/19
Sadly there are no rumors, nearly every high spending player got ripped off in different packs. Not good for the company's reputation. I myself and my whole clan stopped buying packs since we noticed that we got packs that have 1.5 the content with 3 times the price. It is only a matter of time before everyone else notices that and stops spending as well 
Apr 18, 2019, 17:1404/18/19
My lvl 40 pack was 98.99 USD. Probably would have bought it if it wasn't so expensive.
Apr 18, 2019, 17:3304/18/19

Notice how your purchase is labelled "tier ×" on the receipt?

This might be why. higher tier = more frequent purchaser. 
Apr 18, 2019, 17:4904/18/19
Apr 18, 2019, 17:50(edited)

I have been comparing packs with my clan mates and we figured out that every time you buy something the next pack goes up in price.

The company tried to do this in a sneaky way by changing the content of those packs slightly. But it is not rocket science to figure out that 250 extra energy is not worth extra $15. When I created a support ticket their response is “if you don’t like the offer you are getting, you have the option to skip it.” 

That either suggests that they don’t care about looking into this issue or they take money spending players for fools and think we will continue to spend money as we are addicted. I have stopped spending money on this game since then. The only way to make them look into this and compensate everyone they have cheated is by closing your wallets.
Apr 19, 2019, 13:5504/19/19
I also noticed packs were getting more expensive, this is pretty terrible. You don't charge loyal customers more for less with the more they spend, that is just bad business. Looking forward to seeing how much my lvl 50 pack is after seeing some people had it for $30-40. 
Apr 19, 2019, 14:4004/19/19
Apr 19, 2019, 14:41(edited)

I had that offer for $50 US.

B3ll4t0r said:

We can make a comparison with the current offer.

Would be nice if someone else would post this offer with the same items and quantity and of course in a different currency (Russia, Turkey ...)

Apr 19, 2019, 14:4204/19/19
J.C., I had this offer for $50 as well and it had 3 of each skill book instead of just 1! 

J.C. of LMC said:

I had that offer for $50 US.

B3ll4t0r said:

We can make a comparison with the current offer.

Would be nice if someone else would post this offer with the same items and quantity and of course in a different currency (Russia, Turkey ...)

Apr 19, 2019, 14:4504/19/19
Notice a complete lack of response from a moderator?
Apr 19, 2019, 16:0604/19/19
well hopefully more people figure this out quickly because the solution is just to spend less. if we all start spending less then its bad for plarium and maybe they can change their methods