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The thing I respect the most about my Clan Leader ...

The thing I respect the most about my Clan Leader ...

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21 лип. 2015, 16:3121.07.15

The thing I respect the most about my Clan Leader ...

"The thing I respect the most about my Clan Leader is _________ "

Complete the phrase and leave your Clan name in the comment below.

Let the Wasteland know its Leaders!

21 лип. 2015, 16:5121.07.15
21 лип. 2015, 16:51(відредаговано)

@GENERAL T. WINTERS (21 JULY, 2015, 4:31 PM UTC):

Not starting wars that the clan can't handle :)

21 лип. 2015, 17:0621.07.15
13 верес. 2019, 12:02(відредаговано)

The thing I respect the most about my Clan Leader is... he is coherent and reliable. 



21 лип. 2015, 22:2321.07.15
30 серп. 2019, 12:03(відредаговано)
his handsomeness, charming personality and stunning smile
22 лип. 2015, 02:3022.07.15
22 лип. 2015, 02:30(відредаговано)

@CK-Basilius Errant le'reaper (21 July, 2015, 10:23 PM UTC):
Uh huh.

And his stature of 6' 4" and his solid muscle   lol

Edit 1:
And his blond swish of hair   lol

22 лип. 2015, 03:0822.07.15
30 серп. 2019, 12:03(відредаговано)
dont forgett the valient white steed he rides
22 лип. 2015, 03:4222.07.15
27 серп. 2019, 12:04(відредаговано)
The thing I respect most about my clan leader, is that his ***** are more epic than anyone in the game. He is truly not afraid to fight whoever it is who comes. This trait has created an atmosphere of competition within our clan that has spurred rapid clan growth and advancement, as well as such active clan participation that it makes me proud to be a part of it. This guy right here ^^ , has the hairiest ***** of them all. And that's a fact.
22 лип. 2015, 04:2922.07.15
22 лип. 2015, 13:26(відредаговано)

Basilius Errant Le'reaper is a snobbish and cynical misanthrope who is desperate to belong to a higher social class. He sees a successful clan as a means of achieving this ("turn it into an establishment of class...") yet his job forces him to be pleasant to people he despises.

My favorite Basil quotes are:

Basilius Errant Le'reaper: Right, well I'll go and have a lie down then. No I won't; I'll go and hit some Clan Leaders.

Basilius Errant Le'reaper: Bad Andy will show you to your Emitters - if you're lucky.

Basilius Errant Le'reaper: [to some noob] Stupidissimo! Continental cretin!

Basilius Errant : You snobs! You stupid, stuck-up, toffee-nosed, half-witted upper-class piles of pus!

Basilius: "Good morning, good morning."
Bugz Bunny: "Oh you're very cheerful this morning, Basil."
Basilius: "Yes, well one of the Emitters was a just raided and I got 20 nukes on my sector."

Basil "Send more forces to the raid, you vicious bastard. Oh my God. I'm warning you, if you don't send more... I'll count to three. 1, 2, 3, right, that does it. I'm going to give you a damn good thrashing."

** I have been advised some folk don't know fine cinema.  The above is a compliment in the spirit of fine British comedy.  The above are all directly stolen from Fawlty Towers.  The main character is called Basil, played by John Cleese.  IMHO he is an excellent example a true human dealing with adverse circumstances.  Sure he makes an occasional mistake but he is after all human; and I did mention played by John Cleese. 

22 лип. 2015, 11:5222.07.15
26 жовт. 2020, 12:02(відредаговано)
Commanders, this activity is not made to offend our players. Personal attacks is not a good thing for our forum.
22 лип. 2015, 12:1622.07.15
30 серп. 2019, 12:02(відредаговано)
i feel victomised and bullyied 
22 лип. 2015, 12:5622.07.15

I really expected you to see the compliment.  Perhaps you missed the reference.

 I see few greater compliments than being compared to Basil Fawlty.  Surely everyone knows Fawlty Towers.

22 лип. 2015, 13:0522.07.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:53(відредаговано)

"The thing I respect the most about my Clan Leader is _________ "

His greed for new members and his pickiness in selecting them (And he's good at it, if I should mention.). Oh, and I forgot to mention his consideration to his fellow clan members, even to the small ones as myself.

GO  Men Of Renown

23 лип. 2015, 01:5623.07.15
23 лип. 2015, 01:59(відредаговано)

The thing I most respect the most about my Clan Leader ''Max Powers''  The CL of the fall out clan

Is that .

He is an amazing Clan Leader , strong and good leadership

has an awesome personality , always willing to help his clan mates in any situation.

someone to look up too 

A fair person

Someone to Depend on 

Too many amazing things to say about him .

In Conclusion he really is the greatest leader I have ever met.

23 лип. 2015, 02:4923.07.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:54(відредаговано)
The thing I respect about my clan leader, Max Powers of fall out, is that even though he is put into a tough situation of being  large clan leader, he still makes time for individuals, if you him a question, he will take time away from what he was doing to help you, and he easily can get the clan together to do group activities, or to help a clan member if they are getting raided or someone is messing with them a lot and are stunting their growth.
23 лип. 2015, 07:4623.07.15

KingWesteros said:

I am not going to give praise to my CL due to I have not been with them very long, but I will say this about the leaders of LesChevaliers. They are all a joke. Not just the CL's. The entire empire is a joke. They claim they are for honour but are not. They are traitors to all who they are allied with and their own. Stand fast LesChevs and take note, I, HellishReaper, am back to claim my vengeance on all those who have forsaken me over a year ago. LesChevs are not the only ones to fear, their is others who need to be in fear. I am coming, and when I do, you will regret ever pissing me off and betraying me you traitors.

Wow.  I'm sensing some serious anger here.  You should learn to let go of your hatred and forgive others, and make the wasteland a more loving place...

Just kidding.  Kill em all :P

Oh and I don't like max powers, he ignored my mails so I had to attach one to a missile and launch it to him :)

23 лип. 2015, 11:1023.07.15
23 лип. 2015, 11:16(відредаговано)

That should be in the screenshots page .

Max one of the strongest on our server .

he has over 50M deff sitting in his sector lol .

you'll need more than 30 nukes to do any actual damage.

thats why he didnt bunker up through the 100s or thousands you've droped on him in the past few days .

Why don't you send a real raid ?

you would help him cut his credits down and it would help your consumption as well.

a Win Win for both sides

23 лип. 2015, 12:4223.07.15
30 серп. 2019, 12:03(відредаговано)

Is there anyother clan where CL comes up with short story competition thats goes, "I have a stick. An ordinary stick. " and you've to write a short story to finish within length of a message? And you win unfathomable resources just like that? Haha, nope. Most CLs suck. But this is Basil from MoR. ;)

Another fascinating fact about him is his personal library, you could survive a winter (No, Mr. Winters, not you) in Antarctica if you burnt them lavishly.
23 лип. 2015, 18:4223.07.15
29 груд. 2018, 16:46(відредаговано)
BiohazarD said:

KingWesteros said:

I am not going to give praise to my CL due to I have not been with them very long, but I will say this about the leaders of LesChevaliers. They are all a joke. Not just the CL's. The entire empire is a joke. They claim they are for honour but are not. They are traitors to all who they are allied with and their own. Stand fast LesChevs and take note, I, HellishReaper, am back to claim my vengeance on all those who have forsaken me over a year ago. LesChevs are not the only ones to fear, their is others who need to be in fear. I am coming, and when I do, you will regret ever pissing me off and betraying me you traitors.

Wow.  I'm sensing some serious anger here.  You should learn to let go of your hatred and forgive others, and make the wasteland a more loving place...

Just kidding.  Kill em all :P

Oh and I don't like max powers, he ignored my mails so I had to attach one to a missile and launch it to him :)

No one cares if you like Max Powers or not. He didn't respond to your mail because your just a stuck up prick who is obsessed with the Plarium payroll and you also don't like it when there are people who are better than you.
23 лип. 2015, 23:0523.07.15
29 груд. 2018, 17:07(відредаговано)

BiohazarD said:

KingWesteros said:

I am not going to give praise to my CL due to I have not been with them very long, but I will say this about the leaders of LesChevaliers. They are all a joke. Not just the CL's. The entire empire is a joke. They claim they are for honour but are not. They are traitors to all who they are allied with and their own. Stand fast LesChevs and take note, I, HellishReaper, am back to claim my vengeance on all those who have forsaken me over a year ago. LesChevs are not the only ones to fear, their is others who need to be in fear. I am coming, and when I do, you will regret ever pissing me off and betraying me you traitors.

Wow.  I'm sensing some serious anger here.  You should learn to let go of your hatred and forgive others, and make the wasteland a more loving place...

Just kidding.  Kill em all :P

Oh and I don't like max powers, he ignored my mails so I had to attach one to a missile and launch it to him :)


you really need to grow up and stop acting like a child ,All your bragging is so annoying .

you think your so bad@ss cause of your level and stuff don't you  Just because you sit on the payroll of plarium .

Inside your just a little boy aren't you ? you should know that no one cares about you either .

back in the day Max Powers wiped out a bunch of level 5 GG emmitters in 1 DAY .

he doesnt brag like you do , thinking your a god just because a newbie like you has captured a level 1 lmao . Don't call me a newbie , i been playing before this server came out on the dutch server and Facebook geotopia . 

And Don't abuse your ''MODERATOR'' powers and delete posts you don't like because no one likes you , defending plarium and all over the new infests etc , interesting how only the people on the plarium payroll somehow ''love'' the new infest system while everyone hates it 

24 лип. 2015, 00:1524.07.15
22 груд. 2015, 06:52(відредаговано)


24 лип. 2015, 01:0424.07.15
24 лип. 2015, 01:04(відредаговано)

Destroyer said:

BiohazarD said:

KingWesteros said:

I am not going to give praise to my CL due to I have not been with them very long, but I will say this about the leaders of LesChevaliers. They are all a joke. Not just the CL's. The entire empire is a joke. They claim they are for honour but are not. They are traitors to all who they are allied with and their own. Stand fast LesChevs and take note, I, HellishReaper, am back to claim my vengeance on all those who have forsaken me over a year ago. LesChevs are not the only ones to fear, their is others who need to be in fear. I am coming, and when I do, you will regret ever pissing me off and betraying me you traitors.

Wow.  I'm sensing some serious anger here.  You should learn to let go of your hatred and forgive others, and make the wasteland a more loving place...

Just kidding.  Kill em all :P

Oh and I don't like max powers, he ignored my mails so I had to attach one to a missile and launch it to him :)


you really need to grow up and stop acting like a child ,All your bragging is so annoying .

you think your so bad@ss cause of your level and stuff don't you  Just because you sit on the payroll of plarium .

Inside your just a little boy aren't you ? you should know that no one cares about you either .

back in the day Max Powers wiped out a bunch of level 5 GG emmitters in 1 DAY .

he doesnt brag like you do , thinking your a god just because a newbie like you has captured a level 1 lmao . Don't call me a newbie , i been playing before this server came out on the dutch server and Facebook geotopia . 

And Don't abuse your ''MODERATOR'' powers and delete posts you don't like because no one likes you , defending plarium and all over the new infests etc , interesting how only the people on the plarium payroll somehow ''love'' the new infest system while everyone hates it 

1.  As far as I recall the only one who has ever taken any of our emitters was a spanish clan we're at war with, and that was just one emitter.  If max powers took any, it was more than a year ago, before I joined the clan. 

2.  I have never deleted a post because I didn't like it, I do delete posts that use rude or offensive language, in accordance with the forum rules (section 1.2 b). 

3.  I never called you a newbie, you just called me that.