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Please should Tower level on Rebel Tower battle reports.

Please should Tower level on Rebel Tower battle reports.

24 січ. 2020, 03:5024.01.20

Please should Tower level on Rebel Tower battle reports.

Title: should -> show

Could you please show the tower level in the Rebels' Tower battle reports.

When doing after-action review the level needs to be known to be able to judge success / failure / weaknesses / strengths.


24 січ. 2020, 14:1324.01.20

It would appear, from https://support-portal.plarium.com/en/throne-web/faq/kingdoms-war-rebellion/report-features , that there are bugs and issues here.

> "In the event of a successful attack or Raid, the box with the number of Trophies of Arms that were obtained appears in the report."

This was true on the member's mail reports, but not on the Battles of Order Members reports.

> "In the event of a successful attack or Raid on a Rebels' Tower where only rebels have been, the Castle's icon will appear instead of the Order name in the enemy info box. Tapping it opens the Rebels' Tower info window."

As noted prior, no icon appears at all.

> "Information on the rebels is displayed neither in the event of a successful espionage nor a failed one."

This seems to be incorrect - if so, please don't correct it. Tower content details, troops and rss were displayed after the espionage.

Do please correct the lack of icon / tower level, as noted prior.

> "If the Rebels' Tower has been captured by another Order, the characteristics of the warriors are not displayed in the box of additional information."

Req: Please have the characteristics displayed. At least the troop types / totals. [Understandably, with the mix of tower inhabitants, additional details cannot be displayed, there being too many of each troop type, but at least totals should be displayable.]

Thanks for listening.