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Double-Click to Lock the Chat Tab

Double-Click to Lock the Chat Tab

4 листоп. 2019, 18:2004.11.19

Double-Click to Lock the Chat Tab

The social aspect of this game is vital to success. The whole point of joining an Order is to build up your town, help fellow Order member towns, and thereby increase the power of your Kingdom. It's what makes the game fun. Imagine this game if there were no Orders, no Order Wars, or Kingdom Wars--very boring.

So it makes sense that chatting with other players (whether in your Order or not) is an essential part of the game.

When players are chatting, while killing assailants and apostates, it is extremely frustrating to have the Tabs at the bottom of the screen constantly switching back to My Town.

I am suggesting that players be able to Double-Click on a Tab at the bottom of the screen to "lock" that tab in place, so you can continue to chat with friends and Order Members while competing in Events.

I play this game on a PC, and I understand that a lot of people play on their phones or tablet devices, maybe the behavior can be modified to suit the device being used.

Thanks for reading.
5 листоп. 2019, 13:4005.11.19

KalMarissa said:

The social aspect of this game is vital to success. The whole point of joining an Order is to build up your town, help fellow Order member towns, and thereby increase the power of your Kingdom. It's what makes the game fun. Imagine this game if there were no Orders, no Order Wars, or Kingdom Wars--very boring.

So it makes sense that chatting with other players (whether in your Order or not) is an essential part of the game.

When players are chatting, while killing assailants and apostates, it is extremely frustrating to have the Tabs at the bottom of the screen constantly switching back to My Town.

I am suggesting that players be able to Double-Click on a Tab at the bottom of the screen to "lock" that tab in place, so you can continue to chat with friends and Order Members while competing in Events.

I play this game on a PC, and I understand that a lot of people play on their phones or tablet devices, maybe the behavior can be modified to suit the device being used.

Thanks for reading.


We are determined to make the game better, so we'll definitely consider your suggestions, and our developers will decide which of them to implement. Feel free to write us if you have any other ideas or suggestions. 

We wish you a good play and glorious victories!