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Some kingdoms are dead or on there way,

Some kingdoms are dead or on there way,

14 жовт. 2018, 02:5414.10.18

Some kingdoms are dead or on there way,

We need a new influx of people to bring some life back into kingdoms, Stop making new Kingdoms and boost the ones that are DEAD, Thanks to your carriage, people that got too big too quick have left for other kingdoms that match there power lvl's........
30 січ. 2019, 04:4530.01.19
I agree, I only been on this for about a month.  being attacked constantly. this is a big reason you are losing players. I will be  deleteing  stuff  so I am in the red, that way they go in the hole tired of bullies in this game. ONLY THE STRONG  SHALL PLAY attitude does not make for a good game  experience and the amount of time to gain it your are killed off or so discourage that you could care less about this game
30 січ. 2019, 18:4830.01.19
I don't really think carriage return is an issue. The main issue I see is that new players come in and see dead towns all over and no chat in main chat so they get bored. Or a chat full of foreign language they don't understand so they think they joined the wrong kind of game for them. Most fail to realize if you want to build in this game it really is pretty essential to get into an order as early as you can. Now i do think some kingdom consolidation is in order if for no other reason than they can wipe the other kingdoms for a fresh start. But definitely something needs to be done about clean up. I know they like the idea of having these players come back and there is no reason why they can't create something that leaves accounts and items in the item bag in tact while still burning away towns that have been inactive for 2 or more weeks after vip and shields are gone.  
31 січ. 2019, 21:4031.01.19
here is a suggestion. limit the level that can attack others like if you are over a set limit. such as if the attacker is 400,000,000 over the defender 23,000,000  they should not be able to attack. that is nothing but bulling tactics. this discourage new players. You have a good idea,  graphics and such but to be fair if  the defender is at 23,000,000 then the aggressor  should only be  the highest level  25,000,000  this makes for a better game an allows them a goal to keep trying for.  
9 лют. 2019, 23:1909.02.19

Not sure what you are talking about Dragongold? This game has a 100% protection shield which prevents all attacks, no matter how strong the attacker is. Most servers have complete NAPs so you can farm safely. Yes, during OvOs and KvKs, which are designed to create conflict, you can't set troops at nodes and go afk for hours.

I just don't get it, why so many people are shocked about fighting within a war game -- the title says it, kingdom at war.

And in my experience, the people(not saying you Dragongold, I don't know you) who complain about being hit by high levels are usually blasting other castles half their stats and happily posting the war report links.

11 лют. 2019, 00:3511.02.19
11 лют. 2019, 00:37(відредаговано)
LOL REDDZ I have to agree about the half size thing. I personally think Naps are part of the problem. I refuse to have a nap with any order. I got so tired of saying oh so and so from our sister order hit you or so and so from the nap hit you today it must have been an accident so dont hit them back! Here ya go dear here is some rss and please put your shield on. So many orders hide behind the "accidental hit" crap it isnt even funny. Then they forget they hit you 3 times! I can be peaceful with my neighbor without a NAP.....until he hits me that is...as it should be. And don't even get me started on purging before events.
23 лют. 2019, 16:1223.02.19
In the Middle Ages, there was a plague.  It wiped out much of the population.  Throne should emulate history, only affecting inactive accounts that have been idle for xx number of weeks... 52 weeks?  Then an antidote would be available upon request... probably for a nominal fee, knowing how this works.
25 берез. 2019, 18:5525.03.19

I have a suggestion that may revamp the game. Make each account able to hit a new city that you add radmonly in kingdoms. Make so that shields dont drop.  Make that orders can at hole attack or individual, but not more than twice a day. Make great rewards, if the city is captured. 

If city is captured and stays intacks tge order receives more reward and gold. 

Make cities that can be hit with reps size based. For example. If the order zize is 10b they can hit max 10b size city you place in kingoms. 

Players should be allowed to do raids to break your cities.

Give us challenges against Plarium rather than other orders that at times have platinum credit cards, which we cannot compete with.