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Alarm sounds

Alarm sounds

10 жовт. 2017, 08:3410.10.17

Alarm sounds

Why aren't there some specific alarm sounds when you are hit-tiled?

And more generally, the sounds should be more specific to actions.
10 жовт. 2017, 10:1410.10.17
10 жовт. 2017, 10:15(відредаговано)
There is no alarm or alert of any kind for an incoming tile-hit - vocal or otherwise. By design.

Lorpot said:

And more generally, the sounds should be more specific to actions.

The current sounds are very action-specific, showcase a sound that is used for more than one kind of action. You probably can't, because there is none.

11 жовт. 2017, 08:2711.10.17

Right, there is no alarm. Usually I turn off the sound. Notification on screen would be more usable when you are hit-tiled.

13 жовт. 2017, 07:1613.10.17

Master said:

 Notification on screen would be more usable when you are hit-tiled.

I agree, dude!

16 жовт. 2017, 09:4716.10.17

My question was more a demand for action rather than for explanation. ;-) Thanks anyway.

About specific sounds, you can mark that when troops come back, you can get usual sound but sometimes the "boo" sounds.Treasure and errands' renewal are not very specific too. After six and more monthes of game, I still get an overall feeling that sounds pack is not sufficient.

About hit-tiling, visual and sound alarms would be BOTH useful.

16 жовт. 2017, 14:2416.10.17
Lorpot said:

My question was more a demand for action rather than for explanation. ;-) Thanks anyway.

About specific sounds, you can mark that when troops come back, you can get usual sound but sometimes the "boo" sounds.Treasure and errands' renewal are not very specific too. After six and more monthes of game, I still get an overall feeling that sounds pack is not sufficient.

About hit-tiling, visual and sound alarms would be BOTH useful.

I think they didn't add this sounds for reasons that player should be watching his town attentively.
16 жовт. 2017, 14:2616.10.17
And what the point of alarms. If they added it it'll ruin the game. You enemy will always has time to hide under the shield
4 листоп. 2017, 12:0504.11.17

The point is just that I 'd liked to be warned I have been tilehit, instead of knowing by return of troops. As amazing it may be, I don't stare my screen for hours, drooling and moaning, especially yelding spots scattered around. While playing, I chat, manage city, and everything like this. So I am online to react by recalling my troops, even not to retribute, but can't because not informed that something happening. And as said higher, a screen alarm would be good too.

... Dear Jake, ruining the game, are you sure? No worries about lags when attacked? "big contributors"? lack of an emergency button for shielding? no moderation? ... But people don't flee the game as long as there is not an alarm sound when you are tilehit. lol
4 листоп. 2017, 19:1804.11.17
Lorpot said:

The point is just that I 'd liked to be warned I have been tilehit, instead of knowing by return of troops. As amazing it may be, I don't stare my screen for hours, drooling and moaning, especially yelding spots scattered around. While playing, I chat, manage city, and everything like this. So I am online to react by recalling my troops, even not to retribute, but can't because not informed that something happening. And as said higher, a screen alarm would be good too.

... Dear Jake, ruining the game, are you sure? No worries about lags when attacked? "big contributors"? lack of an emergency button for shielding? no moderation? ... But people don't flee the game as long as there is not an alarm sound when you are tilehit. lol
You can now shield your tiles, or yes - watch them. Tile-hitting has no rss gain by default, nor is it possible to get anything note-worthy towards troop-slaying events by hitting tiles. The only thing making it a remotely attractive option to "just not attacking anybody" is the lack of warning to the person you're hitting.
5 листоп. 2017, 00:4905.11.17

Dear Test, yes, you can protect your tile (even if I am not sure by now if required item is easy to win); yes, tile-hitting don't get rss, but while kvk, points and impering the other ones yelding,.. And if I understand your point, hit-tiling is good only because no warning. Hum! Don't think so, at least for the reasons I just listed.

Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. It's not a warning that I talk about, but an alarm sound of what DO happen. Just to know that game require your attention while you are doing something else. (We do know that the city attack warning is irrelevant often, but sound of realized attack is useful, don't you think?)

PS: If I may remind a forum using habit, it is unnecessary to quote a message which have just been posted.

5 листоп. 2017, 21:2305.11.17
5 листоп. 2017, 21:30(відредаговано)

You quote so people know if you're replying to the OP on the first page, or a later msg. Since this forum has the attendance of the southern pole high-school's 13th grade, there's little risk of replying to anything NOT on the first page.

You're making the same noob mistake in your argument as 99% of the players. You're forgetting the Alternative Cost. Let's say you have 10 marches (for ease of calculation) that you can't yield with when you're porting to hit tiles. Let's say the avg yield speed is 1.3m/1.5hour with the hero (>13k/min), and same in 3.33h without (> 6k/min) so you have at least 54+13=67k/min (or >4m/hour) <-->

Now since the combat bonuses last (most of them, at least the common ones) 1hour we'll assume you make the full use of it porting around and tile hitting for 1h. Unless you score 4m rss worth of points (*5 on KvK, *10 on OvO) during that one hour, you've lost points just trying to tile hit (you have essentially scored negative points). All this for a (usually) very small delta (Gain-Alternative Cost), if it isn't negative.

Now, porting around and re-shielding costs gold (or Personal Order Store points), and so do the combat bonuses. Replenishing your lost troops costs gold or (time&rss). You're also taking a risk of being hit yourself, which also should be translated into some value in order to keep the motivation of tile hitting greater than zero.

So even if you score more than 20m (40m on OvO) points during that hour you really should be asking yourself if that delta is worth the tens of thousands of gold you're using to score it, plus the added risks. This is why people rarely hit a tile under 20k (10, 5 everybody have their own bottom line) T1s rn. Even the more "war-hungry" players in our order have jut come to realize that tile-hitting is "just not worth it".

Nerf it more and you might as well just remove it from the game - and I doubt this isn't where most of the people offering all the anti-tile-hit "improvements" are going.

6 листоп. 2017, 23:4906.11.17

Dear Test, thanks for all this calculus. Probably should be published in the game help. Because while in KvK and OvO, I can say that yes, people tend to hit-tile many many times, no matter the cost ;-D

I still don't see how an alarm sound when the thing happen will really nerf the op'. OK, defender has one tiny little chance to react on his other yelding sites. Won't really do the difference, because time for opening windows. Just UX comfort I ask. Never claimed for the end of this action, because it's the only offense still possible while everybody's city is shielded for the next century.

Perhaps misunderstanding come from that I am in an intermediate aged kingdom, k#50. In there and olders, players have now really good stats. Their armies are FAST. Don't except to rise your city shield passing two windows before too late. Same goes for tiles, even with a sound when first hit happens.

PS: Quoting msg just upside comes to a long defiling conversation. Very uncomfortable, don't you think? As generally most of the quoting either. Won't you find a simple yell by name sufficient?

7 листоп. 2017, 13:1507.11.17
7 листоп. 2017, 13:23(відредаговано)

"PS: [..] Sufficient?" - Quoting lets you know what I'm replying to.

"all this Calculus" - They taught me multiplying on 2nd grade at elementary school (add/subtract the year before), but maybe some countries don't have it till first semester.

"I can say [..] no matter the cost" - Game design has an aspect in it called Game Balancing. And you balance based on a trend you wish to apply (i.e. 'we want rss packs to be more attractive' or 'tile hitting needs to become more popular') and applying said trend to the game mechanics using numbers. You don't ask yourself "What will Retard do?".

"Perhaps [..]  players have now really good stats. Their armies are FAST. [..] two windows [..]" - Stats (if better than yours) only mean they will gain more troop-slaying points than you given two equal-strength armies. There are only 2 speed-studies and you can max both before hitting the low 10m power mark. The rest is using the +50/100/200% applicable bonus item, and mainly using the -75% on time left item several times. And in the case you mentioned that's what happened. Usually used 4 or 5 times, this item can turn a 30min march from 300 distance (my T1, and that's 20 screens away) into less than 2sec. I'm a small fry on your kingdom.

"I still don't see how an alarm sound when the thing happen [..]" - Let's be clear on this: He doesn't want the alarm to go when he has lost his troops, he wants it when the attack leaves the attacker's city. You don't have that even for your own town.

7 листоп. 2017, 17:1107.11.17

May I find that you input too much numbers in this argument? We are talking about a game, not a CNES computing system. Try to integrate UX (user experience, as you know) and pleasure in your equations.

Last §, I assume that "he" is me (or the retard? Same person anyway ;-). And "he" wouldn't like an specific sound when army moves to strike but when the tile-hit is complete, as "he" wrote and repeated so since the start of this thread. Rather than the usual sound of army returning to town.

Let's cut the pear in two (yes, literally translated french expression), do a distinctive sound when army returns in town after been tile-hit would have your agreement?

PS: about quoting, do you repeat IRL everything people say to you before reply? Must be fun. :-) As you said earlier, a quote is only useful when restarting on things said much earlier. Even with several people, an @xxx or a simple yell with name do the trick when the conversation flows, for a comfortable and fast reading.

7 листоп. 2017, 20:1107.11.17

In a way, I agree with both of you.

8 листоп. 2017, 03:1708.11.17
8 листоп. 2017, 03:21(відредаговано)

"I find that you input too much numbers [..]" - ok, so this is time for.... more numbers! (ok yes this is a joke, but I really do need them to answer your question and show you why you're not the Retard entity (Cheer up; You can still be a part of it!).

Let's look at player behavior, and agree on two possible styles:

  1. Team-play: advancing group-goals (Kingdom's/Order's), regardless of benefit to personal goals (better studies/buildings/gear/more troops that you need).
  2. Selfishness: -"- personal -"- regardless -"- group -"-.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Now let's call Recklessness the style of { (being (1) or (2) and not both while both is a possibility) OR (being neither while one of them is an option) }.

A player may opt to act recklessly in order to up his/hers 'fun factor'.

Playful is being intentionally reckless within a predefined time & a predefined scale of losses incurred.

The collection of retards I was relating to (Retard) contains all players who are permanently reckless, or reckless without being playful.

Are you part of Retard? Self reflection holds your answer.

"French idiom translated poorly" - that's no middle ground... LOL. You know (or you can find out) when your marches are supposed to return before you even send them. Treat any earlier troop-return as a tile hit, you don't need special sound effects.

And let's say the troops return without a tile hit ("normal sound efx") - will you then not divert your attention to check on the game (send a new march somewhere, read the report or w/e)? If you're checking it anyway, what will a different sound help you with??
8 листоп. 2017, 07:3908.11.17
10 листоп. 2017, 13:46(відредаговано)

As you don't talk to discuss something to get somewhere, why answering all these out-of-points arguments, especially the ones trying to harm. The moron is not the one you think, kiddo.

But, time of return is not relevant, because tile-hit may happen near the end of yelding. Unless you are living with a clock in your head?

As it would be a purely cosmetic improvement to me. But we all hear you telling that it will ruin a so tuned and balanced game.

Hope that devs' will square this.

10 листоп. 2017, 18:2210.11.17

Lorpot said:

As you don't talk to discuss something to get somewhere, why answering all these out-of-points arguments, especially the ones trying to harm. The moron is not the one you think, kiddo.

Ad huminem. The serious, fact-based, discussion that people can benefit from stops there, and so did reading whatever it is you're trying to say.

13 листоп. 2017, 03:3813.11.17
13 листоп. 2017, 03:57(відредаговано)

J'observe que tu ne respectes même pas que je ferme un sujet que j'avais moi-même ouvert. Sophiste que tu es, loin de vouloir progresser vers un consensus, tu n'avances des idées que pour te faire briller comme quelqu'un qui sait et discréditer l'interlocuteur. Tu ne considères les concessions de l'autre que comme une reculade et non pas comme une avancée. Quel autre d'ailleurs ? Dans une conversation aveugle, au lieu de chercher les indices de qui il est, tu te tiens à un fantasme, ce qui, entre autres de tes propos, fait suspecter des tendances perserves à la manipulation mentale. Que dire de plus ?

So I ask to moderation to close the subject.

13 листоп. 2017, 04:4013.11.17
13 листоп. 2017, 04:43(відредаговано)

A brief look on the rules (of the forum) will teach you that:

1.4. As this is an English speaking community, members are asked to post in English. If you need to post in a different language, please use a translation tool to translate your post into English.

As well as:

2.2. Users are responsible for periodically re-reading the Forum Policies and Rules, as these rules are subject to change and may be altered or amended by the Administrators if and as necessary.

Regardless, let me help you with something:

"J'observe que tu ne respectes même pas que je ferme un sujet que j'avais moi-même ouvert." - You may have opened the thread (by posting the first post on it), but you do not own it. Thus, you don't have the right to decide on closing it.

You may claim for ownership of your own posts (it comes with responsibility over what you say in them, though) and as such the forum allows you to delete or edit them if you so wish.

You do not, however, own the entire thread - more specifically, everybody else's posts. You do not get to edit them, nor have them deleted.

The rest of the French text leads to more personal assault and I don't think it should even be dignified with reference.

Now, please stop derailing the subject and allow people to reply to the topic itself if so they wish.

Тему закрито. Ти не можеш залишити коментар.