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Time Indicator for Software Updates

Time Indicator for Software Updates

17 серп. 2017, 12:5317.08.17

Time Indicator for Software Updates

It is CRITICAL that when the Technical team states that an update will be initiated in X minutes that they then HOLD to that time frame.  It is painfully unfair when, as a player, you are kicked out at X minus Y minutes.  Setting up for the downtime is critical to good strategic play ie getting your troops out to gather resources, or moving resources to the Order's Bank, etc, etc.  This can not happen when the Technical team arbitrarily chooses to initiate the update at some time other than that which was stated.  This needs to change.  It is simply NOT honorable!  And to stay within character it is very un-Knightly and completely unbecoming of a gentleman!
17 серп. 2017, 13:3217.08.17

Henry-Z said:

It is CRITICAL that when the Technical team states that an update will be initiated in X minutes that they then HOLD to that time frame.  It is painfully unfair when, as a player, you are kicked out at X minus Y minutes.  Setting up for the downtime is critical to good strategic play ie getting your troops out to gather resources, or moving resources to the Order's Bank, etc, etc.  This can not happen when the Technical team arbitrarily chooses to initiate the update at some time other than that which was stated.  This needs to change.  It is simply NOT honorable!  And to stay within character it is very un-Knightly and completely unbecoming of a gentleman!

I do agree to be honest sometime is annoying that, but it does not always happen and they reward you with that.

If you notice maintenance , increase the troops and send them all to yield <3>

17 серп. 2017, 17:0717.08.17

They never stated for how long they will be doing update. Cause u can't predict that. Creating games is not cooking eggs.

17 серп. 2017, 20:3917.08.17

Jake said:

They never stated for how long they will be doing update. Cause u can't predict that. Creating games is not cooking eggs.

I believe the OP was talking about the start of the update and not how long the update will take.  I second his request for the developers to stick to the X minutes until update or if you're not going to honor that statement, then don't say anything at all and randomly disconnect everyone.

This morning, I was preparing before the update. With 4-5 minutes left before the update would take place (there's a counter displayed), I got disconnected and the updated started.  It was pretty frustrating.