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Update News!

8 черв. 2017, 14:2908.06.17

Update News!

Updates in the world of Throne: Kingdom at War!

Rulers, build the Tribunal and influence the fates of Lords who dared to locate their Towns in the Order Holdings. It shouldn't be too difficult to exile them from your lands! To do it, you just need Stamped Papers and an the will to act.

Use improved statistics in the Order Citadel to make important decisions: the bonuses of conducted military Studies are now conveniently displayed in the Town Hall!

8 черв. 2017, 14:4608.06.17
Sounds good
8 черв. 2017, 18:0708.06.17

Hello , i want to write to Support , but not possible 

so i write it here 

i payed till now some hundret euros , BUT Now the game is not playable for newer players !!!

a war after a war and a war ... what is this for shit ???

how we can farm reccource for build city ??

player with some Millions pionts fight again player with some hundred thousend points ...

i understand ... Plaruim need Money ... BUT if you keep this shits wars on .. i , and 100% much much other players leave ..

because we want farm , build city and troups 

BUT IMPOSSIBLE if all kill troups at reccource fields .. 

make a 30% +or - option for attacks or so 

or forget this coutiniously wars ...

9 черв. 2017, 05:0009.06.17

karli99 said:

Hello , i want to write to Support , but not possible 

so i write it here 

i payed till now some hundret euros , BUT Now the game is not playable for newer players !!!

a war after a war and a war ... what is this for shit ???

how we can farm reccource for build city ??

player with some Millions pionts fight again player with some hundred thousend points ...

i understand ... Plaruim need Money ... BUT if you keep this shits wars on .. i , and 100% much much other players leave ..

because we want farm , build city and troups 

BUT IMPOSSIBLE if all kill troups at reccource fields .. 

make a 30% +or - option for attacks or so 

or forget this coutiniously wars ...


In my kingdom at least, things are much better with this new cycle. Otherwise the kingdom engages in internal wars that do not benefit anyone within the kingdom. 

This is a war game, and players need to understand it is not Farmville. It is the job of the Order to teach players how to play smart ( in a war-game). It gets too boring if the only thing that you do is farm and collect resources. You need action, too! This lack of action is what causes a lot of new players to quit game. New players dont know the difference of how it was. So they will just gonna have to learn how to play the game. Older players will need to adapt.  While it is harder for Banks to use troops to gather resources, it is far better this way when everyone engages to work together. 

No pain, no game. 
9 черв. 2017, 06:0709.06.17
9 черв. 2017, 07:10(відредаговано)

Luy  i know this no farmville , and i love fight too ;)

BUT if i have 10 mio power , and the attacker has 300 mio ,, so how want fight ;))

and if all troops allways chrashed by so high players if try to get some stone wood or so .. and no warning if somebody attack your troups .. 

so the programmer must edit this , it is sure no problem to add a range where attack is possible , because it is possible to have protection too , so nobody can attack

if they add a +30/-30 % range so fighting possible , but no hi lvl can chrush new players ^^

or sure much much player leave the game 

and i think the money comes from the much little players , not from the few hi lvl player ;) 

9 черв. 2017, 09:0409.06.17
And btw i'm agree with Luy
9 черв. 2017, 09:2509.06.17

huntsman ... what can i read in this guide ??

if i have my army out to collect wood or so 

and a verry hi lcl chrush all , and allways ..

i have nothing to heal ^^

my city has protection , so nobody can hit my city 

but i cant build in city without farming , because all upgrade need much more reccources as my max buildet storrage and reccource can store 

so --- you MUST farm 

and farming not possible because allways a war 

and this at moment the problem 

1 war at month or so ok 

every 2 week a war no problem too , because you can keep army in city 

but after a war , a new war .... and you cant build something 

if cant build .. and if cant fight because too little 

what can do ?

leave game ^^

or  Plarium add a power range for attacks 

because i have no problem to foght a player with nearly same power then me 

but if i have 10 mio power , it is impossible to fight again a 300 Mio power army ^^

9 черв. 2017, 13:5609.06.17
You can find good Order that will help with growth
9 черв. 2017, 17:4109.06.17

i have , but i dont want begg ^^ 

10 черв. 2017, 22:2910.06.17

In case, this (the tribunal) is an Order feature, not a player per see, as such the Citadel part should be clear in the news..

+1 as to limit over how powerful an offender can be, as it is, its totally unbalanced, even with a good order, who will react, what can you do when the attacker has millions of soldiers and others members of his order are mostly in the same fashion ?

It has to be changed.
16 черв. 2017, 22:4216.06.17

I want the game to work. I come in from a long day and Notta. So I say goodbye never to play your games again and I will log on to tell everyone else why after  I put money in problems started and they should hold their $$ and then if u can't get on you loose Notta Stay tuned will be on tomorrow Need to find the perfect spot maybe F/B page everybody would check that out