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What is the cheapest and Fastest way to build your walls

What is the cheapest and Fastest way to build your walls

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23 черв. 2017, 16:4423.06.17

What is the cheapest and Fastest way to build your walls

Hello guys i am here to give you some advices about  a serious topic,all infos is collected after i talked with our community manager after i heard opinion of other players and of course my personall experience after of two year of gaming helps me

There is no specific way but there are some good tips that will help you to choose the style you prefer since every player has different needs

The cheapest way

the cheapest way is to buy all walls during discounts.The walls you will buy during discounts must be level 5


there  are two different kind of walls discounts

frst kind allows you to buy only one wall per time ,so you cant buy more than one wall on offer during that kind of discounts

second type of wall discounts  allows you to buy as much walls as you want on offer there is no limits in this case,so if you have the available saphires you buy endless walls in lower cost during that kind of offer

*so choose carefully the kind of discounts and  the size of the offer ,always choose big offers close to 50% and avoid the small ones

in fact the cheapest way is the fastest but there is another way,if you are no coiner and you want to reach 7k deffense bonus fast you can choose the way of upgrading.

Upgrade method

in this case you dont have the option of discount,if you start upgrade you cant upgrade with a lower cost but you can reach faster a specific amount of deffense bouns if the amount of deffense bonus you are looking for is small(between 6k-7k bonus points)

*keep in mind that when you upgrade your walls in fact you pay the cost of the wall without discount

when you upgrade walls you dont pay the totall cost of every level ,you pay the totall cost of the next level without the cost of the previous level,

for example :my wall is level 1 and i am going to upgrade it to level 2 so the saphire i will spend to do that is = cost of levle 2 wall -cost of wall 1

in this case

level 1 costs=50 saphire

level 2 costs=130 saphire

so the saphire i will spent to make my walls level 2 is= 130-50

so i need 80 saphire to reach level 2 !

so the conclusion is that there is no specific way to improve your walls, it is two completely different things eatch way gives you,you have to know what do you want before you start building

if you want cheap building choose the first way

if you want to reach a small amount of deffense bonus faster choose the second way( but in case of you choose this way keep in mind the totall cost will be bigger)

you can also follow a mix system were you will follow both ways :) !

the post will be editted and improved thats a first plan,if you have ideas and opinions put it hear and i will improve my post !i expect more ideas in case of this tutorial needs improvment !

24 черв. 2017, 11:0124.06.17
24 черв. 2017, 12:21(відредаговано)

I'd like to add something here and i'll post it somewhere else with more details on the forum (message for the link. It's not posted yet.).

I bought level 1 castle walls for my fully expanded castle knowing i'll get level 5 later. I have the money to do that and stratgey/time.

Anyone on a budget should lay low until later in the game (six months to a year maybe longer depending how well you play) when you leveled up using discpline and advanced stratgey which can be self taught.  Go straight for level 5 walls when the discount pops up. You will need the expansion for castle territory. that will run around 10k spahires hopefuly not double that or I wasn't paying attention a year ago (i'll go check now).

Level 5 fully expanded will double defense left defending your walls as it should be in castle defending with defensive units from assault troops at war since one is using a structure for advantage.. Other factors do apply. I will post on the forums when I go over some explinations and more theories and calculations,

24 черв. 2017, 13:2124.06.17
24 черв. 2017, 13:37(відредаговано)

hello friend your strategies and calculations could be posted here and we can imporve the topici  i will edit my post in case of something new come up thats the idea i had when i opend this topic,to hear the players and work on it along with them,although you should feel free to do waht you want but my opinion is it will help the  players to  find easire what they need if for every game topic exist one tutorial

about the topic

there is no something unlclear, discounts and upgrades is two completely different ways as you know,you should follow eatch tactic in different case if you have to add something on it it is welcomed and i will fix it

upgrade my walls means i reach faster a specific amount of deffense bonus

buy my walls during discounts means i reach faster and cheaper the maximum deffense bonus

i also made clear that there is two different type of walls ' discounts so i am not sure what you would like to add about walls building (let me know and we will add it no need seperated topic for walls building )

if you mean you want to open a topic about how walls add bonus on your troop it is different but here i talk only about building method

24 черв. 2017, 21:1524.06.17
24 черв. 2017, 21:30(відредаговано)

sison said:

hello friend your strategies and calculations could be posted here and we can imporve the topici  i will edit my post in case of something new come up thats the idea i had when i opend this topic,to hear the players and work on it along with them,although you should feel free to do waht you want but my opinion is it will help the  players to  find easire what they need if for every game topic exist one tutorial

about the topic

there is no something unlclear, discounts and upgrades is two completely different ways as you know,you should follow eatch tactic in different case if you have to add something on it it is welcomed and i will fix it

upgrade my walls means i reach faster a specific amount of deffense bonus

buy my walls during discounts means i reach faster and cheaper the maximum deffense bonus

i also made clear that there is two different type of walls ' discounts so i am not sure what you would like to add about walls building (let me know and we will add it no need seperated topic for walls building )

if you mean you want to open a topic about how walls add bonus on your troop it is different but here i talk only about building method

I mean what you said.

 I also want to message you on the forum and wanted to make contact here through post reply just to be safe. I will put this here that i'm asking you to make edits if you want to  after you run a test on what i have already ran tests on and fact checked and send it your way in forum messages and make sure it's right.

There's more to learn and test so theories will come up and lead to better facts about building walls. You said that if you have something new to add like a new method or strategey for walls you are open to it. It varies and there's alot of old ways of doing it that should be stated and the rest is theory that needs to be tested.

 I'm not working on that now but this post and you are what can help the game alot. My game guide talks about the whole game and how it all connects for leagues so i don't expect everyone to use it. I have no intrest in making new posts only replies and edits. My new posts are all bug report helps and league stuff since I'm a Marshall in the ANBU black ops so i post on leagues topics also. I'm open to anything if you request it.

24 черв. 2017, 23:2624.06.17
thanks for the support i also editted  and i improved the section  which talk about upgrades,realy thanks for the support
26 черв. 2017, 19:0026.06.17

Very good. You should contact the CM these efforts deserves to be rewarded. 

Also it will take around 65K to build all wall. In discount that is 25% less. Plus around 10 K for expansion. But you also receive 20- 60% on expansion discount, and the is an opportunity to use friends.

To buff your castle to the most secured you need at least 10K castle defense. Defense is a different game when you have over 20K. 

Don't overfill your castle with stuff. It's a drag and total bore. And if your castle takes forever to load, people won't visit you and raise wraiths. 

Leave a space so that you can move things around. Human beings needs constant stimulation and changing your castle layout is very important. You can get extremely unfunny with a same looking castle. So change your castle layout now and then. Move gates and building around, building ect.

26 черв. 2017, 19:3026.06.17
26 черв. 2017, 21:48(відредаговано)

Oracle said:

Very good. You should contact the CM these efforts deserves to be rewarded. 

Also it will take around 65K to build all wall. In discount that is 25% less. Plus around 10 K for expansion. But you also receive 20- 60% on expansion discount, and the is an opportunity to use friends.

To buff your castle to the most secured you need at least 10K castle defense. Defense is a different game when you have over 20K. 

hello oracle,no reason to be rewarded ,it is just a topic we should open since i personally did mistake on the walls building, so young players should avoid it thats why i made it,

let me know what do you mean expansion need 10k ,which expanison,the castle expansion cost some saphire not so much,if you mean something else let me know cause not sure about which expansion you talk :)

27 черв. 2017, 14:3127.06.17
Thank you for sharing these tips, Sison!
27 черв. 2017, 20:5127.06.17
27 черв. 2017, 20:53(відредаговано)

Eugenia Misura said:

Thank you for sharing these tips, Sison!

important to spread some infors like that

i started in a wrong way to build my walls and i suggest to the others a different way since i observed after of all this periodof gaming that i was wrong

i would be intrested to add more details about discount were you can buy as many walls you want with no limits

i dont know about them many things, how often does it come up,although i play 2 years never notice that kind of discounts ,the only discount i have noticed is the one with limits  ,anyway i will observe when it comes up and i will imporve the turotial on it any help from everyone is welcomed in case of something is incorrect

thanks :)
29 черв. 2017, 11:2029.06.17

We'll be waiting for updates! :) 

29 черв. 2017, 11:4929.06.17
29 черв. 2017, 11:50(відредаговано)

Eugenia Misura said:

We'll be waiting for updates! :)