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Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
5 берез. 2017, 11:4405.03.17


Hi all

In this guide will teach you how to identify inactive castles and find potentially lucrative raid targets.

looking at a players raid points, whilst this is one of the most important factors in choosing your targets, you should not rely on it 100%. The player might simply not raid and could be very active, so there are other things you should look for. This guide will walk you through them.

check the player profile

Go to the castle of the player you want to check and click on the lord’s castle in the top left of the castle screen. This will open up a drop down menu with some extra options.

The Player profile:

The player profile is a wealth of knowledge. You just need to know how to interpret it properly. Take a look at the profile it’s for a level 48 leagued player.

You can see this player has very low raid points 217.4k, hardly any. So you know the player is not much of a raider. But could he be active but just not raid?

Well I know from experience that this player is barely active, but his feats of Valor tell a story of their own. He has not even completed level 1 spy missions (Cloak and Dagger), that’s only sending out 10 spies! He has upgraded 150 times (Master Scholar) so you can gauge his upgrade strength. 3 alliances (not many friends), Merchant is at level 1 so he does no trading either. His military shows he has not built any occult units, yet his Master of Beasts show level 3 so at some point he has built 100 spies, yet since his Clock and dagger is level 1, this means he’s never sent them out. So either he still has them or they have been killed.

Also look at the title and see what rank the player is. Is he a high level but his title is low? This could mean he plays or played but didn’t log in regularly.

All of these factors help you make a decision on how strong or active this player is.

PD: if u see negative raid points make sure almost at 99% that the castle is inactive.

The players castle

It might seem obvious, but look at what buildings are in the castle, how many barns and warehouses does it have, does it have level 5 walls or no walls, When checking a castle, check to see how many Mines and Townhouses they have. Also look to see if they have any of the new buildings like: alter of Mara, dragon stone...if they don’t then it’s a good sign they are not active (or just lazy)


Sieging a league player is usually a bad idea because it looks bad on the league you’re sieging and it also signals everyone in the area that they are a good target so your 98k raid a week just disappeared! On the other hand, putting up a quick siege and taking it down again can tell you a lot. you can see the player activity in your keep garrison windows when you siege a castle.

Messaging a player

Might seem obvious, but if you send a message to someone and you get a reply. It means they are active! Simple, quick and easy.

Leagued Castles

Raiding leagued castles is a lot more risky, these players were obviously active at one time or another since they are in a league. Use the methods I showed you earlier in this document to help you determine if they are a good target, but with league players you need to a do a little bit more research.

First look at the league position and the number of Warriors, take fig 7 above as an example. Position 3001, 10 members. An excellent example of a good league to raid, small numbers and poor rank so unlikely to get much backup from their league. But just looking at these 2 things this isn’t enough, you need to look deeper. Look at the level of the members of the league. Are they all level 70? Or level 30 players? Are they all 1 days travel from you or are they right next to you? Are they in an alliance? Are they in YOUR alliance? Are they an ally of your league or at peace with you? These are things you should be looking at when looking to raid a leagued castle. Look at who the league are allies with, they might be small and new but have some powerful friends to back them up. Absorb this information and decide if they are worth raiding. You might be celebrating your 98k raid because the guy you hit is on holiday, but he will come back at some point and you won’t be celebrating when his league and allies come calling on you.

Also, they might not be allied with your league, but they might be allies of your allies. SO CHECK FIRST! Look on the diplomacy tab of their league.

All of the factors we have examined can help you determine how strong and active a player is, good luck in your raiding!

Hope all you could find interesting all this thoughts. Enjoy


5 берез. 2017, 17:0505.03.17
excellent post - good information 
5 берез. 2017, 17:5505.03.17

Jezebel said:

excellent post - good information 

You are welcome my Lady

glad u find it interesting

5 берез. 2017, 17:5605.03.17


using the market also helps find/locate raid targets near you and to see if "active"

10/10 very helpful info, thank you :D
6 берез. 2017, 16:4106.03.17

Thank you for this great post! I'm sure it will prove useful for many players!

6 берез. 2017, 23:1006.03.17
Solidarius said:


using the market also helps find/locate raid targets near you and to see if "active"

10/10 very helpful info, thank you :D
Ah, the old faithfull market. Accept the gold for iron trade and then raid them for the iron back, Funny times.
7 берез. 2017, 22:1307.03.17
Why not just look at the hero? If he has zero gear on and zero offensive and defensive stats for infantry, Calvary, occult and bestiary, pretty much a shoe in hes in-active? 
8 берез. 2017, 08:1408.03.17
crayzys said:

Why not just look at the hero? If he has zero gear on and zero offensive and defensive stats for infantry, Calvary, occult and bestiary, pretty much a shoe in hes in-active? 
yeah the hero didn't always exist and some could have gone inactive after it was but good addition to the information provided