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Attn: Plarium

Attn: Plarium

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
18 лип. 2021, 10:5018.07.21

Attn: Plarium

Hello Plarium.

I have an ongoing problem with a game player...a game bully to be exact.

He get his jollies harrassing me ( and a league I know of ) on a daily basis because I am a lower level player than he is and he has coined up his troops to be much stronger than me.

He is Eragon Der 6 ( -304; -530 ) 

and has many, many Alts. To name a few:

Kleiner Eragon Der 5 ( 76; 946 )

Wonder ( 121; 866 )

Eragon Der 1 ( -140; -640 )

Eragon Der 2 ( -629; -814 )

Eragon Der 4 ( -649; -819 )

Ludwig Der Grobe ( -145; -644 )

Doc ( 36; 1031 )

Chris ( -170; -85 )

Drache ( 131; -710 ) 

He usses these Alts to do his dirty work, but protects his main Der 6 castle.

For a few months now he has been harrassing me on a daily bassis because I helped out another nieghbor of mine that he was harrasing.

Specifally what Im writing about is that part of his harrassment is to liberate what I call my Border Fiefs. Its is a series of fiefs that I set up surrounding my castle.  This border fiefs consistes of approx 150 abandoned castles that I have besieged.

What he has been getting his jollies doing is that on a daily bassis he had been liberating all of these fiefs. If I go and set the border fief back up again, he will tear it down again. He is able to do this as many times as he wants, and multiple times a day.

.....Meaning he has Unlimited Raiding ability.

Eragon Der 6 has moved two of his Alts next to me to harrass me with.

Kleiner Eragon Der 5 ( 76; 946 )

Wonder ( 121; 866 ) 

Here are examples of this activity:





So if each image has 7 lines and there are 15 pages, it means he has torn up 105 of my border fiefs. This is far beyond the 10 we are normally allowed ...And even if there were a brawl going on and we were allowed 40 Raids.

And like I said he can do this over and over and over again ..even in the same day.

.....and he does.

Truth is I dont want anything to do with the guy, but he latched on to me and wont go away. I have tried standing up to him with Firebombs to no avail, and attacking him or his Alts directly would be a waste of my troops because he has coined up himself and his Alts and is much larger than me. I have written him and told him to Go Away, but that only gets him going more. He told my Marshall that he would attack me 25 times a day, if he had the time.

He is nothing less than a Game Bully.

I have written you (Plarium Support Center) direclty several times and nothing has been done.

I am hoping that by writing you here, that you can find out how he has hacked your system and shut him and his Alts down....please.

Hope you will help.

- Ulrich

Stormfall Age of War - Farwols Crown

18 лип. 2021, 12:0718.07.21

Sadly , there is nothing Plarium will do against bullies .

His "unlimited raids " are not unlimited , but he will not get any resources after his 10 raids are done ....

Your only option is to move away and find a new spot to do your sieges .

He might follow you though .

We've all been there , but if you play your cards right you will eventually be able to get back at him .

18 лип. 2021, 13:0018.07.21

Well for some this is normal Game Play ( not how I would play ) and he it not breaking any rules of the game.  Most players in the game I find to consider sieges fair game. Unforunately you have shown him he's getting you upset with some it only fuels many to continue further. 

I know some people go after a players league using the same tatics in hopes that the league will require the insitigator to stop. Some times that works and sometimes it makes things worse. 

As long as  no abusive messages have been sent and the player doesn't break the Game rules this is a war game and while the objective is obviously to make you sorry you helped his prey by making you his target. sounds like an issue your league should deal with. 

18 лип. 2021, 13:0518.07.21

BTW if he finds that you have posted this topic it will only make smile for a whole week  I'm sure

18 лип. 2021, 19:4918.07.21

The are a bunch of weird people like that. This sort of people get hapinness from making other people upset. The more upset you are, the more he enjoys the game. 

My advice stop seiging castles around you. You don't need a border. Leave it, let it go. You are losing 150+ units everyday. Lets it go. My second advice, leave your current league. Clearly your league is letting you down. Let it go. There is no honour with fighting battles with a bunch of peasants. This is a war game and to survive, you need to sorround yourself with a league that can protect you and get your back. A league that can advice you not to siege 150 castles. Let it go. 

beating a coiner is very easy. Firstly, you can't win against a coiner. You win against a coiner by simply having fun. Lots of it. Wake up everyday, great your friends in your league, chat the day away, and then send 50, or 500 or 500 or 5000 dragons to their death at a coiners castle. Watch them die, and then send them a screenshot like this one. https://prnt.sc/1crxg4p

Then tomorrow you stand up and do it again. This game is not simply about, winning battles, its about making friends, making long lasting relationships. This is all that is about. Find a friend, a girlfriend even. You can even roleplay as someone girlfriend. Just have fun Socializing. That is all, battles will come and go. Coiners will dissapear, but friends you make here are forever. 

Happy Hunting. 

21 квіт. 2022, 10:0421.04.22
26 квіт. 2022, 19:17(відредаговано)

Thank you so much for these recommendations!  In general, during the process of playing a video game, especially online games, I encounter bullying of various scales. At https://studydriver.com/cyber-bullying/  I recently read some very interesting articles about cyberbullying, its types, causes and consequences for the human psyche.

21 квіт. 2022, 12:0021.04.22
Brentley Johnson

Thank you so much for these recommendations!  In general, during the process of playing a video game, especially online games, I encounter bullying of various scales. At https://studydriver.com/cyber-bullying/  I recently read some very interesting articles about cyberbullying, its types, causes and consequences for the human psyche.

Glad you have gained some Ideas have a good game.

23 квіт. 2022, 00:3023.04.22

You're sieging other players castles, why shouldn't he be allowed to raid them too?

30 квіт. 2022, 12:5030.04.22

I guess  if you are sieging that many resources I just might raid them too if they have been farms and I needed resources. 

There really is no ownership of sieged castles unless you can defend them. 

3 трав. 2022, 10:3703.05.22
3 трав. 2022, 11:17(відредаговано)

Hallo Sir Ulrich!

Folge ganz schlicht den guten Ratschlägen in den Kommentaren.

Es ist ein War-Game + nicht das Wurzelimperium oder ähnliches.

Die Karte ist riesig, also suche dir einen guten anderen Platz.

Belagerungen sind nur dazu da, sich den eigenen Grand-Marshal-Slot vollzumüllen. Bist du befreundet mit denen, die sich hauptsächlich mit "Fiefs/Sieges/Belagerungen" befassen, merkst du, dass diese besondere Spezies nicht gerade cool ist. 

Raids kannst du jederzeit tätigen. Es stehen 1000ende verlassene/tote Accounts herum.

1st spähe, ist keine großartige Verteidigung drin, hole dir die Ressourcen + gut ist.

Gehe den Leuten nicht auf den Wecker, in dem du sie dann frech besetzt. Unter (am Monitor links ganz unten) "Start a Battle" behältst du die Übersicht, wann wieder was dran ist (7-Tage-Turnus).

💪 Ignoriere Bullies (auch wenn sie monatelang nerven). Irgendwann ist der Spuk vorbei. Du kannst dein aktuelles Castle auch ein paar Monate auf Halde legen + ein neues gründen, dann verliert dich ein Gamer aus den Augen, mit dem du dich aktuell "verhakt + hochgeschaukelt" hast. 

Zu solcherart Pläsier gehören immer mindesten 2. Man ist nicht nur "Opfer" oder "Täter".

Versende z. B. niemals eine Inbox-Nachricht an einen Gegner, sonst behält man dein Castle dadurch immer auf dem Radar. 

So ganz grundsätzlich finde ich es nicht ok, hier im Forum einen einzigen Spieler so öffentlich rauszuhängen.

Ja ich kenne ihn auch, ja er hat viele Accounts bei unterschiedlichen Ligen. Das ist aber nicht verboten + was er so treibt ist auch keinewegs gegen die Regeln + nein: es ist auch nicht pathologisch. Jedem Tierchen sein Pläsierchen...  

Also calm down + organisiere dich neu! Viel Glück

👉 Message to the moderators: As a matter of principle, is it ok to hang out a single player so direct with coords + nicknames publicly in the forum? The whole "drama" can also be described anonymously.

5 трав. 2022, 03:3905.05.22

Time is the most precious resource on the planet.  You could spend less time on this game during the week to work on other areas of your life since he is plaguing this one, and on the weekends, do what you can, and keep your troops catacombed.  Don't pay for wardens.  Don't pay for the altar of weor.  Only upgrade it naturally.  Spend less time worrying about it.  Just focus on your life and this game as a hobby.  There can come enjoyment from this game even if you are bullied.  The first thing you must do is stop sieging castles, start finding his sieges and take them down if you can.  If you have time.  If it's worth it for you.  remember I'll say again time is the worlds most precious resource, and he decided to spend a lot of time making your life hell (ingame).  It goes to show that he has behavioral problems.  But just remember he has to devote time to stopping your efforts.  Probably more time than you even play this game.  Just remember that, he has invested a lot of time to make you mad, and he can't get that time back.  Not now, and not ever?  For what?  To feed his ego.  You can learn a lot about someone by how he spends his time.  

I have a similar problem.  A guy parks his castle right next to mine and starts raiding it every week just because I attacked his sieged castle.  If one doesn't attack sieged castles in this game then he has little to raid, because most of the sieged castles are the ones with good resources.  He is punishing me for doing something that everybody does.  the fact that he has to compensate for that, means that he is once again one of these guys that has to make a big deal about a minor occurrence, to the point of being an ... a......... you know what...

There is a specific set of people like that who are overly sensitive like this.  I will say this, in conclusion, that you, be less like those people.  Why?  Do your research, find out what group of people I am talking about.  I can't tell you because it will be flagged as abusive.  Just know that all you can do is not be like them, and show kindness to people who despise you, even when you don't want to, because, it's not going to change anything but add fuel to the fire if you do otherwise.  Kindness and Virtue are respectable attributes.  Bullying and fearmongering are not.

20 трав. 2022, 08:1220.05.22
20 трав. 2022, 08:13(відредаговано)
Маry XIII.

Hallo Sir Ulrich!

Folge ganz schlicht den guten Ratschlägen in den Kommentaren.

Es ist ein War-Game + nicht das Wurzelimperium oder ähnliches.

Die Karte ist riesig, also suche dir einen guten anderen Platz.

Belagerungen sind nur dazu da, sich den eigenen Grand-Marshal-Slot vollzumüllen. Bist du befreundet mit denen, die sich hauptsächlich mit "Fiefs/Sieges/Belagerungen" befassen, merkst du, dass diese besondere Spezies nicht gerade cool ist. 

Raids kannst du jederzeit tätigen. Es stehen 1000ende verlassene/tote Accounts herum.

1st spähe, ist keine großartige Verteidigung drin, hole dir die Ressourcen + gut ist.

Gehe den Leuten nicht auf den Wecker, in dem du sie dann frech besetzt. Unter (am Monitor links ganz unten) "Start a Battle" behältst du die Übersicht, wann wieder was dran ist (7-Tage-Turnus).

💪 Ignoriere Bullies (auch wenn sie monatelang nerven). Irgendwann ist der Spuk vorbei. Du kannst dein aktuelles Castle auch ein paar Monate auf Halde legen + ein neues gründen, dann verliert dich ein Gamer aus den Augen, mit dem du dich aktuell "verhakt + hochgeschaukelt" hast. 

Zu solcherart Pläsier gehören immer mindesten 2. Man ist nicht nur "Opfer" oder "Täter".

Versende z. B. niemals eine Inbox-Nachricht an einen Gegner, sonst behält man dein Castle dadurch immer auf dem Radar. 

So ganz grundsätzlich finde ich es nicht ok, hier im Forum einen einzigen Spieler so öffentlich rauszuhängen.

Ja ich kenne ihn auch, ja er hat viele Accounts bei unterschiedlichen Ligen. Das ist aber nicht verboten + was er so treibt ist auch keinewegs gegen die Regeln + nein: es ist auch nicht pathologisch. Jedem Tierchen sein Pläsierchen...  

Also calm down + organisiere dich neu! Viel Glück

👉 Message to the moderators: As a matter of principle, is it ok to hang out a single player so direct with coords + nicknames publicly in the forum? The whole "drama" can also be described anonymously.

Hello Lady Mar XIII. 

For answer to your question to a moderator... 

In the file of the rules   https://plarium.com/forum/en/stormfall-age-of-war/55_forum-rules-and-game-policies/263_official-forum-rules-9/  ,   you can read this :

1.5 You may post screenshots with correspondence between yourself and other players. We recommend informing any players involved in the correspondence beforehand, if possible. If you post a screenshot containing details of correspondence, and a player involved in the correspondence requests it is deleted, it will be removed from the Forum.  

I agree he could to do it in ''anonymous way '' like you said ....

I wish you a great day and enjoy the game !

20 трав. 2022, 08:1820.05.22
Albert De Leon

Time is the most precious resource on the planet.  You could spend less time on this game during the week to work on other areas of your life since he is plaguing this one, and on the weekends, do what you can, and keep your troops catacombed.  Don't pay for wardens.  Don't pay for the altar of weor.  Only upgrade it naturally.  Spend less time worrying about it.  Just focus on your life and this game as a hobby.  There can come enjoyment from this game even if you are bullied.  The first thing you must do is stop sieging castles, start finding his sieges and take them down if you can.  If you have time.  If it's worth it for you.  remember I'll say again time is the worlds most precious resource, and he decided to spend a lot of time making your life hell (ingame).  It goes to show that he has behavioral problems.  But just remember he has to devote time to stopping your efforts.  Probably more time than you even play this game.  Just remember that, he has invested a lot of time to make you mad, and he can't get that time back.  Not now, and not ever?  For what?  To feed his ego.  You can learn a lot about someone by how he spends his time.  

I have a similar problem.  A guy parks his castle right next to mine and starts raiding it every week just because I attacked his sieged castle.  If one doesn't attack sieged castles in this game then he has little to raid, because most of the sieged castles are the ones with good resources.  He is punishing me for doing something that everybody does.  the fact that he has to compensate for that, means that he is once again one of these guys that has to make a big deal about a minor occurrence, to the point of being an ... a......... you know what...

There is a specific set of people like that who are overly sensitive like this.  I will say this, in conclusion, that you, be less like those people.  Why?  Do your research, find out what group of people I am talking about.  I can't tell you because it will be flagged as abusive.  Just know that all you can do is not be like them, and show kindness to people who despise you, even when you don't want to, because, it's not going to change anything but add fuel to the fire if you do otherwise.  Kindness and Virtue are respectable attributes.  Bullying and fearmongering are not.

Hello Lord Albert ,

 you pointed some good advices , i hope the poster will use them .