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DoomieUK - The March of KT

DoomieUK - The March of KT

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
30 січ. 2018, 14:5530.01.18

DoomieUK - The March of KT

Hello All,

I thought I would make a video of the excellent GAME play by SPITFIRE.

This PVP event he finished 1st in his TIER and 3rd in the Elite TIER.

The March of the KT continues and come JOIN us for some FUN

All the PLAYERS in this video I appreciate your SUPPORT and nothing PERSONAL.

Well done SPITFIRE:-)

The KT story continues and enjoy the video


30 січ. 2018, 15:1830.01.18

nice!! Congrats Spitfire!

Doomie did I lose my trip at your castle? I seen none of those raids lol
30 січ. 2018, 17:0730.01.18

Hi Jez,

I sent you a PM btw:-)

We are allies so not sure why you didn't get the reports, but hopefully your archer will hang around for awhile

Good to see you in the forums:-)


30 січ. 2018, 17:5130.01.18

the sad thing is, no matter how much music and dressing put on such videos, they just not become exciting.... :/

The best you can really do to enhance such in a game as Stormfall, would be to put a narrative on it, with someone that have a good voice for it. Static screenshots will never be exciting -)

30 січ. 2018, 18:2030.01.18
30 січ. 2018, 18:21(відредаговано)

Hi Gadheras,

Try and be positive friend, it just a way to capture events that have occurred in this game.

The narrative stuff can be professionally done by PLARIUM staff.

If you need my opinion I think that everyone has become too NEGATIVE in this GAME.

We PLAY with what we have so just have FUN - YOU sound defeated GADHERAS - that's unlike YOU friend:-)


2 лют. 2018, 00:1102.02.18
2 лют. 2018, 00:12(відредаговано)


I saw this PM from Babblingbrook:-

[07:11] BabblingBrook: Specials of Day: 

-2004; 2046 Shadow Whisperer soup 

-884; -2164 Edas sushi rolls 

-1545; 1226 Chopdoc steak 

1746; 1841 SPITFIRE Kabobs

I guess we should warn YOU, don't be on the KT MENU.

Thanks again chef Babblingbrook

KT Forever


5 лют. 2018, 13:5805.02.18

Appreciate the free advertising.  I thank you and I'm sure my friends do as well :)   However, I believe you have the image wrong.  Here let me help...

5 лют. 2018, 21:5505.02.18

BabblingBrook said:

Appreciate the free advertising.  I thank you and I'm sure my friends do as well :)   However, I believe you have the image wrong.  Here let me help...

Now this is some funny stuff. Knight walkers playing like they are big bad hombre's when the server knows they are a push over league. Really Babblin, You guys have a way higher sense of self importance than you will ever deserve. 

Not that long ago Karma gave a love tap to Knights Walker fortress and had all of you scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off. But the best part was when Hopegiver on his alt mused that it was because he took a couple beacons from Karma. News flash, Karma never been a beacon holding league and Hopegiver is full of it. Hopegiver should remember Karma for we took 5 of Unforgiven Knights level 5 beacons away from them and started the ball rolling for UK to becoming a beaconless league. Yeah, you guys never really avenged that either. For the last couple weeks Knights Walkers been sending attacks against the little league of Karma and been getting nothing while we been racking up the PVP points killing your troops. 

Yet you guys are going to come on the forums, and play like your bad boys? HAHAHAHAHA. You cant even handle a little 8 player league from smacking you around. What do you think your going to do when the real bad hombre's of the server decides to give you a look over. 

Go ahead babblin, put us back on your "list". Its actually comical. 

6 лют. 2018, 11:2406.02.18
6 лют. 2018, 11:27(відредаговано)

Karma said:

BabblingBrook said:

Appreciate the free advertising.  I thank you and I'm sure my friends do as well :)   However, I believe you have the image wrong.  Here let me help...

Now this is some funny stuff. Knight walkers playing like they are big bad hombre's when the server knows they are a push over league. Really Babblin, You guys have a way higher sense of self importance than you will ever deserve. 

Not that long ago Karma gave a love tap to Knights Walker fortress and had all of you scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off. But the best part was when Hopegiver on his alt mused that it was because he took a couple beacons from Karma. News flash, Karma never been a beacon holding league and Hopegiver is full of it. Hopegiver should remember Karma for we took 5 of Unforgiven Knights level 5 beacons away from them and started the ball rolling for UK to becoming a beaconless league. Yeah, you guys never really avenged that either. For the last couple weeks Knights Walkers been sending attacks against the little league of Karma and been getting nothing while we been racking up the PVP points killing your troops. 

Yet you guys are going to come on the forums, and play like your bad boys? HAHAHAHAHA. You cant even handle a little 8 player league from smacking you around. What do you think your going to do when the real bad hombre's of the server decides to give you a look over. 

Go ahead babblin, put us back on your "list". Its actually comical. 

Beacons were gone when you started playing you did no such thing http://prntscr.com/iau5yk

You must realize some of us are very bored with the game atm it didn't take much to check your league out - you should not take credit for other people's fine work!! Just sayin ......

6 лют. 2018, 12:4906.02.18

Karma said:

BabblingBrook said:

Appreciate the free advertising.  I thank you and I'm sure my friends do as well :)   However, I believe you have the image wrong.  Here let me help...

Now this is some funny stuff. Knight walkers playing like they are big bad hombre's when the server knows they are a push over league. Really Babblin, You guys have a way higher sense of self importance than you will ever deserve. 

Not that long ago Karma gave a love tap to Knights Walker fortress and had all of you scrambling like chickens with their heads cut off. But the best part was when Hopegiver on his alt mused that it was because he took a couple beacons from Karma. News flash, Karma never been a beacon holding league and Hopegiver is full of it. Hopegiver should remember Karma for we took 5 of Unforgiven Knights level 5 beacons away from them and started the ball rolling for UK to becoming a beaconless league. Yeah, you guys never really avenged that either. For the last couple weeks Knights Walkers been sending attacks against the little league of Karma and been getting nothing while we been racking up the PVP points killing your troops. 

Yet you guys are going to come on the forums, and play like your bad boys? HAHAHAHAHA. You cant even handle a little 8 player league from smacking you around. What do you think your going to do when the real bad hombre's of the server decides to give you a look over. 

Go ahead babblin, put us back on your "list". Its actually comical. 

i say well done!  It is great to see some originality.
Hey Karma i think you could learn a lot from  Babblingbrook.  If your on a menu take it as a compliment, you succeeded in getting noticed for attacking one of their players - shows she supports her league members

7 лют. 2018, 20:4107.02.18
Maybe you should include Mad max fury in the video
9 лют. 2018, 01:1309.02.18

Jezebel said:

Beacons were gone when you started playing you did no such thing http://prntscr.com/iau5yk

You must realize some of us are very bored with the game atm it didn't take much to check your league out - you should not take credit for other people's fine work!! Just sayin ......

If beacons was gone when we started then how did our league get 5 out of 7 level 5 beacons for Weors Warriors league achievement?

They was Unforgiven Knights beacons.  

9 лют. 2018, 13:1809.02.18
Karma said:

Jezebel said:

Beacons were gone when you started playing you did no such thing http://prntscr.com/iau5yk

You must realize some of us are very bored with the game atm it didn't take much to check your league out - you should not take credit for other people's fine work!! Just sayin ......

If beacons was gone when we started then how did our league get 5 out of 7 level 5 beacons for Weors Warriors league achievement?

They was Unforgiven Knights beacons.  

Since you have hidden any relevant information I am going to go out on a limb and say you took beacons that had virtually no defense in them that were upgraded for an achievement that they had no intention of keeping - cheers!
13 лют. 2018, 23:4613.02.18
14 лют. 2018, 00:03(відредаговано)

BabblingBrook said:

Appreciate the free advertising.  I thank you and I'm sure my friends do as well :)   However, I believe you have the image wrong.  Here let me help...

Hey Babbling Brook,

Yes the Art work looks great, BUT I'm not sure about the MENU theme

But I hope the video gives an insight to the Knight Walkers League

Hint - Its a WAR game not a cookery GAME


Happy Gaming


23 листоп. 2018, 16:4223.11.18

Need to update your video: