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Needs with invaders

Needs with invaders

18 авг. 2022, 21:1218.08.22

Needs with invaders

Over my time playing i have always run into the same issue, that issue being hero energy and attacking invaders, i always find that just when i need to attack invaders i have no energy, and i came to realize that the current system is a bit outdated, with the energy cap now increased to 5 million the energy regeneration system should be increased as well. What i am proposing is that the base energy cap should be increased to 100,000 energy points, as well there should be another knowledge tab for invaders, further increasing damage, energy depletion, critical chance, and more, another thing that i am proposing is that the energy gems (Emerald and peridot) should receive a massive buff, in their current state the emerald offers 3% faster energy regeneration. And the peridot in its legendary state only offers 250 extra energy in the energy bank, my proposal for this would be to increase the regeneration speed that the emerald has to offer, then completely change the peridot to a persentage increase for the energy bank. For example if the energy bank has a base of 100k and each peridot gives a 10% increase then a full hero set with the peridot would make the bank up to 160k.

I know that was a bit of a ramble but this next part i believe will be extremely important, we need more hero gear to fight invaders, the standard royal gaurd armor has served me well over the years but i think it would be nice to have new gear that we can research in the stronghold. Im not sure what yall would do with that but better gear to fight invaders would be beneficial to everyone.

Yes i understand that buffing these things will make invaders even more challanging to find during kingdom events, however there is a solution to this as well, the points earned through level 1-6 invaders can be increased to encourage players to attack them, as well as the respawn period for invaders should be reduced. With the new change to invaders lairs increasing the resources within them it will allow more opportunities for resource gathering as well.

You may not agree with or impliment everything i have suggested here but i believe that this would be beneficial over all players.

Thank you for your time,


19 авг. 2022, 09:2919.08.22

I have forwarded this topic to the devs, thank you for your commitment to the game🙏