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Suggestion for Towns

Suggestion for Towns

20 июль 2022, 13:1320.07.22

Suggestion for Towns

I think you can add automatic troop generation for all Towns. However many troops are generated per day or week. This should be based on town level of the palace. I think this would be good because it will allow all towns in the kingdom to be available to be attacked and worth something. So if you don't want to give troops, maybe create something like "Towns people" or "civilians" and have that earn points when attacked. 

Right now, all abandoned towns are just taking up space and wasting our time when they have no troops to attack. We attack and we get nothing because they have no troops. With this addition, we can get something that will help us advance in competitions. Please take this and do what you think is best.

20 июль 2022, 13:1620.07.22

I want to specify that this should be added automatically, that we shouldn't have to click to get these troops or civilians. So that over time, towns in the kingdom will gain these troops and make them worthy to attack. You will have more players active because we now have something to attack. Currently, there are not many towns with their shields down to attack. Those that have no shields, they are abandoned and are no value to attack. I hope I am making myself clear.

20 июль 2022, 23:0820.07.22
20 июль 2022, 23:09(отредактировано)

Not flawless, but that could  just be the best suggestion ever about what  to do about abandoned towns that many see as a problem, but isn't really.

21 июль 2022, 08:0321.07.22

Hi Jarls nhanq.vo and xyz, we will think on adding such a feature😉

Thanks a lot for the suggestion🙌

24 июль 2022, 20:1124.07.22

SH Siege and Paladins provide plenty of troops to attack ??

25 июль 2022, 03:2725.07.22

The Paladin Cohorts, (which don't burn), was one of the flaws I'd considered,another was ALL towns to have automatic allocations, which would probably cause problems for some.

You are right about siege, but its a bit contaversial, and I wondered how advanced the suggestee was.