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Precious Dust / VIP Points / Tasks Refreshers

Precious Dust / VIP Points / Tasks Refreshers

18 июль 2022, 13:3018.07.22

Precious Dust / VIP Points / Tasks Refreshers

I really think there should be more ways to get precious dust, example: allow crushing runes and or legendary materials for dust. Could also add precious dust into clan store for loyalty points and or item store for gold.

Also the new requirements for lvling VIP is absurd, need many billions of vip points for 1 lvl... Should increase the amount of vip points earned in events by alot!! ( getting 500k vip points from an event now just feels worthless)

Also since the new 1000 tasks at a time for refreshes, now we go through tasks so quickly and I think we get less gems for premium tasks and less loyalty points for clan tasks. So I think you should either give option to do 100 again or increase the amount of tasks we get from all sources that give them already (daily,weekly,monthly quests/events/invaders,ubers/etc.)

18 июль 2022, 15:4318.07.22

There's supposed to be some skill and challenge to the game ,patience is needed  but it's in short supply for some. 

I know some players can and will , but there's not much point in adding new content today  and everyone's bought it by tomorrow.

I appreciate some think I want it all now , it's boring collecting, and all I want to do is fight,  sneek up on a tile and hit it , or win so I can see the town burn. Then next week I'll be done with the game and move on, or keep spending to rinse and repeat.

I would agree, its another example of bait and switch, if overall you get the same or less having loads more tasks is a non event. 

19 июль 2022, 06:2919.07.22
20 июль 2022, 13:05(отредактировано)

Example for event giving task refreshers.. earn 1.2b points in rss yielding event and earn an astounding 1000 premium tasks.

with them increasing the amount of tasks you have to use to 100 and then 1000, x10 increase each time, so really they should increase the amount of tasks earned from various sources by atleast 5x for each increase they made, so a total of 10x would be fair imo.

Edit: just wanted to point out that for two days in a row it took 18000 tasks each day to complete 500 legendary for daily.

19 июль 2022, 11:0419.07.22

I've got your point, Jarls, and have forwarded it to our specialists 🤗

19 июль 2022, 16:0819.07.22

I believe the theory is that  a siege should be something that  has costs, and so thought should be used when making the decision to start one, however the benefits to the rich far outweighs the cost of getting the gems, hence it's become intrinsic to the game.

I understand your point about VIP points, but the changes for your level have a greater effect on those below you, because they adjust all levels to accommodate. 

As to tasks, as the example, I have already said that more isn't more of anything if overall there is less given out.

I have just done my Premium Tasks and got neither gems or materials, this is a big deal for anyone near the start of their journey ,who have fewer than the maximum amount, and may even have to time them out manually and being reliant of them for all kinds of uses.

Same with the tiles, faster tiles don't help if you have super levels to get and the rewards are pitifully small,  it  affects everyone, getting bigger is no help if doing so makes progress even harder.