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Packs offered in the Special Tab

Packs offered in the Special Tab

26 апр. 2021, 20:5526.04.21

Packs offered in the Special Tab

You guys are making it difficult for those of use that have jobs in the US to buy packs that are offered in the Special tab for only  a few hours at a time and during normal work hours for the majority of us. It simply is not fair to us and you are cheating yourself out of the money you could have gotten aswell as cheating us out ofthe opportunity to purchase them!

Specifically, I am refering to the special gift pack offered this morning for $19.99 USD. It contained:

21 mil gold

42 1-day Double Hero

1 30-day Prophet

1 30-day Second Craftsman

280,000 Gold Nuggets

280,000 Obsidian

14,000 5,000 VIP points

70 35% Building Speed

70 35% Number of Warriors in Training

70 7300% Number of Warriors in Training 

2,800,000 250,000 each Food, Lumber, Iron and Stone

7,000,000  300,000 of Silver

2,800 each 7-day, 3-day, 24 hour, 15 hour

1,400 5,000 Hero Energy (x3)

21,000 Coffers each of Legendary, Rare and Unusual Materials

Please do what is fair and offer the same packet again so those of us not in your favorite time zones can have the opportunity to buy the same packet

27 апр. 2021, 13:2727.04.21

Hi Treadwell!
We understand your concern about the packages. Please note, that all packages in the Bank are offered individually for players. The selection is carried out automatically, and it solely depends on the player's gaming habits. Unfortunately, there is no way we can influence this process. Please be patient, and you will definitely find the offer you want. 🤗

We wish you glorious victories!

27 апр. 2021, 23:5527.04.21

What I would say is, I am sure many players would like to be offered such packs. 

However, unfortunately , sigh..... 

As Ivar has pointed out before, and just now, true or not, the packs are what they are, for who they are offered to, and completely out of 'their' control.

Now, if it was offered at an inconvenient time , how did you even know about it? 

If you can sneek a peak at offers when at work , why not also sneek a payment too? 

If its as good as you enthuse,why didnt you snatch their hands off?