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Capturing Ubers

Capturing Ubers

7 апр. 2021, 09:0907.04.21

Capturing Ubers

The game sucks.  

Ubers arrive without showing up on my laptop. 

Then noticing that Big jarls snach away all Ubers. 

So i don't have a chance to make points.  

Please at least introduce a time slot in witch intruding big jarls cannot use enhanced mode to snatch away the occupid uber.

8 апр. 2021, 08:0808.04.21

Hi pttclou! Please note that the Uber Invaders are the most desired aims during the Competitions. Please be more active and attentive in the game in order not to miss them on the Global Map🙂🙏

8 апр. 2021, 10:1408.04.21

Perhaps you leave the game running on your laptop for extended periods of time pttclou.  If so one thing you can do is to log out and then back in periodically.  This helps the Ubers appear.

8 апр. 2021, 12:0708.04.21
8 апр. 2021, 12:09(отредактировано)

You are right about the need to refresh the map.

Ivar's suggestion doesnt't really address the point of the opening post.

His suggestion is good for the game because it involves spending more time playing and money.

The situation with Ubers has been created by the game,its so true that they are sought after,but that doesn't help the non or low spender. 

Energy is so cheap to some that they can afford to one hit invaders.

11 апр. 2021, 16:1611.04.21

Also, I think once a jarl starts on an Uber, they should have a certain amount of time to finish the Uber off before one of the big jarls comes in and steals it away.

15 апр. 2021, 03:1215.04.21

You will not be able to see Ubers refresh unless you log out and then back in. However, since it's a pain in the butt to constantly be logging in and out I have a work around you might try, and an alternative suggestion. 

The work around:

Even though you can not get a visual on the ubers by just looking for them on the global map via line of sight, your navigator will still pick them up. Check your navigator and you will be able to see if there are ubers you can't see on the global map. Click on one in your navigator, hit it, and as soon as you hit it you will be able to see it on the global map.   

Another suggestion:

The game didn't used to be this way. Ubers did not used to disappear so quickly. The frenzy for hitting ubers during clan and kingdom battles is the result of a few fairly recent upgrades. Invader hitting became worth a lot more points during clan and kingdom battles, and the upgradeable hero gear and conqueror of the bilfrost achievement made their drops much more coveted. This all combined with the new checkpoints in clan battles including lots of hero energy, and you have a perfect storm for hitting ubers like there's no tomorrow. So, my suggestion is this.....

Change your playing style/adapt to the new circumstances

Concentrate on hitting the ubers during non clan or kingdom battle times, and during clan and kingdom battles instead concentrate on lesser invaders. Mathematically speaking, level 1 invaders are actually worth the most points when it comes to the energy spent/points gained ratio. However, it takes so many level 1's to get anywhere points wise it's not a very quick way to get points. Hitting tons of level 1's is great for the hunt achievement, but not a great way to get points quickly in clan and kingdom battles. Hitting level 5 and 6 invaders by chopping them down with one hit instead of the longer sustained attack, is a great way to quickly get lots of points in clan and kingdom battles. It burns through your energy, but if you save some energy for hitting ubers during the off times, you can maintain a good balance of quickly getting points in battles, and getting those drops you want for upgrading your gear and gems. 

An example of the math. I believe ubers are worth 4 billion points in a clan battle, where as level 6 invaders are only worth 1.4 billion points. With 500,000 hero energy you can chop down maybe 2 ubers with enhanced attacks killing them in one hit, quickly earning 8 billion points. However, with 500,000 hero energy you can chop down as many as 8 level 6 invaders with enhanced attacks, quickly getting 11.2 billion points. Same amount of energy, slightly more time, 3.2 billion more points. This ratio only increases as you hit smaller and smaller invaders. Same amount of energy, more points, more time. I have found that level 5 and 6 invaders is a good balance of getting points quickly and not burning through too much hero energy. 

I hope all of that helped. The game is the way the game is, we have to learn to adapt around it to become stronger players. For other helpful in game tips and help growing in many other ways, join me in Cagon clan in kingdom 421. 207:419:421

15 апр. 2021, 03:2815.04.21

Good job.