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4 апр. 2021, 20:1704.04.21


It's nearly impossible to do this achievement, there are 898 kingdoms and in each of them there is a clan with 2-3 members that have a stronghold, and they hold the 0:0 coordinate.

There are also more clans holding even other coordinates.

it's terrible if you find out some of them have 2-3 members with a 1000 influence average (at least in my kingdom 897)

it can be solved by deleting inactive jarl's or jarl's who doesn't have more than 2 days of in-game-time plus they are inactive for some time, or if stronghold's get destroyed after the clan that is the owner loose like half of their influence after stronghold sat up.

5 апр. 2021, 13:1605.04.21

Hi, momomama!

We understand your situation however we can't perform any actions in regards to an account without the player's consent.
If you want to move your Town to this specific location you can try to contact the player using the in-game mail.

If you notice that such players violate the Terms of Use in order to gain any commercial profit, please send us a short video that allows us to clearly see the proof of the violation and how you open such a player's game profile.

Have a nice day!

15 апр. 2021, 21:4315.04.21

You don't need a players consent to put a time limit on how long someone can linger inactively on the pioneer coordinates before being randomly relocated, not entirely unlike how there is a time limit on how long someone can linger inactively in Jotunheim before getting kicked back home. I think it's 8 hours. This seems fair. 

16 апр. 2021, 00:5216.04.21
16 апр. 2021, 00:53(отредактировано)

There are lots of things they could do, but first they would have to be willing,they show no signs of this, and if this scenario was intially envisaged,  or came to their liking , what are the chances of backtracking now?

2 май 2021, 12:3802.05.21

cum pot gasi locatiile pentru pioneer? multumesc.

2 май 2021, 16:4502.05.21
2 май 2021, 16:52(отредактировано)


Nu m-aș deranja, sunt în mare parte blocați de cei care lucrează pentru altcineva sau cred că este amuzant sau inteligent să facă acest lucru.

căutați cetățile în locuri ciudate de pe hartă sau orașele care au un nivel scăzut al palatului și care nu au făcut nimic de la sosire.

Primele două sunt 0.0 și 1.1 (uit restul, cu excepția celor din pădure și ultimul din Jotunheim) și trebuie să ai nivelul palatului corect pentru a le obține.