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A purpose for the ships in the market place...

A purpose for the ships in the market place...

6 май 2020, 13:5606.05.20

A purpose for the ships in the market place...

One of our members "TalonNolat" made what I think is a great suggestion. 

It would be great if we could have a "Water Kingdom" that we could goto to fight water invaders and find water related resources.  This could be a river, lake, or ocean.  The revenue stream could be water relocations, boosts, and hero enhancements, etc.. etc..

It doesn't seem from a development stand point it would be that difficult, you could have a new hero type, "Sea Captain" or something similar.

Equipment enhancements could include sails, oars, an bow riggings>

Anyways I thought it was a great idea and wanted to share it.


6 май 2020, 15:0306.05.20

Perhaps your friend should have written the suggestion them self.

This is not the first time that the introduction of water battles has been suggested,and who knows what they might do about this .

However  it seems unlikely they would, as its not really in keeping with the vikings theme, and they all ready have a water based game 'Pirates' which might suit your clan member more,if that is what floats their boat.

I am not saying that its a bad idea,but does it really add anything new to a game which is pretty full already ?

6 май 2020, 15:1806.05.20

My friend asked me to post the idea, but I will assume you didn't intend for your comment to be snide.

I did, what I admit was a quick search and didn't find a reference.

All that being said, your point is well taken.  I had the same thought regarding "Pirates" , yet this would have a different slant if considered.  I enjoyed your boat humor, but I still think this would add an element that could "fit" into the game and provide Plarium a new revenue stream.

Thanks for the feedback, it is appreciated.

8 май 2020, 04:4208.05.20

Your friend could have had the kudos.

Apart from your post which was top of my search list, here's the first and next link I found.


It has some other interesting concepts. 

The second link was from another forum which asked to add ships to Stormfall,the consensus was mainly negative and also suggested Pirates. 

Here's the one I was thinking of.


Few comments here, and generally fewer than the link from Stormfall,

However  that could just be a sign of the times.

8 май 2020, 13:1808.05.20

Argentia said:

My friend asked me to post the idea, but I will assume you didn't intend for your comment to be snide.

I did, what I admit was a quick search and didn't find a reference.

All that being said, your point is well taken.  I had the same thought regarding "Pirates" , yet this would have a different slant if considered.  I enjoyed your boat humor, but I still think this would add an element that could "fit" into the game and provide Plarium a new revenue stream.

Thanks for the feedback, it is appreciated.

Hello, Argentia! 

Thank you for your commitment to the game. 

We are determined to make the game better, so we'll definitely consider your suggestions, and our developers will decide which of them to implement. Feel free to write us if you have any other ideas or suggestions. 

We wish you a good play and glorious victories! :)

21 июль 2020, 21:4021.07.20
The so called Admin always answers with the same pre prepared statement. prob a bot and no actual person ever reads the posts anyway, apart from us players