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Changes to Reputes

Changes to Reputes

13 сент. 2021, 15:0313.09.21

Changes to Reputes

Jarls, we've changed the bonuses provided by existing Place of Power Reputes and added a new Repute. Reputes that are assigned to Kingdoms by the King of Jotunheim and the bonuses that the King receives due to their honorific have also changed.

All the details are in the tables!



Which Place of Power Repute do you think is now the most beneficial?🤔

13 сент. 2021, 17:4413.09.21

no tiene ningún sentido, si alguien tiene el Centro de Poder será porque es el más fuerte en su reino, para que darle más fuerza? Para que aniquile al resto de clanes y los eche fuera del reino o del juego? Ya erá demasiada ventaja los bonus actuales para incrementarlos más. 

Seguis premiando a los muy grandes (clanes y jugadores) y os olvidaias de muchos que aunque seamos tan buenos o tan malos, que tambien gastamos dinero no estamos en un Megaclan.

Esto tambien se refleja en los premios de eventos de Clan, 30 jugadores conseguiran más facil puntos que 5, 80 jugadores conseguiran puntos más facil que 40. En los clanes pequeños aunque individualmente puntuemos más que un jugador de esos clanes grandes no llegamos a conseguir esos premios.

Como vamos a tirar torres de nivel 18, cuando seguimos sin ver muchas de ellas? Tenemos que esperar a subir a nivel 40, usar las nuevas gemas, subir traje de chaman... y terminar juntandonos  a un gran Clan? Va ser que no!

Va a ser que nos hemos aburrido de tanto cambio y con cambio me refiero a gasto, porque al final todo se reduce a eso. Compra energia para Héroe, para el Chaman. Compra oro para subir edificios, para conocimientos. Compra impulsos. Compra, compra y compra.


13 сент. 2021, 23:0613.09.21

Google translate says.

It doesn't make any sense, if someone has the Power Center it will be because they are the strongest in their kingdom, why give them more strength? So that he annihilates the rest of the clans and throws them out of the kingdom or the game? The current bonuses will be too much of an advantage to increase them further.

You continue to reward the very large (clans and players) and many forget that although we are so good or so bad, that we also spend money, we are not in a Megaclan.

This is also reflected in the Clan event prizes, 30 players will get points easier than 5, 80 players will get points easier than 40. In small clans, although individually we score more than a player from those large clans, we do not get those awards.

How are we going to shoot level 18 towers, when we still don't see many of them? Do we have to wait to get to level 40, use the new gems, raise the shaman's suit ... and end up joining a great Clan? It will be that no!

It is going to be that we have gotten bored with so much change and by change I mean spending, because in the end it all comes down to that. Buy energy for the Hero, for the Shaman. Buy gold to climb buildings, for knowledge. Buy impulses. Buy, buy and buy.

19 сент. 2021, 14:2019.09.21

I think the game overall is fantastic.

19 сент. 2021, 18:3119.09.21

I think the game overall is fantastic.

Thank you for your kind words, Catfish🤗

I wish you a good day and glorious victories🔥