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transferring resources on pc

transferring resources on pc

27 дек. 2018, 18:5327.12.18

transferring resources on pc


    I know i have asked previously and it has fallen on deaf ears but i thought i would ask again.

When transferring resources on pc it takes for ever using the mouse what with failed clicks and the space between the slider and the send button, it becomes very monotonous, could the powers to be look at making this some what easier to do. either by putting the send button on the end of the slider so at east we only have to move the cursor across a little more or a send max button reducing it to one click. by max i mean the amount you are able to send taking into account your market size.

Any improvement would be greatly appreciated,

a lot of player get around this by just attacking their farming cities thus avoiding the need to pay tax also but when yours has a very long shield this is not possible to do,

happy xmas,

