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The extra Hero levels

The extra Hero levels

16 июнь 2019, 08:4316.06.19

The extra Hero levels

Hello, I would like to ask plarium & its loyal fans , how much is the extra levels going to cost , i just purchased an offer & recieved enough

 knowledge to get me 1/3 or if im lucky  half way & enough keys to get me 2 extra levels. I wish i had seen the chart before i purchased the

 offer, remember players plariums rule is No Refunds. On the up i got plenty of boosts. but it still dosnt justify the ammount of keys you need

 to reach level 70. I have noticed they have subscriptions but i would need to subscribe for a year + to complete my hero...plarium what is the

 total cost of the upgrade ???? We might not have the right to a refund but i think we should be entitled to know the total cost before we enter 

into your agreement.. Do you agree...

this message is in the mobile forum because i couldn't find it for browser & i use browser google & windows & plarium play

16 июнь 2019, 08:4916.06.19

I just after say to my self £17.99 so what it dosn't matter, i have birthdays coming up soon wish i had saved my money. but we trust what we do & 

sometimes do before we think. dont feel bad... Is plarium laughing at me & if so maybe i should just walk away & so what if i have spent thousands 

while plarium get there game together..... There are no refunds.

16 июнь 2019, 21:4916.06.19

Its probably true that if they were honest about the game in terms of time and money needed to have a smattering of a chance to play at the highest levels in order to gain the maximum return, no one in their right mind would ever start the game. 

Catch them, and with luck keep them.  

17 июнь 2019, 10:1317.06.19
17 июнь 2019, 10:16(отредактировано)
I immediately realized I wasn't going to be one of the top players, however I still enjoy the game and spend the amount I am comfortable with.  Just because you can't be the best tennis player in the world or anything else doesn't mean you just shouldn't play at all.  Also for new features I don't immediately jump into them without doing some research and waiting until there is enough information available to know what I am getting myself into ...